(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 5 培优教程ppt课件(含课时精练).zip


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展开 2021新外研版高中英语必修第二册Unit5培优教程ppt课件含课时精练.zip2021新外研版高中英语必修第二册Unit5培优教程ppt课件含课时精练.zip
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人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心 情。 现在让我们来分享几条中国最美的火车旅行线路,只要买上一张票,背上背 包,就能开始一段与众不同的旅行。 Road into the clouds Route: Xining, Qinghai to Lhasa, Tibet Time: 2324 hours Known as the highest railway in the world, the QinghaiTibet railway or “heavenly road”climbs to 5,000 meters above sea level. On the way, you can view different landscapes: the beautiful Qinghai Lake, the grand Kunlun Mountains, the mysterious source of the Yangtze River, the vast Qiangtang grasslands. When the train passes through Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve, you may even see Tibetan antelopes and other wild animals running on the plateau. Voyage through history Route: Xian, Shaanxi to Dunhuang, Gansu Time: 2223 hours From Xian, the beginning of the ancient Silk Road to Dunhuang, famous for the Mogao Grottoes, this is a trip through Chinas history. The relics of the great wall in the Ming Dynasty, the Jiayuguan pass, and the snowcapped Qilian mountains are worth seeing. In Lanzhou, you can see the yellow river flowing through the city. As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor, endless views of desert await. Top choice for nature lovers Route: Guangzhou, Guangdong to Anshun, Yunnan Time: 2224 hours This is a journey to embrace Chinas picturesque nature. You can see dense forests and red soil in the western part of Guangdong Province. As the train climbs to the YunnanGuizhou Plateau, the gnarled rocky hills, karst landforms and layered terraces will amaze you. With blue skies, verdant mountains and fresh air along the whole way, its a good chance to relax and refresh yourself. 【注】landscape n. 风景;风景画plateau n. 高原relic n. 遗迹 embrace v I love you.” After kissing goodbye, I had a strong sense of achievement. I realized that moments like this were _15_ I woke up early for _16_ in the hospital and spent long hours with her. I truly felt, and her _17_ confirmed, that I was an _18_ part of this womans recovery. My experience with this patient shows me that this career allows me to touch the _19_ of people in ways that people in other _20_ will never get to experience. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者作为一名护士,悉心地照顾一位 行走不便的病人。她们之间的交流一直都是纸面上的交流,通过作者的照顾,病 人得以出院,作者自己也感受到了成就感。 1A.difficultBfunny CsimpleDinteresting 答案:A根据空格后“because everything she wanted to say to me had to be written on a notepad”可知,她想要对“我”说的事必须得写在纸上,所以与她交 流是困难的(difficult)。 2A.seeBknow CreadDfeel 答案:C因为护士专业毕业, “我”能够通过观察一些细微的表情而读懂 (read)她的想法。see “看见” ; know “知道” ; feel “感觉” 。 3A.worryBchange CpainDexcitement 答案:B甚至在她脸上细微的表情变化(change), “我”都能觉察出。 4A.tappedBhit CknockedDstruck 答案:A她轻拍了(tapped)一下“我”的肩膀。hit “打击” ; knock “敲” ; strike “打击,撞击” 。 5A.ofBto CinDfrom 答案:D她问“我”一个月后她是否可以从医院里出来。let go from sth. “从释放” ,故选 D 项。 6A.disappointBpromise CcomfortDtrust 答案:B“我”告诉她“我”不能给她保证(promise)。 7A.falseBstrong CrightDgood 答案:A“我”不能答应她的原因是“我”不想让她有一种假的(false)希 望。 8A.ThereforeBBesides CHoweverDFurthermore 答案:C根据后文“我使她相信我会一步也不离开她”可知前后 是转折关系,故选 C 项。therefore “因此” ; besides “此外” ; furthermore “而且” 。 9A.deathBsuccess CdestinationDrecovery 答案:D在她通往康复(recovery)的旅程中, “我”会一直陪伴着她。 10A.surpriseBstare CsmileDwhistle 答案:C她听了之后,给了“我”一个微笑(smile)和拥抱。surprise “惊奇” ; stare “凝视” ; whistle “吹口哨” 。 11A.futureBstrength ChabitDawareness 答案:B随着时间的推移, “我”通过搀扶她走路,逐渐地增强了她的力 量(strength)。 12A.slowlyBcompletely CrapidlyDfinally 答案:A她的健康正在慢慢地(slowly)改善,并且能够走得更加平稳了。 completely “完整地” ; rapidly “快地” ; finally “最后” 。 13A.presenceBvisit CweddingDpresentation 答案:C根据前文中“Do you think I could be let go _5_ the hospital in a month to see my niece get married?”可知,她想参加她侄女的婚礼(wedding)。 14A.withoutBbehind CexceptDbeside 答案:A没有(without)“我” ,她觉得自己不可能做到这些。behind “在之后” ; except “除了” ; beside “在旁边” 。 