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类型辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit 3 She is my e-pal-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41513).doc

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    关 键  词:
    辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit She is my e-pal_教案、教学设计_市级优课_配套课件编号:41513 辽宁 师大 版六上 _Unit pal_ 教案 教学 设计 市级优课 配套 课件 下载 _六年级上册_辽师大版英语(三年级起)_英语_小学

    1、教材教材 分析分析 本单元是辽师大版英语六年级(三年级起点)上册第三单元,本单元的话题是询问、描述有 关朋友的个人情况。了解和运用询问他人的喜好和能力的英文表达方式。本单元通过“talk about what your friends like”来学习动词的单数第三人称变化,理解并运用第三人称的陈述句、一 般疑问句及回答。从学生熟悉的朋友的兴趣爱好出发,培养健康向上的兴趣与爱好,热爱生活, 珍惜友谊,尊重他人。 学情学情 分析分析 六年级阶段,“三单”是一个难点,本单元重点学习“三单”形式。学生已经接触过相关知 识点,在学习过程中要比较容易些,教师可以引导学生把已学的知识迁移到本单元中来,运用

    2、本 单元重点句型“Does she like music? Yes, she does. She plays the guitar well.”来谈论 朋友的兴趣爱好。这是个很好的机会,老师可以借此机会,培养学生健康向上的兴趣与爱好,树 立学生相互理解、尊重的正确人生观。 学生是学习的主体,学生只有学习兴趣浓厚、情感饱满,积极参与,不同学生均能较好的主 动学习内容,才能取得较好的学习效果。所以要加强通过游戏的方式多激发学生兴趣,才能达到 理想的教学效果。 教学教学 目标目标 AimsAims onon thethe knowledge:knowledge: To listen and say

    3、the sentences “Does she like music? Yes, she does. She plays the guitar well.” and use the sentences in real situations;To write the four-skill words: likes singing,plays the guitar, jumps high,runs fast,dances well. To understand the phonetics. AimsAims onon thethe abilities:abilities:To develop th

    4、e abilities of listening and speaking; To train the ability of working in groups. AimsAims onon thethe emotion:emotion: To stimulate the interest in learning English.To build up the correct values and views 教学教学 重点重点 To listen and say, anduse the sentences in real situations; To write the four-skill

    5、 words of Unit 3;To understand the dialogue “Listen and say”. 教学教学 难点难点 To listen and say the sentences and use the sentences in real situations. 核心核心 问题问题 “Does she like music? Yes, she does. She plays the guitar well.” 教学教学 方法方法 “Task-base” Teaching Method.“Situational” Teaching Method 教学教学教学活动教学活

    6、动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 环节环节 预留预留 汇报汇报 3 3 W Warmingarming upup 1.Greetings T:Hello,boys and girls. T:How are you? T:Im OK.thank you. T:Whats the weather like today? 2.Sing a song. Teacher shows PPT of “Monkey sees and Monkey does.” The Ss sing and do the actions. 3.Free talk Make sentences by “He/She + ”

    7、to explain their friends hobbies. Then ask the students “Whats your friends hobbies?” Greet to each other. Hello,Miss Han. Im fine .And you? Its sunny/cloudy. Sing a song together Free talk 轻松问候,拉近师生 距离。清除学生紧张 心理。 日常问候增加亲切 感,推进“对话式” 教学。 通过唱歌,活跃课堂 气氛,短时间内激发 学生对学习英语的热 情,为学习新知识做 铺垫。 自主回答,既起到复 习的作用,又引出了

    8、 本节课的重点句型。 成为导入新课的切入 点。 问题问题 出示出示 5 5 1. Learn the new words. Teacher make some models while reading.Then let students imitate, do the actions one by one quickly. Then shows the cards,let students read in different ways. 2. Listen and say. Teacher shows pictures of Judy T: She is my e-pal. Her name

    9、is Judy. Can you guess whats she like by using the “Does she + 动词短语?” T:Shelly is talking about her e-pal with Sandy in their study.Now listen to the tape and find the answers for the questions. Question 1: Where is Shelleys e-pal from? Question 2: What does she like doing ? (show the phrase “plays

    10、the guitar well”.) Listen to the teacher,and imitate the actions. Read one by one,boys and girls,in pairs. Look at the pictures and imagine. Listen to the tape again,and think about the Questions. 通过教师的动作示范 和学生模仿,使学生 对新知识有初步了解 和体验。便于学生理 解着记忆,告别传统 枯燥的死记硬背。 通过卡片等多种方式 反复操练,巩固新词 的发音和组成。 图片形象直观的特 性,能够充分发

