广东版六年级上册Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:61475).zip


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Sing a song 横琴一小 movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = = = = ll ll movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = Excuse me . Where is the school? The school is next to /near the candy shop. movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = Excuse me . Where is the zoo? The zoo is next to/near the toy store. movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = Excuse me . Where is the park? Its next to/near the hospital. movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = = = = ll ll Excuse me . Where is the KFC? Its across from the bank. movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = = = = ll llPardon me . Where is the toy store? Its across from the park. movie theater ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll = = = = = = = = = ll ll Pardon me . Where is the candy store? Its across from the supermarket. movie theater ll ll Find out the difference. ll ll 12 movie theater ll ll ll ll 12 Find out the difference. ll ll ll ll 12 Where is the bank ? The bank is behind the KFC. Find out the difference. The KFC is in front of the bank. Where is the KFC ? Where is the train station? Its behind the shopping mall. Pardon me . Where is the shopping mall ? Its in front of the train station. A game: golden eyes. Read the words quickly before they appear. next to in front of across from behind next to in front of near behind Listen and judge. Listen and follow. Go according to your partners direction . (蒙住眼睛,根据伙伴的指令,找到目的地。) Yoyo needs 3 steps(步骤) to the KFC. ( )Turn left at the corner. ( )Go straight. Its next to the shopping mall. Its on the right. ( )Go straight to the traffic light. Listen and order. Watch and answer. Yoyo needs 3 steps(步骤) to the KFC. ( )Turn left at the corner. ( )Go straight. Its next to the shopping mall. Its on the right. ( )Go straight to the traffic light. 2 3 1 Listen and order. More questions: 1.Is Yoyo polite? 2. What do you think of the girl in a hat? (你认为戴帽子的女孩怎么样?) Watch again and answer. More questions: 1.Is Yoyo polite? 2. What do you think of the girl in a hat? (你认为戴帽子的女孩怎么样?) Yes ,she is. She is nice/friendly/good/kind/helpful. :Excuse me, wheres the KFC? :Go straight to the traffic light. Turn left at the corner. And then go straight.Its next to the shopping mall.Its on your right. :Go straight to the traffic light. Turn left at the corner. And then go straight.Its next to the shopping mall.Its on my left. :No,its on your right. :OK. Its on my right.Thank you very much. :Youre welcome. :Goodbye! :Bye! Try to read: you are going to be traffic volunteers(志 愿者) to help Gogo. Lets discuss and draw. 1.Open the map and read the sentences quickly. 2.Draw the rout from the beginning to the destination. 3.Make a dialogue. Gogo wants to eat some candy. But he cant find the way. Show time. A:Excuse me . Where is the. B: Go straight/Turn left at. Homework 1. Listen and read the words and sentences on Page 19 . 2. Practice the dialogue of being a volunteer in pairs. Thank you! 粤人版小学六年级上册 Unit2 Looking for a Hospital W1 Unit2 Looking for a Hospital Listening part 1. Excuse me. Where is the bank? Its behind the hospital. 2. Pardon me. Where is the library? Its next to the candy shop. 3. Excuse me. Where is the train station? Its in front of the shopping mall. 4. Pardon me. Where is the candy shop? Its near the bookstore. 5. Excuse me. Where is the hospital? Its across from the bank. 6. Pardon me. Where is the movie theater? Its behind the supermarket. Gogo wants to have some cola and chips. But he cant find the place. Gogo wants to buy some comic books. But he cant find the place. Gogo wants to see the monkeys. But he cant find the place. Students Paper 1Listen and number.