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- 1 - 人教版人教版(2019)新教材高中英语第三册词汇导学案新教材高中英语第三册词汇导学案 UNIT FOUR 1.astronaut strnt : n. 宇航员宇航员; 太空人太空人 spaceman/spacewoman: n. 宇航员宇航员 1)Can you name any famous astronauts from China or abroad? 2)Yang Liwei is Chinas first astronaut and national hero. 3)She believed that she could make/become an excellent woman astronaut. 2. procedure prsid(r): n.程序程序;步骤步骤;手续手续 1)Do you know anything about the selection procedure for astronauts? 2)The results show clearly that this procedure is correct. 3)Whats the procedure for opening a bank account(账户)? 3. mental mentl : adj. 精神的精神的; 思想的思想的 physical: adj. 身体的身体的 spirit: n.精神精神; 心灵心灵; 情绪情绪 thought: n.思想思想; 想法想法 Astronauts not only had to learn how to use space equipment, but also had to do a lot of mental and physical training. 4. cm = centimeter/centimetre sentimi:t(r) : n. 厘米厘米 millimeter/millimetre: n. 毫米毫米 meter/metre: n. 米米; 公尺公尺 kilometer/kilometre: n. 千米千米; 公里公里 1)His height has increased by 3 cm. 2)The player is 185 cm in height and 95 kg in weight. 5. intelligent nteldnt : adj.有智慧的有智慧的;聪明的聪明的;有智力的有智力的 clever: adj. 聪明的聪明的; 灵巧的灵巧的; 熟练的熟练的; 精明的精明的 bright: adj. 聪明的聪明的; 明亮的明亮的 wise: adj. 明智的明智的; 英明的英明的; 充满智慧的充满智慧的 smart: adj. 聪明的聪明的; 精明的精明的 1)First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree. 2)Shes even more intelligent than her brother. 3)The child asked a lot of intelligent questions. 6. rocket rkt: n. 火箭火箭;火箭弹火箭弹 rock: n. 岩石岩石; 礁石礁石 1)The rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the ground. 2)There was a rocket attack on the capital of that country last night. 7. gravity rvti: n.重力重力;引力引力 1)After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity. 2)The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity. 3)When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground. 8. frontier frnt(r): n. 边境边境;国界国界;边远地区边远地区 (指两国接壤的前沿地区,多有军队驻防指两国接壤的前沿地区,多有军队驻防) border: n. 边界边界; 边境边境 (多指靠近两国或两地区分界线的区域多指靠近两国或两地区分界线的区域) front: n. 前面前面; 前部前部; 前线前线 adj. 前面的前面的; 前部的前部的; 在前的在前的 SPACE: THE FINAL FRONTIER 1)Frontier incidents have been common on the border. 2)The frontier is so well guarded that no one can get across. 3)The USA has a frontier with Mexico. 9. vehicle vikl : n. 交通工具交通工具;车辆车辆 car: n. 小车小车; 轿车轿车taxi: n. 出租车出租车; 计程车计程车 jeep: n. 吉普车吉普车bus: n. 公共汽车公共汽车 truck: n. 卡车卡车train: n. 火车火车 plane: n. 飞机飞机aircraft: n. 飞机飞机 helicopter: n. 直升机直升机spaceship/spacecraft: n. 宇宙飞船宇宙飞船 ship: n. 船船; 舰舰boat: n. 小船小船; 船船 bike/bicycle: n. 自行车自行车 motorbike/motorcycle: n. 摩托车摩托车 - 2 - 1)Are you the driver of this vehicle? 2)Despite the vehicles size and weight, it is not difficult to drive. 3)This vehicle has been parked in front of the school. 10.universe junvs : n. 宇宙宇宙;天地万物天地万物 earth: n. 地球地球 moon: n. 月球月球 1)They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe. 2)Do you know how the universe began? 11.determined dtmnd: adj.有决心的有决心的; 意志坚定的意志坚定的 be determined to do: 决心做决心做 1)However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space. 2)Hes determined to pass the driving test this time. 3)The government is determined to clean up the city. 12. determine dtmn: vt. 查明查明;确定确定;决定决定 determination dt:mnen: n. 决心决心;决定决定 determine/decide to do: 决定做决定做 1)The people in that country have a right to determine their own future. 2)The woman determines to continue working when she reaches retirement age. 13. satellite stlat : n. 人造卫星人造卫星;卫星卫星 star: n. 恒星恒星 planet: n. 行星行星 1)A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth. 2)The moon is a satellite of the earth. 3)China sent up 40 satellites last year. 14. launch lnt: v./n 发射发射;发起发起;上市上市 send up:发射:发射 1)The Russia will launch a communications satellite tomorrow morning. 