15A.whatBwhy CwhenDhow 答案:B“我”有了一种成就感, “我”意识到,像这样的时刻,就是 “我”早起在医院工作的原因(why)。what 表“事物” ; when 表“时间” ; how 表“方式” 。 16A.workBschool CofficeDexercise 答案:A作者的身份是护士,因此作者在医院工作(work)。 17A.expressionBnote CfeelingDtreatment 答案:B这里指通过她的便条(note)更进一步地确信了“我”的感受。 expression “表达” ; feeling “感觉” ; treatment “治疗” 。 18A.irrelevantBinsignificant CinstructiveDimportant 答案:D“我”已经成为这个女人康复之路中重要的(important)一部分。 irrelevant “不相干的” ; insignificant “无关紧要的” ; instructive “有指导性的” 。 19A.fortunesBshoulders ClivesDtears 答案:C根据句意, “我”和病人相处的经验使“我”明白,这个行业让 “我”接触到别人的生活(lives)。fortune “命运” ; shoulder “肩膀” ; tear “眼泪” 。 20A.hospitalsBareas ClandsDfields 答案:D根据句意,这个行业让“我”经历其他行业(fields)的人无法经历 的事情。hospital “医院” ; area “地区” ; land “大陆” 。 阅读理解 A There were smiling children all the way. Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang. Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved. I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read my Economics. It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight. Immediately I came alive; I decided to wave back. From then on my journey became interesting. I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time. The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrived with a smile, I threw my arms around him to give him a warm hug. I had never done this before. He seemed surprised and then his weatherbeaten face warmed up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his car. I looked forward to the return journey. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者本以为自己的一次长途火车旅行 是一次索然无味的旅行,但是当作者看到马来西亚的乡下人站在铁道旁向火车中 的乘客招手并且微笑的时候,作者顿时感觉这次旅行非常有趣和奇妙,作者感觉 周围的人也变漂亮了。 1The author expected the train trip to be _. AadventurousBpleasant CexcitingDboring 答案:D推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread.”可知,作 者买了许多杂志来阅读,所以可以推断出作者预想中的这次旅行是索然无味的, 故选 D 项。 2What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip? AThe friendly country people. BThe mountains along the way. CThe crowds of people in the streets. DThe simple lunch served on the train. 答案:A推理判断题。根据第一段可知,作者喜欢这次火车旅行,是因为 非常热情友好的马来西亚乡下人,故选 A 项。 3Which of the following words can best take the place of the word “relish” in the second paragraph? AChoose.BEnjoy. CPrepare for.DCarry on. 答案:B词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread”及“I sighed and sat down to read my Economics.”可知, 作者不太喜欢长途火车旅行,因此买了一些杂志来阅读。故画线词 relish 的意思 与 B 项相近。 4What can we learn from the story? AComfort in traveling by train. BPleasure of living in the country. CReading gives people delight. DSmiles brighten people up. 答案:D推理判断题。本文讲述了作者本以为这次长途火车旅行是一次索 然无味的旅行,但是当作者看到马来西亚的乡下人站在铁道旁向火车中的乘客招 手并且微笑的时候,作者顿时感觉这次旅行非常有趣和奇妙,作者感觉周围的人 也变漂亮了,所以从这个故事中我们可以知道微笑使人精神振奋,故选 D 项。 B Standing in line for the latest iPhone at the Apple store, queuing for tickets to the match or even just waiting at the post office might just have got a lot easier. Japanese carmaker Nissan announces that it has just the thing to relieve the painful legs of tired queuers. The new system of selfdriving chairs is designed to detect when someone at the front of the queue is called, and automatically move everyone else one step forward in line. The new invention is shown in a company video, which shows a busy restaurant with customers waiting outside. In the video, diners are sitting in a row of chairs, but will not have to stand when the next hungry diner is called to a table. Instead, the chairs, equipped with autonomous technology that detects the seat ahead, move along a path toward the front of the line. When the person at the front of the queue is called, the empty chair at the front can sense it is empty and so moves out of line. Cameras on the remaining chairs then sense the movement and follow automatically. “The system, which is similar to the kind used in Nissans autonomous vehicle technology, will be tested at select restaurants in Japan this year, ” Nissan said. “It appeals to anyone who has queued for hours outside a crowded restaurant: it rids the boredom and physical pain of standing in line, ” Nissan added. Although Tokyo has some 160,000 restaurants, long queues are not uncommon. Chosen restaurants that meet the criteria will be able to show the chairs outside their restaurants next year. Nissan also released a short video showing the chairs being used in an art gallery, moving slowly in front of the various paintings to let viewers appreciate the art without the need to stand up. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一种新型发明装置“自驱椅” ,它能 消除长时间排队带来的无聊和身体上的痛苦。 5When does the empty chair leave the line? AIt feels no person in it. BThe queue is too long. CThe remaining chairs follow it. DThe camera on it doesnt work. 答案:A细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第二句“When the person at the front of the queue is called, the empty chair at the front can sense it is empty and so moves out of line.”可知,当排在队伍前面的人被叫到时,前面的空椅子可以感觉到它是 空的,就会离开队伍,故选 A 项。 6Whats Nissans attitude to the future of selfdriving chairs? ANegative.BOptimistic. CDoubtful.DNeutral. 答案:B推理判断题。根据第五段中的“It appeals to anyone who has queued for hours outside a crowded restaurant: it rids the boredom and physical pain of standing in line, Nissan added.”可知,Nissan 认为,它对在拥挤的餐厅外排队 数小时的人很有吸引力:它消除了排队的无聊和身体上的痛苦。由此可以推断出, Nissan 对“自驱椅”的未来持乐观态度,故选 B 项。 7From the last paragraph we know that _. Aqueuing is a rare scene outside Japanese restaurants BJapanese people prefer eating in restaurants to at home Cselfdriving chairs will be used in all art galleries in Japan Dselfdriving chairs havent been used widely in restaurants in Japan 答案:D推理判断题。根据最后一段前两句“Although Tokyo has some 160,000 restaurants, long queues are not uncommon. Chosen restaurants that meet the criteria will be able to show the chairs outside their restaurants next year.”可知,尽管 东京约有 16 万家餐馆,但排长队的现象并不少见。符合标准的餐厅明年将可以 在餐厅外展示椅子。由此可以推断出, “自驱椅”在日本的餐馆里还没有得到广 泛应用,故选 D 项。 8What is the best title for the text? AHow to use selfdriving chairs BHow to queue in selfdriving chairs CSelfdriving chairs to become popular DSelfdriving chairs to make queuing less painful 答案:D标题判断题。根据第二段“Japanese carmaker Nissan announces that it has just the thing to relieve the painful legs of tired queuers.”及全文内容可知, 文章介绍了一种新型发明装置“自驱椅” ,它能消除长时间排队带来的无聊和身 体上的痛苦,故选 D 项。 应用文写作 假设你是李华,你打算国庆假期期间和你的朋友 Lucy 一起去旅游,请你根 据提示给她发一封电子邮件,告知她旅游安排和注意事项。 目的地中国第二大岛海南岛 时间10 月 1 日10 月 6 日 活动岛上远足,海上冲浪,岛上宿营 注意事项携带护照 注意:词数 80 左右。 Dear Lucy, Im writing to tell you Yours, Li Hua 精彩范文 Dear Lucy, Im writing to tell you the arrangements for our trip during the National Day holiday. Our destination is Hainan Island, the second largest island in China. We will spend our holiday there from October 1st to October 6th. We choose Hainan Island for our trip because of its beautiful scenery. Other than hiking on the island, we have planned many other activities including surfing in the water, and spending the nights in the tents, etc. Please dont forget to bring your passport with you. Im sure we will have a wonderful holiday on the island. 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I love to photograph the rising sun, . 我的发现 句和句中,reading 和 rising 为_,在句中作_。 答案:现在分词;定语 精讲课时语法 一、明确现在分词作定语在句中的位置 一般来讲,单个现在分词作定语通常放在被修饰名词的前面,而现在分词短 语作定语则放在被修饰名词的后面,如: China is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。 Who is the student standing_by_the_door? 站在门口的那个学生是谁? 名师点津有些作定语的现在分词已经转化为形容词,如:touching感人的 ,growing日益增长的,boring令人厌倦的,interesting有趣的,following下 述的,下列的,charming令人着迷的,stimulating激励人的,pressing紧迫的 ,surrounding周围的。 That is a really touching moment. 那是一个真正感人的瞬间。 二、认清现在分词作定语的逻辑主语 现在分词作定语时,其逻辑主语就是被修饰的名词。在很多情况下,作定语 的现在分词或短语可以改写为定语从句作定语。 We visited the village lying in the south of our county. We visited the village which lies in the south of our county. 三、弄懂现在分词作定语的时间内涵 现在分词作定语时,它所表示的时间一般与谓语动词所表示的时间相同。现 在分词不但可表示正在进行的动作,也可表示经常性的动作或状态,还可表示将 来的动作。如: Do you know the woman talking_to_o
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2021新外研版 【2021新外研版】高中英语必修第二册Unit 培优教程ppt课件(含课时精练) 新外研版 高中英语 必修 第二 unit 教程 ppt 课件 课时 精练
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