辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit 8 My mom is going to plant vegetables-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:5002e).zip


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    • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2015年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 8 My mom is going to plant vegetables_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级优课_(编号:5002e)
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Unit 8 My mom is going to plant vegetables. 辽师大版六年级上册(三年级起点 ) My weekend list 1. do cleaning 2. cook meals 3. wash clothes 4. write articles for my work 5. buy some food A: Where are you going? B: Im going to_. A: What are you going to do there? B: Im going to_. Listen and say Bac Pair Work 结 对 活 动: the playground do exercise park He / She is going to library supermarke t zoo A: Where isgoing? B: He/She is going to_. A: What is he/she going to do there? B: He/She is going to_. fly a kite take a walk go boating visit the animals feed the monkeys read books do homework go shopping buy some delicious food Listen and say Group Work 小 组 活 动 Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Listen and say 1. Where is Billy going with his family this weekend? He is going to _.a farm Listen and say Watch and guess Listen and say Watch and guess He is going to visit a farm with his family. 2. Billy is going to _ and _on the farm. A. pick fruit B. plant vegetables C. enjoy the delicious food D. feed chickens Listen and say Listen and choose pick fruit /k/ Listen and say Can you read? tick kick chick chickens /tknz/ feed /fi:d/ Listen and say Can you read? food(名词) 食物 (动词) 喂养 3. What is Billys mom going to do on the farm? Listen and say Listen and answer 4. What is Billys dad going to do on the farm? 3. What is Billys mom going to do on the farm? plant vegetablesShe is going to _. Listen and say Listen and answer vegetablesve-ge-ta-bles 4. What is Billys dad going to do on the farm? ride a horseHe is going to _. Listen and say ride a bike Listen and answer 5. Where is Linda going ? What is Linda going to do there? She is going to the food expo. Listen and say /eksp/ 展 览 会 Read silently and underline the answers She is going to enjoy the delicious food there. Listen and say There are all kinds of food in the food expo. People can enjoy the delicious food from different places. Listen and say enjoy the delicious food / nd / 享受 boy toy joy She/He is going to . A: What are you going to do in the food expo? B: Im going to. Listen and say Pair Work 结 对 练 习: Lets play a chain game What are you going to do this afternoon? Im going to see a film this afternoon. Hes going to see a film this afternoon. Im going to visit my grandparents. Hes going to visit his grandparents. Im going to play computer games. Shes going to play computer games. Im going to the museum. Lets play a chain game What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to . Shes going to Im going to Group work 小 组 活 动 Shes going to Im going to Hes going to Im going to Word Bank climb mountains, read a storybook, draw pictures, do exercise, have a picnic, surf the Internet, write emails, do cleaning, watch TV, cook meals, have a picnic, do homework Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Listen and say Listen and imitate Billy: Im going to visit a farm with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to plant vegetables. My dad is going to ride a horse. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to pick fruit and feed chickens. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there. Listen and say Read with your partner Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to visit a farm with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to plant vegetables. My dad is going to ride a horse. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to pick fruit and feed chickens. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there! Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to _ with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to _. My dad is going to _. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to _ and _. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there! visit a farm plant vegetables ride a horse pick fruit feed chickens Listen and say Read and fill in the blanksRead and fill in the blanks Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to _ with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to _. My dad is going to _. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to _ and _. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there! visit a farm plant vegetables ride a horse pick fruit feed chickens Listen and say Read and fill in the blanksRead and fill in the blanks Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to visit a farm with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to plant vegetables. My dad is going to ride a horse. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to pick fruit and feed chickens. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there! Listen and say Read and fill in the blanks Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to visit a farm with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to plant vegetables. My dad is going to ride a horse. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to pick fruit and feed chickens. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there! Listen and say Read and fill in the blanks Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Billys familys weekend plan This weekend, Billy is going to visit a farm with his family. His mom is _. His dad is _. Billy is going to _ and _. Linda is going to _.She is going to enjoy_there. Listen and say Lets retell the text (复述课文) Lets practice 练说练写 My Familys Weekend Plan Weekend is coming. My parents and I are going to _. Im going to_ _. My father _. My mother_. I think we will have a good time ! Read and write visit grandparents, read a storybook, see a film, play computer games, visit a farm, ride a horse, pick fruit, plant vegetables, feed chickens, fly a kite, go to the zoo, go to the park, do cleanig, see the sunrise, watch cartoons Word Bank Warm tips:Warm tips:Warm tips: ArrangeArrange your life after school well, and your life after school well, and relax yourself in your spare time.relax yourself in your spare time. 安排好自己的课余生活,在业余时间安排好自己的课余生活,在业余时间 充分放松身心。充分放松身心。 Homework:Homework:Homework: 2. Write your own familys weekend plan2. Write your own familys weekend plan and report it to your parents. and report it to your parents. 1. Listen, imitate and read Part 1.1. Listen, imitate and read Part 1. 1 UnitUnit 8 8 MyMy mommom isis goinggoing toto plantplant vegetables.vegetables. 第一课时第一课时 【教学目标与策略分析教学目标与策略分析】 1. 能听、说、读、写并运用核心语言:visit a farm, plant vegetables, ride a horse, pick fruit, feed chicken;My mom is going to . 2. 能听懂、会读、会说 Listen and say。 3. 能和同伴完成 Lets play a chain game 中的游戏。 4. 学会科学合理地安排自己的课余生活,在丰富多彩的课余活动中放松身心。 5. 在合作中向同伴学习,在交流中注意倾听,积极思考并做出积极回应,在词 语和相应事物之间建立联想,按意群阅读语篇;乐于抓住英语交际的机会,运 用所学英语进行表达和交流。 【教学重点、难点分析教学重点、难点分析】 重点:1. 能将重要短语 visit a farm, plant vegetables, ride a horse, pick fruit, feed chicken 放在核心句型中替换运用。 2. 第三人称单数一般将来时 be going to 的用法。 难点:1. 灵活运用各种人称的 be going to 句型表述计划和将要发生的事情。 2. vegetables 和 ride 的发音。 【教学准备教学准备】 教学资源包(英语教学 PPT 课件,课文图片等) ,彩色粉笔。 【教学过程及设计意图教学过程及设计意图】 一、热身一、热身 1. 教师借助教学 PPT 课件呈现“My weekend list”,运用上节课所学核心语言 Im going to.