(听录音,排序)(听录音,排序) ( ) Turn left at the corner. ( ) Go straight. Its next to the shopping mall. Its on the right. ( ) Go straight to the traffic light. 2Answer.(根据视频,回答问题)根据视频,回答问题) 1. Is Yoyo polite? 2. What do you think of the girl in a hat?(你认为戴帽子的女孩 怎么样?) Students Paper 3Listen and number.(听录音,排序)(听录音,排序) ( ) Turn left at the corner. ( ) Go straight. Its next to the shopping mall. Its on the right. ( ) Go straight to the traffic light. 4Answer.(根据视频,回答问题)根据视频,回答问题) 3. Is Yoyo polite? 4. What do you think of the girl in a hat?(你认为戴帽子的女孩 怎么样?) Gogo wants to have some cola and chips. But he cant find the place. Gogo wants to buy some comic books. But he cant find the place. Gogo wants to see the monkeys. But he cant find the place. 1 上课时长:上课时长:40 分钟 一、教学设计整体思路一、教学设计整体思路 本课主要应用了任务型教学法,以培养学生英语兴趣以及发散性思维为主要目的。课 堂以复习单词、拓展新单词、学生说句子、通过视频材料完成书写以及讨论任务为主要环 节。教师发挥启发引导作用,通过对图片的观察和推理来吸引学生,深刻理解单词涵义, 力图培养学生综合思维能力;通过多种游戏,培养学生对英语的学习兴趣;通过朗读对学 生进行语音训练;通过对本课的难点和主题的讨论培养学生良好的交通安全意识和助人为 乐的精神风貌。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 知识目标:知识目标: 1. 学生掌握位置的基本表达方法,例如:near、 next to、across from、behind、in front of 等; 2. 能运用重点句型 Excuse me. Where is.?进行口语交际。 学习策略目标学习策略目标 1.教师发挥启发引导作用,通过对插图的观察和推理来吸引学生,理解单词涵义,力图培养 学生综合思维能力,并让学生学会观察和发现,能逐步感知知识,感悟语言; 2.通过教师设计的问题,学生逐步掌握学习方法。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 1.学生能积极参与课堂的学习活动,并乐于运用英语; 2.通过对本课主题的讨论引导学生提高学生交通安全意识,了解西方交际礼仪,具有助人为 乐的精神风貌。 3、教学重点:教学重点: 1.单词 across from、next to、near、in front of 、behind; 2.句型 Excuse me. Where is.? 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: front of 和 behind 的发音以及区分; 2 2.学生能够运用本单元的重点句型进行问路和指路。 五、教学设备五、教学设备:多媒体设备,课件,练习纸等。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: StepsTeachers Activities Warm-up 1.Greeting with students and divide them into three groups. 【设计意图】将学生分成三组,分别命名为 Apple Street、Banana Street、Watermelon Street,切合本课主题来激 起学生的竞争意识,通过自己的努力来给自己所属街道建设新面貌。 2.A finger game and sing a song. 【设计意图】通过手指游戏以及歌曲热身活动,复习 left、right、go straight,唤醒旧知,活跃气氛。 Presentation 1. Lead in with a map . 教师利用横琴地图介绍横琴一小的具体位置:教师通过提问 “What kind of buildings will be around our school in your mind?” 来引导学生说出不同的地点名称,设计一份新的学校周边环境地图。 【设计意图】通过地点名词的导入为后面的单词教学做好铺垫。 2. Show the new map of Hengqin and help Jenny find the places. 教师利用图片询问地点名称的位置,引出 next to,near,across from.并通过肢体动作以及角色扮演加深对单词的理解,在单词 教学的同时进行简单的句型操练。 3. Find out the difference between the two pictures. 教师出示另一幅图片,让学生对比两幅图的不同之处。 【设计意图】以找茬的形式整体呈现新单词,in front 3 of,behind;容易激发学生的兴趣,有利于培养学生观察能力。 Practice 1. Read the words quickly. 教师 PPT 出示图片,与学生互动,了解学生单词句型掌握情 况。 【设计意图】通过游戏竞争形式,巩固词汇。 2.Listen、look and judge. 【设计意图】通过音图匹配,让学生理解重点句型并体验对话。 3.Find the places according to the partners direction. 教师将教室布置成虚拟的街区,通过蒙眼睛、听指令、找地点 的游戏分辨左右直走来让学生互动,成为课堂的主体。 【设计意图】通过生生互动,结合所学知识运用到具体情境中, 创设轻松愉快的学习氛围,让学生在合作中感受语言的魅力并习得 交通安全知识。 Extension 1. Watch the video and order the sentences. 教师分层次提问题,学生观看视频寻找答案。 Level 1 1.Order the sentences. Level 2 1. Is Yoyo polite? 2. What do you think of the girl in a hat? 【设计意图】此环节是本课的重点,教师通过不同形式的讲解 和提问,检测学生是否理解视频细节,挖掘文本深层次的含义,让 学生认识到问路的礼仪以及助人为乐的重要。 2. Listen and imitate. 4 听音模仿。在听音模仿之前,教师鼓励学生先尝试按情节和人 物的特点朗读对话,再听录音进行模仿。 【设计意图】应用尝试教学的理念,鼓励学生大胆尝试,体现 先学后教,帮助学生形成良好的语音语调。 3. Make dialogues. 每个小组一份地图,里面有地图和相应的问题,让学生充当志 愿者,帮助 Gogo 画出从起点去目的地最理想的路线,并与搭档扮 演角色练习问路指路。 【设计意图】此环节主要培养学生小组合作学习的能力,通过 设置情境以及有趣的互助学习模式让学生开口说英语,培养助人为 乐的精神、习得文明礼仪,达到良好的学习效果。 4. Group show 小组展示。 【设计意图】提供平台让学生展示学习成果,体验获取学习成 果的喜悦,得到德育情感的提升。 Homework 1.Listen and read the words and sentences . 2.Practice the dialogue with partners . 7、板书设计:板书设计: Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital Excuse me.Where is the.? Its next /near 5 across from in front of behind
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广东版六年级上册Unit Looking for Hospital_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:61475) 粤人版 _unit _ppt 课件 教案
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