(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY 课件+学案+单元综合测评).zip


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展开 2021新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit5THEVALUEOFMONEY课件学案单元综合测评.zip2021新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit5THEVALUEOFMONEY课件学案单元综合测评.zip
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* Unit 5THE VALUE OF MONEY * 主题语境人与社会之文学、艺术与体育 【语境概说】 本单元的主题语境为人与社会的文学、艺术与体育。本单元主要涉 及小说、戏剧、诗歌、传记、文学简史、经典演讲、文学名著等。该主题与学生学 习和生活密切相关,在此主题意义引领下,引导学生理解戏剧语言(人物语言和舞 台说明),进而分析人物的性格特点和戏剧冲突等,有助于刺激学生发散思维,提 高思维缜密程度、思维广度和思维深度,培养创新思维和批判思维等思维品质;同 时,扩大学生的视野,极大丰富学生的文化常识,提高文学欣赏水平;并通过语篇 学习和戏剧表演等方式,帮助学生建立正确的人生观和价值观。 * * Not possession,but use,is the only riches.致富之道不在于所有,而在于使用 。 He is richest who is content with least,for content is the wealth of nature. 少量即可满足的人是最富有者,因为满足是自然的财富。 When wealth is centralized the people are dispersed;when wealth is distributed the people are brought together.财聚则民散,财散则民聚。 * Section Listening and Speaking 1.Translate the following words and phrases. basis n._ on the basis of _ loan n. _ take out a loan _ 基础;根据;基点 在的基础上 贷款;借款 取得贷款 * apologise vi. _ ignore vt. _ in return _ plastic n. _ adj._ judge vt.& vi. _ n._ 道歉;谢罪 忽视 作为回报;作为回应 塑料 塑料制的 评价;评判;判断 法官;审判员;裁判员 * 2.Brainstorming:What do you think money cant buy? _ happiness,love,friendship,respect,dream,courage,belief etc. * 3.Look at the picture on Page 49 and tell your classmates what they are doing? _ _ 4.Finish Ex.1 on Page 50. They are looking at the million pound bank note. * 5.Try to translate the sentence in various ways. 我相信他什么都知道。 _ _ _ _ _ I think that he knows everything. I bet that he knows everything. I dare say that he knows everything. I believe he knows everything. I suppose he knows everything. * 1.Finish Ex.2 & Ex.3 on Page 50. 2.Finish Ex.4 on Page 50. * 1.SpeakingFinish Ex.5 on Page 50 by following the example. A:What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is? B:I think she must be an honest person because. A:I bet shes really determined too.You can tell this by how. * 2.Pronunciation I understand. Beijing is the capital of China. There is a book on the desk. What do you want to eat? How much is a hamburger? A:I bought this dress for 500 dollars. B:500 dollars! A:Am I going to have a birthday party? B:Yes,you are. / No, you cant. * 语言知识积累 表示推测的常用表达 1.I think that. 2.I bet that. 3.I dare say that. 4.I believe that. 5.I suppose that. * 文化知识习得 百万英镑的内容简介 百万英镑是美国作家马克吐温创作的中短篇小说,发表于1893年。讲 述了一个穷困潦倒的办事员美国小伙子亨利亚当斯在伦敦的一次奇遇。 伦敦的两位富翁兄弟打赌,把一张无法兑现的百万大钞借给亨利,看他在 一个月内如何收场。一个月的期限到了,亨利不仅没有饿死或被捕,反倒 成了富翁,并且赢得了一位漂亮小姐的芳心。文章以其略带夸张的艺术手 法再现大师小说中讽刺与幽默,揭露了20世纪初英国社会的拜金主义思想 。 * 学习策略形成 1.学会用不同的句式表达推测。 2.学会用语调突出表达的内容。 语调(intonation) 即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配置和变化。英语的基 本语调包括升调 ()和降调 ()。 1.降调:其基本含义是“结束”、“肯定”。常见的一般陈述句、命令祈使 句和特殊问句都用降调。 2.升调:其基本含义是“没有结束 ”或“不肯定 ”。常见的一般疑问句用降 调。 * 1.base n.基础;基地 vt.以为基础;基础设在basis n.根据;基础 合作探究体会basis的用法和意义 Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs. 许多画都是基于简单的几何图案。 I hope the trade between us will further develop on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我希望我们之间的贸易将在平等互利的基础上进一步发展。 自主发现 _ 以为基础;以为根据 _ 在的基础上;根据 be based on on the basis of * 巩固内化同义句转换 The film True Story,which is on the basis of a true story,attracts fans attention all over the country. The film True Story,which _ a true story,attracts fans attention all over the country. is based on * 2.apologise (apologize) vi.道歉;谢罪apology n.道歉,致歉 合作探究体会apologise的用法和意义 You must apologize to her for having kept her waiting. 让她等了这么久,你应该为此向她表示歉意。 He made/offered an apology to the public for the teams performance. 他就队伍的表现公开道歉。 You owe him an apology for what you said. 你要为你所说的话向他道歉。 * 自主发现 _为(做了)某事向某人道歉 make/offer an apology to sb for (doing) sth _ _ 应向某人道歉 apologize to sb for (doing) sth 为(做了)某事向某人道歉 owe sb an apology * 巩固内化一句多译/补全句子 他因迟到向客人道歉。 He _ the guests _ being late. He _ the guests _ being late. I really _ having lost your letter. 