(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第二册 基础巩固+提升训练(全册一套打包).zip


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    • 【2021新外研版】高中英语必修第二册 Unit4 Stage and screen period 3+4基础巩固+提升训练(含答案).doc--点击预览
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    • 【2021新外研版】高中英语必修第二册Unit1 Food for thought period3+4基础巩固+提升训练(含答案).doc--点击预览
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    • 【2021新外研版】高中英语必修第二册Unit6 Earth first period3+4基础巩固+提升训练(含答案).doc--点击预览
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Unit4 Stage and screen Period 1Starting out on the edge of ones seat; female; get across; energetic) 提升训练 完形填空 Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to _1_. Now she was Portia, a strongwilled _2_ in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice. The theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing _3_ from her. _4_, Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition (选拔试演). She _5_ being in front of other people. She was very _6_ at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to _7_ much attention. She stayed mostly to herself, making _8_ friends. She had excellent grades, _9_ she always thought that something was missing. Two weeks before the audition, Robertsas mother had heard about it and _10_ her to join in. “I cant think of anyone else better suited to _11_ the part. Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?” Her mother wouldnt let the _12_ drop. “Youre just a little scared. Everyone gets scared. You know you _13_ do it. The trick is to look past the _14_ to find the love of what youre doing.” So Roberta had made an appointment with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herself excited by the _15_ of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Portias part, _16_ the lines by repeating them over and over. It wasnt hard; she _17_ every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words, she had a new _18_ of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels. On the day of the audition, she _19_ two of Portias famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the _20_ was hers. 1A.sing Bdance Cspeak Dreport 2A.member Bactress Cplayer Dcharacter 3A.weakly Brapidly Csmoothly Dslowly 4A.At first BIn fact CAfter all DIn all 5A.hated Benjoyed Cappreciated Dregretted 6A.honest Bshy Cpolite Dpatient 7A.avoid Bfocus Cpay Dattract 8A.few Ba few Cseveral Dmany 9A.or Bso Cfor Dbut 10A.forced Brequested Cencouraged Dreminded 11A.accept Bplay Coffer Dlearn 12A.role Bmatter Cinterest Dgrade 13A.can Bmust Cmay Dshould 14A.anger Bpain Csadness Dfear 15A.purpose Bway Cidea Dimportance 16A.memorizing Borganizing Cchecking Dimproving 17A.disliked Bloved Cexpected Dbore 18A.consideration Bdescription Cselection Dunderstanding 19A.practiced Bplanned Cperformed Ddelivered 20A.part Bplay Cspeech Dposition 七选五 Beijing Opera represents the finest combination of literature, music, dance, kung fu, fine arts and many other arts. Its way of performing is different from opera and drama. _1_ Beijing Opera is a kind of art that pays equal attention to singing,speaking,acting and fighting. _2_ Meanwhile, Beijing Opera provides the opportunity to appreciate the pleasing artistic balance of the dance, the strength and music, even from only one act. _3_ According to the historical record, it dates back to the middle period of the Qing Dynasty. In the 55th year ruled by the Emperor Qianlong, the most famous four theatrical groups in Anhui went to Beijing to show their opera performance and then got a great success. Then, based on “Anhui Opera” and “Han Opera”, and also mixed with characteristics of Beijing dialect, Beijing Opera was formed. _4_ The Beijing Opera was officially formed after the 20th year of the Emperor Daoguang (1840). At that