广东版六年级上册Unit 4 Keeping Clean-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:00edf).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Keeping Clean_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:00edf)
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1 Book 7 Unit 4 Story I. Lets retell One day, Tony and Gogo are _. The park is _. They see _everywhere. The park is _. So Tony and Gogo _and _. Soon the park is _ and _.And then they _. But the trash basket is _. And Gogo is _. _ falls out of _. The park was _ before, but its _ _. What a careless Gogo! II.ContinueII.Continue writingwriting thethe story(story(续写故事续写故事) ) : _ _ :_ _ III.CompleteIII.Complete thethe conversations(conversations(完成对话完成对话) ) A:Look! The blackboard was clean before. But _now. B:Come on. Lets _. A: OK. 2 A:Oh!The desk _ before. But its messy now. B: Its ok. Lets _. A:Good idea. 3 A:Oh, no! Why _ trash everywhere? B:Well. Lets _. A:Ok. Lets do. 2 The blackboard The blackboard waswas dirtydirty yesterdayyesterday, but it , but it isis cleanclean nownow. . yesterdayyesterday nownow yesterday/ /just nowtoday/ /now Look and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and say _ was_, but its _. _ were_, but they are_. 1 2 3 4 Gogos bedroom was messy before. But it is tidy now. before now In the park In the park In the park In the park 1.What is the park like?1.What is the park like? -Its -Its -Its -Its beautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautiful. . . . Watch and thinkWatch and thinkWatch and thinkWatch and think 2.What do they see in2.What do they see in the park? the park? 1.What do they see in the park?1.What do they see in the park?1.What do they see in the park?1.What do they see in the park? 2.Why is there trash everywhere? 2.Why is there trash everywhere? 2.Why is there trash everywhere? 2.Why is there trash everywhere? -They see much trash.-They see much trash.-They see much trash.-They see much trash. -Some people throw it . -Some people throw it . -Some people throw it . -Some people throw it . everywhereeverywhere here and therehere and there What do they do then?What do they do then?What do they do then?What do they do then? -They pick up the trash and make the park clean.-They pick up the trash and make the park clean.-They pick up the trash and make the park clean.-They pick up the trash and make the park clean. take something up by hand p pi ig g p pi ickck What is the park like now?What is the park like now?What is the park like now?What is the park like now? -Its clean and nice.-Its clean and nice.-Its clean and nice.-Its clean and nice. What do they do after that?What do they do after that?What do they do after that?What do they do after that? over thereover there Lets pull our trash basket over there. trash baskettrash basket -They pull the trash basket -They pull the trash basket -They pull the trash basket -They pull the trash basket over there. over there. over there. over there. 2.What does Gogo think of the basket?2.What does Gogo think of the basket?2.What does Gogo think of the basket?2.What does Gogo think of the basket? -He thinks its heavy.-He thinks its heavy.-He thinks its heavy.