(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 备课资料包(教案+课件+视频+音频) .zip
Book 1 Unit 5 Into the wild 教案设计教案设计 单元主题单元主题 本单元的主题语境是“人与自然” ,涉及的主题语境内容是人与动物的 关系。本单元从介绍英国人饲养宠物的情况开始,展现了黑脉金斑蝶 的迁徙、中国熊猫出访荷兰、与动物有关的英文习语、关于动物园圈 养动物的辩论、一次惊心动魄的拍摄经历、丹顶鹤的基本信息等语篇 类型丰富的文章内容,帮助学生了解动物习性、特征等相关知识,引 导学生深入思考人与动物的关系,最终形成关爱动物、与动物和谐相 处的正确的、可持续发展的观念。 单元目标单元目标 1.语言能力目标 能够理解与动物有关的文章内容,听懂并谈论与动物有关的话题,使 用新学语言简单谈论动物、围绕话题展开辩论,恰当使用定语从句描 述自然界中的动物,并能够给动物创建档案。 2.文化意识目标 通过了解黑脉金斑蝶、熊猫、丹顶鹤等动物的习性,感知人与动物的 和谐相处,形成关爱动物、保护生态的正确价值观;通过阅读熊猫租 借的相关信息,了解动物在文化交流方面的作用,坚定文化自信。 3.思维品质目标 能够有逻辑、有条理地在辩论中概括信息、构建概念、分析原因和逻 辑关系;能够创造性地表达关于人与动物关系的观点;能够在深入理 解文本的同时联系自身实际,思考如何处理好人与动物的关系,实现 知识与思维能力的迁移。 4.学习能力目标 能够通过了解人与动物关系的相关内容,激发英语学习的兴趣;能够 多渠道获取英语学习资源;能够选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、评价、 反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程。 Starting out 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 1015 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型Listening + Viewing + Speaking 主题语境主题语境人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 活动 1 通过呈现一段与动物主题相关的视频,帮助学生了解英国人饲 养宠物的情况。视频首先介绍了英国人饲养宠物的比例、花费,以及 最受欢迎的宠物是什么。然后有两位宠物主人简单分享了饲养宠物的 心得。此外,视频还介绍了英国的克鲁弗兹狗展(Crufts Dog Show) 以及在英国其他受欢迎的宠物。最后,视频介绍了英国皇家防止虐待 动物协会(Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)的相 关情况。 活动 2 呈现了四幅图片,要求学生看图片,了解生活中人与动物的关 系,并结合自身经历讲述自己与动物有哪些关系,使学生初步了解人 与动物应该如何和谐相处。 教学目标教学目标 本板块学习完成后,学生能够: 1. 能够看懂视频,了解英国人饲养宠物的情况,初步感知人与动物之 间的关系; 2. 能够通过视频内容,初步了解英国的克鲁弗兹狗展(Crufts Dog Show)和英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) ; 3. 能够结合视频内容和图片,同时联系自身经历讲述自己是如何和动 物相处的,并思考人与动物应该如何和谐相处。 教学重点教学重点 看懂视频,获取英国人饲养宠物的情况和相关背景知识,感知人与动 物之间的和谐相处。 教学难点教学难点基于自身经历,简单描述、谈论、评价人与动物之间的关系。 教学策略教学策略听说法 ProceduresTeaching contentsTeachers activityStudents activity Purposes Activity 1 1. T plays the video and instructs Ss to get some key information about pets in the UK. 2. T plays the video again to ask Ss to answer the two questions in the book. 1. Ss watch the video and get familiar with the topic. 2. Ss watch the video again and answer the questions. 1. To introduce the topic of humans and animals and stimulate Ss interest in the topic. 2. To practise Ss ability to get key information while watching and listening. 3. To help Ss learn about pets in the UK and get to know how humans get along with animals. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures in the book and describe them respectively. Then asks Ss to think about and answer the questions in the book. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks Ss to share their opinions about the two 1. Ss look at the pictures and describe them. Then think about and answer the questions in the book. 2. Ss work in groups, discussing their answers to the questions. 3. Ss share their opinions with the class. 4. Ss think more deeply 1. To go on deepening Ss understanding of how humans get along with animals. 2. To encourage Ss to discuss with others. 3. To encourage Ss to share their opinions with the class. 4. To help Ss have a further understanding questions in the group. T walks around in the classroom to offer necessary help when Ss are discussing. 3. T invites some Ss to share their answers in the class. Others can add what they want. 4. T asks Ss to think about other relationships between humans and animals if Ss have better ability. about the relationships between humans and animals. of the relationships between humans and animals. Understanding ideas 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 4045 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型Reading 主题语境主题语境人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为科普类说明文, 以科学家的观察和研究为依据介绍了黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙。读前的导入 活动列举了有迁徙行为的动物,请学生谈论对动物迁徙行为的认识, 帮助学生提前熟悉课文话题,为课文学习做铺垫。读中活动考查学生 对课文话题的理解。读后活动则是通过文章出处和主旨大意、细节理 解和开放性问答等活动,启发学生深入思考,运用所学知识创造性地 探究主题意义。 教学目标教学目标 本板块学习完成后,学生能够: 1. 能够通过略读锁定关键词,获取文章大意,辨别文章体裁,猜测文 章出处; 2. 能够通过精读,迅速找出主要细节在文中的位置,理清文中的因果 逻辑关系,并初步了解说明文的语篇结构; 3. 