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    • 安徽六校研究会2022届高三第一次素质测试英语答案解析.pdf--点击预览
    • 安徽省六校教育研究会2022届高三第一次素质测试 英语.doc--点击预览
展开 安徽省六校教育研究会2022届高三上学期8月第一次英语素质测试卷含答案.zip安徽省六校教育研究会2022届高三上学期8月第一次英语素质测试卷含答案.zip
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第 1 页 共 6 页 安徽省六校教育研究会安徽省六校教育研究会 2022 届高三第一次素质测试届高三第一次素质测试 英语英语答案答案 第一部分第一部分听力听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分) 15ABBAC610ABCAB1115ACCBA 1620BCABA 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解阅读理解(共两节,满分共两节,满分 40 分分) A:21-23 CAD 21.根据 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center 的介绍, “Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the IPCC highlights the culture of the states 19 pueblos (印第安人村庄). Every weekend, dancers of Zuni pueblo perform in the centers square.”苏尼普韦布洛的舞者都会在中心的广场上表演,还有一个年度电影节,故选 C。 22.根据 American Indian Film Festival 的介绍,门票可在 AIFF 的网站上预订或通过电子邮件预订,故选 A。 23.根据 Petroglyph National Monument 的介绍,当西班牙人在 16 世纪经过这里时,他们在印第安人的圣石上 加上了自己名字的首字母,这是文化冲突的视觉记录,故选 D。 B:24-27 CBDC 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一只垃圾小狗到成为一名电影明星的引人注目的经历。 24. 推理判断题。 根据第一段 Weve all heard the stories of an actors struggles before a career breakthrough: living a hard life, working part time, being a couch potato before getting that major role. Shelby, the star of “A Dogs Way Home,” has a hard-luck tale that could top them all. Before her big break, she was living in a landfill, rooting through garbage for her next meal. 我们都听过演员在事业上取得突破之前的挣扎故事:过着艰苦的生活,兼职 工作,在得到那个主要角色之前成为一个电视迷。 一条狗的回家之路中的明星谢尔比有一个倒霉的故事, 可能会超过所有人。在她的重大突破之前,她住在垃圾堆里,翻着垃圾寻找下一顿饭。由此可知,作者在一 开始就提到了一个演员在事业取得突破之前的挣扎,并介绍了一只狗的类似但更引人注目的经历。故选 C。 25. 细节理解题。 根据第三段中 One day, Miller spotted Baby Girls adoption photo. “Honestly, it was a really good picture, and she was flat-out smiling,” Miller said. Then she met Baby Girl, and assessed her on personality and the ability to respond to simple commands.一天,米勒发现了 Baby Girl 的收养照片。米勒说:“说实话,这张照片 拍得很好,她笑得很灿烂。”然后她遇到了 Baby Girl,并对她的性格和对简单命令的反应能力进行了评估。 由此可知,她的性格和能力最终帮助 Baby Girl 在电影中获得了重要角色。故选 B。 26. 词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段中 Most of the films reviews have praised Shelbys performance. Variety made the comments “an amazing dog, perfect performance!”大多数影评都赞扬了谢尔比的表演。Variety 评论道:“一 只神奇的狗,完美的表演!”和最后一段 Shelby has come a long way from the dump. But Buhler said she saw Shelby recently had needed only a second to compare the movie star with the dog she found from piles of trash. “Shes exactly the same,”谢尔比从垃圾场一路走来。但布勒说,她最近看到谢尔比只用了一秒钟就把这位电影 明星和她在垃圾堆里找到的那条狗做了比较。“她完全一样”。由此可知,通过在最后一段中说“她完全一样”, 布勒可能是指狗狗生活的巨大变化并没有改变她的内在品质。故选 D。 27. 主旨大意题。 文章介绍了一只垃圾小狗到成为一名电影明星的引人注目的经历。 所以 B 项 From a Landfill Puppy to a Movie Star.(从垃圾小狗到电影明星)为最佳标题。故选 C。 C:28-31 CBAC 语篇导读这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了有些专家认为为了人类和人类文明的延续, 人类应该离开地球, 移民去其他星球,尤其是去火星。而一 些人认为这样的计划不仅昂贵而且危险,甚至还会破坏火星的生态。 28. C 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 中 “Many experts feel that the only way for humanity to last far into the future is to colonize (移民于) other planets. (许多专家认为,人类要想在未来生存下去,唯一的办法就是 移民其他行星)”以及“Marsisoneofthemostattractive destinations. NASA, the United Arab Emirates, the private company SpaceX, and theorganization Mars One all have plans to send humans there. (火星是最吸引人的目的地之一。