人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 4 Shopping Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:00a33).zip


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人教版教版 一年级起点年级起点 五年级上五年级上 Unit 4 Shopping Day Lesson 1 Xinxin Stationary Shop On Sale! 减价减价 exercise book 练习本练习本 ekssz I want to buy _ exercise book(s). ¥1.00 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀铅笔刀 :pn I want to buy a(an) _ pencil sharpener. ¥7.00 a pair of scissors 一把一把剪刀剪刀 szz ¥ 5.00 I have a pair of scissors. Its_yuan DoDo youyou know?know? a pair of shoes a pair of gloves a pair of glasses a pair of socksa pair of pants pencil box 铅笔盒铅笔盒 bks 复数复数:pencil boxes bksz I want to buy a pencil box for _. a box of crayons 一盒蜡笔一盒蜡笔 krenzkrenz I want to buy a box of crayons to draw a_. please 请,太感谢了请,太感谢了 pliz Would you like some help? (您需要一些帮助吗?)(您需要一些帮助吗?) Yes, please.(是的,请吧。)(是的,请吧。) You can do it! Salesman: Can I help you?(你要买什么吗?(你要买什么吗? ) Customer: Yes,please. I want to buy 是的,我想买是的,我想买 Salesman: We have(我们有(我们有 ) Which one do you like?(您喜欢哪一个)(您喜欢哪一个) Customer: I will take (我打算买(我打算买 ) How much is it?(请问多少钱?)(请问多少钱?) Salesman: Itsyuan. ( 元。元。) Homework Talk about your stationerys price and write a short passage. (谈论你的文具的价格并写一篇小文章。)谈论你的文具的价格并写一篇小文章。) Yes, please. I want to buy a pencil. This one? Its one yuan. Here you are. Thank you. PresentationPresentation Can I help you? My Shopping List ten exercise books a red pencil sharpener a scoolbag a pencil box Teachers Day Christmas Day Can I help you?的不同含义的不同含义 (1)当你想帮助别人:)当你想帮助别人: Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?我能帮助你吗? (2)在火车站、汽车站、飞机场、售票员可以说:)在火车站、汽车站、飞机场、售票员可以说: Can I help you? 你要去哪里?你要去哪里? (3)在饭店、餐馆、服务员可以说:)在饭店、餐馆、服务员可以说: Can I help you? 你要吃点什么?你要吃点什么? PresentationPresentation Can I help you?的不同含义的不同含义 (4)在图书馆,图书管理员对你说:)在图书馆,图书管理员对你说: Can I help you? 你要借你要借/ 看什么书?看什么书? (5)在超市,售货员说:)在超市,售货员说: Can I help you? 你要买什么吗?你要买什么吗? PresentationPresentation want 用法用法 (1)want sth, 想要某物想要某物 I want a hamburger. (2)want to do sth 想要做某事想要做某事 She wants to help you. (3)want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事想要某人做某事 He wants you to come in. PresentationPresentation 英美国家的购物用语英美国家的购物用语 店主招呼顾客常用的两句话:店主招呼顾客常用的两句话: Can I help you? What can I do for you? 招呼顾客的客套用语还有:招呼顾客的客套用语还有: Good morning. Good afternoon. May I help you? PresentationPresentation 英美国家的购物用语英美国家的购物用语 顾客想买东西需要向店主说明:顾客想买东西需要向店主说明: I want some apples. Id like a toy car for my so. I need a pair of shoes. I want to buy a bag. Do you have any sweaters? PresentationPresentation Welcome to Xinxin. We have a nice green pencil box. Its only 20 yuan. We also have. PracticePractice The _ is 10 yuan. The_ is 9 yuan. The_ is 20 yuan. The _ is 5 yuan. a box of crayons pencil sharpener pencil box exercise book went to beach 去沙滩去沙滩 g sket Who do you want to go skating with in your class?