能够了解黑脉金斑蝶迁徙的背景、目的和方式,了解人类行为对其 生存的影响,加深对课文和单元主题的认识; 4. 能够通过自主学习与小组合作学习,进一步梳理和整合语篇信息, 深度思考人类应该如何保护好黑脉金斑蝶。 教学重点教学重点 1. 通过略读和精读,梳理和整合语篇信息; 2. 通过阅读语篇,梳理、归纳说明文的篇章结构。 教学难点教学难点 1. 通过语篇学习,提高阅读微技能,形成有效的阅读策略; 2. 辩证看待黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙现象,从多个角度思考人与动物的关系。 教学策略教学策略情景式教学策略 启发式教学策略 探索发现式教学策略 ProceduresTeaching contentsTeachers activityStudents activity Purposes Activity 1 1. T introduces the topic by sharing some pictures about monarch butterfly, Siberian crane, Atlantic salmon, red panda, killer whale and African lion. 2. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and choose the animals that migrate. 1. Ss enjoy the pictures and think about which animals immigrate. 2. Ss choose the animals that migrate and share their answers with the class. To introduce the topic of the reading passage. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the rubric independently and figure out what information they should pay attention to when reading the passage. 2. T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and find out what mystery the scientists have solved. 3. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. T gives explanations if necessary. 1. Ss read the rubric independently and figure out the task when they read the passage for the first time. 2. Ss skim the passage and find out what mystery the scientists have solved. 3. Ss share their answers with the class. 1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the passage as a whole. 2. To develop Ss ability to think independently. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the passage quickly again and choose where they are most likely to find the passage. 2. T encourages Ss to discuss in groups about their answers and share them with the class. 1. Ss read the passage and choose where they are most likely to find the passage. 2. Ss discuss their answers in groups and share them with the class. 1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the passage as a whole. 2. To develop Ss ability to think independently and help Ss learn from cooperative learning. Activity 4 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks each group to choose 1. Ss read the passage carefully and work in groups to choose the 1. To help Ss understand the details of the passage by one “cause-effect” flow chart to complete. 2. T asks Ss to read the passage carefully and complete the sentences and the flow chart. 3. T asks representatives of each group to share their answers with the class. Others can add what they want. 4. T asks Ss to retell the passage according to the flow charts if Ss have better ability. flow chart they would like to complete. 2. Ss discuss their answers in groups. 3. Representatives of each group share their answers with the class. Others add what they want. 4. Ss retell the passage according to the flow charts. careful reading. 2. To raise Ss awareness of the structure and logic of the passage. Think & Share 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks each group to think about and discuss the two questions. 2. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. Others can add what they want. 1. Ss share ideas about the two questions within their groups. 2. Some Ss share their answers with the class, and others can add what they want. To help Ss think more about what they can do to protect the monarch butterfly. Using language 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 6070 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型Grammar + Vocabulary + Listening + Speaking 主题语境主题语境人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 本板块分为语法,词汇和听说三部分。语法部分包括两个语篇,第一 个语篇展现了中国大熊猫到达荷兰后的情况,第二个语篇是一封介绍 南非之行的邮件;词汇部分介绍了与动物相关的英文习语,帮助学生 了解英语文化;听说部分的材料是动物园饲养员和动物保护组织成员 间就“是否应将动物圈养在动物园”展开的辩论,引导学生辩证地思 考人与动物的关系。通过真实语境下技能的综合训练,学生能够加深 对单元主题的理解,提高语言应用能力。 教学目标教学目标 本板块学习完成后,学生能够: 1. 能够发现、总结定语从句中关系副词的使用规律,并正确选用关系 副词; 2. 能够理解生活中常用动物习语的含义,收集、掌握并恰当地使用习 语; 3. 