辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit 8 My mom is going to plant vegetables-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:30d54).zip


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    • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2015年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 8 My mom is going to plant vegetables_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:30d54)
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do exercise play sports watch a game visit the animals feed the monkeys go shopping buy clothes have delicious food read books borrow some books do homework enjoy the sunshine go swimming go surfing plant vegetables plant He/She is going to Where are Billys family going this weekend? Listen and say. Billy is going to _ with his family.visit a farm 听录音,回答问题。听录音,回答问题。 visit a farm visit grandparents/friends visit a zoo visit a park visit Beijing visit a museum He is going to _ She is going to _ Read and answer. What are they going to do on the farm? Billys mom is going to _. Billys dad is going to _. Billy is going to _. plant vegetables vest orange vegetablesplant antpl vedtblzpl:nt visit a farm plant vegetables pk Listen and say. What are they going to do on the farm? Billys mom is going to _. Billys dad is going to _. Billy is going to _. plant vegetables ride a horse like rice kite ride a horse visit a farm plant vegetables ride a horse Listen and say. What are they going to do on the farm? Billys mom is going to _. Billys dad is going to _. Billy is going to _. plant vegetables ride a horse pick fruit and feed chickens tick pick fruit ch n ens /tknz/ feed /fi:d/ Back fru:tpk visit a farm plant vegetables ride a horse pick fruit pick grapes pick apples pick pears pick oranges pick bananas visit a farm plant vegetables ride a horse pick fruit feed chickens 国 际 果 蔬 食 品 博 览 会 邀 请 函 Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to visit a farm with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to plant vegetables. My dad is going to ride a horse. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to pick fruit and feed chickens. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there. Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their way home. Linda: Where are you going this weekend? Billy: Im going to visit a farm with my family. Linda: Thats great. What are you going to do there? Billy: My mom is going to plant vegetables. My dad is going to ride a horse. Linda: What about you? Billy: Im going to pick fruit and feed chickens. Where are you going? Linda: Im going to the food expo. Im going to enjoy the delicious food there.Back Fill in the blank. 填空,完成对话。填空,完成对话。 Read and complete Its Friday afternoon. Billy and his friends are talking about their weekends in the classroom. Billy is going to a farm with his family. He is going to pick fruit and ride a horse. How wonderful! Li Ming is going to the library. He loves reading very much. Shelley and Sandy usually look after the old people. This weekend they are going to wash clothes for the old people. Xiao Hui is going to the stray dog shelter. There are a lot of cute dogs. She is going to bring some food to the poor dogs. The chlidren are going to have a good time this weekend. . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy Li Ming The twins Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm Li Ming The twins Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Ming The twins Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Mingthe library The twins Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Mingthe libraryreading The twins Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Mingthe libraryreading The twinsresthome Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Mingthe libraryreading The twinsresthomewash clothes Xiao Hui . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Mingthe libraryreading The twinsresthomewash clothes Xiao Huithe stray dog shelter . PeopleWhere to goWhat to do Billy a farm pick fruit and ride a dorse Li Mingthe libraryreading The twinsresthomewash clothes Xiao Huithe stray dog shelterbring some food to the poordogs You have to pay before you are paid. 没有付出就没有回报没有付出就没有回报 作文 My Familys Weekend Plan _ _ _ _ _ 作业1.Recite the text 2.Continue to complete your writing 学习目标学习目标 1. Four skills: farm, visit a farm, plant, plant vegetables, ride, ride a horse, pick, fruit, pick fruit, feed, feed chickens; 能听懂、会说、会写核心语言能听懂、会说、会写核心语言 My mom is going to并能灵活运用。并能灵活运用。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说能听懂、会读、会说 Listen and say 板块的对话;能和同伴合作完成板块的对话;能和同伴合作完成 Lets play a chain game 板块中游戏。板块中游戏。 3. 在合作中向同伴学习,在交流中注意倾听、积极思考并做出积极回应,运用在合作中向同伴学习,在交流中注意倾听、积极思考并做出积极回应,运用 所学英语进行表达和交流。所学英语进行表达和交流。 学习重点学习重点 1. 能将重要短语能将重要短语 visit a farm, plant vegetables, ride a horse, pick fruit , feed chicken 放在核心语言中替换运用。放在核心语言中替换运用。 2. 单数第三人称一般将来时单数第三人称一般将来时 be going to 的用法。的用法。 学习难点学习难点 1.灵活运用各种人称的灵活运用各种人称的 be going to 句型表述计划和将要发生的事情。句型表述计划和将要发生的事情。 2.单词单词 vegetables 和和 ride 的读音。的读音。 教学过程教学过程 教学流程教学流程 活动设计活动设计 设设 设计意图设计意图 导听导学导听导学 (创设情景,整(创设情景,整 体感知语篇)体感知语篇) T: Dear students.Welcome to my class. Are you ready? Lets begin our class. Are you ready? Now stand up,please. Sing a song How are you T:(家乡风光视频) Now lets watch videos. Look at our hometown. In our hometown there are some beautiful places.beach, drum-tower, hot spring, mountain, Jue Hua Island and so on. I love it. Do you love it? This weekend Im going to the natatorium. Im going to swim. Where are you 师生唱歌问候,师生唱歌问候, 创设愉悦的英语课创设愉悦的英语课 堂氛围堂氛围 看家乡风光视频看家乡风光视频 创设情境,导入用创设情境,导入用 “Im going to描描 述周末活动安排的述周末活动安排的 话题,与本课话题,与本课 Listen and say 板板 块的对话主题呼应。块的对话主题呼应。 引导学生就相关事引导学生就相关事 物运用第一人陈进物运用第一人陈进 行陈述,为下面学行陈述,为下面学 习做充分准备。习做充分准备。 going? What are you going to do? S: Im going to. T:(出示 PPT) Good. Lets look at the pictures and talk aboutWhere to go”/”What to do”. Please remember what your partners say and make dialogues in your groups. Do you understand? Now Ill give you two minutes to talk about. One two go. Stop here. Who can make dialogues? Ss: A: Where is xx going? B: He/She is going to A: What is going to do there? B: He/She is going to 利用思维导图呈利用思维导图呈 现单词、短语、句现单词、短语、句 型三级模块,直观型三级模块,直观 提示学生三者之间提示学生三者之间 关系,自然过渡到关系,自然过渡到 本课的核心语言本课的核心语言 be going to 的单数第的单数第 三人称问答,方便三人称问答,方便 学生运用所学语言学生运用所学语言 进行操练。进行操练。 新课呈现新课呈现 趣味操练趣味操练 T:(出示 PPT) Good. I have two good friends. They are our old friends. Guess! Who are they? S: They are Linda and Billy. T: (PPT) Yes. They are on their way home. They are talking about their weekend plan. This class we will learn Unit8 My mom is going to plant vegetables. Follow me.(出示课题) (出示 PPT)Listen to the tape and answer the 利用利用 PPT 课件创课件创 设情境设情境 听音回答问题,提听音回答问题,提 高学生听力,培养高学生听力,培养 question. What is Billy going to do with his family this weekend? Now listen. S1: Answer. Ss read the sentence together. T: Billy is he or she.