广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:50122).zip


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粤人民版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 School Lunch Unit 5 School Lunch More reading and writingMore reading and writing No. 3 English Name: _ Favorite Food:_Tofu About Me fTo u Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐麻婆豆腐 Stinky Tofu 臭臭豆腐豆腐 Kejia Tofu 客家客家豆腐豆腐 Shanshui Tofu 山水豆腐山水豆腐 They like Chinese food very much. U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. White Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐麻婆豆腐 Lets say. (说一说。) Vegetable Soup 蔬菜汤蔬菜汤 Yangzhou Fried Rice 扬州炒饭扬州炒饭 Vegetable Noodles 蔬菜面条蔬菜面条 Salty Chicken 盐焗鸡盐焗鸡 Cola Chicken Wings 可乐鸡翅可乐鸡翅 Spicy Fish 辣鱼辣鱼 Chinese good food Cola Chicken Wings 可乐可乐鸡翅鸡翅 Vegetable Noodles Vegetable Noodles 蔬菜面条蔬菜面条 VegetablesVegetablesMeatMeat DrinksDrinks IngredientsIngredients (配料)(配料) FruitFruitOthersOthers(其他类)(其他类) Food Material List(食材单) chicken potatoes tomatoes carrots chicken wings fish juice milk tea cola water salt sugar chilli(辣椒) soy sause(酱油) pears peaches grapes oranges apples bananas noodles ice cream butter cheese tofu eggs Look and answer.(看图回答。 ) Where are Mr. and Mrs. White? They the supermarket What do they want to buy? They want to buy_. Listen and answer.(听音回答。) Mr. and Mrs. White want to buy some tofu. Mrs. White: Wheres tofu? Mr. White: Over there, beside the juice. Mrs. White: No, thats cheese. Mrs.White: Maybe. Lets have a look. Mr.White: Is that tofu over there? Mr.White: Oh, no. Its butter. Mrs.White: Wheres tofu? Mr.White: Excuse me, wheres tofu? Clerk: Oh, Im sorry. Theres no more tofu. Mr.White: Lets just get some cheese and butter. We then can make some sandwiches. What do they want to buy? They want to buy _. some tofu What tofu do they want to make? I think they want to make _. Read and answer the questions. (朗读课文,并回答下列问题。) 1.What do they get? _ 2.What can they make at last?_ 提示:提示: 划出划出关键词关键词和和不懂不懂的单词。的单词。 Read and answer.(自由朗读并回答问题。 ) 1.What do they get? _ 2.What can they make at last?_ 1. What do they get? They get _.some cheese and butter 1. Can you tell Which one is cheese? _ Which one is butter? _ Which one is tofu? _ B C A 2. What can they make at last(最后)? They can make _.some sandwiches 2. beoutside beside Lets learn! The cheese is beside the juice. Choose the right picture.(选择正确的图片。) cheesejuicejuice cheese cheesejuicejuice Theres no more tofu.Theres some tofu. Look and say.(看看说说。) Theres no more _. Theres some _. Lets practice.(让我们练说。) Read after the tape and imitate. ( 模仿跟读。) Mr. and Mrs. White want to buy some tofu. Mrs. White: Wheres tofu? Mr. White: Over there, beside the juice. Mrs. White: No, thats cheese. Mrs.White: Maybe. Lets have a look. Mr.White: Is that tofu over there? Mr.White: Oh, no. Its butter. Mrs.White: Wheres tofu? Mr.White: Excuse me, wheres tofu? Clerk: Oh, Im sorry. Theres no more tofu. Mr.White: Lets just get some cheese and butter. We then can make some sandwiches. Role play(角色扮演) Show time (表演时间) Narrator (旁白者 ) Mr. White Mrs. White Clerk (售货员) Role play(角色扮演) . . . ? . . . Why do they get some cheese and butter at last? _.Because theres no more tofu Think and answer.