能够在听力训练中找到获取有效信息的听力策略; 4. 能够用已学语言展开辩论,表达同意或不同意的观点。 教学重点教学重点 1. 发现、总结定语从句中关系副词的使用规律; 2. 理解习语的运用语境,实现语言知识的迁移; 3. 在听力训练中找到获取有效信息的听力策略。 教学难点教学难点 1. 通过发现法总结、归纳关系副词 why, when, where 在定语从句中的 运用规律; 2. 对所学知识形成迁移能力,在真实语境中使用定语从句; 3. 通过听力训练形成有效的听力策略。 教学策略教学策略情景式教学策略 启发式教学策略 探索发现式教学策略 ProceduresTeaching contentsTeachers activityStudents activity Purposes Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to observe the sentences individually and answer the questions. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to discuss the differences between the two groups of sentences and summarise the rules of the relative adverbs in the attributive clause. 3. T asks Ss to share their answers and the rules they summarised. T can further extend the rules if necessary. 4. T asks Ss to look for more sentences with attributive clauses in the reading passage. 1. Ss observe the sentences and answer the questions. 2. Ss work in groups, discuss the differences between the two groups of sentences and summarise the rules of the relative adverbs in the attributive clause. 3. Ss read the passage again and look for more sentences with attributive clauses in the reading passage. To instruct Ss to summarise the rules of the relative adverbs in the attributive clause by discovery-based learning. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the short passage independently and get the main idea. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and ask 1. Ss read the short passage independently and get the main idea. 2. Ss work in groups and discuss what the words “where”, “when” To enable Ss to apply what they have learnt. them to discuss what the words “where”, “when” and “why” refer to. 3. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. and “why” refer to. 3. Ss share their answers with the class. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the email independently and get the main idea. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to complete the email with “where”, “when” or “why”, and pay attention to the structure of the email. 3. T asks some Ss to read the email to share their answers with the class. 1. Ss read the email independently and get the main idea. 2. Ss discuss in groups and complete the email with “where”, “when” or “why”, and pay attention to the structure of the email. 3. Ss share their answers with the class. 1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the email. 2. To help Ss learn from cooperative learning. Activity 4 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to describe the pictures. 2. T asks Ss to work in groups to complete the idioms with animal names and discuss the meaning of the idioms with the help of the pictures and the context. 3. T asks representatives of each group to share their answers with the class. Others can add what they want. 1. Ss work in groups and describe the pictures. 2. Ss work in groups to complete the idioms with animal names and discuss the meaning of the idioms with the help of the pictures and the context. 3. Representatives of each group share their answers with the class. Others add what they want. 1. To help Ss combine the learning of language with culture. 2. To enable Ss to enjoy the leaning of language. Activity 5 1. T asks Ss to read the short passage independently to get the main idea and have an idea of what they need 1. Ss read the short passage independently to get the main idea and have an idea of what they need to do. 1. To enable Ss to apply what they have learnt. 2. To help Ss learn from cooperative to do. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks Ss to work in groups to complete the short passage with the animal idioms in Activity 4 based on the context. 3. T asks representatives of each group to share their answers with the class by reading out the short passage. Others check the answers. 4. T encourages Ss to think of some Chinese animal idioms and compare them with the English ones they have just learnt if Ss have better ability. 