( 板书 He is going to) Present and teach “ visit a farm” Can you say other phrases with visit? Ss: visit T:Look at these phrases. Read them together. Who can make sentences with “ He / She is going to” Ss: He/She is going to T: Well done! Now lets open the book and answer the questions” What are they going to do on the farm?” You can underline the answers on the books. Lets go. Ss read it by yourself. (出示 PPT) T: Answer the first question: Whats Billys mom going to do? S1:She is going to plan vegetables. (出示 PPT) Present and teach “ plant vegetables” T: Follow me. Lets read it one by one. What vegetables do you know? 倾听能力。倾听能力。 0:07:32 用用 visit 扩扩 词,培养学生组词词,培养学生组词 能力。能力。 0:08:16 用所给词用所给词 组造句,熟练运用组造句,熟练运用 HeShe is going to 自由读课文,画出自由读课文,画出 不懂得地方,培养不懂得地方,培养 学生自学能力。学生自学能力。 0:10:26 单词、词单词、词 组教学采取以旧带组教学采取以旧带 新,分音节教学,新,分音节教学, 从而降低学生学习从而降低学生学习 的难度。的难度。 T: Eating more fresh vegetables is good for health. Look at the second question: What is Billys dad going to do? S2: Answer T: (出示 PPT) Present and teach “ride a horse” T: The last one:What is Billy going to do? S3: Answer. T:(出示 PPT) Present and teach“pick fruit and feed chickens” T: (出示 PPT)There are some fruit.My favorite fruit is bananas. I can pick bananas. Whats your favorite fruit? Can you pick? Lets pick fruit, Ok? S: I likeI am going to pick T: Read the text silently. Think it over. Answer my question.” (出示 PPT) How about Lindas weekend? S: Answer T: Now let these pictures. (播放食品展览会图) There are all kinds of delicious food in the food expo. People can enjoy the delicious food from different places. Now go into the food expo with me. Plan what you and your family do in the Food Expo. 0:15:15 学生边说学生边说 边操作摘水果,培边操作摘水果,培 养手脑并用能力。养手脑并用能力。 0:19:13 通过呈现通过呈现 有关有关 food expo 的的 图片,让学生进图片,让学生进 一步了解一步了解 food expo 含义,借助含义,借助 food expo 的情景的情景 让学生操练核心让学生操练核心 语言,突破本课语言,突破本课 的教学难点。的教学难点。 小组合作小组合作 交流展示交流展示 Give you one minute to practice. Say it by yourself. Stop here .Introduce your family plan. S: I am going to My mom is going to My dad is going to My grandparents are going to T: So much for the language. Follow to the tape. (出示课文 PPT) Read it by yourself. Act the dialogue Game: (PPT) Make sentences. See which group to say more during the prescribed time,Ok? 通过趣味性游戏进通过趣味性游戏进 一步熟悉本课的核一步熟悉本课的核 心语言,持续激发心语言,持续激发 学生的学习热情学生的学习热情 巩固拓展巩固拓展 综合运用综合运用 T: Practice 1. (出示 PPT)Answer the questions. 2. (出示 PPT)Fill in the blank. Well done .Lets look at the blackboard. 3. Lets retell the dialogue. Ok?(出示 PPT 展示 整个课文内容图片,学生看图复述) T:You all did a good job! At last. Lets do reading exercises.(出示阅读 PPT) 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Complete the form. 0:28:10 学生使用学生使用 白板书写完成课文白板书写完成课文 填空。填空。 0:31学生看有关学生看有关 课文图片课文图片 PPT 复复 述课文述课文 0:36:25课外阅读课外阅读 完成表格练习,灵完成表格练习,灵 活运用各种人称的活运用各种人称的 句型表述,提高学句型表述,提高学 生的阅读理解能力。生的阅读理解能力。 T: Who want to share your answers? T: Great! T: Good. When we visit a farm. What we can do and what we cant do? S: We can plant vegetables. But we cant walk on the vegetables. We can ride a horse. But we cant ride a pig. T: You all did a good job! Billys family visit a farm. Linda visits Food Expo. Now please you imitate the text and reading exercises to plan your family weekend travel. Take out your paper. Write down quickly. Who can share your writing? 学生使用学生使用 paid 上上 传表格答案,并用传表格答案,并用 HeShe is going to完整表述表格完整表述表格 答案。答案。 情感教育:做文明情感教育:做文明 的出行小主人的出行小主人 通过仿、学、用活通过仿、学、用活 动突破本课难点,动突破本课难点, 灵活运用各种人称灵活运用各种人称 表述计划和将要发表述计划和将要发 生的事情,丰富学生的事情,丰富学 生的思维,有助于生的思维,有助于 学生完成短文的输学生完成短文的输 出。出。 课堂小结 综合评价 What have we learnt today? 家庭作业 1. Recite the text 2. Continue to complete your writing 板书设计
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辽宁师大版六年级上册Unit My mom is going to plant vegetables_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:30d54) 辽宁 师大 版六上 _unit vegetables_ppt
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