(在你班里想要和谁去滑冰在你班里想要和谁去滑冰) I want to go skating with _. go-went went to beach gowent ConsolidationConsolidation 1.I have a box _. A. crayon B. crayons C. of crayon D. of crayons 2. The pair of scissors _ 20 yuan. A. is only B. only is C. are only D. only are 3. We _ a football. A. also have B. have also C. too have D. have too B A A 一、教材内容分析 本课时为新起点五年级上册第四单元 Shopping Day 的第一课时, 教学内容为第 44 页和第 45 页。这一课时有三个部分:A Listen and write; B Lets role-play; C Lets write. A 部分借助 Get ready. 的图和听力内容,情境化地呈现了六个目标词汇: exercise book, pencil sharpener, a pair of scissors, pencil box, a box of crayons 和 please;让学生通过看、听、说、写等途径来感知并学习这些词 汇。B 部分通过角色扮演活动,帮助学生操练新学词汇,并体 会词汇在交际情境中的运用。C 部分是让学生根据 A 部分物品 的价格,填写相应词汇。 二、学生情况分析 学生通过本套教材 14 年级的学习,已经掌握了衣物、学习用 具、数字、对物品评价等单词。这些词汇的掌握为本节课的学 习打下了良好的基础。 三、教学目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标: 1能够听懂、会说 exercise book, pencil sharpener, a pair of scissors, pencil box, a box of crayons 和 please 这六个单词和短语, 尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。 2能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,对物品以及价格进 行简单的描述。 3能够根据语境,结合听力内容,选择恰当的词汇填空。 四、教学重难点 教学重点 能够听懂、会说 exercise book, pencil sharpener, a pair of scissors, pencil box, a box of crayons 和 please 这六个单词和短语。 教学难点 能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,对物品以及价格进行 简单的描述。 五、教学步骤 1热身(唱一唱) T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello! T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you again. T: Do you like listening to music? Ss: Yes! T: Lets enjoy an English song. (点击课件,播放本单元的英语歌 曲) 设计意图:在欣赏英语歌曲的氛围中进入学习英语状态 中。开门见山,直入正题。 2学习(学一学,练一练) (1)单词教学 T: Look! Whats this? (点击课件,出现 pencil 等文具) S: pencil/pen/eraser/ T: Well done! Where can you get them? S: T: Yes. You can get them in the stationery. (点击课件,出现 stationery 单词、词义、读音) Ss: / ?ste?nri / T: This is a S: Stationary Shop T: Yes. What does shop mean? S:商店 T: Whats the stationery shop name? S: Chenguang T: Yes. Its Chenguang Stationery Shop. What else stationery shop do you often go? S: I often go to T: Look! Who is the girl? Ss: Yaoyao. T: Where is Yaoyao? S: She is in the stationery shop. T: Who is the man? S: T: He is a salesman. salesman Ss: salesman T: Today we are going to talk about Shopping. (教师板书课题) T: What can you see in the picture? S: I can see 教学 pencil box T: (点击课件,出现一小截红色) Whats this? Can you guess? S: 设计意图:对学生进行单词的头脑风暴,激发学生丰富的想象 能力和表达能力。 T: (边露出更多部分边让学生猜课件) Look! Its a pencil. What colour is the pencil? S: Red. T: Yes. Its a red pencil. Where is the pencil? S: T: The pencil is in the pencil box. (点击课件出现铅笔盒图片、单 词、读音) Ss: pencil box T: Do you have a pencil box? S: Yes. T: Can you say something about your pencil box? (点击课件,出现 框架语言 I have a _ pencil. Its _. I can _ with it.) S: 设计意图:让学生学习了铅笔盒,就利用以前所学的句子描述 自己的铅笔盒。真正达到了学以致用的目的。 教学 pencil sharpener T: Whats this? (点击课件,出现一只绿色的铅笔) S: A green pencil. T: Is it sharp? (点击课件,出现 sharp 单词及词义。