NASA, United Arab Emirates,SpaceX 以及 第 2 页 共 6 页 Mars One 都有把人送往火星的计划)可知,这么多机构都计划着让人类移民火星,也就是表明了不断增长的 移民火星的意图,故选 C 项。 29. B 细 节 理 解 题 。根 据 第 三 段 中 “The most common argument against going is that its just too expensive or dangerous.(反对去火星的最常见的理由是去那太贵、太危险了)”可知,移民去火星太贵、太有风 险了,故选 B 项。 30. A 词句猜测题。 根据最后一段中“Mars seems uninhabited, but it could possibly host micro-organism like.”可 知,“but”后表明火星可以提供给微生物生存之地,那么“but”前说明火星可能无法提供人生存的地方,也就是 火星可能是不适合生存或居住的,故选 A 项。 31. C 主旨大意题。主要介绍了有些专家认为为了人类和人类文明的延续,人类应该离开地球,移民去其他 星球,尤其是去火星。而一 些人认为这样的计划不仅昂贵而且危险,甚至还会破坏火星的生态。选项 D“Should We Colonize Mars? (我们应该移民火星吗? )符合要求,故选 C 项。 D:32-35ACBD 32. 答案是 A。 考查指代问题。that 指代的是上文中提到的“they can even live in both seawater and freshwater, and under a wide range of temperatures” 这种适应季节变化的环境的能力。 33. 答案是 C。 考查段落大意的理解。第二段介绍了研究专家们利用基因组测序的方法追踪调查了 six populations of the fish 及其研究的发现。 34. 答案是 B。 考查细节信息处理能力。第二段最后一句 “only those fish able to tolerate these rapid changes survive into the next season.”和第三段第一句 “the researchers discovered the evidence of genetic changes driven by the seasonal shifts in habitats” 可以看出 stickleback 存活下来的原因是 genetic changes。 35. 答案是 D。考查推理判断的能力。第五段的最后一句“In further research, they plan to investigate how repeatable the observed genetic changes are,.Doing so would demonstrate their ability to reliably forecast the evolutionary future of these populations.”告诉我们研究 repetition 是为了预测在变化的环境中一些物种在将来的 进化能力。 第二节第二节 七选五七选五(共(共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) 36-40: BGACE 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述的是学习时怎样做到心无旁骛。 36. B 考查下文。根据下文的叙述可知,哦天啊,压力山大了。“我”为什么就没有早点开始复习呢?你需要 把注意力放在你能做的事上,重新掌控全局。你还有一周的时间可以去努力。由此可知,还有一周就要期末 考试或测试了,备考的材料你还一眼都没看呢。 37. G 考查下文。 根据下文 “Do you have to study? No, you want to study. No one is forcing you to study and even if they try, you finally have the choice as to whether you will study or not.”可知,学习是不得不做的事吗?不是, 你想学习。没人逼迫你学习,即使有人想逼迫你,最终你还有选择学与不学的权利。由此可知,“不得不做” 和“想做”有很大差别。 38. A 考查下文。根据本段的叙述可知,你要明确知道自己努力的方向和一个阶段的学习目标,这样才能进 入下一阶段。由此可知,本段讲述的是学习目标不明确。 39. C 考查上、下文。根据上文 “Some people are “geniuses”(天才) that can read something just once and remember everything that read.”可知, 有些人天赋异禀, 能过目不忘。 再根据下文 “ Are you more visual, auditory, or kinesthetic(听觉的、动觉的)? If you find reading textbooks difficult, switch over to audio(音频的) material by listening to lectures and find videos online.”可知,你是视力、听力还是运动能力更发达?如果你感觉读教材很 难,就听有声材料,找网上的视频资料。由此可知,我们都有独特的优势和不足,你需要做的就是弄清自己 的优缺点。 40.E 考查上、下文。根据本段标题 Finishing study sessions without reflecting 可知,只学习不反思。再根据下 文 “You need to take note of what worked and what didnt work throughout your study session, so you can make use of that knowledge in the future.”可知,你需要记下学习期间什么方法最有效,什么方法不起作用,以便以 后能引以为鉴。由此可知,你应该回想一下自己最好的学习状态。 第三部分语言运用第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分) 第 3 页 共 6 页 第一节第一节 完形填空完形填空 (共共 15 小题;每题小题;每题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分分) 41-45 DADBC 46-50 DBABB 51-55DCDCC 56-60ABDAD 【文章大意【文章大意】本文为一篇记叙文。本文介绍了作者擅长拼写单词,参加校级单词拼写大赛时获胜了。但是作 者对其他选手很不礼貌,作者的姐姐让作者不要骄傲,告诉他以后会遇到更强的对手的。最后作者在县级比 赛中输了,获得第一名的选手谦虚的表现让作者意识到了自己的错误。 41. D 考查动词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“更喜欢”;B 项意为“制造”;C 项意为 “写” ;D 项意为“领悟,消化”。