丢了你的信我该向你道歉。 apologised to for made/offered an apology tofor owe you an apology for * 4.in return作为报答;作为回应;反过来,作为交换 When we help someone,should we expect to get something in return?(教材P51) 当我们帮助别人时,我们是否应该期望得到回报? 合作探究体会in return的用法和意义 This poem describes the painful feelings of a man in love with someone who does not love him in return. 这首诗描述了一个男人爱上了一个_并不爱他的人的痛苦。 反过来 * He helped me,and I hoped that I would do something for him in return. 他帮助了我,我希望为他做点什么来_他。 The girls called out their names in turn. 那些女孩儿_报出自己的名字。 自主发现 _逐一;依次 报答 逐一 in turn * 巩固内化补全句子 He gave her some roses _ for her kindness. He is always helping others without expecting anything _. The teacher told us to come in _. in return in return in turn * 4.judge v.判断;评价;评判 n.法官;审判员;裁判员 Should we judge people based on how much money they have?(教材P51) 我们应该根据人们有多少钱来评判他们吗? 合作探究体会judge的用法和意义 A man should be judged by his deeds,not his words. 判断一个人应根据他的行动,而不是他的言词。 Judging by his accent,he must be from the South. 从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。 * 自主发现 judge.by. _ _ 根据判断 巩固内化补全句子 It is only shallow people who _ (根据做出判断) appearances. _ (从他说的情况来看),they ought to succeed. 根据判断 judging by/from judge by Judging from what he said Unit 5THE VALUE OF MONEY 主题语境人与社会之文学、艺术与体育 【语境概说】 本单元的主题语境为人与社会的文学、艺术与体育。本单元主要 涉及小说、戏剧、诗歌、传记、文学简史、经典演讲、文学名著等。该主题与 学生学习和生活密切相关,在此主题意义引领下,引导学生理解戏剧语言(人物 语言和舞台说明),进而分析人物的性格特点和戏剧冲突等,有助于刺激学生发 散思维,提高思维缜密程度、思维广度和思维深度,培养创新思维和批判思维 等思维品质;同时,扩大学生的视野,极大丰富学生的文化常识,提高文学欣 赏水平;并通过语篇学习和戏剧表演等方式,帮助学生建立正确的人生观和价 值观。 Not possession,but use,is the only riches.致富之道不在于所有,而在于使用。 He is richest who is content with least,for content is the wealth of nature. 少量即可满足的人是最富有者,因为满足是自然的财富。 When wealth is centralized the people are dispersed;when wealth is distributed the people are brought together.财聚则民散,财散则民聚。 Section Listening and Speaking 1Translate the following words and phrases. basis n基础;根据;基点 on the basis of 在的基础上 loan n. 贷款;借款 take out a loan 取得贷款 apologise vi. 道歉;谢罪 ignore vt. 忽视 in return作为回报;作为回应 plastic n. 塑料 adj.塑料制的 judge vt.& vi. 评价;评判;判断 n法官;审判员;裁判员 2Brainstorming:What do you think money cant buy? happiness,love,friendship,respect,dream,courage,belief_etc. 3Look at the picture on Page 49 and tell your classmates what they are doing? They_are_looking_at_the_million_pound_bank_note. 4Finish Ex.1 on Page 50. 5Try to translate the sentence in various ways. 我相信他什么都知道。 I_think_that_he_knows_everything. I_bet_that_he_knows_everything. I_dare_say_that_he_knows_everything. I_believe_he_knows_everything. I_suppose_he_knows_everything. 1Finish Ex.2 & Ex.3 on Page 50. 2Finish Ex.4 on Page 50. 1SpeakingFinish Ex.5 on Page 50 by following the example. A:What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is? B:I think she must be an honest person because. A:I bet shes really determined too.You can tell this by how. 2Pronunciation I understand. Beijing is the capital of China. There is a book on the desk. What do you want to eat? How much is a hamburger? A:I bought this dress for 500 dollars. B:500 dollars! A:Am I going to have a birthday party? B:Yes,you are. / No, you cant. 语言知识积累 表示推测的常用表达 1I think that. 2I bet that. 3I dare say that. 4I believe that. 5I suppose that. 文化知识习得 百万英镑的内容简介 百万英镑是美国作家马克吐温创作的中短篇小说,发表于 1893 年。讲述了一 个穷困潦倒的办事员美国小伙子亨利亚当斯在伦敦的一次奇遇。 伦敦的两位富 翁兄弟打赌,把一张无法兑现的百万大钞借给亨利,看他在一个月内如何收场。 一个月的期限到了,亨利不仅没有饿死或被捕,反倒成了富翁,并且赢得了一位 漂亮小姐的芳心。文章以其略带夸张的艺术手法再现大师小说中讽刺与幽默,揭 露了 20 世纪初英国社会的拜金主义思想。 学习策略形成 1学会用不同的句式表达推测。 2学会用语调突出表达的内容。 语调(intonation) 即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配置和变化。英语的基本语调 包括升调()和降调()。 1降调:其基本含义是“结束” 、 “肯定” 。常见的一般陈述句、命令祈使句和特殊 问句都用降调。 2升调:其基本含义是“没有结束”或“不肯定” 。常见的一般疑问句用降调。 1base n基础;基地 vt.以为基础;基础设在basis n根据;基础 合作探究体会 basis 的用法和意义 Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs. 许多画都是基于简单的几何图案。 I hope the trade between us will further develop on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我希望我们之间的贸易将在平等互利的基础上进一步发展。 