广东版五上Unit 3 Dates-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:9003b).zip


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一、根据提示完成表格填空。 二、帮助冰冰完成游记。 My favorite New Years Day Hello, Im Bingbing. I like _. Its inon_. Because I can _. I can _. I am very happy. What about you? Countries (国家)(国家) Festival (节日)(节日) When (时间)(时间) What can we do ? (我们可做什么)(我们可做什么) AustraliaThe New Years Day_ _ _ _ China The Chinese_ The _ Festival _ _ _ have a big dinner eat dumplings wear new clothes get lucky money _ Thailand The New years Day in Thailand The _ Festival _ _ _ _ P36 More reading and writing Book 5 Unit 3 Dates The New Years Day What is your favorite(最爱的)最爱的) festival(节日)(节日)?My favorite festival is the New years Day in China. Chinese New year= Spring Festival 中国的农历新年也叫春节中国的农历新年也叫春节Happy New year! Sing a song Happy New Year, happy New Year, Happy New Year to you all! We are singing ,we are dancing. Happy New Year to you all! Lets watch. USA美国美国UK英国英国 Australia 澳大利亚澳大利亚 China 中国中国 Thailand 泰国泰国 找出找出V Vidioidio中所提到的国家。中所提到的国家。 Which countries are mentioned? 国旗 This is Bingbing.Every year she goes to many places. 2016 2017 AustraliaChina Thailand 冰冰游记的其中三段与相片调乱,你能帮她 重新配对吗?请打开课本第36页。 Bingbings dairy is not in correct order with the pictures. Can you help her to match it again. Please open your books at page 36. Task 1: Look,listen,andMatch the texts (1-3) with the pictures (A-C). (连线) The New Years Day in Thailand is in April.It has another name - the Water Festival.People dont have parties at home.They throw water at each other in the street.Its a lot of fun. The New Years Day is on January 1st,but people in Australia often have parties on the night of December 31st.They like going out. Just before 12:00 midnight, they shout“5,4,3,2,1,Happy New Year!” The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year.I ts now always on January 1st.The date of the Chinese New Year changes every year, but its always in January or February. A B C Australia China Thailand January 1st New Years Eve 新年新年前夕前夕 The New Years Day is on January 1st. on the night of December 31st in Australia havehave partiesparties in Australia New Year Countdown 12:00 midnight They like going out. (Not at home) middle中间 of the night Just before 12 is Dec.31stJan.1st Just after 12 is 恰好 shout 1. When is the New Years Day in Australia? 2. What do people often do on the night of December 31st? Task3:Scanning (寻读寻读) Read and underline the key words (分小组自由读,根据问题在文中划出关键词分小组自由读,根据问题在文中划出关键词) Its on January 1st. They often have parties, and shout “5,4,3,2,1, Happy New Year!” 1 半夜半夜 2 B A C Australia China Thailand January 1st Watch a video 3. When is the Spring Festival? Scanning and underline the key words (寻读划出关键词)寻读划出关键词) Its in January or February. 3 the Chinese New Year The Spring Festival (春节春节) The Date of the Chinese New Year is Q: Whats the Chinese meaning(中文意思) of “change”? A. 相同相同 B.改变改变 changes January 31st, 2014 February 19th, 2015 February 8th, 2016 January 28th, 2017 The Chinese New Year is always in January or February. 4. Is the Spring Festival in the same(相相 同的同的) month every year? No, it isnt. C 变化变化 AB Australia China Thailand January 1st 6. When is the New Years Day in Thailand? 7. What do people do in the street? Scanning and answer.(划出关键词并回答划出关键词并回答) 6. When is the New Years Day in Thailand? Scanning and answer.(划出关键词并回答划出关键词并回答) 6 Its in April. 7. What do people do in the street? Scanning and answer.(寻读划出关键词并回答寻读划出关键词并回答) They throw water at each other in the street. 7 Its in April. Its (on) January 1st. This year(今年)今年) 3.Its in Februry./Its (on) Februry 16th. 12 3 Happy December SpringFebruary Water April counties(国家国家) What do People do? Exercise1: Retell and finish the chart.(根据课文完成表格根据课文完成表格) January 1st have parties Aprilthrow water go out and shout January or February go shopping have a big dinner get lucky money 1.Australia 3.Thailand 2.China When? My favorite New Years Day Hello, Im Bingbing. I like _ best. Its in/on_. I can _. I can _. I am very happy. What about you? 2.Lets help Bingbing to wrire a report. My favorite New Years Day Hello, Im Bingbing. I like the New years day in Thailand best. Its in April. I can throw water. I can have fun. I am very happy. What about you? For example: My favorite New Years Day Hello, Im Bingbing. I like _ best. Its in/on_. I can _. I can _. I am very happy. What about you? Group show time: . Other countries New Year January April October Japan 日本 England 英国 Vietnam 越南USA 美国 Korea 韩国Singapore 新加坡 Thailand泰国 India印度 1.Read the text on page 36 2.Make a report about Spring Festival. Get hong bao Goodbye Chinese New Year =Spring Festival January 1st in lunar year 农历正月初一农历正月初一 in China lanterns have a big dinner fireworks in April. Junuary 1st. in lunar year Junuary 1st. Junuary 1st.Junuary 1st. USAUK Australia ChinaThailand 听短文,找出短文中所提到的国家。