    11、挥学 生的想象力,是学习 新知识的良好切入 点。 设计简单易懂的问 题,引导学生有针对 性的学习课文,提高 解决问题能力。同时 让学生从中体会成功 的喜悦, 提升自信心。 自主自主 探究探究 7 7 a.Listen again and repeat. b.Read by yourselves and find out the difficult words,discuss in your groups. Listen and follow to the tape. Find the difficult words and discuss in groups 反复听录音,锻炼学 生听力和口语。

    12、 培养学生自己发现问 题, 解决问题的能力, 同时小组合作有助于 培养学生团队合作意 识。 交流交流 完善完善 8 8 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs. Then act it to the class. 2. Ask several students to answer the Question 1 and Question 2,after that,find someone to do supplement. 3.Discuss Question 3“Does Sandy want to meet her some day ?” Read the dia

    13、logue in different roles. Students answer and do supplement. Discuss in groups. 回顾课文,感受课文 的完整性,角色扮演 既锻炼了学生的口语 表达能力,又培养了 合作意识。 学生回答, 学生补充, 提高学生自主学习能 力。 进一步讨论,为下一 环节做铺垫。 点拨点拨 深入深入 3 3 T:Yes.But why does Sandy want to meet her some day ? Listen again and fill in the chart. HobbiesHobbies 1 2plays the g

    14、uitar 3 4jumps high 5 Listen again and fill out the form. 随着问题难度的加 深,引导学生层层深 入的解决问题,逐渐 把握文本内容。 图表形象直观的特 性,既对课文内容进 行整合,弱化了该部 分的难度,又减轻了 枯燥的语言训练,提 高学生总结归纳的能 力。 拓展拓展 反思反思 5 5 1. Make a new dialogue. To describe your friend by using the four-skill words. A A: I have a friend.He has many hobbies. He likes

    15、_. He_ fast and _ well. T: Your friend is great. B B: Practice in pairs and then show them to the class. 2. Check match and read a. Teacher shows phonetics pictures and the cards. b. the students connect first,then read after the teacher. c.Read the word and sum up the rules of pronunciation. Make a

    16、 new dialogue according to the template Read the words and phonetics. Students connect then read after the teacher. 提供可参考模板,不 仅激发学生学习兴趣 和表达欲望,还进一 步操练了本节课的重 点句型,巩固新知, 达到学以致用的目 的。 学生反复读单词,总 结发音规律,借助音 标了解单词构成,掌 握拼词方法,运用拼 词法学习、记忆新单 词。 基础基础 训练训练 6 6 1.Complete the exercise. a.a.play_ the guitar likes_ ju

    17、mp_high _well b b. _(do)your father like singing? My brother_(go)to school at 7:00. He_(run)fast in the evening. c.c._(do) she like music? No,he_(do) 2.Play the game. Who is the fast? Everyone gets a word card.The Ss combine the words into one correct sentence. The fast group will get reward. 3.Famo

    18、us remark The roles in her hand the flavor in mine. Fill in the blanks with proper form of the words. Try your best to connect the words in limited time. Learn the famous remark 通过补空,提高学生 对动词短语“三单” 形式的整体感知能 力。 把知识点设计成习 题,既巩固“三单” 形式在实际语境中的 运用以及疑问句的提 问和回答,又便于查 缺补漏。 拼词成句游戏能调动 学生积极性,培养学 生实际操作能力,小 组任务能够增

    19、强学生 团队合作意识,同时 能在活动中获得成就 感和荣誉感。 运用名人名言教育学 生养成相互理解,相 互关爱,相互帮助的 好习惯。 延展延展 提升提升 3 3 1. What have we learned this class? a. Ask several students to sum up what we have learned this class? b. Ask students to read the main sentences together. Sum up Read together 学生总结,锻炼学生 自我总结能力和语言 表达能力。 借助板书,帮助学生 系统整体的回顾

    20、本科 所学知识。 2. Homework: 1) read the dialogue more 2) write an article about your friends hobbies. 3) Preview the part 4. Do the exercise Preview 作业的设计是针对学 生熟悉且感兴趣的父 母亲的话题,不仅是 对本节课重点句型的 训练。也锻炼了学生 写作能力。 预习有助于新课学 习。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unite 3 She is my e-pal Phrases:Phonetics: likes singingffar plays the guitarvvase jumps higha:dark runs fastbug “Does she like music? Yes, she does. She plays the guitar well.”

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    本文标题:辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit 3 She is my e-pal-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41513).doc
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