2. Ss work in groups to complete the short passage with the animal idioms in Activity 4 based on the context. 3. Some Ss share their answers with the class, others check their answers. 4. Ss think of some Chinese animal idioms and compare them with the English ones they have just learnt. learning. 3. To cultivate Ss cross-cultural awareness. 4. To develop Ss critical thinking skills. Activity 6 1. T asks Ss to work in pairs to brainstorm more animal idioms. 2. T asks Ss to choose an idiom and describe a situation with it in pairs. 3. T asks some pairs of Ss to describe the situation with the animal idiom they choose and encourages other Ss to comment on the situation theyve heard. 1. Ss work in pairs to brainstorm more animal idioms. 2. Ss choose an idiom and describe a situation with it in pairs. 3. Some pairs of Ss describe the situation with the animal idiom they choose and other Ss comment on the situation theyve heard. To encourage Ss to share and present what they have learnt with each other confidently. Activity 7 1. T asks Ss to listen to the TV debate and get the main idea and choose the correct topic. T asks Ss to listen again if necessary. 2. T checks the answers with the whole class. 1. Ss listen to the TV debate and get the main idea and choose the correct topic. 2. Ss check the answers. To instruct Ss to listen out for the main topic. Activity 8 1. T asks Ss to look at the mind map independently to figure out the positions of both sides and their main arguments, and the requirements of the activity. 2. T asks Ss to listen to the TV debate and complete the mind map by summarising the arguments of both sides. 3. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the whole class. 4. T asks Ss to listen to the TV debate again and record how the speakers express agreement and disagreement. 5. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to work in groups to discuss how to give suggestions in a conversation. 6. T asks some groups to share their opinions. 1. Ss look at the mind map independently to figure out the positions of both sides and their main arguments, and the requirements of the activity. 2. Ss listen to the TV debate and complete the mind map by summarising the arguments of both sides. 3. Ss share their answers with the whole class. 4. Ss listen to the TV debate again and record how the speakers express agreement and disagreement. 5. Ss work in groups to discuss how to give suggestions in a conversation. 6. Ss share their opinions with the whole class. 1. To instruct Ss to listen out for some detailed information and summarise the skills in acquiring necessary information. 2. To help Ss learn from cooperative learning. 3. To encourage Ss to share and present what they have learnt with each other confidently. Activity 9 1. T asks Ss to work in pairs and choose their roles, and then read the assigned materials independently and make preparations for the debate. 2. T asks Ss to debate on whether people should keep animals as pets with the help of the words and expressions they have learnt. 1. Ss work in pairs and choose their roles, and then read the assigned materials independently and make preparations for the debate. 2. Ss debate on whether people should keep animals as pets with the help of the words and expressions they have learnt. 3. Ss present their 1. To help Ss learn from cooperative learning. 2. To help Ss develop critical thinking skills. 3. To encourage Ss to share what they have learnt with each other confidently. 3. T asks some pairs to present their debate to the whole class. 4. If Ss have better ability, T can divide the class into two groups and hold the debate, and T encourages Ss to prepare what they would say according to the different roles of a debating team. debate to the whole class. 4. Ss take a stand and prepare what they would say according to the different roles of a debatin