(想想并回答。) A. No More Butter B. No More Cheese C. No More Tofu Choose the best title for the story. (选择最佳的题目。) Mr. and Mrs. White are my friends. They like Chinese food. They want to make Mapo Tofu. They are in the _. They want to buy some . But theres no more_ . They get some _ and_. Then they can make some_. tofusupermarket cheese buttersandwichestofu supermarket tofu tofu cheesebutter sandwiches Are the sandwiches Chinese food? No, they are western food(西方食物). Think and answer.(想想并回答。) Chinese good food Cola Chicken Wings 可乐可乐鸡翅鸡翅 Vegetable Noodles Vegetable Noodles 蔬菜面条蔬菜面条 Chinese good food Cola Chicken Wings 可乐可乐鸡翅鸡翅 Vegetable Noodles Vegetable Noodles 蔬菜面条蔬菜面条 Group work: Make an invitation card.(小组活动:制作邀请卡。) 1.Get your food materials.(领取食材。) 2. Talk about the food.(谈谈领到的食材。) A: What do we have? B: We have_. A: What do we want to make? B: We want to make_. 3.Finish your invitation card.(完成邀请卡。) Invitation card Dear Mr. and Mrs. White, Welcome to Jiangmen. We have _.We want to make _.Its_.(yummy/good/ tasty )We hope you will like it. Yours, _ some tofu,salt and meat Miss Tofu Shanshui Tofu yummy Group work: Make an invitation card.(小组活动:制作邀请卡。) In Jiangmen, we also have lots of good food. Lets introduce them to Mr. and Mrs. White. (在江门,我们也有许多美食。让我们介绍给 他们。) Lets watch.(观看视频。) Enjoy the good food! 享受美食! Enjoy your life! 享受生活! Homework : Thank you ! 2. Talk about the food.(谈谈领到的食材。) A: What do we have? B: We have_. A: What do we want to make? B: We want to make_. Group work. Chinese Food Help them make the Chinese food they like. Choose one to make. Group work: Hello! We are Group _. We want to make _. We have some _. But we dont have any _. We need some _. We want to go to the _. Thank you! Make a report. 2.Finish your invitation card.(完成邀请卡。) Invitation card Dear Mr. and Mrs. White, Welcome to Jiangmen. We have_.We want to make_. Its yummy/good/tasty. We hope you will like it. _ 2.Finish your invitation card.(完成邀请卡。) Invitation card Dear Mr. and Mrs. White, Welcome to Jiangmen. We have _.We want to make _.Its_.(yummy/good/ tasty )We hope you will like it. Yours, _ 1 一、教材分析一、教材分析 1.教材内容教材内容 本课时教学内容是粤人民版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 School Lunch 的 More reading and writing 部分,要求学生阅读 Mr. White 与 Mrs. White 的对话 (1.Look, listen, and read.) ,了解所发生的故事,并于阅读后进行回答问题 (2.Read and write.) 。 2.教材链接教材链接 此套教材与本课时教学内容相关的链接如下:三年级上册教材学习 bread, cola, salad 等食物词汇,学习 What do you like? I like . Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont.等句型;三年级下册教材学习 Where is / are? It is / They are . There is / are . 等句型;五年级上册第五单元学习 tofu, rice, salt 等食物词汇, 学习 What do we have? We have .