time, the forms of each kind of arias (唱腔) and the language characteristic of Beijing Opera originally came into being. New changes appeared in Beijing Operas roles. _5_ Later, the first generation of the opera actors also appeared. ABeijing Opera is a kind of modem opera. BActually Beijing Opera has its own characters. CMany roles of the Beijing Opera had appeared. DBecause it was popular in Beijing, it spread nationwide. EMany people wonder what is the origin of the Beijing Opera. FIt enables the audience to be inspired by language, music and fine arts. GAlthough in was formed in Beijing it didnt have its origins in Beijing totally. 阅读理解 A The theatre in Shakespeares time was much different than it is today. Authors wrote plays for the masses, especially those who couldnt read or write. The theatre changed a lot during Shakespeares lifetime. The authorities didnt like it and didnt allow acting in the city itself: They thought it had a bad influence on people and kept them from going to church. Queen Elizabeth, on the other hand, loved acting and helped the theatre become popular. The theatre in Shakespeares time was full of life. People did not sit all the time and it was not quiet during the performance. The audience could walk around, eat and drink during the play. Theaters were open arenas or playhouses that had room for up to three thousand people. There was almost no scenery because the dialogue was the most important part of the play. Colourful and welldesigned costumes were very important and told the people about the status of a character. Women never performed in plays, 80 young boys played female characters. The performances took place in the afternoon because it was too dark at night. There was no stage crew as there is today. Actors had do everything themselvesfrom making costumes to setting the stage. Plays were organized by acting companies. They performed about 6 different plays each week because they needed money to survive. They had almost no time to rehearse (排练) The companies in Shakespeares time had a rank system. The company belonged to shareholders and managers. They were responsible for everything and got most of the money when the company was successful. Sometimes they even owned their own buildings. Actors worked for the managers arid after some time became a permanent member of the company. Apprentices (学徒) were young boys and were allowed to act in unimportant role. They also played females characters in play. 1Why was the theatre banned by the authorities? AIt was much different than before. BThey thought it affected people negatively. CThey thought it kept people going to church. DThe queen didnt like it. 2What does the underlined word “arenas” in Paragraph 4 mean? AStages. BStores. CCompanies. DPlaygrounds. 3What do we know about the actors? AThey could drink during the play. BWomen had to crossdress male characters. CThey had stage crew to help them. DThey were too busy to practice. 4What is the authors purpose in writing the text? ATo remember Shakespeare. BTo show his love of Shakespeares plays. CTo introduce theaters in Shakespeares time. DTo discuss the companys rank system. B Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his fathers brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his fathers death, and angry that she has married Claudius. Soon, a ghost (幽灵) is seen walking on the castle walls. The ghost looks like Hamlets father, the dead king. When Hamlet sees the ghost, he is told that it is the ghost of his father. “I am your fathers spirit, ” the ghost tells Hamlet. It tells him that Hamlets father did not die naturally, but was murdered by his brother Claudius. As the king slept, Claudius put poison into his ear, causing the king a painful death. The ghost tells Hamlet to take revenge on Claudius for murdering his father. Hamlet cant believe his mother would marry the man who murdered her husband. He becomes depressed,_and he thinks about killing himself: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet decides to pretend he is mad while he tries to find out if King Claudius really killed his father. Claudius soon notices that Hamlet is acting strangely, so he asks Polonius, his adviser, to discover if it is true . 