(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第一册 Unit 5 Into the wild Understanding ideas课件ppt(含视频音频).zip


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展开 2021新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit5IntothewildUnderstandingideasppt课件含视频音频.zip2021新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit5IntothewildUnderstandingideasppt课件含视频音频.zip
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P2 Language points 1P2 Language points 1 http:/http:/ Unit5Unit5 IntothewildIntothewild 1.Thisannualmovementiscalledmigration. 这一年一度的行为叫做“迁徙”。 annualadj. happeningordoneonceeveryyear一年 一度的,每年的 Ourschoolsannualsportsdaytookplace yesterday. 我们学校昨天举行了一年一度的运动会。 Thecompanysannualreportshowsthat thesituationisnotoptimistic. 该公司的年度报告显示,情况并不乐观。 annualreport 年度报告 2.Theymigratetofindfood,seekapartner, orinsearchofwarmerweather. 它们迁徙为了寻找食物,寻找伙伴,或者 寻找更暖和的天气。 Oneofthemostmigrationsinnatureisthatof theNorthAmericanmonarchbutterfly. 自然界最为壮观的迁徙之一就是北美洲黑 脉金斑蝶的迁徙。 migrate v. migration n. migratev. (ofbirds,animals)tomovefromonepart oftheworldtoanotheraccordingtothe season移栖,迁徙 Swallowsmigratesouthinwinter. 燕子在冬天迁徙到南方。 Mostbirdshavetoflylongdistancesto migrate. 绝大多数鸟类为了迁徙都不得不进行长距 离的飞行。 migrationv. themovementoflargenumbersofpeople, birdsoranimalsfromoneplacetoanother 迁徙 Themigrationforthesebirdsisbasedon anumberofdifferentsenses. 这些鸟类的迁徙是基于许多不同的感官。 Thecavesoftenlayonvalleyslopesand providedexcellentviewsofanimal migrationroutes. 这些洞穴通常都是位于山谷的斜坡,它是 个观察动物迁徙路线的绝佳地方。 Wesoughtlongandhardbutfoundno answer. 我们长期艰苦寻找,但没有找到答案。 Theysoughtshelterfromtherain yesterday. 他们昨天找了个避雨的地方。 Hesoughttocheatintheexambutin vain. 他试图考试作弊,但白费心机。 seekv. totrytofindorobtainsth. 寻求;寻找 seektodosth 试图/争取做某事 seek-sought- sought 3.Somehowtheymanagetotravelaround4,000 kilometressouth 它们总是能设法完成向南飞行4000公里 Theshipsankbutwemanagedtogetona lifeboat. 船下沉了,但是我们设法爬上了救生艇。 Whydoeshemanagetohelpus? 为什么他要设法帮助我们呢? managev. (tosucceedindoingsth,especiallysthdifficult) 完成(困难的事);勉力完成 managetodosth(=succeed indoingsth)设法完成某事 1.Theboxisheavy,butIcanmanage _(carry)it. 2.我们设法及时赶到了机场。 Wemanagedtogettotheairportintime. tocarry practice practice 4.Itusesitseyestomeasurethepositionofthe sun. 它用它的眼睛来测量太阳的位置。 measurev. tofindthesize,quantity,etc.ofsthinstandard units测量;度量 Thedoctorweighedthebabyandmeasured itsheight. 医生给婴儿称了体重,量了身材。 Insomeexperiments,youwillbetoldwhatto measureandwhatinstrumentstouse. 在有些实验中,你将会被告知要测量什么和使 用什么仪器。 practice practice 1.Measurethelengthandwidthofthegap. 2.我们测量了电机的温度. Wemeasurethetemperatureofthemotor. 测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。 5.Thesetwopiecesofinformationallowthe butterflytodeterminethewaytogo. 这两条信息允许蝴蝶来确定它们去的地方 。 determinev. fixsthprecisely;decide确定某事物,决定 Genesdeterminethecharacteristicsof everylivingthing. 基因决定每个生物的特征。 Doheredity(遗传)andenvironment determineamanscharacter? 遗传和环境决定一个人的性格吗? 1.Thesevotersoftendeterminethe outcomeofstatewideelections. 这些选民们往往决定着全州大选的结果。 2.鸡块的大小将决定烹饪时间的长短。 Thesizeofthechickenpieceswill determinethecookingtime. practice practice 6.Themoreweknowabout,thegreater thechanceitwillsurvive 我们了解的越多它幸存的可能性就越 大 the+比较级,the+比较级 越越 ThemoreIknowhim,themoreIlikehim. 我越了解他就越喜欢他。 Themoreself-knowledgewehave,themore controlwecanexert(运用)overourfeelingsand behaviour. 我们越有自知之明就越能控制自己的感情和行 为。 survivev. tocontinuetoliveorexistdespitea dangerouseventortime幸存;幸免于难 ;艰难度过 Notonlydidwesurvive,butwe managedtohelpothers. 我们不但自身幸存下来,我们还帮助了很 多其他人。 The Voiceisgoingtosurviveanother round,Powellsays. 美国好声音将艰难度过另一轮,鲍威 尔说。 1.Themorepowerfulthecar,themore difficultitistohandle. 汽车的功率越大,就越难驾驭。 2.由于他的帮助我们最终能够在这场可怕 的灾难中幸免于难。 