广东版五上Culture 2Festivals-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:b0f12).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Culture 2 Festivals_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:b0f12)
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编号:1702938    类型:共享资源    大小:69.64MB    格式:ZIP    上传时间:2021-09-04
1 Passage1: Brief introduction Located in Southeast Asia, Pakistan is adjacent to China, with three-fifths of mountains and hills. It is a multi-ethnic Islamic country and more than 95 % of them believe in Islam. The national flag is composed of dark green and white, and the dark green part has star and the moon. The Star represents light, and the moon represents progress. The star and the moon represent faith in Islam. Its capital is Islamabad, the national language is Urdu, and they also speak English. New words: Southeast ,saist 东南亚 adjacent desnt 邻近的 three-fifths 五分之三 multi-ethnic mltienik 多民族 Islam zlm 伊斯兰教 is composed of 由组成 represent ,rprznt 代表 light lat 光明 progress prgres 光明 faithfe 信仰 Islamaba isl:mb:d 伊斯兰堡 Urdu udu: 乌尔都语 Task 1:Choose the best answer 选择最佳答案 Q1:Pakistan is located in_ Asia. A. Southeast B. Northeast C. Southwest Q2:The national flag is composed of_. A. dark green B. white C. Both A and B Q3:Where is the capital of Pakistan? A. Tokyo B .Paris C. Islamabad Q4:What is the national language of Pakistan? A. English B. Urdu C. Japanese Passage 2: Food Culture Pakistanis like to eat curry food made of pepper, turmeric and so on. The main foods include pancakes and rice, with curry meat, vegetables and lentils. Chicken paella and Halima are unique Pakistani dishes .They are very popular around the world. Drinking milk tea is a hobby of Pakistanis. Milk tea is their indispensable 2 drink every day. Therefore, Pakistan is known as the Milk Tea Kingdom. New words: curry kr 咖哩 turmeric tmrk 姜黄 lentils lentl 小扁豆 chicken paellapael鸡肉饭 Halima 哈利姆 indispensable ndspnsbl 不可缺少的; Task 2:Listen and judge T or F 听录音并判断对错 Q1. Pakistanis dont like to eat curry food. Q2. The main foods include pancakes and rice, with curry meat, vegetables and lentils. Q3.Beef paella is one of the special foods in Pakistan. Q4. Pakistanis like to drink milk tea. Q5. Pakistan is called the Milk Tea Kingdom. Passage 3:The Ashura (阿舒拉节阿舒拉节) The Ashura is one of the most important traditional festivals in Pakistan. It means tenth, from January 10th to January 20th of the Islamic calendar. This is to commemorate the Shiite leader Hussein. During the festival, people will hold grand mourning ceremonies and parades. Some Muslims will abuse themselves. This is to experience the suffering of Hussein. On the evening of the festival, people will sing to express their memories. Many people will sing and cry. After the memory, food and water will be distributed. After the festival, people will hold a grand parade again and kill a large number of sheep in the street. After that, the mutton will be cut into pieces and distributed to the poor. New words: commemorate kmmret 纪念 grand rnd 宏大的 mourning mrn 悼念 ceremonies srmonz仪式 Hussein侯赛因 abuse bjuz 虐待 experience ksprns体验 suffering sfr 痛苦 expresskspres表达 memories memrz缅怀 distributed dstrbjtd分发 Task 3:Listen、read and finish the table 听录音,阅读文章并完成表格 3 FestivalWhenActivities During the festival 1.hold grand _and_ 2._themselves. 3. sing and_. 4. distribute _and _. The Ashura After the festival1.kill lots of _ 2. distribute the mutton to the _. Passage 4: Customs Dont eat pork and dog meat in Pakistan. Dont send a handkerchief to relatives. Dont eat traditional food with your left hand. Dont speak number 13 and 420, because they are the unlucky number. New words: handkerchief hktf 手帕 P Pa ak kistanistan Watch a video TasTask1:Ck1:Choosehoosethethebbestestansweranswer选择最佳答案选择最佳答案 Q1:Pakistanislocatedin_Asia. A.SoutheastB.NortheastC.Southwest Q2:Thenationalflagiscomposedof_. A.darkgreenB.whiteC.BothAandB Q3:WhereisthecapitalofPakistan? A.TokyoB.ParisC.Islamabad Q4:WhatisthenationallanguageofPakistan? A.EnglishB.UrduC.Japanese Q1:Pakistanislocatedin_Asia. A.SoutheastB.NortheastC.Southwest 1 Q2:Thenationalflagiscomposedof_. A.darkgreenB.whiteC.BothAandB 2 Q3:WhereisthecapitalofPakistan? A.TokyoB.ParisC.Islamabad 3 Q4:WhatisthenationallanguageofPakistan? A.EnglishB.UrduC.Japanese 4 Task2:ListenandjudgeTorF听录音并听录音并判断对错判断对错 Q1. Pakistanis dont like to eat curry food. Q2. The main foods include pancakes and rice, with curry meat, vegetables and lentils. Q3.Beef paella is one of the special foods in Pakistan. Q4. Pakistanis like to drink milk tea. Q5. Pakistan is called the milk tea Kingdom. Q1.Pakistanisdontliketoeatcurry food. 1 Q2.Themainfoodsincludepancakes andrice,withcurrymeat,vegetablesand lentils. 