2)The new car will be launched next year. 3)They launched a surprise air attack on the capital in the early hours of the morning. 15.orbit bt: n. (环绕地球环绕地球/太阳等运行的太阳等运行的)轨道轨道;势力范围势力范围 v.沿轨道运行沿轨道运行;环绕环绕运行运行 1)On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was lunched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. 2)Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time. 3)Now Canada is within the orbit of the United States of America. 16. giant dant: adj. 巨大的巨大的;伟大的伟大的 n. 巨人巨人;巨兽巨兽;伟人伟人 big: adj. 大的大的;巨大的巨大的; 年龄较大的年龄较大的; 重大的重大的; 严重的严重的 huge: adj. 巨大的巨大的;庞大的庞大的 large: adj. 大的大的; 大量的大量的; 大规模的大规模的 great: adj. 伟大的伟大的: 巨大的巨大的; 极大的极大的; 大的大的 1)He is a manager of a giant factory. 2)Shakespeare was a giant writer. 3)The boss looks scary but hes really a gentle giant. 17.leap li:p: n. 跳跃跳跃;剧增剧增;剧变剧变 v. 跳过跳过;跃过跃过 (leapt - leapt lept; leaped -leaped) jump: v.跳跳; 跳跃跳跃;跳过跳过; 跨越跨越 1)He had leapt from a window in the building and escaped. 2)I saw a fish leaping out of the water. 18. mankind mnkand : n.人类人类 (前不用冠词,接单数动词前不用冠词,接单数动词/复数动词复数动词) all mankind: 全人类全人类 man: n. 人类人类 (不可数名词,前不用冠词,接单数动词不可数名词,前不用冠词,接单数动词) 1)Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “Thats one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.” 2)The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years to develop. - 3 - 3)Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind. 19.agency ednsi: n(政府的政府的)专门机构专门机构;服务机构服务机构;代理处代理处 agent: n.代理人代理人;经纪人经纪人 a travel agency: 旅行社旅行社 1)You can book at your local travel agency . 2)I wrote a letter to the car rental agency, explaining what had happened. 3)The agency provided me with a well-paid job. 20.transmit trnsmt trnzmt: v. 传输传输;发送发送 1)The game was transmitted live(实况) all over the world. 2)The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over 100 countries. 3)The images(图像) of the moons surface were transmitted back to the earth. 21.data det: n. (复数复数)资料资料; 数据数据 (单数单数: datum) 1)For example, Americas NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September, 1977 to study deep space, and it still transmits data today. 2)The study was based on data from 100,000 women. 3)You should often save data on your computer. 22. disappointed dspntd : adj.失望的失望的;沮丧的沮丧的 disappoint ,dspnt: v. 使失望使失望/破灭破灭/落空落空 disappointing: adj. 使人使人/令人失望的令人失望的/沮丧的沮丧的 disappointment: n. 失望失望;沮丧沮丧 be disappointed at/by/in/with.: 对什么失望对什么失望 be disappointed in/with.: 对某人失望对某人失望 to ones disappointment: 使人失望的是使人失望的是. 1)The result of the match will disappoint all the students. 2)All the students are disappointed at the result of the match. 3)The result of the match is disappointing (to all the students). 23. desire dza(r): n. 渴望渴望;欲望欲望 v渴望渴望;期望期望 desire to do.: 渴望渴望/期望做什么期望做什么 desire sb to do.: 渴望渴望/期望某人做什么期望某人做什么 1)These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died. 2)I have a strong desire to help the children without parents. 3)We all desire health and happiness. 4)She desires that she (should) be sent abroad to study medicine. desire, suggest, propose, recommend, order/instruct/command, demand, request, require, ask, urge(强烈要求强烈要求), insist(坚决要求坚决要求)等接等接 that 宾语从句时,从句用宾语从句时,从句用 should do/be 结构,结构,should 可省。可省。 24. carry on: 继续做继续做; 坚持干坚持干; 参加参加 carry on (with) sth: 继续什么继续什么 carry out: 实施实施; 执行执行 1)This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks. 2)Youll make great progress if you carry on working so hard. 3)Well carry on a conversation with her mother tomorrow. 25.ongoing n: adj.持续存在的持续存在的;仍在进行的仍在进行的;不断发展的不断发展的 outgoing: adj. 外向的外向的; 善于交际的善于交际的 1)An example of this ongoing work is the International Space Station. 2)There is an ongoing debate/discussion on this problem. 3)That research is ongoing. 