外研版(一起)二上Module 10-Unit 2 We have Christmas.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:c06c7).zip


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    • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_二年级上册(2013年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 2 We have Christmas._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:c06c7)
      • Christmas is coming..flv
      • We have Christmas..pptx--点击预览
      • 教案c06c7.docx--点击预览
      • 绘本动画 Peppas Christmas..mp4
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Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas. 外研外研2011课标版一年级起点二年级上册课标版一年级起点二年级上册 Lets enjoy a song. Chinese New YearChinese New Year watch TV eat dumplings eat sweetsstick duilian have firecrackers have a big dinner Christmas Lets learn to introduce Christmas and celebrate Christmas together. 学习用英语介绍圣诞节,并学习用英语介绍圣诞节,并一起过个圣诞节。一起过个圣诞节。 Learning Task Lets learn. Lets learn. In the UK, we have Chtistmas. Lets learn. Christmas is in winter. Lets learn. a big dinner Christmas cake turkey pudding ginger cookies Lets learn. We and . Lets listen and imitate. Lets enjoy a cartoon.Lets enjoy a cartoon. I have a _. I have a_. yo-yo toy train bauble glitter Father Christmas star fairy lights Do you know? stocking Christmas Time Make a Christmas card Christmas Time Love yourself, love your family, love your friends. 爱自己,爱家人,爱朋友。 Introduce Christmas to your parents in English. 用英语向你的父母介绍圣诞节。 Homework. 外研社外研社 2011 课标版(一起)二年级上册课标版(一起)二年级上册 Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas. 教学设计教学设计 1. 教材分析教材分析 本单元围绕“圣诞节”这一题材开展, 要求学生掌握 Christmas、wish、dinner 等词,并能运用句型“We+动词+名词”进行介绍圣 诞节主要活动等。本单元是前一-单元学习中国新年(春节)的基础上进行的,旨 在巩固新年活动、问候的同时,介绍西方的圣诞节,进行中西文化的对比。 2. 学情分析学情分析 本课针对的是小学二年级的学生,他们活泼好动,乐于表现,希望获得新 知,对学习英语有着较强的兴趣。因此,在本课的教学过程中,我会结合学生的 认知特点,极力创造有趣,能吸引孩子注意力,并且易于理解的语言情景,让 他们在较为真实的语境中学会运用本课的功能句型。 3. 设计理念设计理念 本节课我采用的是“以话题为牵动的任务型教学模式”,结合本课话题 圣诞节,创设真实的圣诞节情境,通过一起庆祝圣诞节的运用任务,让学生 带着明确的学习目的主动参与到本课的语言学习中来,让学生在用中学,培养 学生运用英语做事情的能力以及综合语言运用能力,并过一个有意义的圣诞节。 4. 教学目标教学目标 1) 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 功能能够介绍圣诞节,知道圣诞节的主要活动。 语法掌握句型: We+动词+名词。 E g: We have Christmas. We have a big dinner. 词汇能够听、说、认、读本课的单词: Christmas、 wish、dinner 语音感知课文的语音语调。 2) 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 全体学生能够听懂、能说 We have Christmas. 并认读 Christmas, dinner,会 在歌曲语境中运用单词 wish。 3) 运运 用:用:用英语介绍圣诞节。 4) 学学 习习 策策 略:略: 学生通过本课的学习,有兴趣听、说英语,背歌谣,主动与他人交流。 遇到问题能主动向老师或同学请教。 5) 文文 化化 意意 识:识: 了解西方圣诞节, 能够互致节日问候,了解中西方文化的不同。 6) 情情 感感 态态 度:度: 体会节日的意义,体会对家人和朋友的爱。 7) 任务:任务:一起欢度圣诞节。 5. 重点难点重点难点: 1)重点重点: 掌握单词:Christmas、wish、dinner。 掌握句型: We+动词+名词。 E g: We have Christmas. We have a big dinner. 2)难点难点: 准确运用“We +动词+名词”这个句型。 6. 教学过程教学过程 I. Warm-up and lead-in 1. Warm-up T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine. How are you? T: Im fine too. T: Now, lets enjoy a song. If you can sing, you can sing with it. 【设计意图:用歌曲给学生带入课堂节日的学习,并激发学生学习的兴趣,体 会单词 wish 的运用。】 2. Revision and lead in T: What is the song about? S: New Year and Christmas. T: Last class we talked about Chinese New Year. When we mention Chinese New Year, what will you think of? S: We eat dumplings. We watch TV. T: Thats Chinese New Year. Look, this is Christmas. (teach Christmas) We wish you a happy Christmas. We wish you a happy Christmas. We wish you a happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. When we mention Christmas, what will you think of? S: Christmas tree, Father Christmas. 【设计意图:从歌中提取信息,新年和圣诞节,从而复习上节课的中国新年, 及引出本节课要学习的圣诞节,孩子们对这两个节日都不陌生,会非常感兴趣。 】 T: You know a lot about Christmas. Lets know more about it. (Watch a video about Christmas) T: We say Happy New Year at Chinese New Year. What do people say at Christmas? 板贴:Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas! 【设计意图:让学生在视频中初步感知圣诞节,并激发学生的学习热情,并了解 如何用英语问候圣诞节。】 II. Task Presentation T: Today is Dec.8th, Christmas is on Dec.25th. So Christmas is coming. Today lets learn Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas.(板书) Lets learn to introduce Christmas and celebrate Christmas together. OK? Lets compete in two groups. Lets see which group can get more presents. 