- 资源描述:
Book 1 Unit 5 Into the wild 教案设计教案设计 单元主题单元主题 本单元的主题语境是“人与自然” ,涉及的主题语境内容是人与动物的 关系。本单元从介绍英国人饲养宠物的情况开始,展现了黑脉金斑蝶 的迁徙、中国熊猫出访荷兰、与动物有关的英文习语、关于动物园圈 养动物的辩论、一次惊心动魄的拍摄经历、丹顶鹤的基本信息等语篇 类型丰富的文章内容,帮助学生了解动物习性、特征等相关知识,引 导学生深入思考人与动物的关系,最终形成关爱动物、与动物和谐相 处的正确的、可持续发展的观念。 单元目标单元目标 1.语言能力目标 能够理解与动物有关的文章内容,听懂并谈论与动物有关的话题,使 用新学语言简单谈论动物、围绕话题展开辩论,恰当使用定语从句描 述自然界中的动物,并能够给动物创建档案。 2.文化意识目标 通过了解黑脉金斑蝶、熊猫、丹顶鹤等动物的习性,感知人与动物的 和谐相处,形成关爱动物、保护生态的正确价值观;通过阅读熊猫租 借的相关信息,了解动物在文化交流方面的作用,坚定文化自信。 3.思维品质目标 能够有逻辑、有条理地在辩论中概括信息、构建概念、分析原因和逻 辑关系;能够创造性地表达关于人与动物关系的观点;能够在深入理 解文本的同时联系自身实际,思考如何处理好人与动物的关系,实现 知识与思维能力的迁移。 4.学习能力目标 能够通过了解人与动物关系的相关内容,激发英语学习的兴趣;能够 多渠道获取英语学习资源;能够选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、评价、 反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程。 Starting out 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 1015 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型Listening + Viewing + Speaking 主题语境主题语境人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 活动 1 通过呈现一段与动物主题相关的视频,帮助学生了解英国人饲 养宠物的情况。视频首先介绍了英国人饲养宠物的比例、花费,以及 最受欢迎的宠物是什么。然后有两位宠物主人简单分享了饲养宠物的 心得。此外,视频还介绍了英国的克鲁弗兹狗展(Crufts Dog Show) 以及在英国其他受欢迎的宠物。最后,视频介绍了英国皇家防止虐待 动物协会(Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)的相 关情况。 活动 2 呈现了四幅图片,要求学生看图片,了解生活中人与动物的关 系,并结合自身经历讲述自己与动物有哪些关系,使学生初步了解人 与动物应该如何和谐相处。 教学目标教学目标 本板块学习完成后,学生能够: 1. 能够看懂视频,了解英国人饲养宠物的情况,初步感知人与动物之 间的关系; 2. 能够通过视频内容,初步了解英国的克鲁弗兹狗展(Crufts Dog Show)和英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) ; 3. 能够结合视频内容和图片,同时联系自身经历讲述自己是如何和动 物相处的,并思考人与动物应该如何和谐相处。 教学重点教学重点 看懂视频,获取英国人饲养宠物的情况和相关背景知识,感知人与动 物之间的和谐相处。 教学难点教学难点基于自身经历,简单描述、谈论、评价人与动物之间的关系。 教学策略教学策略听说法 ProceduresTeaching contentsTeachers activityStudents activity Purposes Activity 1 1. T plays the video and instructs Ss to get some key information about pets in the UK. 2. T plays the video again to ask Ss to answer the two questions in the book. 1. Ss watch the video and get familiar with the topic. 2. Ss watch the video again and answer the questions. 1. To introduce the topic of humans and animals and stimulate Ss interest in the topic. 2. To practise Ss ability to get key information while watching and listening. 3. To help Ss learn about pets in the UK and get to know how humans get along with animals. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures in the book and describe them respectively. Then asks Ss to think about and answer the questions in the book. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks Ss to share their opinions about the two 1. Ss look at the pictures and describe them. Then think about and answer the questions in the book. 2. Ss work in groups, discussing their answers to the questions. 3. Ss share their opinions with the class. 4. Ss think more deeply 1. To go on deepening Ss understanding of how humans get along with animals. 2. To encourage Ss to discuss with others. 3. To encourage Ss to share their opinions with the class. 4. To help Ss have a further understanding questions in the group. T walks around in the classroom to offer necessary help when Ss are discussing. 3. T invites some Ss to share their answers in the class. Others can add what they want. 4. T asks Ss to think about other relationships between humans and animals if Ss have better ability. about the relationships between humans and animals. of the relationships between humans and animals. Understanding ideas 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 4045 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型Reading 主题语境主题语境人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为科普类说明文, 以科学家的观察和研究为依据介绍了黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙。读前的导入 活动列举了有迁徙行为的动物,请学生谈论对动物迁徙行为的认识, 帮助学生提前熟悉课文话题,为课文学习做铺垫。读中活动考查学生 对课文话题的理解。读后活动则是通过文章出处和主旨大意、细节理 解和开放性问答等活动,启发学生深入思考,运用所学知识创造性地 探究主题意义。 教学目标教学目标 本板块学习完成后,学生能够: 1. 能够通过略读锁定关键词,获取文章大意,辨别文章体裁,猜测文 章出处; 2. 能够通过精读,迅速找出主要细节在文中的位置,理清文中的因果 逻辑关系,并初步了解说明文的语篇结构; 3. 能够了解黑脉金斑蝶迁徙的背景、目的和方式,了解人类行为对其 生存的影响,加深对课文和单元主题的认识; 4. 