根据上文中的 “Spelling was sort of my superpower.”可知,拼写是作者的强项,因此他能更好地领悟书籍。故选 D。 42.A 考查动词辨析。 【解题思路】 A 项意为“赢得”; B 项意为“宣布”; C 项意为“听”; D 项意为“错过”。 根据上文中的“wanted another chance”及语境可知,Alexa 想要获得另外一次机会以赢得比赛。故选 A。 43. D.考察副词的意义。 【解题思路】如果我错了这个单词,那么 Alexa 将获得复活(back)的机会冲击冠军。 44. B 考査动词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“变干”;B 项意为“清除”;C 项意为 “关闭”;D 项意为“阻止”。根据下文中的 “O-n-o-m-a-t-o-p-o-e-i-a.”可知,作者在拼出单词前清了清嗓子。故选 B。 45. C 考察 it 的一些惯用法。 【解题思路】意思是作者成功的拼出(made it)了这个单词。 46. D 考察动词搭配。A 项意为“睁开眼”;B 项意为“闭眼”;C 项意为“擦眼睛”;D 项意为“翻白眼”。作者姐 姐对他的傲慢的表现不满,所以翻白眼。 47. B 考査形容词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“快乐的”;B 项意为“尖酸的,不友好的”;C 项意为“令人兴奋的”;D 项意为“痛苦的”。 根据上文语境可知,作者的姐姐的脸色很难看。故选 B。 48.A 考査动词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“忽视”;B 项意为“错过”;C 项意为“接受”;D 项意为“怀疑”。根据上文中的“She tried to shake your hand but”及语境可知,Alexa 想和作者握手,但是作者没有理会。故选 A。 49. B 考査动词辨析。 【解题思路】 A 项意为“回答”; B 项意为“关心”; C 项意为“后悔”; D 项意为“下降”。 根据下文的“Anyway, I won the school bee.”可知,作者根本不在意他自己忽视了 Alexa 的友好举动。故选 B。 50. B 姐姐说你不要那么骄傲,告诉他以后会遇到更强的对手的。 51. D 考査动词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“敬佩”;B 项意为“通过”;C 项意为 “影响”;D 项意为“比得上”。根据下文“I am the alpha-best with no efforts at all.”可知,作者认为其他拼词选手比不上自己。故选 D。 52. C 考査动词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“猛增”; B 项意为“升起”; C 项意为“减少”; D 项意为“传播”。 根据下文中的“from more than 100 to just seven”可知,学生的数量从 100 多人减少到 7 人。故选 C。 53. D 考査名词辨析。 【解题思路】 A 项意为“关心”; B 项意为“努力”; C 项意为“诺言”; D 项意为“历史”。 根据上文中的“given words like aerospace or conical”可知,如果让作者回答拼写这两个单词,他就创造历史了。故选 D。 54. C 考査形容词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“受伤害的”;B 项意为“投入的”;C 项意为“僵住的”;D 项意为“上瘾的”。根据下文中 的“for the longest moment”及语境可知,作者呆呆地站在那里很长时间。故选 C。 55. C 考査名词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“角色”;B 项意为“道路”;C 项意为 “对立面”;D 项意为“行为”。根据下文中的“then shook hands with the runner-up (亚军)”及上文内容可知,最终的获胜者与作者之前的行为正相反。故选 C。 56.A 第一名微微鞠躬,接过了奖杯 trophy。 57. B 考査短语动词辨析。 第 4 页 共 6 页 【解题思路】A 项意为“发生”;B 项意为“有意义”;C 项意为“出来”;D 项意为“赶上”。根据上文中的“I got to know Deandras words”可知,作者知道 Deandra 的话是有道理的。故选 B。 58. D 作者向 Alexa 道歉。 59.A【解题思路】A 项意为“伙伴”;B 项意为“老师”;C 项意为 “同学”;D 项意为“兄弟”。根据语境可知, 作者输了县级比赛,所以当 Alexa 问作者需不需要一个学习伙伴 partner。 60. D 考査动词辨析。 【解题思路】A 项意为“依赖”;B 项意为“休息”;C 项意为 “基础”;D 项意为“摇晃”。根据下文中的“shaking my hand”可知,Alexa 和作者握手。lets shake on it 意为“咱们握手约定/言和吧”。故选 D。 第第二二节节 语法填空(共语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分) 61. who 考查定语从句。非限制性定语从句指人用 who。 62. traveled 或 travelled 考查时态。时间状语为 at the age of 17,应用过去式。 63. to offer 考查非谓语动词。senior high school 前有序数词 first ,后用不定式作定语。 64. families 考查名词的数。根据语境,贫困家庭应该是复数。 65. has changed 考察现在完成时 根据时间状语 since its opening in 2008。 66. suffering 考查非谓语动词。固定搭配 prevent sb. (from) doing sth.。 67. that 考查从属连词。say 后为宾语从句,句子完整,故用 that。 68. but 考查并列连词。根据语义关系应用 but 表转折。 69. deeply 考查副词。deeply 作状语修饰 touched。 70. a 考查冠词。make a difference 为固定搭配。 第四部分第四部分 写作(共两节,满分写作(共两节,满分 35 分)分) 第一节第一节 短文改错(共短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) 第一处:honor 改为 honored。名词和形容词混用。形容词(honored)作表语,意为“荣幸的”。 第二处:go 改为 goes。谓语动词误用。考查主谓一致,主语 a saying 后应该用单数形式。 第三处:achieve 后的 that 改为 what。连词误用。what 引导宾语从句并且充当 do 的宾语。 第四处:With 改为 Without。介词误用。根据语义应用 Without,表示“没有”。 第五处:changed 改为 changing。分词误用。