自主发现 be_based_on以为基础;以为根据 on_the_basis_of 在的基础上;根据 巩固内化同义句转换 The film True Story,which is on the basis of a true story,attracts fans attention all over the country. The film True Story,which is_based_on a true story,attracts fans attention all over the country. 2.apologise (apologize) vi.道歉;谢罪apology n道歉,致歉 合作探究体会 apologise 的用法和意义 You must apologize to her for having kept her waiting. 让她等了这么久,你应该为此向她表示歉意。 He made/offered an apology to the public for the teams performance. 他就队伍的表现公开道歉。 You owe him an apology for what you said.你要为你所说的话向他道歉。 自主发现 apologize_to_sb_for_(doing)_sth为(做了)某事向某人道歉 make/offer an apology to sb for (doing) sth 为(做了)某事向某人道歉 owe_sb_an_apology 应向某人道歉 巩固内化一句多译/补全句子 他因迟到向客人道歉。 He apologised_to the guests for being late. He made/offered_an_apology_to the guests for being late. I really owe_you_an_apology_for_having lost your letter. 丢了你的信我该向你道歉。 3.in return 作为报答;作为回应;反过来,作为交换 When we help someone,should we expect to get something in return?(教材 P51) 当我们帮助别人时,我们是否应该期望得到回报? 合作探究体会 in return 的用法和意义 This poem describes the painful feelings of a man in love with someone who does not love him in return. 这首诗描述了一个男人爱上了一个反过来并不爱他的人的痛苦。 He helped me,and I hoped that I would do something for him in return. 他帮助了我,我希望为他做点什么来报答他。 The girls called out their names in turn.那些女孩儿逐一报出自己的名字。 自主发现 in_turn逐一;依次 巩固内化补全句子 He gave her some roses in_return_for her kindness. He is always helping others without expecting anything in_return The teacher told us to come in in_turn. 4.judge v判断;评价;评判 n法官;审判员;裁判员 Should we judge people based on how much money they have?(教材 P51) 我们应该根据人们有多少钱来评判他们吗? 合作探究体会 judge 的用法和意义 A man should be judged by his deeds,not his words. 判断一个人应根据他的行动,而不是他的言词。 Judging by his accent,he must be from the South. 从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。 自主发现 judge.by. 根据判断 judging_by/from 根据判断 巩固内化补全句子 It is only shallow people who judge_by (根据做出判断) appearances. Judging_from_what_he_said (从他说的情况来看),they ought to succeed. .Listening ()Listen to the first dialogue just once and choose the best answer. How much will the man pay? A$20.B$80. C$100. 答案B 听力原文: M:How much is that in total? W:100 dollars.But if you have a membership card,I can give you a 20% discount. M:Great.This is my membership card. ()Listening to the second dialogue twice and choose the best answer. How much more does David need for the car? A$5,000.B$20,000. C$25,000. 答案A 听力原文: W:David,have you saved enough for the car? M:I have $20,000 now,and the car cost 25,000.My parents said they would like to help,but I dont want to use their money. .Listening and speaking ()ListeningListen to the third dialogue twice and fill in the blanks. W:Are you interested in trying out for the play? M:Oh,yes,that would be nice. W:What part are you interested in? M:Well,Id like to try for the leading role,but Id be happy to have any part.That doesnt make any difference to me.You know,Ive been studying the play day and night,and I really believe I can get a role. W:Well,youre off to a good start.I like that.If youd like some help preparing for the tryouts,Ill be here on Monday evening next week. M:That would be wonderful! Everyone says you have great artistic talents. W:Well,thank you,but that wont get you the part.Hard work and effort might,though.Will I see you here at the theatre? M:Yeah.Im looking forward to it.Ill study all weekend,and by Monday Ill know every line in the play. W:Oh,no.What you must do is to choose a scene that will best show your acting talent M:Oh,I see.I know just the scene I want to do. ()SpeakingMake a dialogue with your partner to talk about your favourite festivals. The_answer_is_open. * Section Reading and Thinking(1) 1.DiscussingLook at the following pictures and answer the questions. (1)Would you like to be a millionaire like the following people?Why or why not? _ The answer is open. * (2)Look at the following pictures and answer the questions:What can money buy? What cant money buy? _ The answer is open. * 2.PredictingLook at the title on Page 52 and