能够通过自主学习与小组合作学习,进一步梳理和整合语篇信息, 深度思考人类应该如何保护好黑脉金斑蝶。 教学重点教学重点 1. 通过略读和精读,梳理和整合语篇信息; 2. 通过阅读语篇,梳理、归纳说明文的篇章结构。 教学难点教学难点 1. 通过语篇学习,提高阅读微技能,形成有效的阅读策略; 2. 辩证看待黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙现象,从多个角度思考人与动物的关系。 教学策略教学策略情景式教学策略 启发式教学策略 探索发现式教学策略 ProceduresTeaching contentsTeachers activityStudents activity Purposes Activity 1 1. T introduces the topic by sharing some pictures about monarch butterfly, Siberian crane, Atlantic salmon, red panda, killer whale and African lion. 2. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and choose the animals that migrate. 1. Ss enjoy the pictures and think about which animals immigrate. 2. Ss choose the animals that migrate and share their answers with the class. To introduce the topic of the reading passage. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the rubric independently and figure out what information they should pay attention to when reading the passage. 2. T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and find out what mystery the scientists have solved. 3. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. T gives explanations if necessary. 1. Ss read the rubric independently and figure out the task when they read the passage for the first time. 2. Ss skim the passage and find out what mystery the scientists have solved. 3. Ss share their answers with the class. 1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the passage as a whole. 2. To develop Ss ability to think independently. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the passage quickly again and choose where they are most likely to find the passage. 2. T encourages Ss to discuss in groups about their answers and share them with the class. 1. Ss read the passage and choose where they are most likely to find the passage. 2. Ss discuss their answers in groups and share them with the class. 1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the passage as a whole. 2. To develop Ss ability to think independently and help Ss learn from cooperative learning. Activity 4 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks each group to choose 1. Ss read the passage carefully and work in groups to choose the 1. To help Ss understand the details of the passage by one “cause-effect” flow chart to complete. 2. T asks Ss to read the passage carefully and complete the sentences and the flow chart. 3. T asks representatives of each group to share their answers with the class. Others can add what they want. 4. T asks Ss to retell the passage according to the flow charts if Ss have better ability. flow chart they would like to complete. 2. Ss discuss their answers in groups. 3. Representatives of each group share their answers with the class. Others add what they want. 4. Ss retell the passage according to the flow charts. careful reading. 2. To raise Ss awareness of the structure and logic of the passage. Think & Share 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks each group to think about and discuss the two questions. 2. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. Others can add what they want. 1. Ss share ideas about the two questions within their groups. 2. Some Ss share their answers with the class, and others can add what they want. To help Ss think more about what they can do to protect the monarch butterfly. Using language 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 6070 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型Grammar + Vocabulary + Listening + Speaking 主题语境主题语境人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 本板块分为语法,词汇和听说三部分。语法部分包括两个语篇,第一 个语篇展现了中国大熊猫到达荷兰后的情况,第二个语篇是一封介绍 南非之行的邮件;词汇部分介绍了与动物相关的英文习语,帮助学生 了解英语文化;听说部分的材料是动物园饲养员和动物保护组织成员 间就“是否应将动物圈养在动物园”展开的辩论,引导学生辩证地思 考人与动物的关系。通过真实语境下技能的综合训练,学生能够加深 对单元主题的理解,提高语言应用能力。 教学目标教学目标 本板块学习完成后,学生能够: 1. 能够发现、总结定语从句中关系副词的使用规律,并正确选用关系 副词; 2. 能够理解生活中常用动物习语的含义,收集、掌握并恰当地使用习 语; 3. 能够在听力训练中找到获取有效信息的听力策略; 4. 能够用已学语言展开辩论,表达同意或不同意的观点。 教学重点教学重点 1. 