第五单元 Reading and writing 部分学习制作 vegetable soup 的方法。 二、学生分析二、学生分析 1.生本分析生本分析 本课时教学对象为五年级学生,年龄在 11 岁左右。他们的抽象逻辑思维初 步发展,随着年龄和认知水平的增长,逐渐成为思维的主要形式。他们正处于 求知欲旺盛阶段,对英语学习非常感兴趣,在英语课堂上表现也相当雀跃,对 于课堂上的游戏、猜谜、朗读、表演、交流等活动都积极参与。他们乐于与同 伴交流,较喜欢小组合作学习、操作、展示等学习方式。他们热情好客,对客 人友善,且乐于与客人们交流、分享。 2.学情分析学情分析 五年级学生学习英语已有两年多时间了,此过程中他们掌握了四百多个词 汇、一百左右的句型,积累了一定的语法知识,他们大部分已经具有独立阅读 的能力,但尚未掌握科学的阅读方法,他们对阅读材料的理解仍停留在浅表层 次,还未能主动、深入思考深层次的问题,还需要教师为他们营造丰富的阅读 环境条件,提供适当的阅读方法指导,促进他们应对策略和能力的发展,养成 良好的阅读习惯,更进一步发展他们的思维能力,提升文化意识。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力(一)语言能力 1.语言知识目标语言知识目标 (1)词汇:over there, beside, butter, just, clerk (2)句型:Theres no more .We want to make. We can make . 2.语言技能目标语言技能目标 在老师创设的语境中,整合性地运用已有知识理解语篇所表达的意义,有 效地使用口头语言、书面语言表达思想和进行情境交际。 (1)听:能听懂有关的阅读材料,培养学生通过听关键词句提取信息的能力。 2 (2)说:能在一定的语言环境下熟练运用主要句型进行表达、交流,并能口 头回答问题和描述相关情况;能根据小组合作活动任务与同伴进行口头交流。 (3)读:能正确朗读 More reading and writing 的对话,理解对话意思,培养 一些阅读技巧。 (4)写:能通过填充的方式将对话转述成故事;能根据小组合作活动书面完 成邀请卡。 (二)文化意识(二)文化意识 通过学习,引导学生对阅读文本材料所蕴含的中西方饮食文化进行感知、 理解,让他们初步注意 Chinese food 与 western food 的异同,逐步加深对中国饮 食、生活等文化的理解,再逐渐发展他们的文化比较、鉴别能力,不断加深他 们对祖国文化的认同和理解,增强文化自觉和文化自信。 (三)思维品质(三)思维品质 引导学生根据对话内容正确回答 What do they want to buy? What do they get?等问题后,再进一步追问 Mr. and Mrs. White 会煮什么样的豆腐、为什么会 买 butter and cheese 等问题,让学生进行思考、分析、推断,发展其逻辑思维。 之后,再引导学生思考他们会喜欢什么样的 Chinese food,并于组内交流如何制 作,培养他们综合运用英语进行思考和创新性思维能力。 (四)学习能力(四)学习能力 教学过程中,引导学生通过 Phonics、知识迁移等方法培养“见词能读” 的语音、词汇学习能力,扩大词汇量,积累丰富的语言知识;通过阅读技巧、 方法的指导,引导学生正确提取核心信息,并运用抓关键词句、联系上下文等 有效策略,实现有效理解,发展阅读能力;通过师生、生生之间的真实交流互 动以及小组合作活动等交际性任务,培养学生的交际能力。 四、教学重点和难点四、教学重点和难点 教学重点:深入理解课文意思,并掌握一定的阅读技巧和基本的写作策略。 教学难点:结合生活体验,根据表达需要用英语和同学进行自如的交流。 五、教具准备五、教具准备 PPT 课件,单词卡片,实物图片,邀请卡,学生练习材料等 六、教学过程六、教学过程 . Pre-reading Step 1:Greetings and self-introduction T: Hello, boys and girls. Im your English teacher today. Look at the girl! This is me! Do you want to know something about me? My English name is. Give you some tips. The first letter is T. The second letter is o. The third letter is f. Yes. Im Miss Tofu. Because I like eating. My favorite food is tofu. I like tofu. I like all kinds of tofu. This is Mapo Tofu, Kejia Tofu, Shanshui Tofu and Stinky Tofu. Ss: . 3 【设计意图】以轻松、有趣的方式跟学生进行自我介绍,缓解学生紧张的 情绪,并拉近师生间的距离。以猜测的方式引出教师的名字,让学生开动脑筋, 启发思维。 Step 2:Introduction of Mr. and Mrs. White T: My friends like tofu, too. Who are they? They are Mr. White and Mrs. White. They are from the USA. They like Chinese food very much. Now they come to China. Look, they like Mapo Tofu, Vegetables Soup, Salty Chicken, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Spicy Fish, Vegetables Noodles and Cola Chicken Wings. If we cook these Chinese food, we need these things. 【设计意图】以巧妙的方式引出本课时教学内容的主要人物,同时有效创 设语言情境,并整合相关旧知识,不着痕迹地输入语言,为下面的语言输出打 下铺垫。 Step 3:Lead-in T: Look at the picture. Where are Mr. and Mrs. White now? S1: They are . 【设计意图】巧妙地以图片引出问题,创设语言情境,培养学生借助图片 获取信息的学习能力。 . While-reading Step 1:The first reading Mr. and Mrs. White are in the supermarket now. They are shopping. 