人教版(新起点)三年级上册Unit 5 Clothes-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:60044).zip


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3A U5 Clothes Story Time Mr. Squirrel Mr. Bird Mr. Parrot Mr. Peacock Mr. Crow Watch a video Im a bird. My is black. My is black. My and are black. I like my clothes. black capcoat trousersshoes dontblack Look and say Is Mr. Crow happy? Why? What will he do? (making predictions 预测预测) HeHe willwill dyedye hishis clothes.clothes. Answer the questions Watch a video 1.What colour is his cap? 2.What does he look like? 3.What can he do? 4.Does Mr. Crow like his cap? I like his red cap. I will dye my black cap red. Mr. Squirrel Answer the questions Play a game I will dye my black Red, red, I will dye my black cap red. Blue, blue, I will dye my black coat blue. Green, green, I will dye my black trousers green. Yellow, yellow, I will dye my black shoes yellow. Chant Hi, Im Mr. Bird. Im (look like) I can (do) My favourite colour is I have a blue coat. Look! Its so Do you like my blue coat? I like your blue coat. I will dye my black coat blue. Look and say Mr. Parrot: Hello, Mr. Crow! Im new here. Mr. Crow: Hi, Mr. Parrot! How old are you? Mr. Parrot: Im years old. Im clever. Mr. Crow: What can you do? Mr. Parrot: I can fly. I can sing and dance. I can speak “ Hello, hello”. Do you want to be my friend? Mr. Crow: Yes! Oh, look! You have green trousers. Theyre so beautiful. Mr. Parrot: Thank you. You can dye your black trousers green. Mr. Crow: OK. I will dye my black trousers green! Pair Work 1.Mr. Peacock is big and beautiful. ( ) 2. Mr. Peacock has small wings. ( ) 3. Mr. Peacocks favourite colour is yellow. ( ) 4. Mr. Peacock has a pair of green shoes. ( ) 5. Mr. Crow likes Mr. Peacocks shoes. ( ) T F T F T Listen and judge (T/F) Sum up At first Mr. Crow doesnt like Sum up Then Mr. Crow likes Put them together. What will he do to make his black clothes colourful? Think and guess Oh no ! My clothes are still black. Sum up At last Why are his clothes still black? Guess Look and learn Listen and imitate: P56 Im Mr Myis/are I can Do you like my? You can dye OK! I like your I will dye Hi! Im Mr. Crow. Im a black bird. My cap My coat My trousers and shoes I dont like I will dye Act out the story What can we learn from the story? Is black really ugly? Think and say Beautiful black cellphones Beautiful black dress Beautiful black Chinese words Beautiful black Chinese painting Beautiful black car Beautiful black swans Beautiful black whale Cute Kung Fu Panda Beautiful black sweet nights Black is beautiful, too. Be yourself ! Never copy others! in the blue 不愉快不愉快 see red 勃然大怒勃然大怒 look black 面带愁容面带愁容 Lets learn some colours about mood. (情绪情绪) Lets learn more. in the pink 身体健康身体健康 black tea 红茶 black sheep 害群之马 black and blue 青一块紫一块 (鼻青脸肿) a green hand 新手 white elephant 大而无用的东西 brown sugar 红糖 Lets learn some expressions(搭配)(搭配) about colours. Homework Now you are Mr. Crow, do you like your black clothes? Please create a new story by yourselves. (创 作一个新的故事) Thank you! Listen and judge (听录音,判断对错,用(听录音,判断对错,用 T/F 表示)表示) ( ) 1. Mr. Peacock is big and beautiful. ( ) 2. Mr. Peacock has small wings. ( ) 3. Mr. Peacocks favourite colour is yellow. ( ) 4. Mr. Peacock has a pair of green shoes. ( ) 5. Mr. Crow likes Mr. Peacocks shoes. 人教版新起点英语三年级上册 Unit5 Clothes Story Time 一、 教学目标: 1、能力目标: 1)能够借助图片、视频看懂本单元的小故事,并在教师的指导下表演或改 编故事。 2)能够体会本单元关于衣服的重点词汇以及功能句:I will dye my black + colour 在语境中的运用。 3)能够通过学习小故事,了解红、黄、蓝、绿色混在一起会变成黑色的小 知识。 2、文化意识目标: 拓展一些颜色与心情相关的搭配,以及有关颜色的固定搭配。 3、学习策略目标: 通过本课设计的活动对学生的认知策略(听的策略、说的策略、阅读策略 和写作策略)进行指导,以及培养学生用英语与他人交流的策略。 4、情感目标: 1)能够通过学习小故事,让学生们明白不随波逐流,不盲从于别人的道理。 2)能够通过学习小故事,让学生们懂得并学会欣赏自己的美。 二、教学重点、难点: 1. 教学重点: 1)能看懂小故事,以主人公乌鸦先生不喜欢自己黑色衣服、并给自己衣服 染色等一系列活动为主线,体会乌鸦先生在整个故事中的情感变化。 2)通过学习整个故事,能够了解红、黄、蓝、绿色混在一起会变成黑色的 小知识。 2. 教学难点: 1)核心句型:I like his I will dye my black的理解与使用。 2)能清晰地总结、归纳乌鸦先生喜欢四个朋友的不同服饰,如:喜欢松鼠 的红色帽子、喜欢小鸟的蓝色外套、喜欢鹦鹉的绿色裤子、喜欢孔雀的黄色鞋 子。 