【设计意图:学生明确本课学习目标和任务后,带着目的主动学习新知,将大 大提升学习效果。用小组竞赛的方式激发学生参与热情。】 III. Text learning 1. Watch the video and get the general idea. T: Sam is introducing Christmas, How does he introduce? 【设计意图:整体感知文本,为以后的学习铺垫基础。】 2. Learn Christmas in details. T: According to Sam, Where do people have Christmas? S: in the UK. (板书) Learn: In the UK, we have Christmas. T: When is Christmas? S: Christmas is in winter. (板书) T: Yes, its on the 25th of December. Learn:Christmas is in winter. T: What do people do? S: We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents. (teach: Christmas trees, Christmas presents) (板书) Learn: We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents T: What else do people do? S: We have a big dinner and sing songs. (teach dinner, a big dinner) (板书) (show the typical food for Christmas dinner) Learn: We have a big dinner and sing songs. 【设计意图:分句详细学习,并在过程中教授新单词,同时拓展 a big dinner 的 有代表性的圣诞食品,了解圣诞节饮食文化。】 3. Listen and imitate. T: we have known how to introduce Christmas, now lets listen and imitate. . 【设计意图:通过模仿,让学生更注重自己的语音语调,促进学生语音语调的 提高,同时也更熟悉文本,为能完整介绍圣诞节铺垫。】 4. Practise in groups and then have a group reading show. (compete) T: boys and girls, please practise in groups. You can introduce Christmas one by one and you can also introduce it together. Clear? Here we go. 【设计意图:在课文跟读、小组花样朗读练习(齐读、接龙)以及小组朗读展 示的过程中,使学生对本单元的目标词汇及语句有较好的把握,培养学生的语 感,为下一步的任务完成做准备。同时,小组合作以“兵”教“兵”,能够更好地 利用学生间的能力水平差异,有利于提高学生的课堂学习效果。】 T:Good,you can introduce Christmas very well. 5. Introduce Christmas in English. T: OK. This time lets try to introduce Christmas with the help of the words and the pictures. (小组找人介绍,再一起介绍) 【设计意图:达成学生能用英语介绍圣诞节的目标。】 IV. Practice 1. Watch a cartoon about Christmas “Peppas Christmas” T: Look. Who are they? T: Yes, they are Peppa and George. Do you want to know Peppas Christmas? Please have a look. (watch the video) T: what do Peppa and George have? (yo-yo, toy train) 背景音乐起(Christmas is coming) T: There are many interesting things about Christmas in Peppas Christmas. Do you know them? Star , glitter , bauble, Father Christmas, fairy lights. 【设计意图:通过欣赏小猪佩奇的圣诞节,感受圣诞节氛围,了解如何描述收 到的礼物,并了解圣诞节的其他相关词汇,为庆祝圣诞节做铺垫。】 V. Task completion Lets celebrate Christmas together. 1. Decorate the Christmas tree. T: We have baubles. We have glitters. We have star. We have a big Christmas tree. Lets celebrate Christmas together and have the best Christmas ever, OK? Now lets decorate our Christmas tree. (拿物品上前装饰,We have.) 【设计意图:让孩子们自己动手装饰圣诞树,融入圣诞节氛围的同时,复习句 型及拓展词汇。】 T: Oh. Its really a charming tree. 2. Make a Christmas card. Now, lets make a Christmas card for your friend. 【设计意图:引导学生迎接圣诞的到来制作贺卡、抄写圣诞祝福语。】 3. Share the Christmas cards and presents. T: You have finished your card. And you have prepared a present for your friend before class. Its time to share our cards and presents. 示范对话. When you share your present, please do as us. 【设计意图:与小朋友交换贺卡和礼物,感受圣诞带来的欣喜,同时运用对话, T:Happy Christmas! S: Happy Christmas! T: A present for you! S: Thank you. Oh. I have a _. And a present for you. T: Thank you. Wow. I have a _. 在真实语境中用英语。】 (礼物分享完后,回到座位) T: What do you have? (每人跟同学们展示下自己的礼物 I have a _.) 4. Sing the Christmas song together. T: Everyone has a wonderful present. Are you happy? And we have Father Christmas here. (给一名男孩儿迅速戴上圣诞老人面具,并引导他模仿圣诞老人声音跟同学 们问候一句 Happy Christmas!) Now lets sing a Christmas song with Father Christmas together. (引领孩子走到圣诞树周围一起唱圣诞歌曲) 【设计意图:体验圣诞文化,一起欢度圣诞节,使圣诞节的欢度达到高潮。】 VI .Summary and Homework 1. Summary T: This is my best Christmas ever. It must be your best Christmas ever. Children,in the UK, they have Christmas. In China, we have Chinese New Year. But one thing is the same. People get together with friends and family at these festivals. We feel happy with our family and friends. So, love yourself, love your family and love your friends. 【设计意图:情感提升,让孩子们体会节日的意义,并启发孩子们对家人的爱、 对朋友的爱。】 2.Homework (Introduce Christmas to your parents in English.) T: When you are back home, please introduce your best Christmas ever to your parents. 3. Group Competition. T: Now, lets count the “presents” you have got. 【设计意图:小组活动评价总结,鼓舞学生学习热情。】 板书设计:板书设计:
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