广东版六年级上册Unit 6 Planting Trees-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:00125).zip


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Look, listen and read. Qingming Festival Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀)in China. How did it start? Do you know? To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zitui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. More reading and writing Qingming Festival Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice (祭祀)in China. How did it start? Do you know? In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zitui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. Qingming Festival ( ) 1. What is this passage about? (多选题) A.the time of Qingming Festival B.the origin(来源) of Qingming Festival C.the custom(习俗) of Qingming Festival A B C Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀 )in China. How did it start? Do you know? In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zizhui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. Qingming Festival A.the time B. the origin C. the custom uuWhens Whens QingmingQingming Festival?Festival? Qingming Festival Qingming Festival Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀)in China. How did it start? Do you know? Qingming Festival Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀)in China. How did it start? Do you know? April 4th April 6th 除夕、清明节、重阳 节、中元节(鬼节), 是中国传统节日里祭祖 的四大节日。 Qingming Festival is an important festival of sacrifice. New Years EveDouble Ninth Festival Ghost Festival uuWho refused the awards from Who refused the awards from Prince Chong Prince Chong ErEr? ? uuWhat happened to What happened to JieJie ZituiZitui and his mother?and his mother? Qingming Festival In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zitui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪 念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. Origin来源 介之推是春秋时代晋国 的忠臣,又名介子推, 作为不慕虚名,不计报 酬的晋国国君晋文公的 忠厚臣僚,留下了很多 故事,被民间社会广为 传颂。如“割股奉君” 、“功不言禄”、“功 成身退”。 晋文公文治武 功卓著,是春 秋五霸中第二 位霸主,开创 了晋国长达百 年的霸业。 In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zitui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. 春秋战国时期 refuse-refused hide-hid 藏 die-died fall 死于 原因 In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zitui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate( 纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. Origin 介子推与晋文公的故事 order-ordered 命令 uuWhats the most important Whats the most important custom on custom on QingmingQingming Festival? Festival? Qingming Festival So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. sweep the tombs 扫墓 go for an outing 踏青 swing荡千 insert willow插柳 play old- fashioned football 蹴鞠 Custom习俗 When Who to commemorate (纪念) How to commemorate What to do Read the passage and complete the table. (Group work) on April 5th or one day before or one day after Jie Zitui no fires only to eat cold food sweep the tombs, go for an outing, swing, insert willow, play old-fashioned football Underline the key words and sentences. 请用线画出文中的关键词句。 Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀) in China. How did it start? Do you know? In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zizhui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. Qingming Festival 1. Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀 )in China. How did it start? Do you know? In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zitui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. Qingming Festival 2. Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀 )in China. How did it start? Do you know? In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zizhui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. Qingming Festival 3. Qingming Festival is on April 5th or one day before or one day after. Its an important festival of sacrifice(祭祀 )in China. How did it start? Do you know? In the spring and autumn period, Jie Zizhui refused the awards from Prince Chong Er and hid into a mountain with his mother. Finally they were died from fires. To commemorate(纪念) him, Prince Chong Er ordered that no fires on this day, and people only to eat cold food on the day before Qingming Festival. So the most important custom is to sweep the tombs. And it is a good day for outings, too. People usually go for an outing, swing, insert willow and play old-fashioned football. Qingming Festival 4. Lets look, listen and read! The most important custom is to _. burn paper money set off firecrackers sweep the tombs Xiaoming was busy on Qingming Festival. Look, read, and write the correct letters in the blanks. A. We cleaned the grave(墓地) and prayed(祈祷) to our ancestors(祖先) with flowers. B. We went to a park. C. We made Qingtuan together. Hello Linda, It was Qingming Festival yesterday. It was hard work, but it was fun, too. In the moring,we swept the tombs with my family. (1)_ We had lunch at grandmas home. (2)_ In the afternoon, (3)_ we swinged and played games. It was good! How was your Qingming Festival? Write soon, Xiaoming A CB sweep-swept 然而,人们好像专注于那些死去的然而,人们好像专注于那些死去的 先人,却没有对活着的,对自己有先人,却没有对活着的,对自己有 恩的人表达感恩之情。