5The correct order of the story is _. Hamlet thought about killing himself Hamlets mother married his uncle after his father died Hamlet came back from university Hamlet was told that his father didnt die naturally Hamlet decided to try to find out the truth A B C D 6In the story, Claudius, the old kings brother, _. Aasked his advisor to kill Hamlet Bplayed the role of the ghost Cused to be king of Denmark Dmurdered Hamlets father 7The underlined word “depressed” might mean _ in Chinese. A高兴的 B满足的 C消沉的 D冷漠的 8The great classic piece was taken from _. AThe Diary of a Young Girl BAlice in Wonderland CHamlet DGullivers Travels C Whats On Stage An acrobatic (杂技) show: To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe will present “The Soul of China”, where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills (寒战) will run down your spine (脊柱) as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge. Time: 7:30 pm, September 1319 Place: Capital Theatre, 22 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District Exhibitions Joint Show: A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display . Time: 9:00 am5:00 pm until September 10 Place: Huangshicheng Gallery, 136 Nanchizi Dajie, Dongcheng Distirct Oil paintings: The Wanfung Art Galley will host a joint show of oil paintings by 10 young and middleaged artists. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture (捕捉) the wondrous variety of life in unique (独特的) styles . Time: 9:00 am4:00 pm until September 15 Place: 136 Nachizi Street, Dongcheng District Literature (文学) museum: The National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an indepth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature from 1919 to 1949. Time: 9:00 am4:00 pm, daily Place: 45 Anyuan Donglu , Chaoyang District (Shaoyaoju area) Concerts Beijing rocks: “The Fashion Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience (听众) will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm. Time: September 16 Place: The Olympic Center Belgium Orchestra (管弦乐队): La Petite Bande, the Baroque Orchestra of Belgium will perform in Beijing at the Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities as part of activities across the world to commemorate (纪念) the 250th anniversary of Bachs death . Time: 7:30 pm, September 1114 Place: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities 9.What do you think of the acrobatic show mentioned here? AWhen you watch it, you will certainly feel cold. BSomething strange will puzzle everyone, including scientists. CUnexpected things will make you excited and surprised. DEven the bravest ones will be too frightened to go on watching. 10The most characteristic thing about the Fashion Night of Chinese Rock is that _. Ait will let the audience choose the performers and the music Bit is to bring thousands of rock fans out of their homes Cit will certainly cause a rock storm throughout China Dit is to be held in memory of one of the greatest musicians 11Suppose it is September 14 today, how many activities can people choose to attend? A2. B3. C4. D5. 应用文写作 假如你是李华,你的英语笔友 Susan 来信提到她对文学作品不感兴趣,但 她的父母却要求她每周抽出时间阅读文学作品。请按照以下要点给她写一封回 信。主要内容如下: 1列举阅读文学作品的好处; 2简述阅读文学作品对你的帮助。 注意:1.词数 100 左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:文学作品 works of literature Dear Susan, Yours, Li Hua 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1.