听短文,找出短文中所提到的国家。 Festival Which festival do you like? 节日节日 in April. in January or February January 1st. Australia ChinaThailand 默读默读短文,请快速找出这些国家短文,请快速找出这些国家新年是什么时候新年是什么时候。 When is the New Years Day in? 1 3 2 The New Years Day is on January 1st,but people in Australia often have parties on the night of December 31st. They like going out. Just before 12:00 midnight, they shout “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year! ” Q: Whens the New Years Day in Australia”? The New Years Day is on January 1st. Chinese New Year =Spring Festival January 1st in lunar year 农历正月初一农历正月初一 in China lanterns have a big dinner fireworks 教材分析教材分析 教材分析:教材分析:本课教学内容选开心版五年级下 Unit3 More reading and writing 内容。本课的 内容是运用教师自编与上一单元角色小鸟冰冰有关的小故事,在复习新年时间的基础上开展 的,引出澳大利亚、中国、泰国三个不同国家新年的时间,风俗。选择故事中多次滚动所学 的词汇,旨在让学生感知由单词组合形成句子的过程。核心句子介绍自己国家的节日。通过 本课的活动让学生感知中西方文化差异,节日特点,风俗习惯。使学生更加喜爱中国的传统节 日。 教学方法教学方法:任务法 采用任务型教学模式,让学生在有任务的情形下理解课文。 教教 具具:课件,单词卡片 学情分析学情分析 五年级的孩子活泼可爱,求知欲强,但也存在着稳定性较差,注意力 不易长时间集中等特点。大多数学生对影片都感兴趣,尤其通过课件 展示,更增加了学生对本课知识的趣味性。 教学目标教学目标 一、知识目标 1.Learn to say and understand the words: New Year, Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, China, Thailand, Australia 2.Learn to say the key sentences: Happy New Year! We can have a party at Chinese New Year. We have firecrackers. 二、能力目标 1.能用英语谈论节日; 2.Try to talk about Chinese New Year and what do we do at Chinese New Year? At the same time, raise the students language abilities. 三、情感、文化、学习策略 通过学习新年的英语句子,让学生更加喜爱中国的传统节日。 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 1本课时的重点 1、Help students grasp the 4-skill words: New Year, China, Thailand, Australia 2、 Talk about the customs of our Chinese New Year using the phrases . 2、本课时的难点: How to use the new words and the drills to Talk about the customs of our Chinese New Year. 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings. What is your favorite(最爱的)最爱的) festival(节日)(节日)?My favorite festival is the New years Day in China. Chinese New year=Spring Festival 中国的农历新年也叫春节中国的农历新年也叫春节 2. Lets sing a song :Happy New Year. (通过全班做动作唱歌的方式,以聚焦本课重点) Step 2 Presentation/Interesting Practice 1).Free Talk: This is Bingbing. Every year she goes to many places 全班观看由冰冰带来的光盘,找出找出 Video 中所提到的国家。中所提到的国家。 (出示课题) Unit Unit3 Dates!(More reading and writing)Happy New Year! 任务呈现: 1).T: Bingbings dairy is not in correct order with the pictures. Can you help her to match it again. Please open your books at page 36. 冰冰游记的其中三段与相片调乱,你能帮她重新配对吗?请打开课本 第 36 页。 2).全文以大家熟悉的冰冰喜欢新年为主线,她去了三个国家过新年因为这三个国家的新年分 别在一月一日,一、二月及四月,中西方文化背景的不同,课文中的个国家这个节日里发生 了一些很有趣的事情。我们来看一看,究竟发生了什么? 任务准备 1. Now please open your books at page 36 . Listen to the tape and tell me what happened ? OK, look at the picture and what are these?(课件出示) (板书思维导图及时教授单词) (课件出示)教授单词. 2. Listen, point and find the sentences with “ New Year!” 教师及时板书: 以 The New Year is different in different countries 为导体,引出 Australia,China and Thailand 的新年风俗 。 Happy New Year! Chinese New Year means Spring Festival. 3. Listen and read the text. 4. Give you 5 minutes . Read the text and answer the questions. 1)How many country are there in the story? 2)What do they do at Chinese New Year? 5. T: Look at the screen, What do you say at Chinese New year? What do you do at Chinese New Year?(课件出示) 6.Give you 1 minute and read the text. 任务完成 1. 帮助冰冰完成游记。 My favorite New Years Day Hello, Im Bingbing. I like _. Its inon_. Because I can _. I can _. I am very happy. What about you? 表格填完以后,将得到的信息做一个统计,并将统计的结果简单地填写在表格下面的文字里, 并在班级里进行汇报 Report: 7.Homework: 1.Read the text on page 36 2.Make a report about Spring Festival. 板书设计 Unit3Unit3 Dates!(MoreDates!(More readingreading andand writing)writing) CountriesFestivalWhenWhat can we do ? Australia the New Years DayOn January 1sthave parties (outside) China the Spring Festival the Chinese New Year In January or February eat a big meal visit relatives get some lucky money Thailandthe Water FestivalIn Aprilthrow water at each other 教学反思教学反思 纵观整堂课,由于这个小绘本把前面词汇串联成小故事,滚动重复练习,同时巩固单词纵观整堂课,由于这个小绘本把前面词汇串联成小故事,滚动重复练习,同时巩固单词 的认读,又发展了学生的阅读理解能力。的认读,又发展了学生的阅读理解能力。 不足之处:课堂内容老师指引操练过多,需要以后教学中注意改正。不足之处:课堂内容老师指引操练过多,需要以后教学中注意改正。
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