(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 课件ppt(讲义+精练).zip


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    • 2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Unit 4
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Reading(Starting out & Understanding ideas).doc--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Reading(Starting out & Understanding ideas).ppt--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas).doc--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas).ppt--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Using Language.doc--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Using Language.ppt--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas.doc--点击预览
      • 19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas.ppt--点击预览
      • 课时分层作业10 Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas).doc--点击预览
      • 课时分层作业11 Using Language.doc--点击预览
      • 课时分层作业12 Developing ideas & Presenting ideas.doc--点击预览
展开 2021新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit4ppt课件讲义精练.zip2021新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit4ppt课件讲义精练.zip
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1 拥有真诚的友谊是十分重要的。因为它可以帮人渡过难关,体验人生的美 好。那么怎样才能交到朋友呢? How to make friends Many teenagers find it hard to make friends.It is NOT!Here are some ways for them. Make the first move.Dont be shy,because it wont help you in anything.Look around for someone that seems interesting,and then talk to them.A good subject to talk about to anyone is music,because almost everybody likes music.You can ask someone what kind of music they like and start a cool conversation with them and even find things in common.Other topics could be movies or sports.Keep away from those subjects like politics, religion,relationship problems and drama. Be nice.How do you expect them to like you if you are not nice?Put a calm smile on your face and find out what you and the person you are trying to be friends have in common.Youll be able to be more comfortable if you find out that other person has things in common with you. Be a good listener.Pay attention to what they say, look straight in their eyes and show youre paying attention.Its important to be a good listener,because everyone likes to be heard.If this person feels like youre listening to them, your new friend will enjoy talking with you more. Develop friendships.You may talk to someone now but soon theyll forget you if you stop.Youd better take a time to say hi to them every day and ask what theyre doing.Say their names as often as you can.If you do that every day,theyll be happy 2 that you care about them and remember them,so they wont forget you and they will become your good friends. 诱思导读 1What is a good subject to talk about to anybody? Music. 2How will you feel when you find out someone has a lot in common with you? Ill feel more comfortable. Section Reading(Starting out & Understanding ideas) .匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思 ()1.clickAn.网站 ()2.tend Badj.有意义的 ()3.advance Cv.点击(鼠标) ()4.enable Dn.进步,进展 ()5.meaningful Eadj.数字的,数码的 ()6.site Fv.使可能,使发生 ()7.digital Gv.保持,维持 ()8.maintain Hv.易于做某事 答案18CHDFBAEG .选择下列句中词组的汉语意思 A失去联系B不分良莠一起抛弃 C趋于做某事 D不露声色地;镇定地 E多亏了 F记住,牢记 G渴望 H和某人分享 ()1.She handled all of their questions without missing a beat. ()2.Keep in mind that the price does not include flights. 3 ()3.Thanks to your explanation,its clear to me now. ()4.If you lose track of someone or something,you no longer know where they are or what is happening. ()5.I tend to stick to fresh fruit for pudding. ()6.It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust. ()7.I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope. ()8.Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. 答案18DFEACHGB 第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P38P39教材课文,匹配段落大意。 ()1.Paragraph 1ALonging for friends is never out of date. ()2.Paragraphs 23 BProblems with new ways to make friends ()3.Paragraphs 47 CWays to make friends and communicate have changed. ()4.Paragraph 8 DAdvantages of new ways to make friends. 答案1.C2.D3.B4.A 第二步细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P38P39教材课文,判断正误。 1Without letters,people cant make friends.() 2New technology has changed peoples ways to make friends.() 3All the friends on the Internet are reliable.() 4To maintain friendship,people use more letters now than Internet.() 5The Internet is like a coin of two sides.