发现、总结定语从句中关系副词的使用规律; 2. 理解习语的运用语境,实现语言知识的迁移; 3. 在听力训练中找到获取有效信息的听力策略。 教学难点教学难点 1. 通过发现法总结、归纳关系副词 why, when, where 在定语从句中的 运用规律; 2. 对所学知识形成迁移能力,在真实语境中使用定语从句; 3. 通过听力训练形成有效的听力策略。 教学策略教学策略情景式教学策略 启发式教学策略 探索发现式教学策略 ProceduresTeaching contentsTeachers activityStudents activity Purposes Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to observe the sentences individually and answer the questions. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to discuss the differences between the two groups of sentences and summarise the rules of the relative adverbs in the attributive clause. 3. T asks Ss to share their answers and the rules they summarised. T can further extend the rules if necessary. 4. T asks Ss to look for more sentences with attributive clauses in the reading passage. 1. Ss observe the sentences and answer the questions. 2. Ss work in groups, discuss the differences between the two groups of sentences and summarise the rules of the relative adverbs in the attributive clause. 3. Ss read the passage again and look for more sentences with attributive clauses in the reading passage. To instruct Ss to summarise the rules of the relative adverbs in the attributive clause by discovery-based learning. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the short passage independently and get the main idea. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and ask 1. Ss read the short passage independently and get the main idea. 2. Ss work in groups and discuss what the words “where”, “when” To enable Ss to apply what they have learnt. them to discuss what the words “where”, “when” and “why” refer to. 3. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. and “why” refer to. 3. Ss share their answers with the class. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the email independently and get the main idea. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to complete the email with “where”, “when” or “why”, and pay attention to the structure of the email. 3. T asks some Ss to read the email to share their answers with the class. 1. Ss read the email independently and get the main idea. 2. Ss discuss in groups and complete the email with “where”, “when” or “why”, and pay attention to the structure of the email. 3. Ss share their answers with the class. 1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the email. 2. To help Ss learn from cooperative learning. Activity 4 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to describe the pictures. 2. T asks Ss to work in groups to complete the idioms with animal names and discuss the meaning of the idioms with the help of the pictures and the context. 3. T asks representatives of each group to share their answers with the class. Others can add what they want. 1. Ss work in groups and describe the pictures. 2. Ss work in groups to complete the idioms with animal names and discuss the meaning of the idioms with the help of the pictures and the context. 3. Representatives of each group share their answers with the class. Others add what they want. 1. To help Ss combine the learning of language with culture. 2. To enable Ss to enjoy the leaning of language. Activity 5 1. T asks Ss to read the short passage independently to get the main idea and have an idea of what they need 1. Ss read the short passage independently to get the main idea and have an idea of what they need to do. 1. To enable Ss to apply what they have learnt. 2. To help Ss learn from cooperative to do. 2. T divides Ss into several groups and asks Ss to work in groups to complete the short passage with the animal idioms in Activity 4 based on the context. 3. T asks representatives of each group to share their answers with the class by reading out the short passage. Others check the answers. 4. T encourages Ss to think of some Chinese animal idioms and compare them with the English ones they have just learnt if Ss have better ability. 