-He thinks its heavy. What s in the tree?There are two birds. What are the birds doing? They are singing. Why is Gogo singing?Why is Gogo singing? Who is singing, too? What is the park like now? Why? The trash The trash falls out offalls out of Gogos trash basket. Gogos trash basket. a ag gaiain n a aboutbout r raiain n Its dirty Its dirty againagain. . In the parkIn the park Follow the tapeFollow the tape Role play(Role play(Role play(Role play(配音秀配音秀配音秀配音秀) ) ) ) Show TimeShow Time (表演秀) Roles(角色) Tony Gogo birds trash bin (Group work) What do you think of Gogo and Tony ?What do you think of Gogo and Tony ?What do you think of Gogo and Tony ?What do you think of Gogo and Tony ? careless goodgood love workinglove working Lets retellLets retellLets retellLets retell(Pair workPair work) One day, Tony and Gogo are _. The park is _. They see _everywhere. The park is _. So Tony and Gogo _and _. Soon the park is _ and _.And then they _. But the trash basket is _. And Gogo is _. _ falls out of _. The park was _ before, but its _ _. Gogo feels sorry. What a careless Gogo! clean pull the trash basket over there heavycareless the trash basket the trashdirty pick up the trashmake the park clean clean dirty In the park in the park nice /Clean up trash beautiful The trash again Continue the story(Group work) The park is dirty again. What will Tony and Gogo say and do?The park is dirty again. What will Tony and Gogo say and do? Talk Talk and and shareshare in in groups(groups(谈谈论并分享论并分享). ). :_ :_ _ WritingWritingWritingWriting Continue writing and share(续写故事续写故事, ,然后分享然后分享) : _ - _ _ :_ _ The park is dirty again. The park is dirty again. Im sorry. Tony. It doesnt matter. Lets pick up the trash again. But you should be careful. Ok. I will. But can you help me pull the basket? Of course. Keeping clean is everyones duty. Keeping clean is everyones duty. ( (保护环境保护环境 人人有责人人有责) ) Be a civilized person.Be a civilized person. ( (做文明人做文明人) ) Complete the conversations(Complete the conversations(完成对话完成对话) ) 1 A:Look! The blackboard was clean before. But _now. B:Come on. Lets _. A: OK. 2 A:Oh!The desk _ before. But its messy now. B: Its ok. Lets _. A:Good idea. 3 A:Oh, no! Why _ trash everywhere? B:Well. Lets _. A:Ok. Lets do. HomeworkHomework 必做作业 1.Act out the story with your group members. 2.Retell the story for your friends. 选做作业 What should we do to keep our school or classroom clean? 1 BookBook 7 7 UnitUnit 4 4 KeepingKeeping CleanClean 教学设计教学设计 二、教材分析: 本课时是 Unit4 第三课时 story 的教学内容,教材通过故事情境 in the park 的设计,巩固核心语言 It was.before. But its .now.Lets.在情境中的运用。由于之前已有第一第二课时的知识铺垫, 大部分学生对本课时的核心句型(过去状态和现在状态的表达)已经能较好 地表达和运用。因此,本课时的教学难点在于新词汇的理解和运用。 3、学情分析 六 9 班学生的英语检测成绩虽然不够理想,但是他们有着积极参与学习 活动的热情和一部分勤于思考、敢于大胆发言、并乐于表现自己的同学。而 且在小组长的带动下,小组合作学习形成良好的氛围,学习小组竞争积极性 高。 4、教学目标 (1)语言能力目标 1.语言知识目标:理解词汇 beautiful,pick up, everywhere, pull, over there;理解句型:It was. But its .now. Lets. 2.语言技能目标: (1)能听、说、认读、理解新的词汇 pick up, everywhere, pull, over there; (2)能在正确的情境中运用表达过去状态和现在状态的句型 It was. But its .now.并能根据情况用句型 Lets.表达建议. (3)能理解故事并模仿人物语音语调表演故事。 (4)能根据提示复述故事并续写故事。 2 (2)学习能力目标 (1)通过问题设计引导学生思考,培养学生的思维能力。 (2)通过课前预习案的设计,培养学生自主学习,主动探究的能力。 (3)通过课堂活动设计,培养学生“听说读写”以及运用语言进行交际的能 力。 (4)通过续写故事,培养学生创新思维的能力。 (3)思维品质目标 通过问题设计,引导学生思考、分析,培养学生良好的英语表达能力, 并养成良好的思维习惯。 (4)文化品格目标 (1)通过故事的学习,让学生明白每个人都有责任保持环境干净,要爱护环 境,培养学生成为文明人。 (2)通过 Tony 和 Gogo 的劳动事迹,引导学生热爱劳动的品质。 