() 答案1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T 第三步研读能力升华接轨高考 根据 P38P39教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正 4 确形式。 Thanks 1.to new technology,ways to make friends 2.have changed (change)a lot.In the past,we used 3.letters(letter),but now we use social media tools 4.to keep(keep) in touch.The Internet can connect us with 5.others(other)even if they live very far away.However,does it mean that your friends on the Internet are all reliable?It depends.Remember 6.what we see on social media is often not the whole 7.truth(true)about a person.On social media sites people tend 8.to post(post)only good things.As the saying 9.goes(go)“On the Internet,nobody knows youre a dog.”In spite of this,it doesnt mean we should throw the baby 10.out with the bathwater. Unit 4Friends forever 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 2 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 3 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 4 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 5 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 6 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 7 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 Section Reading(Starting out & Understanding ideas) 8 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 新生词汇 初识 9 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 10 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 11 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 12 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 13 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 教 材语篇 细研 14 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 15 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 16 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 17 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 18 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 to have changed letters to keep others 19 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 what truth to postgoes out 20 Thank you for watching ! 1 Section Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas) .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1Click(点击)on their names to find out more about them. 2We live in an age of rapid technological advance(进步) 3The evidence would enable(能使)us to arrive at firm conclusions. 4Most of the computers we are using are digital(数码的)computers. 5Facebook is a social media site 6It is absolutely important that food supplies should be maintained 7More significantly,China and Russia both voted in favor. 8Women tend to live longer than men. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1advance n进步,进展advanced adj.先进的,高级的 2significant adj.有重大意义的significantly adv.重大地,显著地 significance n重要性 3able adj.有能力的enable v使可能,使发生 4mean v意味着meaning n意思meaningful adj.有意义的 5usual adj.通常的,寻常的unusual adj.异常的,不平常的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1lost track of失去联系 2throw the baby out with the bathwater 不分良莠一起抛弃 2 3in advance 提前 4thanks to 多亏了 5long for 渴望 6tend to 趋向于 7keep in mind 牢记 8even if 即使 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1She longed for a chance to speak to him in private. 2Thanks to recent research,effective treatments are available. 3I wouldnt lose courage even if I should fail ten times. 4It is cheaper if you book the tickets in advance 5It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me. 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters? 要是获得远方朋友的消息的唯一方式是写 信,会怎么样呢? What if.?要 是会怎么 样呢? What if she finds out that youve lost her book? 如果她发现你把 她的书丢了怎么 办? 2.Thanks to advances in technology,how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly. 多亏了科技进步,我们交朋友及与他们沟 通的方式大大改变。 主语从句 Whether she will come or not is still a question. 她是否来还是一 个问题。 3.Although technology has changed the way we are connected,the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. 虽然科技改变了我们联系的方式,但是友 the way定 语从句 I dont like the way he looks at me. 我不喜欢他那种 样子看着我。 3 谊的真谛和对友情的渴望是不变的。 lose track of 失去联系 (教材 P38)How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends? 如果搬迁到一个新城市意味着和朋友失去联系你会感觉如何呢? (1)由“lose名词介词”构成的常用短语还有: lose sight of再也见不着 lose control of 失去控制 lose faith in 不再相信 lose touch with 失去联系 (2)由“其他动词名词介词”构成的常见短语: catch sight of 看见 do harm to 损害 make use of 利用 pay attention to 注意 We could make better use of our resources. 我们可以更有效地利用我们的资源。 Please pay attention to what I am saying. 请注意听我说的话。 She lost(lose)control of her car on the ice yesterday. 昨天她在冰上开车失去了控制。 Now he has lost touch with all his old friends. 现在他与所有的老朋友都失去了联系。 (教材 P38)Thanks to advances in technology,how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly. 4 多亏了科技进步,我们如何交友及保持联系的方式大大改变。 (1)advance v促进;前进;提前 n前进;进步 in advanceahead of time提前,预先 make an advance in sth. 在某方面有进步 advanced adj. 先进的;高级的 I should warn you in advance,we may be delayed. 我得预先提醒你,我们也许会被耽搁。 Thanks to the advanced(advance) technology,we live in an age of better communication. 多亏了先进的技术,我们生活在一个较好的通信时代。 They had advanced(advance)20 miles by nightfall. 夜幕降临时,他们已推进了 20 英里。 (2)【要点提炼】 本句是 how 引导的主语从句,作 has changed 的主语。 在复合句中作主语的从句叫主语从句。引导主语从句的词有从属连词 that,whether 以及连接代词 who,what,which,whoever 和连接副词 when,where,why,how等。 When they will start has not been decided yet. 他们何时出发还没决定。 That she was chosen made us very happy. 她当选了使我们很高兴。 What caused the accident is a complete mystery. 是什么导致了这项事故还完全是个谜。 It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting. 我们在哪里开这个会都无所谓。 maintain v保持,维持;维修 (教材 P38)Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships without missing a beat. 社交媒体工具让我们知道朋友在干什么并不露声色地保持友谊。 5 maintain.at.把保持在 maintain with. 与保持 maintenance n. 维护,保养;维持,保持 Food is necessary to maitain life. 食物是维持生命必需的。 The two countries have maintained(maintain)friendly relations for many years. 两国多年来一直保持着友好的关系。 Maintain your speed at 60 mph. 你要保持每小时 60 英里的速度。 click n咔嗒声;(计算机)点击 v(使)发出咔嗒声;点击 (教材 P39)CLICK for a friend? 点击找到了朋友? doubleclick双击 click out 劈劈啪啪打出 click for 幸运地获得 click (on)sth. 单击 click with sb. 受某人的欢迎 She heard the lock click softly. 她听到锁轻轻地发出咔嗒一声。 Click on their names to find out more about them. 点击它们的名称以获取更多信息。 The film has clicked(click)with young audiences. 这部电影受年轻观众的欢迎。 enable v使可能,使发生 (教材 P39)The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests,such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument. 数码时代也能使我们找到兴趣相同的人,如收集车模型或演奏非凡乐器的 群组。 6 enable sb.to do sth.使某人做某事 be able to do sth. 能够做某事 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. 听音乐能使我们放松。 A dogs ears enable it to hear(hear)the least sound. 狗的耳朵使它能听到极细微的声音。 We shall be able to deal(deal)with all sorts of problems.我们应该能够应付各 种困难。 (教材 P39)Although technology has changed the way we are connected,the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same.虽然科技改 变了我们联系的方式,但是友谊的真谛和对友情的渴望是不变的。 (1)【要点提炼】 we are connected 是定语从句,修饰先行词 the way。 (1)当 way 后面的定语从句中缺少状语时,关系词可用 in which 或 that,也 可以省略。 (2)当 way 后面的定语从句中缺少主语或宾语时,关系词用 that 或 which, 作宾语时可省略。 The mother held the baby in her front paws much the way a human does.(熊 猫)妈妈用前爪抱着熊猫宝宝,非常像人类抱婴儿的那种方式。 The way that/which he explained to us was quite simple. 他向我们解释的那种方法很简单。 The way in which he explained sentences to us was not difficult to understand. 他向我们解释句子的方式不难理解。 (2)remain vi.剩下;停留;留待;依然 写出下列句中 remain 的含义 The children ate and ate until no food remained on the table.剩下 After the party Judy remained and helped me do the dishes.留下 It remains to be seen whether he will pass the exam.留待 Last Sunday we visited the remains of an ancient castle.遗迹 7 (1)remain名词/形容词依然 remain to be done 某事有待去做 (2)remaining adj. 余下的,剩下的(只作前置定语) the remaining money/time 剩下的钱/时间 (3)remains n. 遗迹;剩余物;遗体 He bought a new pen with the remaining(remain)money. 他用剩下的钱买了一支钢笔。 Much remains to be done. 还有很多事要去做。 Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 火车票价很可能会保持不变。 It remains to be seen(see)whether you are right. 你说得对不对还有待证实。 The remaining(remain)twenty patients were transferred to another hospital. 其余的 20 名病人被转送到另一家医院。 Unit 4Friends forever Section Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas) 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 语言基础 自测 2 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 Click advance enable digital 3 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 site maintained significantly tend 4 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 advance significantly enable meaningful unusual 5 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 of with in to 6 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 for to in if 7 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 keep in mind longed for Thanks to even if in advance 8 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 What if 9 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 Whether she will come or not 10 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 the way he looks at me 11 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 核心要点 探究 12 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 13 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 14 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 15 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 