1. Look and answer T: What do they want to buy? S1: They want to buy some tofu. T: What tofu do they want to make? S1: I think they want to make . T: Why? S1: Because . 【设计意图】让学生带着问题听读,并指导学生阅读技巧,让学生通过找 出关键词句获取相关信息来回答问题,帮助学生理解对话内容。同时对此问题 作进一步追问,以促学生不断思考,有效促进他们思维的发展。 Step 2:The second reading 1. Read the dialogue by themselves with some questions (1) What do they get? (2) What can they make at last? 2. Check the answers of the questions (1) S1: They get some cheese and butter. T: Can you tell? Which is cheese? Which is butter? Which is tofu? Ss: . 4 (2) S1: They can make some sandwiches. 3. Learn some new words T: Any words you dont know? Let me check you. Can you read it? (Check these words and sentences: beside, just, clerk. Theres no more .) 【设计意图】第二次阅读,通过让学生带着问题自己读,让学生运用“找 出关键词句,获取相关信息”的策略来回答问题,以进一步理解对话内容。 Step3:The third reading 1. Read and imitate T: Lets read after the tape and imitate. 2. Role play T: Now act out the dialogue. You can do it like this.“Excuse me, wheres tofu? Oh, Im sorry. Theres no more tofu. ”Now, please act out in your groups. 3. Show time T: Which group wants to try? 4. Think and answer T: At last, Mr. and Mrs. White get some cheese and butter. Why do they get some cheese and butter? Ss: Because. T: Really? What else ? T: Look here. The clerk says, theres no more tofu. 【设计意图】第三次阅读,让学生听音仿读,并根据对阅读材料的理解, 于小组内演活对话,让学生入情入境,更进一步掌握语言,内化语言。 . Post-reading Step 1:Consolidation 1. Choose the best title T: Now, you know the dialogue very well. Which is the best title? 2. Retell the story T: Look at the blackboard. Lets retell. 3. Choose and write T: Now, finish the passage on your paper. 【设计意图】引导学生对对话内容进行总结,给对话加一个题目,培养学 生获取重要信息并概括的能力。通过让学生根据板书内容对故事进行复述并以 填充的方式转述故事,检查学生对课文内容整体脉络的掌握情况,培养学生的 语言组织能力、写作能力。 Step 2:Extension Make an invitation card for Mr. and Mrs. White. T: Mr. and Mrs. White made some sandwiches. Are sandwiches Chinese food? No. They are western food. Now Mr. and Mrs. White are in China. They want to eat Chinese good food. Lets invite them to Jiangmen and make some Chinese good food 5 for them. 1. Get some food materials 2. Talk about the food T: Let me make a model for you. 3. Group work 4. Show the invitation cards Dear Mr. and Mrs. White, Welcome to Jiangmen. We have _. We want to make_. Its_ ( yummy /good/ tasty ). We hope you will like it. Yours, _ 【设计意图】以制作邀请卡,邀请 Mr. and Mrs. White 到江门来并为他们做 中国菜为引,让学生通过小组合作活动,综合运用本单元所学的语言知识,并 达到言语交流、情感互动、文化交际的目的,培养学生的核心素养。 Step 3:Moral Education Lets watch T: In Jiangmen, we also have lots of good food. Lets introduce them to Mr. and Mrs. White. Do you like the good food in Jiangmen? Lets ask the teachers. S: Teachers, do you like the good food in Jiangmen? Ts: . S: Enjoy the good food. Enjoy your life. 【设计意图】让学生观看江门美食宣传短片,并引导学生询问听课教师是 否喜欢江门美食,从而启发学生从内心由衷地发出“Enjoy the good food. Enjoy your life. ”的感叹,有效提升学生的文化意识。 Step 4:Homework Finish P65 Exercise 2-3. 七、板书设计七、板书设计
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