changing 在此表示“正在变化的”。 第六处:anything 改为 everything。代词误用。此处意为“健康就是一切”。 第七处:health 改为 healthy。名词和形容词混用。keep 在此为系动词,用形容词作表语。 第八处:去掉 on。介词误用。take 为及物动词,on 多余。 第九处:personal 改为 personally。形容词和副词混用。personally 用作状语,表个人观点。 第十处:keep 后加 an。冠词漏用。keep an eye on 为固定搭配,意为“留意;照看”。 第二节第二节 书面表达(满分书面表达(满分 25 分)分) 【参考范文】【参考范文】 Dear Mr Williams, I know that you want a companion as a tour guide to travel around China. It is a great honor for me to recommend my friend Li Ming to you. Li Ming is a graduate majoring in English, which enables him to communicate with you without difficulty. Moreover, he is enthusiastic about tourism and has worked as a part-time guide, so it is his relevant experiences that make him qualified for his position. What also makes him admirable is that under no circumstances will he fail to cope with emergencies. I believe this is a desirable quality of a travel guide. I would appreciate it if you can consider my recommendation. I hope you can schedule an interview with him. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第 5 页 共 6 页 听力听力原文原文 Text 1 M:Do you often watch foreign films? W:No. I dont think theyre interesting. Text 2 W:Hows your wife these days? M:Well, I dont know. She is always quarrelling with me. W:Why is she angry with you? M:Maybe I often come home late. Text 3 M:Can you lend me 50 dollars? W:I wont lend you a coin. I asked you for 100 dollars two weeks ago, and you said no! Text 4 W:See! The directions are difficult to understand. We have lost our way. M:Yes, youre right.Actually, you didnt ask for help until it was too late. So, in a sense, its still your fault. Text 5 W:Excuse me, sorry to trouble you. Can you please take a photo of me? M:Of course. No problem. Where would you like me to take it? W:Just by the lake. Thanks. Text 6 M:Excuse me, where is the newspaper? W:Why do you want to read the newspaper? You always watch the news on television. M:I know. But I wont be leaving for another hour. I want to read the newspaper to kill time. I want to read the sports page in the newspaper. W:Im sorry. I already throw it in the garbage. Both Barbara and I read it. You never read the paper but watch TV, so I threw it away. Text 7 W:Hi. Henry, whats the news? M:Where have you been? Ive been trying to see you for two days. W:I went to New York on business. Whats up? M:Im out of work. W:How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it. That was only one month ago. Why this sudden change? M:Its a long story. In a word, I didnt do a good job of it. W:What are you going to do now? M:Im trying to find a job as soon as possible. Nancy doesnt know yet. I didnt tell her. I spent the past three days at the coffee shop next to your office. So she thought I went to work as usual. W:Thats not the way to solve the problem. Did you look in the advertisements column? M:Yes,I did. But I wasnt able to get any of the jobs that I was interested in. W:Listen. Ill see what I can do. OK? M:Thanks a lot. 