2 Q3.Beefpaellaisoneofthespecial foodsinPakistan. 3 Q4.Pakistanisliketodrinkmilktea. 4 Q5.Pakistaniscalledthe“MilkTea Kingdom. 5 Is there any special food in China? Are there any important festivals in China? Task3:Listen、readandfinishthetable边听边阅读,边听边阅读, 然后在小组里讨论并完成表格。然后在小组里讨论并完成表格。 Task3:Listen、readandfinishthetable听录音听录音 阅读文章并完成表格阅读文章并完成表格 FestivalWhenActivities TheAshura _ _ _ _ Duringthefestival 1.holdgrand_ _and_. 2._themselves. 3.singand_. 4.distribute_ and_. Afterthefestival 1.killlotsof_. 2.distributethemuttontothe _. whe n Task3:Listen、readandfinishthetable听录音听录音 阅读文章并完成表格阅读文章并完成表格 FestivalWhen Activities TheAshura _ _ _ _ Duringthefestival 1.holdgrand_ _and_. 2._themselves. 3.singand_. 4.distribute_ and_. Afterthefestival 1.killlotsof_. 2.distributethemuttontothe _. activities Task3:Listen、readandfinishthetable听录音听录音 阅读文章并完成表格阅读文章并完成表格 FestivalWhenActivities TheAshura _ _ _ _ Duringthefestival 1.holdgrand_ _and_. 2._themselves. 3.singand_. 4.distribute_ and_. Afterthefestival 1.killlotsof_. 2.distributethemuttontothe _. activities Watch a video Donteatporkanddogmeat. Dontsendahandkerchieftorelatives. Donteattraditionalfoodwithyourlefthand. Dontspeaknumber13and420,becausethey aretheunluckynumber. Differentplaceshavedifferentcustoms. Asastudent,weshouldrecognizeand respectthediversityofculture.(不同的地方(不同的地方 有不同的习俗。作为一名学生,我们要认识并尊有不同的习俗。作为一名学生,我们要认识并尊 重文化的多样性。)重文化的多样性。) Summary Pakistan Brief introduction Food Festival Customs Homework Searchmoreinformation aboutPakistan. 1 Pakistan 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1) 学生能够读懂阅读文章的大意。 (2) 学生能够了解巴基斯坦的基本信息、饮食、节日以 及习俗。 2. 能力目标 (1) 学生能够读懂阅读文章的大意,并能够回答相关问 题。 (2) 通过阅读文本,学生能够掌握一些阅读技巧并养成 良好的阅读习惯。 (3) 通过小组比赛和小组合作学习,培养学生的团队意 识和合作能力。 3. 情感目标 (1) 在感受文化的差异中树立正确对待文化的多样性和促 进不同文化之间的交流与共同发展的情感。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1. 通过阅读文本,学生能够掌握一些阅读技巧并养成良好 的阅读习惯。 2.学生能够了解巴基斯坦的基本信息、饮食、节日以及习俗。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 1. 学生能够读懂阅读文章的大意。 2. 通过阅读文本,学生能够掌握一些阅读技巧并养成良好 的阅读习惯。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 学生准备:全班分成八个小组,学生自带笔。 2 教师准备:多媒体课件,板书贴图,磁铁,学生阅读文本 和相关练习题卷,小组竞赛礼物 2 份。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step1. Pre-reading 1. Greetings and warming up: free talk and make groups. 2.2.Lead in: Teacher show the language to show the topic. 【设计意图设计意图】 Free talk 环节,主要是跟学生简单介绍自己与学生互动, 走进学生,拉近学生和老师的距离。Lead in 环节通过老师的 语言来引出本节课的主题-巴基斯坦 【设计意图设计意图】 通过视频简单介绍 Pakistan,让学生对巴基斯坦有基本的了 解,为接下来的教学做好铺垫。 Step2 While-reading 1. Watch a video: Brief introduction of the Pakistan. Choose the best answer. 【设计意图设计意图】 通过视频简单介绍 Pakistan,让学生对巴基斯坦有基本的了解, 为接下来的教学做好铺垫。 2. Detailed reading: The food culture in Pakistan. 3 Judge T or F 【设计意图设计意图】 学生带着老师的问题进行阅读,让学生快速阅读通过寻找关键 词完成阅读目标。在讲解饮食文化的同时,展示一些图片,通 过视觉冲击让学生对巴基斯坦更感兴趣。 3. Detailed reading: the festivals in Pakistan. (group work) 4 【设计意图设计意图】 首先通过问题来引入节日的话题,然后通过表格的形式让学生了解 阿舒拉节这个节日的名称,时间以及活动,让学生了解这个节日。 并且让学生在小组内共同完成这个表格,在小组内合作交流,培养 学生的合作意识。 Step3 post-reading IntroduceIntroduce thethe taboostaboos inin Pakistan.Pakistan. 5 【设计意图设计意图】 首先通过老师所了解到的中国禁忌引出禁忌这个话题,并且 让学生根据图片先猜猜巴基斯坦的禁忌,老师再讲解。在讲解 习俗方面没有设置练习,而是通过展示图片让学生能直观的了 解巴基斯坦的一些禁忌。这也是对本节课的情感目标的提升。 (1)Show time 6 According to the picture, tell your partner what cant we do in Pakistan.根据图片,告诉你的伙伴巴基 斯坦的禁忌。 【设计意图设计意图】 通过学生的口头表达,让学生更加深入了解巴基斯坦的禁忌, 并且可以达到训练学生口语的效果。 Step4 Summary and Homework 1. Sum up the knowledge and the group competition. 2. Set homework 【设计意图设计意图】 总结环节既是对本节课知识学习的总结,也是对学生小组比赛 的总结。最后布置作业。 板书设计:板书设计: Pakistan Introduction Food Festival Customs Pakistan
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广东版五上Culture Festivals_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_(编号:b0f12) 粤教版 _culture festivals_ppt 课件 教案 视频 音频 素材
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