Thankstohishelpwewereabletosurvive inthisterribledisasterintheend. practice practice LetthewordflyLetthewordfly 名言警句读一读名言警句读一读 whilewhile Makehaywhilethesunshines. Readingistothemindwhileexerciseto thebody. 良机勿失。 读书健脑,运动强身。 表示“一会儿”“一段时间” Shelikestoliedownforawhileafter lunch. Comingtoanothercountrytostudy requiresabigadjustmentandittakesawhile tofitin. 试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词while的用法。 她喜欢午饭后躺一会儿。 来到另一个国家求学,需要很大的调整并 花一段时间来适应。 while作名词 (1)引导时间状语“当的时候”。 Wemuststrikewhiletheironishot. Whileshewaslisteningtotheradio,she fellasleep. (2)引导让步状语从句,意思是“虽然/尽 管但是”(多放于句首)。 Whileheloveshisstudents,heisverystrict withthem. 趁热打铁。 她听着收音机睡着了。 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格 。 while作连词 意思为“而,然而” but表转折,while表对比。 Somepeoplewastefoodwhileothers haventenough. YoulikesportswhileIlikereading. Honeyissweet,butthebeestings. 有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。 蜂蜜很甜,但蜜蜂有刺蜇人。 你喜欢运动而我喜欢读书。 while作并列连词 短语whileaway意思是“逍遥自在地度过 , 消磨(时间)” Wewhiledawaytheafternoonplaying cardsinfrontofthefire. 我们下午坐在炉火边打牌来消磨时间。 ThatsthebarwhereSaraandIusedto whileawaythehoursbetweenlectures. 我和萨拉课间就在那家小吃店消磨时间。 while作动词 现学现用 Workinpairs.Oneofyoumakesup sentenceswithwhileinEnglish, theothermakesupsentencesinChinese, thenyouexchangeandtranslatethem. annualmovement migrate seek managetodosth measurethe positionofthesun determine survive 一年一度的迁移活动 迁徙n.migration 寻求;寻找 设法完成某事 测量太阳的位置 确定某事物,决定 幸存;幸免于难;艰难 度过 ReviewReview Self-evaluation Doyouknowthemeaningsofthe followingwordsandexpressions?Can youusethemcorrectly? 各个击破 annualmigrateseek measuredeterminesurvive managetodosthseektodosth migrateseek measuresurvivemanage 1.Ifyouwantto_,youonlyhaveone option. 2.Weshould_commongroundand reservedifferencesonthisissue. 3.Intheworldofanimal,migrantbirdisa sortofvigorousandrobustbird,whotakes pleasurein_. 4.Youmust_thelengthbyruleand line. 5.Howdidyou_getaticket? seek survive migration manageto measure I.Fillintheblankswiththerightformsof thewordsgiven. II.Translatethefollowingsentencesinto English. 1.许多设计师试图制造未来汽车。 _ _ 2.她引用了年度报告中的数字。 _ _ 3.我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该做什 么。 _ _ Manydesignersseektocreatethecarof thefuture. Shequotedfiguresfromtheannual report. Myaimwasfirstlytodetermine whatIshoulddonext. 1.Trytomemorizetheimportant expressions. 2.Trytofindthesentencesincluding relativeadverbs(关系副词)inthe passageandfinishtask1&2onP53. HomeworkHomework Words and Expressions monarch monarch butterfly Atlantic whale annual migration migrate seek n. 君主,国王君主,国王 黑脉金斑蝶黑脉金斑蝶 adj. 大西洋的大西洋的 n. 鲸鲸 adj. 一年一度的,每年的一年一度的,每年的 n. 迁徙迁徙 v. 移栖,迁徙移栖,迁徙 v. 寻找,寻求寻找,寻求 Read after the tape and speak out the Chinese immediately. Words and Expressions professor measure position determine eventually solution mystery amazing n. 教授教授 v. 量,测量量,测量 n. 位置位置 v. 测定,确定测定,确定 adv. 终于,最终终于,最终 n. 解决,解决方法解决,解决方法 n. 难以理解的事物,谜难以理解的事物,谜 adj. 惊人的,了不起的惊人的,了不起的 Words and Expressions crash per cent destroy chemical caterpillar creature survive effect flow chart v. 暴跌暴跌 n. 百分比百分比 v. 破坏,毁掉破坏,毁掉 n. 化学品化学品 n. 毛虫(蝴蝶等昆虫的幼虫)毛虫(蝴蝶等昆虫的幼虫) n. 生物,动物生物,动物 v. 活下来,幸存活下来,幸存 n. 影响,结果影响,结果 流程图,作业图流程图,作业图 Before reading Watch and sayWatch and say 1. What phenomenon is mentioned in the video? 2. What is “animal migration” ? Animal migration Animal migration refers to the movement of a species from one habitat to another in response to seasonal changes to the environment. Migration happens in all parts of the animal kingdom, from fish and insects to birds, reptitles and mammals. Look at the pictures and choose the animals that migrate. Share your answers! Now talk about what you know about animal migration based on these points Animal that migration Time of animal migration Influences of human activities on animal migration Reasons for animal migration Now lets read a passage about the Monarchs journey. While reading Read and finish the tasks as quickly as possible. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The monarchs migration. B. The reasons for monarchs migration. C. Mexicos monarch. Task 1Go through the passage quickly and answer the questions. Tips The main idea of a passage can be found from its title, the topic sentence, or even the pictures. Tips Title The topic sentence Pictures Read the passage and find out what mystery the scientists have solved. Task 2 The scientists have solved the mystery of how monarch butterflies manage to travel a long distance and find their way to their destination. 2P50 1. In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterflys migration. 2. In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly. 3. In a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America. Choose where you are most likely to find the passage. Task 3 3P52 1. Why do many animals migrate? (Para. 1) 2. How does the monarch determine the way to go? (Para. 3) 3. What has happened to the monarch in the past few years and how did it happen? (Para. 4) 4. Whats the significance of the research on the monarch? (Para. 5) Read paragraph by paragraph to answer the following questions. Task 4 1. They migrate to find food, seek a partner, or in search of warmer weather. 2. The monarch is able to tell the time of the day and the point where the sun is in the sky. 3. Because of human activities the number of the monarch has crashed by as much as 90 percent in the past few years. 4. The research on the monarchs behavior has led to a greater awareness of it and people have been working together to record its migration and make sure there are enough plants for it to feed on. Check your answers! Complete the sentences with expressions from the passage. Then use sentences to complete the “cause-effect” flow chart. Task 5 4P52 d a. The monarch butterfly is able to tell _. b. Using these two pieces of information, the monarch butterfly determines _. c. The monarch butterfly measures _ _ with its eyes. d. The monarch butterfly reaches _ _. the time of day the way to go the position it will spend the winter a / c c / a b of the sun the places where Check your answers! h e. Humans _ trees. f. The _ where monarchs can be found is destroyed. g. Humans use chemicals that _ that monarch caterpillars eat. h. The monarch butterflys population _ _ in the last few years. cut down natural environment of many places kill the plants (by as much as 90 per cent) e / g g / e f has crashed After reading analyzing, mindmap, summary, retelling The monarchs journey The definition of migration The background to the monarchs migration The mystery of the monarchs migration The trouble of the monarch Its solution Learn to understand the passage.1 Influences of human activities on the monarch 1. These two pieces of information- the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky- allow the butterfly to dertermine the way to go. 插入语 定语从句修饰先行词the point 关系 副词 Paraphrase The butterfly is aware of the time of the day and the position of the sun in the sky, so it can use these two pieces of information to find out which way to go. 这两条信息这两条信息一天中的时刻和太阳在天一天中的时刻和太阳在天 空中的位置空中的位置让黑脉金斑蝶能够判定前让黑脉金斑蝶能够判定前 进方向,最终成功抵达过冬的地点。进方向,最终成功抵达过冬的地点。 Sentence analyzing for better understanding 2 2. The solution to the mystery of the monarchs amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble. 