5、教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点:新单词的“音形意用”;理解并形象地模仿人物的语言,并熟 练表达句型 It was. But its .now. Lets.。 2. 教学难点:故事的复述及续写 6、教学设计思路 本课时以“go to the park-see the trash-pick up trash-make the park clean-pull trash basket-trash falls out-being dirty again”为教学流程,逐层设计了“听答问题、模仿秀、表演秀、复述故事、 续写故事、看图编对话”等活动,让学生在学习中体会故事阅读和朗读的乐 3 趣,最终达到综合运用语言的能力。 7、教学过程 Step 1 1.Free talk Teacher: What season is it now? Whats weather like today?What was the weather like yesterday? (设计意图:Free Talk 的谈话内容是学生生活信息的表达,而且是对本单 元新知识的有效复习。) 2. Warm up and review (1)Practice 2-Ask and answer. (2)Sing the song: What can we do? (设计意图:通过教材 Practice 2 的问答练习,检测学生之前的学习效果, 并有效复习了第一第二课时的知识;通过歌曲演唱活动,自然引入到下一个 环节。) 3. Lead in (1)Teacher presents a picture,getting Ss guess Whose bedroom it is? (2)T:Its Gogos. But where is Gogo? -Look, he goes to the park with Tony. (设计意图:通过 guesssing game 的设计,引出人物 Gogo 和 Tony。) 4. Presentation (1)Watch the video and think :What is the park like? What do they see in the park? 4 (通过听录音帮助学生获取信息,然后学生要转换人称进行回答。) T:Why is there trash everywhere?(No answer on the book.) (设计意图:通过新问题的提出,培养学生自主探究答案的能力。) (2)T: What do they do then? Ss listen to the tape. Teacher presents “pick up” and leads Ss learn to spell the sound of PICK by phonics. tick-pick (3)T: What is the park like now?(Ss listen and answer.) (4)T:What do they do after that? Teacher leads in new words“pull.over there”. Teaching Ss with the same method(phonics) (5)Say new sentences with “pull”and “over there”. (6)T: What does Gogo think of the trash basket?What happens at last? (7)Follow the tape.(注意指导学生仿读录音,体会人物性格特点) (8)Role play. Teacher asks two groups to read the story. (Two students from different groups have a compition in imitating.) (9)Show time. One group act out the story for the class. (设计意图:通过问题和听力录音的设计,帮助学生逐步解读文本、获取信息; 同时培养学生的听说读能力,并养成良好的思维习惯;演读和表演活动额设 计,让学生体会英语朗读和用英语的乐趣,达到以趣激学的目的。) 5 Step 5.Practice (1)Retell the story. (2)Talk in groups for continuing the story. (3)Continue writing the story. (4)Share your ending. (5)Complete the conversation.(如果时间不够,可考虑为作业任务。) (设计意图:Retell 是学生学习此傲骨的有效测评方式,通过 retell 活动, 培养了学生的语言概括能力和表达能力;续写故事设计,鼓励学生发散思维 和创新;完成对话设计,可以有效检查学生对本课时重点知识的掌握情况, 及时调整教学策略。) Step 6.Summary and extension (1)Students sum up the key points. (2)Good to know. Ss watch a video about keeping clean.Teacher leads them know thatKeeping clean is everybodys duty. And tell them to be a civilized person. (设计意图:通过小结知识培养学生的归纳能力;通过知识拓展培养学生良好 的文化品格。) Step 7.Homework 必做作业: (1)Act out the story with your group members. (2)Complete the conversation. 选做作业:Think:What should you do to keep your school or classroom 6 clean? (设计意图:必做作业的布置是对全体学习效果的有效检测;选做作业可以 提高学优生的学习能力,激发中层生的学习动力。) 九、板书设计 Unit 4 Keeping clean In the park 10、教学反思 (1)教学亮点 1、通过单幅图画和录音材料的分段截取,降低学生理解课文的难度,增加 故事的趣味性;通过问题的层层引入,激发学生的探知欲望,并培养学生的 思维能力。 2、重视指导学生模仿录音,鼓励学生演绎故事,为学生良好的语音语调打 下扎实的基础。 3、教学活动设计环环紧扣,练习难度逐层递进,切合学生的认知规律,效 7 果良好。 4、教学过程注重学生知识与能力的双向提高,思维与语言的同步发展。 5、结合生活现象,培养学生良好的文化品格。 6、课堂学习氛围热烈,学生积极性高,学习效果达到预期目标。 (2)改进方向 1、续写结尾以口头分享为主,时间不够,可以改进为笔头作品展示。 2、没有时间在课堂上完成“Complete the conversation”这项能够检测学 生学习效果的练习,可以在前面的复习环节节省出 2 分钟。 3、教学活动中没有关注到个别学困生,以后要注意小组合作的有效性和参 与率。
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广东版六年级上册Unit Keeping Clean_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:00edf) 粤人版 _unit _ppt 课件 教案 视频 音频
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