2. Ss work in groups to complete the short passage with the animal idioms in Activity 4 based on the context. 3. Some Ss share their answers with the class, others check their answers. 4. Ss think of some Chinese animal idioms and compare them with the English ones they have just learnt. learning. 3. To cultivate Ss cross-cultural awareness. 4. To develop Ss critical thinking skills. Activity 6 1. T asks Ss to work in pairs to brainstorm more animal idioms. 2. T asks Ss to choose an idiom and describe a situation with it in pairs. 3. T asks some pairs of Ss to describe the situation with the animal idiom they choose and encourages other Ss to comment on the situation theyve heard. 1. Ss work in pairs to brainstorm more animal idioms. 2. Ss choose an idiom and describe a situation with it in pairs. 3. Some pairs of Ss describe the situation with the animal idiom they choose and other Ss comment on the situation theyve heard. To encourage Ss to share and present what they have learnt with each other confidently. Activity 7 1. T asks Ss to listen to the TV debate and get the main idea and choose the correct topic. T asks Ss to listen again if necessary. 2. T checks the answers with the whole class. 1. Ss listen to the TV debate and get the main idea and choose the correct topic. 2. Ss check the answers. To instruct Ss to listen out for the main topic. Activity 8 1. T asks Ss to look at the mind map independently to figure out the positions of both sides and their main arguments, and the requirements of the activity. 2. T asks Ss to listen to the TV debate and complete the mind map by summarising the arguments of both sides. 3. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the whole class. 4. T asks Ss to listen to the TV debate again and record how the speakers express agreement and disagreement. 5. T divides Ss into several groups and asks them to work in groups to discuss how to give suggestions in a conversation. 6. T asks some groups to share their opinions. 1. Ss look at the mind map independently to figure out the positions of both sides and their main arguments, and the requirements of the activity. 2. Ss listen to the TV debate and complete the mind map by summarising the arguments of both sides. 3. Ss share their answers with the whole class. 4. Ss listen to the TV debate again and record how the speakers express agreement and disagreement. 5. Ss work in groups to discuss how to give suggestions in a conversation. 6. Ss share their opinions with the whole class. 1. To instruct Ss to listen out for some detailed information and summarise the skills in acquiring necessary information. 2. To help Ss learn from cooperative learning. 3. To encourage Ss to share and present what they have learnt with each other confidently. Activity 9 1. T asks Ss to work in pairs and choose their roles, and then read the assigned materials independently and make preparations for the debate. 2. T asks Ss to debate on whether people should keep animals as pets with the help of the words and expressions they have learnt. 1. Ss work in pairs and choose their roles, and then read the assigned materials independently and make preparations for the debate. 2. Ss debate on whether people should keep animals as pets with the help of the words and expressions they have learnt. 3. Ss present their 1. To help Ss learn from cooperative learning. 2. To help Ss develop critical thinking skills. 3. To encourage Ss to share what they have learnt with each other confidently. 3. T asks some pairs to present their debate to the whole class. 4. If Ss have better ability, T can divide the class into two groups and hold the debate, and T encourages Ss to prepare what they would say according to the different roles of a debating team. debate to the whole class. 4. Ss take a stand and prepare what they would say according to the different roles of a debatin
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