同时出现 sharp 单词) Ss: sharp T: (手指 sharp) Ss: sharp T: Good job! How can we make the pencil sharpen? (点击课件,出 现 sharpen 单词及词义) S: T: We can use a sharpener. sharpener Ss: sharpener T: This is a pencil sharpener. (点击课件,出现 pencil sharpener 词 组、意义及读音) Ss: pencil sharpener T: Do you have a pencil sharpener? S: T: What colour is it? S: T: Do you like it? S: T: The pencil sharpener can sharpen the pencil. sharpen the pencil Ss: sharpen the pencil 教学 a box of crayons T: (点击课件,出现蜡笔) Whats this? S: T: Its a crayon. (点击课件,出现 crayon 的单词、词义) What sound does ay make? (点击课件,出现 say) S: /e?/ T: (手指 crayon) S: /kre?n/ T: (点击课件,出现 crayon 的读音) Ss: /kre?n/ T: This is a crayon. (点击课件,出现很多蜡笔) How many crayons? S: T: Good! Where are the crayons? (点击课件,出现盒子) S: T: The crayons are in the box. This is a box of crayons. What else can you say? A box of chocolate. A box of S: A box of T: Wonderful! 教学 a pair of scissors T: (点击课件,出现剪刀) Whats this? S: T: Its a pair of scissors. (点击课件,出现 scissors) How do we pronounce or? (点击课件,出现 doctor) S: /?/ T: How to read this word? (手指 scissors) S: /s?z?z/ T: Nice! (点击课件,出现 scissors 读音) Ss: /s?z?z/ T: This is a pair of scissors. (点击课件,出现 hair) (手指 hair) S: hair T: (手指 pair) S: pair T: This is a Ss: a pair of scissors T: What else can we say a pair of ? S: A pair of pants/ T: Cool! 教学 please T: Look at the picture. Who is the man in red? S: T: He is a waiter. What does he say? S: T: Come in, please. (教师做手势说) (点击课件,出现 please 的单 词及意义) What sound does ea make? (点击课件,出现 teach) Ss: / i:/ T: How to read this word? (手指 please) S: /pli:z/ T: Yes! (点击课件,出现 please 的读音) Ss: /pli:z/ 教学 Chant T: This is a chant for you. Listen to me carefully. Then you can work in group. At last, please show it in class. Ss:学生听老师示范。4 人小组准备,班内展示,及时评价。 Listen and number T: Lets listen and number. (点击课件,出现 A 部分的录音) Ss:学生听音标号。班内校正,及时评价。 T: Look at the picture. Lets say. The pair of scissors is 7 yuan. Can you? S: T: Good job! (2)Lets write T: (点击课件,出示 C 部分句子,教师手指图片) Can you fill in the blanks? Ss:学生说,及时评价。 T: Lets write. (点击课件,出现学生刚说的答案) Ss:学生在书上写,教师巡视,及时评价。 (3)Lets role-play T: (点击课件,出现 B 部分图片) What can you see in the picture? S: T: Can you finish the sentence? S: T: (点击课件,出现框架语言 The _ is _ yuan.) Ss:学生说,及时评价。 T: Can you role-play like them? Ss:学生活动。班内展示,及时评价。 T: Boys and girls: No pains, no gains. (点击课件,出现德育渗透句 子及意义) Are you clear? Ss: Yes! (4)Homework 1. Read page 44 to your parents. 2. Talk about your stationerys price. The _ is _ yuan. 3. Write a short passage about your stationerys price. I have a _. Its _ yuan. 设计意图:家庭作业以说为主,检测学生是否真正掌握本节课 的内容。作业实行分层,让孩子根据自己的学习能力选做,真 正实现了以学生为主。 六、板书设计 整个板书简单明了,没有多余的片言只语。随着教师讲授的内 容,板书内容层层展开。先是课题,然后板书新授的单词,最 后将新词连成句子。评价在黑板的右边。老师将全班学生分成 四大组。在教学活动中表现优秀的组在相应组旁边画笑脸。得 笑脸最多的小组成员每人可以得 1 颗星星。
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人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit Shopping Day_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_(编号:00a33) 人教版 一年级 起点 出发点 年级 上册 英语 unit
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