26.on board: 在宇宙飞船上在宇宙飞船上;在船上在船上;在飞机上在飞机上;在火车上在火车上 go on board: 登上船登上船/飞机飞机/火车火车 1)It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board, providing a continuous human presence in space. 2)The four astronauts on board will spend about 40 days in space. 3)We went on board and saw these people were performing ballet happily. - 4 - 4)When all the passengers were on board, the train left the station. 27. independently ndpendntli: adv. 独立地独立地;自立地自立地 independent : adj. 独立的独立的; 自主的自主的; 自治的自治的 depend (on/upon.): v. 依靠依靠;依赖依赖 1)It is the first time that she has lived independently. 2)She is now able to drive the car independently. 28.independent ndpendnt : adj.独立的独立的;自立的自立的 1)India became independent in 1947. 2)We hope to help the blind man to lead an independent life. 3)Your questions should be independent of each other. 29. spacecraft speskrft: n. 航天器航天器;宇宙飞船宇宙飞船(单单/复数同形复数同形) aircraft ekrft: n.飞机飞机(单单/复数同形复数同形) spaceship: n. 宇宙飞船宇宙飞船 1)China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. 2)In thirty years from now we should have a manned(有人操作的) spacecraft on Mars. 3)A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft. 30.spacewalk speswk: n. 太空行走太空行走;太空行走的时间太空行走的时间 1)They completed a seven-and-a-half-hour spacewalk on Wednesday. 2)Two astronauts have started the spacewalk outside the International Space Station. 31.jade ded : n.玉玉;翡翠翡翠;玉器玉器 1)Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface. 2)The girl is wearing a jade necklace around her neck. 3)Olympic medals are for the first time made of metal and jade. 4)Were the first chopsticks made from bone and jade? 32.dock dk: v. (两架航天器两架航天器)对接对接; (使使)进港进港 n. 码头码头;船坞船坞 1)After that, China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou1 to dock with it. 2)Their ship is expected to dock at 10 oclock. 3)All the ships are in dock, because a typhoon is on its way. 33. signal snl: v. 标志着标志着;标明标明;发信号发信号 n. 信号信号;标志标志 sign san: v. 签署签署; 签字签字 n. 标志标志; 迹象迹象; 预兆预兆; 招牌招牌; 指示牌指示牌 sigh sa: v. 叹息叹息; 叹气叹气 n. 叹息叹息; 叹气叹气 sight sat: n. 看见看见; 视力视力; 视野视野 traffic signals: 交通信号灯交通信号灯 run/jump the red light: 闯红灯闯红灯 1)This signalled one step further in Chinas plan to establish a space station in the future. 2)Dont fire until I signal. 3)Did you signal before you turned right/left? 4)Their leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support. 34. in (the) hope of doing sth: 抱着抱着的希望的希望 in hopes of doing : 抱着做抱着做的希望的希望 in the hope that: 抱着抱着的希望的希望 1)He studies hard in the hope of attending a key university. - 5 - 2)We got up very early in the hope of catching the first train. 3)We got up very early in the hope that we could catch the first train. 35.so as to (do sth): 为了为了;以便以便 (so as to 一般不放在句首一般不放在句首) so as not to do .: 为了不做什么为了不做什么 in order (not) to do.: 为了为了(不不)做什么做什么 to do.: 为了做什么为了做什么 in order that + 陈述句陈述句 = so that + 陈述句陈述句: 为了为了 1)In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so as to recycle it for later use. 2)Therefore, it should continue so as to provide new and better solutions to peoples short-term and long-term problems. 3)You must set out at once in order not (so as not) to miss the first bus. 4)Many people have to wear glasses to/in order to/so as to see distant objects clearly. = To/In order to see distant objects clearly, many people have to wear glasses. 36.recycle risakl: v. 回收利用回收利用;再利用再利用 1)In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so that it can be recycled for later use. 2)That country recycles nearly 85% of its paper. 3)If we recycled more waste, we wouldnt need to produce so much and there wouldnt be so much pollution. 37.muscle msl: n. 肌肉肌肉;实力实力;影响力影响力 fat: n. 肥肉肥肉; 脂肪脂肪 1)Allow your muscles to relax completely. 