和最近所学旧知,逐项简单介绍周末的计划安排,如:Im going to cook meals for my family 等。 【设计意图设计意图】教师联系自身生活实际,结合学生前几个单元学习的旧知,以 “清单”的形式将自己周末得的打算清晰地呈现给学生,再结合上一个单元的 核心句型简要描述自己的周末计划,既激活了学生的背景知识,又为下面的环 节做好了准备。 2.句型操练:教师提供 Disneyland- take photos;a cinema- see a film;the playground-do exercise 等相关联的事物,引导学生操练下面的句 型。 A: Where are you going? 2 B: Im going to_ _. A: What are you going to do there? B: Im going to_ _. 【设计意图设计意图】引导学生就相关联事物运用 be going to 的第一人称进行问答练 习,为下面对话的学习做好充分准备。 二、呈现与操练二、呈现与操练 1. 教师结合教学 PPT 课件呈现思维导图, 引导学生根据图中模块替换练习。 A:Where is going ? B:He/She is going to A:What is he/she going to do there? B:He/She is going to 【设计意图设计意图】利用思维导图呈现单词、短语和句型三级模块,直观提示学生三 者之间的对应关系,自然过渡到本课的核心句型即 be going to 的第三人称的 问答练习,方便学生运用所学语言表达和交流。 2. 教师借助教学 PPT 课件创设情境:Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home.结合课文插图进行读前猜测:Where is Billy going with his family this weekend? 教师根据学生的答案进一步 描述:Billy is going to visit a farm with his family. 3. 学生听录音,整体感知课文,检验读前猜测是否正确,并完成选择任务: Billy is going to _ and _on the farm.并板书重点句型和短语 He/She is going to. A. pick fruit B. plant vegetables C. enjoy the delicious food D. feed chickens 教师语音正迁移比较 chick,tick, kick 和 pick, 拓展 feed(动词) ,喂养; 3 其名词形式为 food。 4. 学生观察 Billy 父母的动作遮挡图片,再听录音,思考并回答 What is Billys mom/dad going to do on the farm? 引出新知 plant vegetables 和 ride a horse。教师用分解合成法教学多音节词 vegetables 的发音,如: ve-ge-ta-bles vegetables;对比旧知 ride a bike,强调 ride 中元音字母 i 的发音。 5. 教师借助教学 PPT 课件呈现问题:Where is Linda going? What is Linda going to do there? 引导学生默读课文并划出答案,引出 food expo。 教师借助 PPT 课件呈现有关 food expo 典型特征的图片,简介如下:There are all kinds of food in the food expo. People from different can enjoy the delicious food from different places. 【设计意图设计意图】借助有关食品博览会的典型图片,尽可能在有限的课堂时间和空 间里带给学生更多有关食品博览会的信息,既开阔了学生的视野,也帮助学生 更好地理解 food expo 和 enjoy delicious food 的含义。 6. 同桌练习对话:师生假设走入 food expo 的情境,教师借助 PPT 呈现 camera, shopping cart 等事物引发学生合理想象,师生(生生)借助如下语 言支架进行交流: - What are you going to do in the food expo? - Im going to take some photos/buy some food.师生最后用第三人称 单数转述:He/She is going to. 【设计意图设计意图】借助 food expo 的情境让学生操练核心语言,突破本课“灵活运 用各种人称的 be going to 句型表述计划和将要发生的事情”的难点。 7. 游戏:Lets play a chain game。 教师简要介绍游戏规则:教师提问:What are you going to do this afternoon?教师引导第一个学生回答:Im going to see a film this afternoon.再引导第二个学生将第一个学生的句子改为第三人称单数形式: Hes going to see a film this afternoon. 再加上自己的句子:Im going to visit my grandparents.教师引导学习依次练习。 【设计意图设计意图】通过这个富有味性和挑战性的游戏进一步熟悉本课核心语言,持 续激发学生的学习热情,即便不能开口说出完整句子的学生也会积极思考,试 图听懂同伴们在说什么,有效地扩大了活动的参与面。 7. 学生再听录音(教师范读) ,有感情地模仿跟读课文,注意语音语调。建议教 师重点示范按意群朗读长句 Im going to /pick fruit /and feed chickens.学 生模仿跟读,教师适当纠正。 4 【设计意图设计意图】把所读句子分成几个意义较完整的组群,引导学生把注意力放在 每个意群的中心词上,学生通过模仿录音或教师标准的朗读,体验语言的节奏 美,从而培养良好的英语语感和阅读习惯,帮助学生更好理解句意。 8. 角色扮演朗读课文并展示。 9. 教师结合 PPT 呈现语言支架,分层次留白引导学生背诵课文。 Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom . My dad . Linda: What about you? Billy: Im . Where are you going? Linda: . there! 3、运用与拓展运用与拓展 1. 复述课文。教师借助 PPT 呈现如下语言支架,引导学生转述课文的对话内容。 【设计意图设计意图】引导学生进一步操练本课的核心语言,理解和内化课文内容,为 下一步的语篇操练预热。 2. 学生以“My familys weekend plan”为题写一写自己及家人的周末安排 或打算。 5 【设计意图设计意图】通过仿、学、用活动逐步突破本课的教学难点:灵活运用各种人 称的 be going to 句型表述计划和将要发生的事情。结合核心语言增加语料完 成任务,提高学生阅读能力的同时也让学生了解了他人的业余生活安排,可以 丰富学生的思维,有助于完成短文的输出。 4 4、小结与作业小结与作业 1. 小结 (1)教师带领学生结合板书回顾本节课的重点内容: visit a farm, plant vegetables, ride a horse, pick fruit, feed chickens My mom is going to plant vegetables. (2)安排好自己的课余生活,在业余时间充分放松身心。 2. 作业 1. Listen, imitate and read Part 1. 2. Write your own familys weekend plan and report it to your parents.
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辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit My mom is going to plant vegetables_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级优课_(编号:5002e) 辽宁 师大 版六上 _unit vegetables_ppt
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