答案:incredible 2.答案:aspects 3.答案:dazzling 4.答案:griefs 5.答案:exaggerated 6.答案:movement 7.答案:energetic 8.答案:combine 9.答案:transform 10.答案:explosive 11.答案:traditional 12.答案:transformed 13.答案:anger 14.答案:into 15.答案:to understand 16.答案:opera 17.答案:aspect 18.答案:Female 19.答案:clapped 20.答案:poetry 21.答案:prince 22.答案:version 23.答案:emotions 24.答案:techniques 25.答案:universe 26.答案:poetry 27.答案:to 28.答案:To perform 29.答案:with 30.答案:not 【串词成段】 答案:Having seen the opera, the energetic female was on the edge of her feet. She got across the meaning of the opera. 【完形填空】 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。胆小害羞的 Roberta 能战胜自己、站上舞 台吗? (1)答案:C从下文“She was speaking with a power”可知她正在说话,故选 C。 (2)答案:D从画线处所在句可知, Roberta 正在扮演莎士比亚威尼斯商人中的角色 Portia,故选 D。 (3)答案:C从上文的“She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced”可知此处指“台词流利 地从她口中说出”。故选 C。 (4)答案:B紧接着上文“words flowing smoothly from her”,后面作者口气一转“事实上,在选拔试演之前她 以前从来没有表演过”。at first “起初”; in fact “事实上”;after all “毕竟, 到底”;in all “共计,总共”。故选 B。 (5)答案:A根据下文“She stayed mostly to herself”可知此处指她不愿意在众人面前表现”,故选 A。 (6)答案:B她在学校里是非常害羞 的,故选 B。 (7)答案:D句意:她从来没有想到 她有什么擅长的地方来吸引很多注意力。attract attention “吸引注意力”; avoid attention “避开注意”;focus/pay attention “集中注意力于”,故选 D。 (8)答案:A由于“大部分时间自己呆 着,结果朋友很少”,故选 few,表示“很少,不多”,故选 A。 (9)答案:D句意:尽管她成绩很优 秀,可是她总认为缺些什么。but 表转折,故选 D。 (10)答案:C考查动词的应用,从下 文她母亲说的话可看出,母亲是在“鼓励”她,故选 C。 (11)答案:B句意:我想不出别的任 何人更适合扮演这个角色。play the part “扮演角色”,故选 B。 (12)答案:B句意:她母亲不想就此 搁下这事。let the matter drop “罢休,不再提这件事”,故选 B。 (13)答案:A这里指她能做到这件事, 故选 A。 (14)答案:D根据上文中的“Youre just a little scared.”,可知此处应选 fear,故选 D。 (15)答案:C句意:她读了这部戏, 一想到要说那么多丰富的语言她就很激动。idea “想法”;purpose “目的”; way “方式”;importance “重要性”,故选 C。 (16)答案:A根据空格后“repeating them over and over”可知此处指“记住”台词,故选 A。 (17)答案:B因为“喜欢”做一件事情, 才认为它不难,故选 B。 (18)答案:D句意:每次读,她都对 这些台词有新的见解,好像莎士比亚从不同的层面写的 Portia。故选 D。 (19)答案:C句意:在试演的当天, Roberta 为观众表演了两段 Portia 的著名演讲。故选 C。 (20)答案:A句意:演完后,俱乐部 的主席宣布 Portia 这个角色是她的了。故选 A。 【七选五】 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。艺术的形成和发展从来都不是一蹴而就的, 京剧也一样。 1B根据设空处前一句“Its way of performing is different from opera and drama.”可知京剧的表演方式不同于歌剧和戏剧。B 项(其实京剧有自己的特点) 承接上文,故选 B。 2F根据设空处后一句可知,同时,京剧也提供了欣赏舞蹈、力量和音 乐之间令人愉悦的艺术平衡的机会。F 项(它能使观众受到语言、音乐和美术的 启发)引起下文,故选 F。 3E根据设空处后一句“According to the historical record, it dates back to the middle period of the Qing Dynasty.”可知据史料记载,它可以追溯到清朝中期。 E 项(许多人想知道京剧的起源是什么)引起下文,故选 E。 4G根据设空处前一句可知,以“徽剧”和“汉剧”为基础,并结合北京方 言的特点,形成了京剧。G 项(虽然它是在北京形成的,但它并没有完全起源于 北京)承接上文,故选 G。 5C根据设空处前一句可知,京剧角色发生了新的变化。C 项(京剧中出 现了许多角色)符合文意,故选 C。 【阅读理解】 A: 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。在莎士比亚时代,人们在看剧过程中可以 吃东西、交谈甚至来回走动! 1.答案:B细节理解题。根据第二 段第二句可知,当权者不喜欢戏剧,不允许在城市里表演,因为他们认为 对人们有不好的影响,会阻止人们去教堂,故选 B。 2.答案:A词义猜测题。根据画线 词所在句可知,arenas 与 playhouses 是同义词,playhouses 是一个看戏剧表 演的地方,因而 arenas 是指舞台,故选 A。 3.答案:D推理判断题。根据倒数 第二段最后两句可知,每周表演六个不同的戏剧,因此没有时间排练,可 推知他们很忙,故选 D。 4.答案:C推理判断题。根据文章 可知,本文主要介绍了莎士比亚时代剧院的情况,故选 C。 B: 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。丹麦王子哈姆雷特的父亲突然逝世,他的 叔叔继承王位,一天夜晚 5.答案:D细节理解题。根据第一 段中的“Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his fathers brother” 可知排在第一,排在第二;根据第二段第五句可知是第三个,故选 D。 6.答案:D细节理解题。根据第二 段第五句可知,幽灵告诉哈姆雷特他的父亲并没有自然死亡,而是被他的 兄弟克劳迪斯谋杀了,故选 D。 7.答案:C词义猜测题。根据画线 词前一句可知哈姆雷特难以致信妈妈嫁给了杀害他爸爸的凶手,结合答案 可知此处应该是变得消沉,故选 C。 8.答案:C细节理解题。根据文中 的图片及文章大意可知此片段节选自哈姆雷特 ,故选 C。 C: 篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文。适当的娱乐和放松会让学习效果更好,比 如参加文化活动。 9.答案:C推理判断题。根据第一 段可知,在杂技表演中会有很多让你感到惊讶和兴奋的意想不到的事。故 选 C。 10.答案:B细节理解题。从 Concerts 中的 Beijing rocks 可知此项活动吸引数以千计的摇滚音乐迷,使 他们纷纷走出家门,参加盛会。故选 B。 11.答案:C细节理解题。查找原文 可知在 9 月 14 日之后举办的活动有“Literature (文学) museum:Time:9:00 am4:00 pm, daily”, “Oil paintings: Time:9:00 am4:00 pm until September 15”, “An acrobatic (杂技) show: Time:7:30 pm, September 1319”和“Beijing rocks: Time: September 16”四项,而其余 的活动时间都不合适。故选 C。 【应用文】 Dear Susan, Im
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