3)将来时的正确运用。 三、教学过程 教学活动 活动活动 1【导入导入】 I. Warming up and lead-in 1. Sing a song about clothes: Who is wearing. Students put on some colourful caps. They can stand up and have a show when they have the same colour as the song. 2. Ask some questions: T: What does Miss Sun wearing today? Ss: A black dress. T: Lets look at some animal friends. What do they wear? Ss: Colourful clothes. T: Look at Mr. Crow. What does he wear? Ss: He wears black clothes. T: Is he happy? Lets learn a story about clothes in this unit. 3. Lead the topic: Story Time 首先通过歌曲为学生营造一种轻松愉快的学习氛围,并复习了本单元关于衣服 的单词,并通过小动物身上彩色的服饰和乌鸦先生黑色服饰的对比,引出本课 话题,同时调动起学生的好奇心,这节课到底讲的是什么呢?乌鸦先生为什么 不高兴呢?那他会怎么做呢? 活动活动 2【新授新授】 II. Presentation and learning 1. Watch a video (Picture 1) about Mr. Crows black clothes and his mood. Say something about Mr. Crow. Answer some questions and make some predictions. T: What will Mr. Crow do? Ss: He will buy some new clothes. He will change his clothes. He will be very angry. He will dye his clothes. 通过播放第一幅图片的视频,让学生们了解到乌鸦先生的黑色服装,以及他的 心情:不喜欢自己的黑色衣服。将学生引入情境中,为语言的运用做好准备。 2. Watch another video (Picture 2-6) about Mr. Crows four friends and their colourful clothes. Mr. Crow likes their colourful clothes and he will dye his black clothes. 通过播放这段视频,让学生们了解到乌鸦喜欢四个朋友们的彩色服装:他喜欢 松鼠的红色帽子、小鸟的蓝色外套、鹦鹉的绿色裤子以及孔雀的黄色鞋子,他 要给自己黑色的服装进行染色。 3. Introduce his four friends one by one. First, here comes Mr. Squirrel. Answer some questions about Mr. Squirrel. Play a game and say the chant to practice the sentence pattern: I will dye my black 呈现本节课的目标功能句,通过换装游戏和歌谣的方式操练功能句,教师给予 指导,让学生自主选择他喜欢的颜色进行换装,调动学生学习兴趣,在快乐和 谐的氛围中进行接下来的学习。教师板书。 4. Introduce Mr. Bird and his beautiful blue coat. Let Ss guess whether Mr. Crow likes his blue coat or not. 继续操练本课功能句,注重功能句在情境中的使用。 5. Pair work 以两人扮演鹦鹉和乌鸦的方式进行操练,注重功能句: I will dye my black 在 此情境中的运用,同时继续操练功能句。 6. Listen and judge. Mr. Peacock is coming. Listen to his introduction and judge. Ss can write T or F on the paper and then check together. 通过听力的方式引出最后一个朋友:孔雀朋友。 活动活动 3【巩固与拓展巩固与拓展】 III. Consolidation and extension 1. Sum up: At first, Mr. Crow doesnt like his black clothes. Then, he likes Mr. Squirrels red cap. He likes Mr. Birds blue coat. He likes Mr. Parrots green trousers. He likes Mr. Peacocks yellow shoes. Guess: “What will he do to make his black clothes colourful?” Ss: Put them together. At last, his clothes are still black. Why? 总结故事,从乌鸦不喜欢自己的黑色衣服开始,后来他喜欢松鼠的红色帽子、 小鸟的蓝色外套、鹦鹉的绿色裤子以及孔雀的黄色鞋子,让学生们猜一猜:接 下来他要做什么能让自己的衣服也变成五颜六色的呢?“把它们都放在一起。 ” 但是最后,为什么乌鸦的衣服还是黑色的呢?调动孩子们的好奇心,引出混合 颜色的小常识。 2. red + yellow = orange red + blue = purple orange + green + purple = black yellow + blue= green 通过图片的展示,让学生们能够了解红、黄、蓝、绿色混在一起会变成黑色的 小知识。 3. Listen and imitate (P56) 通过逐句的听音模仿语音语调,以集体、小组、单人仿读的方式进一步了解整 个故事,在此过程中,教师对发音技巧和朗读方式进行指导。 4. Act out the story: There are five animals in the story: Mr. Crow, Mr. Squirrel, Mr. Bird, Mr. Parrot, Mr. Peacock. 五个人为一小组,角色扮演来表演整个故事。由于这个故事课文中的内容是以 第一人称的角度进行叙述,因此我们在新授的环节,介绍四个朋友的时候就对 故事进行了改编,所表演故事的句型操练也在之前新授的环节中出现过的。最 后,让学生们戴头饰进行表演故事。 5. Enjoy and think: What can we learn from the story? Is black really ugly? 通过欣赏美丽的黑色的事物图片:黑色华为手机、美丽的黑色裙子、黑色中国 字画、黑色的汽车、黑天鹅、黑色的鲸鱼、功夫熊猫、美丽又甜蜜的黑色夜 晚让学生们感受到黑色的美丽,引出情感教育:不要随波逐流,不盲从于 别人,学会欣赏自己的美。 6. Learn more: some colours about mood and some expressions about colours. in the blue 不愉快,郁闷 see red 勃然大怒 look black 面带愁容 in the pink 身体健康 black tea 红茶 black sheep 害群之马 black and blue 青一块紫一块 (鼻青脸肿) a green hand 新手 white elephant 大而无用的东西 brown sugar 红糖 拓展一些颜色与心情相关的搭配,以及有关颜色的固定搭配。 活动活动 4【作业作业】 VSummary and homework 1. Summary Help Ss to sum up the knowledge of the story. 2. Homework Now you are Mr. Crow, do you like your black clothes? Please create a new story by yourselves. 总结本节课所学内容,帮助学生梳理故事。家庭作业是对课堂教学的延伸与巩 固,鼓励学生创作和改编故事。
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人教版(新起点)三年级上册Unit Clothes_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级公开课_(编号:60044) 人教版 一年级 起点 出发点 三年级 上册 英语
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