predict what the text is probable about? _ The text mainly tells us something about a famous play The Million Pound Bank Note. * 1.First readingRead the two passages carefully and answer the following questions. (1)What bet did Roderick and Oliver make? _ _ (2)How did Henry come to England? _ They made a bet on whether a man can live in London for a month with a million- pound bank note. Henry landed in London by accident. * (3)How does Henry want the brothers to help him? _ (4)Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers charity? _ (5)Why do you think the brothers choose Henry for their bet? _ Give him a job to earn an honest income. The answer is open. The answer is open. * 2.Second readingFill in the blanks according to the passage. arguing bet * American landedby wind jobincome money open * 3.Third reading Summarizing:Read the text again and try to summarize the main idea in one sentence. _ _ The passage is about a story that after arriving at the UK Henry was given an envelope with money by two wealthy brothers. * 1.Group work:If you are a journalist of your school English newspaper,please make an interview with Henry according to the text.You may start like this. A:Hello,Im a journalist of our school English newspaper.What do you think of the million pound bank note? B:. 2.Since everyone has many dreams to realize,what should you do if you are given the million pound bank note? _ _ The answer is open. * 阅读技巧点拨 如何预测课文内容? 1.By looking at the pictures in the passage. 2.By thinking about the content before reading. 3.By relating what you will read to what you have known. * 语言现象感知 .单词理解 体会句中加黑单词的词性和含义 1.Is money the basis of a happy life? _ 2.Chen spent all her savings and took out a large loan. _ 3.Chen found 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan railway station. _ 4.Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldnt offer her more money. _ 5.Should we judge people based on how much money they have? _ n.基础 n.贷款;借款 adj.塑料做的 vt.道歉 vt.判断;评判 * .词块积累 写出下列词块的含义 1.on the basis of _ 2.raise funds _ 3.take out a large loan _ 4.set up a fundraising website _ 5.draw a conclusion _ 6.get something in return _ 根据某事 筹集资金 取得一大笔贷款 建立筹钱网站 得出结论 得到某物作为回报 * .句式欣赏 1.不定式作目的状语 Wang built a website to help raise funds for Liu Xia. 2.because引导原因状语从句 Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldnt offer her more money. 3.after引导时间状语从句 Wang set up a fundraising website for Chens daughter after Chen told him about her situation. * 4.第几次做某事 It was the first time Chen Liyans story had been recorded. 5.how much引导宾语从句 Should we judge people based on how much money they have? Section Reading and Thinking(1) 1DiscussingLook at the following pictures and answer the questions. (1)Would you like to be a millionaire like the following people?Why or why not? The_answer_is_open. (2)Look at the following pictures and answer the questions:What can money buy? What cant money buy? The_answer_is_open. 2PredictingLook at the title on Page 52 and predict what the text is probable about? The_text_mainly_tells_us_something_about_a_famous_play_The_Mi llion_Pound_Bank_Note. 1First readingRead the two passages carefully and answer the following questions. (1)What bet did Roderick and Oliver make? They_made_a_bet_on_whether_a_man_can_live_in_London_for_a_ _month_with_a_millionpound_bank_note. (2)How did Henry come to England? Henry_landed_in_London_by_accident. (3)How does Henry want the brothers to help him? Give_him_a_job_to_earn_an_honest_income. (4)Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers charity? The_answer_is_open. (5)Why do you think the brothers choose Henry for their bet? The_answer_is_open. 2Second readingFill in the blanks according to the passa
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2021新人教版 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY 课件+学案+单元综合测评) 新人 高中英语 必修 第三 unit the 课件 单元 综合 测评
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