2)The USA often exercises (运用) political/industrial/financial muscle in world affairs. 3)The president used his muscle to persuade(说服) Congress to change the law. 38. lack lk: n. 缺乏缺乏;短缺短缺 v.没有没有;缺乏缺乏 a lack of food/money/skills: 缺乏食物缺乏食物/金钱金钱/技能技能 through/for lack of.: 因为缺乏因为缺乏 1)Astronauts bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity, so they need to exercise every day, which will help them stay healthy. 2)From my point of view, lack of money is the main problem of the school. 3)Despite his lack of experience, he got the job. 4)Even though he lacked experience, he got the job. 5)She lacks confidence in her study. 39.float flt: v.浮动浮动; 漂流漂流; 漂浮漂浮; 使浮动使浮动;使漂流使漂流 1)They float the wood down the river to the towns. 2)A small boat is floating in the water. 3)There isnt enough water to float the ship. 40.otherwise waz : adv.否则否则;要不然要不然 = or = or else 1)Astronauts have to use tape to stick everything down while working in space because everything would float off otherwise. 2)You must work hard at the factory,otherwise/or/or else you will be fired. 3)Shut the windows, otherwise/or/or else itll get too cold in here. 41. beyond bjnd: prep.在更远处在更远处;超出超出 without/beyond doubt: 毫无疑问毫无疑问; 的确的确 beyond repair: 无法修复无法修复 beyond/above/out of ones reach: 在摸在摸/够够/拿不到的地方拿不到的地方 in/within ones reach: 在摸在摸/够够/拿得到的地方拿得到的地方 It is beyond sb that/why: 使某人无法理解使某人无法理解/想象想象 1)All the poor villagers live beyond the mountain. 2)The concert wont go on beyond midnight. 3)The exercise is beyond the abilities of most of the students. 4)The situation in the UK is beyond their control. 5)Its beyond me why she wants to marry Bob. 42.solar sl(r): adj.太阳的太阳的;太阳能的太阳能的 sun: n. 太阳太阳 Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 43.the solar system: 太阳系太阳系;类太阳系类太阳系 1)Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal - 6 - to achieve. 2)The solar system was formed around 4.5 billion years ago. 3)How many planets are there in the solar system? 4)Has man received any greetings from beyond the solar system? 44.current krnt : adj.当前的当前的;现在的现在的 n. 水流水流;电流电流; 思潮思潮 1)For example, using current technology, it would take over two years to get to the closest planet, Mars, and back. 2)Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. 3)Three people were swept away by the strong current. 4)The machine will start running as soon as the electric current is turned on. 45.figure out: 弄懂弄懂; 弄清楚弄清楚; 弄明白弄明白; 计算计算 1)It took them about one month to figure out how to start the machine. 2)No one can figure out how she is so rich. 3)She was trying to figure out what would happen next. 4)Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? 46. sufficient sfnt : adj. 足够的足够的;充足的充足的 enough nf: 足够的足够的;充足的充足的;充分的充分的 ample mpl: 足够的足够的; 丰裕的丰裕的 adequate dkwt: 足够的足够的 abundant bndnt: 充裕的充裕的;丰富的丰富的 1)Will scientists figure out a way to store sufficient food and water for the long journey? 2)You should give the boy sufficient time to do the exercises. 3)Do you have sufficient money to build the highway? 4)The money that I have saved is sufficient to buy a flat in Beijing. 47. soap sp: n. 肥皂肥皂 toilet/perfumed/fancy soap: 香皂香皂 a bar/piece of soap : 一块肥皂一块肥皂 Please wash your face with a mild soap and warm water. a soap opera: 肥皂剧肥皂剧 肥皂剧是从英语传至中文的外来词汇,又称泡沫剧。通常指连续很长时间 的、虚构的电视剧节目,每周安排为多集连续播出,因此又称系列电视连续剧, 因最初播放期间经常夹杂肥皂广告而得名。一般称晚八点档的电视剧为肥皂剧, 例如超长韩剧,现多指以家庭生活和爱情为主的电视剧。1922 年 8 月 22 日,肥 皂剧最早出现在美国的广播当中。 48.towel tal : n. 毛巾毛巾;抹布抹布 1)Use this towel to dry your hands. 2)He wiped his face on/with a clean towel. 49.microwave makrwev (= microwave oven): 微波炉微波炉 We often heat foods in the microwave. 50. tissue tu/tisju:
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