第 6 页 共 6 页 Text 8 W:I saw you on the news last night, Jack.So tell us what happened? M:Well, I was walking alone on the beach when I heard someone calling out for help.I looked up, and saw a little boy up on the cliff, stuck there. W:What did you do then? M:Well, my first thought was to run and get help, but the boy was crying, looking as if he would fall off the cliff at any moment.So I climbed up to get him down.The rocks were very loose.You know, and I even slipped a couple of times. W:Sounds scary.What happened next? M:I reached the boy but couldnt get him down.We were both stuck. W:So what did you do? M:Well, I called for help.Pretty soon there was a small crowd on the beach but no one knew what to do.And then someone called the Coast Rescue Service. W:Wow! That was really adventurous. Text 9 W:What are you doing,Alex? M:I am looking for my candy. Some are gone. W:Who could take your candy? M:Im sure that Cynthia took it. W:Cynthia? I dont believe. M:I think she did! She was at school yesterday. W:So was everyone else! Its a big school. M:She likes candy. W:Lots of people like candy. I think youre mistaken. M:Wait a minute. Why are you so sure she didnt take it? W:Because she stayed with me all day long. Text 10 When the well-known pianist Kong Xiangdong first made it big in the early 1990s, he was called the “piano prince”. His smart looks and music won the hearts of many female fans. Now the “prince” has a new lookwith all his hair cut off. “It is very environmentally friendly,” Kong said, smiling. “I never need to use shampoo or a hair dryer!” The real reason for the change is that Kong started to lose his hair. From an ordinary piano student to an internationally famous musician, the 38-year-old Shanghainese pianist is now president of a piano school that has accepted more than 20,000 students during the past nine years. Kong pointed out a common mistake for parents who were eager for their children to learn piano. “Dont push your children to learn the instrument as a career unless the child feels he couldnt live without it,” Kong said. He guesses that Shanghai has hundreds of thousands of children studying the piano seriously. Perhaps strangely for the president of a piano school, he added: “Learning the piano is so hardit means a child has almost no childhood.” 1 1 安徽省六校教育研究会安徽省六校教育研究会 2022 届高三第一次素质测试届高三第一次素质测试 英语试题英语试题 考试时间:120 分钟试卷分值:150 分 第 I 卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman think of foreign films? A.Boring. B. Wonderful. C.Interesting. 2.Why is the mans wife angry with him? A. Because the man is too lazy. B. Because the man often comes home late. C.Because the man doesnt like doing housework. 3. How much did the woman ask the man for? A. $50. B. $100. C. $200. 4.Who does the man think is to blame for losing the way? A. The woman. B. The man. C.Neither. 5.Where does the woman want to take a photo? A. In the lake. B. On the lake. C. Beside the lake. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒 钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。 6. Where does the man usually get news? A. On TV. B. Over the radio. C. In newspapers. 2 2 7. Why does the man want to read the newspaper today? A. To look for a job. B. To kill the time. C. To learn a langua
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安徽省 教育 研究会 高三 学期 第一次 英语 素质 测试 答案 谜底
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