恩的人表达感恩之情。 清明节的来历正是感恩,清明节的来历正是感恩, 中国的清明节就是中国的感恩节!中国的清明节就是中国的感恩节! HomeworkHomework 1.Share the origin of Qingming Festival with your family. 用英语给你的家人介绍清明节的来源 2. DIY: make the traditional food Qingtuan with your family. 和家人一起动手制作清明节传统小吃:青团 Thank you! Time April 4th April 5th April 6th Origin Jie Zitui Chong Er insert willow go for an outing sweep the tombs play old-fashioned football swing Qingming Festival Custom sacrifice period refuse award hide-hid die from commemorate order Worksheet 1 1. Read the passage and complete the table. (Group work) When Who to commemorate (纪念) How to commemorate What to do 2. Xiaoming was busy on Qingming Festival. Look, read, and write the correct letters in the blanks. Hello Linda, It was Qingming Festival yesterday. It was hard work, but it was fun, too. In the moring,we swept the tombs with my family. (1)_ We had lunch at grandmas home. (2)_ In the afternoon, (3)_ we swinged and played games. It was good! How was your Qingming Festival? Write soon, Xiaoming A. We cleaned the grave(墓地) and prayed(祈祷) to our ancestors(祖 先) with flowers. B. We went to a park. C. We made Qingtuan together. Exercise 1 Qingming Festival 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1) 学生能够掌握以下单词:sacrifice, refuse, award, hide-hid, commemorate, order, swing; (2) 学生能够掌握以下词组:in the spring and autumn period, die from, the most important, sweep the tombs, go for an outing, insert willow, play old-fashioned football. 2. 能力目标 (1) 学生能听懂关于清明节的叙述,并能从中提取重要信息: 时间、来源、习俗; (2) 通过文本阅读,使学生能借助语境,根据上下文推断、理 解生词含义及文章大意。 3. 情感目标 清明追思先人,同时也提醒学生珍惜身边人,感恩父母、家人 和朋友等。通过拓展让学生对于清明节在情感上有更深刻的体会, 切实意识到清明节对于中国人,不仅仅是祭祀,更重要的是感恩! 二、教学重点二、教学重点 从文章中获取关于清明节的时间、来源、习俗等重要信息。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 理解清明节的来源。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 教学文本内容,教学课件,视频,练习,教具等。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step1. Pre-reading 1. Ask Ss to enjoy the famous poem Qingming to lead in the lesson. 2 【设计意图设计意图】通过一首学生熟知的唐诗导入,贴合学生实际,与主 题紧密相联,从而引起学生的兴趣,为文章的学习做铺垫。 Step2. While-reading 1. T:How did Qingming Festival start? Lets listen and look! 【设计意图设计意图】通过第一次听课文,让学生对文本有初步认识,能够 大致熟悉话题内容,抛出学生最感兴趣的话题,激发学生的好奇心, 让学生带着问题进行阅读。 2. Listen, read and choose. 【设计意图设计意图】 让学生带着问题进行第二次听读,设置该题目是为了 考察学生通篇阅读能力,有利于提高学生的阅读能力和理解能力, 并提高教学的有效性。 3. Present each paragraph, and stress difficult points. (1) T: Whens Qingming Festival? Lets come to paragraph 1. 3 Difficult points: the day before, the day after, sacrifice(普及中国传统 节日里祭祖的四大节日:除夕、清明节、重阳节、中元节) (2) T: Paragraph 2 is talking about the origin of Qingming Festival. Lets listen and try to answer the following questions. Difficult points: Jie Zitui, Pince Chong Er, in the spring and autumn period, refuse, award, hide-hid, die from, commemorate, order (播放视频:介子推与晋文公的故事) (3) T: Whats the most important custom on Qingming Festival? Lets come to Paragraph3. Lets look and listen. Difficult points: the most important, sweep the tombs, go for an outing, swing, insert willow, play old-fashioned football 【设计意图设计意图】通过设问引导学生分段落听读,利用图片解决每个段 落的难词难句。最后通过播放关于介子推与晋文公的视频让学生对 4 清明节的来源有一个更准确的理解和认识。 4.Group work: Read the passage and complete the following table. 【设计意图设计意图】在分析学习完文章后,设置该小组活动是为了训练学 生寻读能力,并考查学生对于文章的掌握程度。 5. Ss try to read the passage together. Step3 Post-reading 1 Show Ss a video about the safety of sacrifice on Qingming Festival. 【设计意图设计意图】对学生进行安全教育,并抓住文明祭祀这个拓展点对 学生进行情感教育,呼吁学生用鲜花代替纸钱和鞭炮等传统祭祀用 品以保护环境和减少山火灾害的发生。 2 Have Ss read and write the correct letter about Xiaomings Qingming Festival. 5 【设计意图设计意图】通过这一写的练习,锻炼了学生理解上下文各句子之 间的逻辑关系以及词语在特定语境中含义的能力。信中小明提到家 人一起制作清明节传统小吃青团,将其制作方法作为拓展部分内容。 3 Educate Ss to be grateful and thankful. 【设计意图设计意图】清明节的来历正是感恩,我们清明节上坟祭祀先祖, 就是沿袭这种感恩的精神。然而,中国的清明节对感恩,好像专注 于那些死去的先人,却没有对活着的,对自己有恩的人,似乎将更 多、更重要的感恩淡化了。一个充满感恩的社会,走过艰难的民族, 懂得感恩的人才能知道珍惜,珍视历史,敬重别人,敬畏公德。中 国的清明节就是中国的感恩节,我们在感恩逝去的历史和先人的同 时,更应该感恩那些有益于我们生存和发展的人。通过拓展让学生 对于清明节在情感上有更深刻的印象和体会,切实意识到清明节对 于中国人,不仅仅是祭祀,更重要的是感恩! Step 4 Homework 6 【设计意图设计意图】作业能让学生巩固所学知识和把课堂知识有效地延伸。 让学生利用课外时间,把自己在课堂上学到的关于清明节来源的故 事讲给爸妈听,这是一个很好的语言表达的平台。同时布置学生和 家人一起制作传统小吃青团这一亲子活动,让学生觉得学有所用, 又能增强自信心。 六板书设计六板书设计
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