with lost 16 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 17 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 had advanced advanced 18 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 19 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 where What 20 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 21 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 at have maintained 22 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 23 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 24 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 has clicked on 25 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 26 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 to deal to hear 27 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 28 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 29 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 in that/which 30 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 剩下 留下 留待 遗迹 31 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 32 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 remaining 33 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 remaining to be seen 34 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 课时分层作业 点击右图进入 35 Thank you for watching ! 1 Section Using Language .单词拼写 1She was extremely anxious(焦虑)about her exam. 2People today enjoy a better quality(质量)of life. 3Passions(激情)were running high at the meeting. 4He wanted to buy a pack(盒)of cigarettes. 5His patience was worn out by all these troubles. 6Just now she ate a slice of bread. 7I have poured you a cup of tea. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1courage n勇气encourage v鼓励encouragement n鼓励,鼓舞 2comfort n安慰,慰藉comfortable adj.舒适的 3patience n耐心patient adj.耐心的impatient adj.不耐心的 4humour n幽默humorous adj.幽默的 5anxiety n焦虑anxious adj.焦虑的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1a pack of一包 2a sense of humour 幽默感 3in comfort 舒适地 4a slice of 一片 5be anxious about 对担心 6allow sb.to do sth. 允许某人做某事 7come up with 想出 .选词填空 2 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1He is very anxious about the speech contest. 2Think a little harder and come up with a new solution. 3All of us want to live in comfort 4We all know that a sense of humour is important in everyday life. 5He allowed me to use his bike. quality n素质,品质 adj.高品质的;棒极了 (教材 P42)a quality that offers help to others 主动助人的品质 quality 作“质量”讲时,常用单数形式;作“品质”讲时是可数名词。 of quality高质量的 The store is proud of the quality of its wine. 这家商店为其酒的质量自豪。 “What was the film like”?“Quality!” “这部电影怎么样”?“棒极了”! He has all the qualities(quality) of a successful businessman. 他具有成功商人的所有品质。 The quality of life improved when they moved to France. 移居法国以后,他们的生活质量提高了。 anxious adj.焦虑的,不安的 (教材 P42)the ability to wait without becoming anxious or angry 没有焦虑和生气地等待的能力 (1)be anxious about对担心 be anxious at 因而担心 be anxious for 渴望 3 (2)anxiety n. 担心,焦虑 The whole country was anxious for peace. 全国上下都渴望和平。 Mother was anxious about her children. 妈妈很担心她的孩子。 She was both glad and anxious at the news. 她听到这个消息既高兴又着急。 定语从句(1)关系代词 语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句后自主感悟 1.and still stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. 2.The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests. 3.the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them. 1.例 1 中关系代词 that 在从句中作 宾语。 2.例 2 中关系代词 who 在从句中作 主语。 3.例 3 中关系代词 who 在从句中作 主语。 一、定语从句的句法功能及相关定义 1功能:相当于形容词,修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语。 2位置:定语从句常置于被修饰词之后;as 引导的非限制性定语从句可置 于主句前、句中,也可置于主句之后。 Those who are for the plan raise your hands,please. 赞同这个计划的人请举手。 As is known to us all,the earth is running around the sun. 我们都知道,地球绕着太阳运转。 3先行词:被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词。先行词一般是名词和不定代 4 词,如:some,any,every,no与body,thing 的合成词或 all,none,any,some,that,those 等代词。数词和人称代词也同样可作先行词。 二、定语从句的核心考点 1确定关系词的步骤: (1)先找先行词,看先行词指的是什么。 (2)看关系词在从句中所充当的成分。 注意:先行词与关系词是等量关系。 (1)先行词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的数由先行词而定。 This is the place which is worth visiting. 这是值得一看的地方。 (2)关系词在从句中充当了成分,其意思就是先行词的意义,所以在从句中 不能重复其意。 There are many places we can visit in China.(visit 后面不能再加 many places/them) 在中国有很多我们可以参观的地方。 2在定语从句中,当先行词指物时,下列情况中关系词用 that 而不用 which: (1)当先行词是序数词或形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级修饰时。 (2)先行词被 all,every,no,some,any,little,much,the only,the very,few 等修饰时。 (3)先行词为 all,much,little,none,few,something,anything 等不定代 词时。 (4)先行词中既有人又有物时。 D
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