时间状语 从句 solution to sth 的解决办法的解决办法 Theres no simple solution to this problem. 这个问题没有简单这个问题没有简单的解决办法的解决办法。 She came up with an ingenious solution to the problem. 她想出一个特殊她想出一个特殊的办法的办法来解决这个问题。来解决这个问题。 in serious trouble Without your help, we would have been in serious trouble. 没有你的帮助,我们会没有你的帮助,我们会遇到大麻烦遇到大麻烦。 You will be in serious trouble if anyone finds out the truth. 如果有人发现真相,你的如果有人发现真相,你的麻烦就大了麻烦就大了。 遇到大麻烦遇到大麻烦Paraphrase People solved the mystery of the monarchs amazing ability at the same time that the monarch is facing a serious and difficult situation. 黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人能力的奥秘被揭开时,黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人能力的奥秘被揭开时, 这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中。这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中。 翻译句子。翻译句子。 1. 人们喜欢住在空气新鲜,噪声少的人们喜欢住在空气新鲜,噪声少的 地方。地方。 People like to live in a place where there is fresh air and little noise. 2. Who do you call on when youre in serious trouble or facing a crisis? 当你当你遇到麻烦遇到麻烦或面对危机时,你可以向或面对危机时,你可以向 谁求救呢?谁求救呢? The Monarch s Journey Where Time How Every _ Travel around 4000 km south to _or _ Use _ to measure_ _and _ _ Main causes: _ such as _ and _ cutting down trees using chemicals Solution: Make sure that there are _for it to feed on enough plants autumn CaliforniaMexico time of the day eyes where the sun is in the sky human activityTrouble:_ _ _ its population has crashed by as much as 90% the point the Fill in the blanks and try to retell the passage The Monarchs Journey. 3 Every autumn, North American monarch butterflies migrate a long way to California or Mexico. The journey is difficult. Recently, a team of scientists discovered that the butterfly could use the time of day and the position of the sun to find the right way to go. Research also finds out that the number of butterflies is falling greatly due to human activities. Studies let people know more about monarch butterflies and call on us to do more to protect them so as to increase their number and keep their place in nature. (92 words) A possible version Discussion Think and Share 1. What impresses you most about the monarch butterfly? 2. What can people do to help protect the monarch butterfly? Conclusion Reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals Plant more trees Do a wildlife survey Restore habitat I. Match the words and expression with their definitions. 1. The committee was asked to _ the cost of establishing a new nature park. 2. Half the worlds rainforests have already been _. 3. The blue _ is the largest living creature in the world. 4. Deserts make up more than thirty _ of the Earths land surface. 5. The _ Ocean separates North America from Europe and Africa. 6. Place the plant in a bright sunny _ so that it gets enough light. 7. Scientists spent years _ an explanation for the Monarch Butterflys behaviour. 8. For our project, we _ the pollution produced by traffic on the roads near our school. Atlantic destroy determine measure percent position seek whale destroyed whale percent Atlantic position seeking measured determine II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. 1. Can you describe how and why monarch butterflies migrate every autumn? 2. How human activity influence the butterfly? 3. What can people do to help protect the monarch butterfly? Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation 各个击破各个击破 1. Polish your summary of this passage. 2. Write a passage to show your opinions on the relationships between people and animals.
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