(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 同步导学(课件+讲义+检测).zip


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展开 2021新人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit4同步导学课件讲义检测.zip2021新人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit4同步导学课件讲义检测.zip
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Period FiveWritingA description of a place 描写一个城市或地点是一种描述性的说明文。它主要说明或解释某一城市或地点的地 理位置、外貌、环境、经济、文化、交通、历史演变、发展展望等,使读者获取信息。 一般来说,描述性的说明文写作顺序主要有三种形式:时间顺序、空间顺序和逻辑顺 序。 在写作时要注意: 1客观、科学地介绍某一个城市或地点,内容应该突出特点,给人以可信的感觉; 2层次清楚,条理分明; 3注意合理地运用过渡词语,将各自然段有机地结合在一起,使整篇文章过渡自然、 条理清晰; 4要准确使用表示方位的词和短语,同时注意详略得当。 1It is located/lies in.,with an area of. 2It covers an area of.,with a history of. 3.,located in.and covering an area of.,is one of Chinas most famous scenic spots. 4The history of.dates back to. 5It has become the most popular tourist attraction since. 假如你是李华,你收到了你的网友 Jack 的 email。请你根据下面的汉语提示给他回一封 电子邮件。 Dear Li Hua, Im going to the coming Weifang International Kite Festival.And Id very much like to know something about Weifang in advance.Would you please tell me something about it?Thanks.See you then. Yours, Jack 1位置:山东半岛(Shandong Peninsula)中部 2人口:900 多万 3面积:15 859 平方公里 4省级历史文化名城;工农业发展迅速;以蔬菜、蜜桃、花卉闻名 5交通便利;有很多旅游景点,吸引八方宾客 注意:开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 审题 1确定文体:这是一篇说明文, 写作时要注意语言简洁,表达清楚。 2主体时态:应以一般现在时为主。 3主体人称:人称应该以第三人称为主。 谋篇 第一段:客套语,引出正题。 第二段:对基本信息进行逐一介绍,如位置、人口、面积、交通等。 第三段:总结,发出邀请。 核心词汇 1一座历史和文化名城 a historical and cultural city 2发展迅速 develop rapidly 3作为而闻名 be well-known as 4非常想见到 be dying to see 5当面;本人 in person 连词成句 1潍坊位于山东半岛中部。(locate) Weifang is located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula. 2潍坊是一个历史和文化名城,面积 15 859 平方公里。(and 连接并列句) Weifang is a famous historical and cultural city and covers an area of 15,859 square kilometers. 3作为国际风筝大都市,潍坊还以蔬菜、蜜桃和花卉闻名。(and 连接并列句) Weifang is world-famous as an international kite city and also well- known for its vegetables,sweet peaches and flowers. 4潍坊有 900 多万人口,在工农业方面发展都很迅速。(with 短语) With a population of more than 9 million,Weifang is developing rapidly in agriculture and industry. 5潍坊有很多的旅游景点,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。(定语从句) Weifang has many tourist attractions,which attract visitors from all over the world. 句式升级 1用过去分词作状语改写句 1 和句 2。 Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang is a famous historical and cultural city with an area of 15,859 square kilometers. 2用现在分词短语作状语改写句 3。 Being world-famous as an international kite city,Weifang is also well- known for its vegetables,sweet peaches and flowers. 3把句 5 改为一个带有 with 短语的句子。 With many beautiful tourist attractions,Weifang attracts visitors from all over the world. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 Dear Jack, Im so glad to know that you are coming to China for Weifang International Kite Festival. Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula,Weifang is a famous historical and cultural city with an area of 15,859 square kilometers.With a population of more than 9 million,it is developing rapidly in agriculture and industry.Besides being world-famous as an international kite city,it is also well-known for its vegetables,sweet peaches and flowers.In addition,people here can easily enjoy convenient access to its transportation system.With many beautiful tourist attractions,it attracts visitors from all over the world every year. I believe that you will enjoy yourself here.And Im dying to see you in person. Yours, Li Hua Unit 4History and Traditions PART 1技法点拨 PART 2写作训练 PeriodFiveWritingAdescriptionofaplace PART 1 技法点拨 文体分析 把握写作动脉 描写一个城市或地点是一种描述性的说明文。它主要说明或解释某一城 市或地点的地理位置、外貌、环境、经济、文化、交通、历史演变、发展展望 等,使读者获取信息。 一般来说,描述性的说明文写作顺序主要有三种形式:时间顺序、空间 顺序和逻辑顺序。 写作指导 在写作时要注意: 1.客观、科学地介绍某一个城市或地点,内容应该突出特点,给人以可信 的感觉; 2.层次清楚,条理分明; 3.注意合理地运用过渡词语,将各自然段有机地结合在一起,使整篇文章 过渡自然、条理清晰; 4.要准确使用表示方位的词和短语,同时注意详略得当。 1.Itislocated/liesin.,withanareaof. 2.Itcoversanareaof.,withahistoryof. 3.,locatedin.andcoveringanareaof.,isoneofChinasmostfamous scenicspots. 4.Thehistoryof.datesbackto. 5.Ithasbecomethemostpopulartouristattractionsince. 常用表达 PART 2 写作训练 弄清文络 写作妙笔生花 假如你是李华,你收到了你的网友Jack的email。请你根据下面的汉语提 示给他回一封电子邮件。 DearLiHua, ImgoingtothecomingWeifangInternationalKiteFestival.AndId very much like to know something about Weifang in advance.Would you pleasetellmesomethingaboutit?Thanks.Seeyouthen. Yours, Jack 1.位置:山东半岛(ShandongPeninsula)中部 2.人口:900多万 3.面积:15859平方公里 4.省级历史文化名城;工农业发展迅速;以蔬菜、蜜桃、花卉闻名 5.交通便利;有很多旅游景点,吸引八方宾客 注意:开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 审题 1.确定文体:这是一篇说明文, 写作时要注意语言简洁,表达清楚。 2.主体时态:应以一般现在时为主。 3.主体人称:人称应该以第三人称为主。 谋篇 第一段:客套语,引出正题。 第二段:对基本信息进行逐一介绍,如位置、人口、面积、交通等。 第三段:总结,发出邀请。 审题谋篇 1.一座历史和文化名城 _ 2.发展迅速_ 3.作为而闻名_ 4.非常想见到_ 5.当面;本人_ 核心词汇 遣词造句 ahistoricalandculturalcity developrapidly bewell-knownas bedyingtosee inperson 连词成句 1.潍坊位于山东半岛中部。(locate) _ 2.潍坊是一个历史和文化名城,面积15859平方公里。(and连接并列句) _ _ 3.作为国际风筝大都市,潍坊还以蔬菜、蜜桃和花卉闻名。(and连接并列句) _ _ WeifangislocatedinthemiddleofShandongPeninsula. Weifangisafamoushistoricalandculturalcityandcoversanareaof15,859 squarekilometers. Weifangisworld-famousasaninternationalkitecityandalsowell-known foritsvegetables,sweetpeachesandflowers. 4.潍坊有900多万人口,在工农业方面发展都很迅速。(with短语) ,Weifangisdevelopingrapidlyin agricultureandindustry. 5.潍坊有很多的旅游景点,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。(定语从句) Weifanghasmanytouristattractions,_ . Withapopulationofmorethan9million whichattractvisitorsfromallover theworld 1.用过去分词作状语改写句1和句2。 _ _ 2.用现在分词短语作状语改写句3。 _ _ 3.把句5改为一个带有with短语的句子。 _ _ 句式升级 Beingworld-famousasaninternationalkitecity,Weifangisalsowell-known foritsvegetables,sweetpeachesandflowers. LocatedinthemiddleofShandongPeninsula,Weifangisafamoushistorical andculturalcitywithanareaof15,859squarekilometers. Withmanybeautifultouristattractions,Weifangattractsvisitorsfromall overtheworld. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇80词 左右的英语短文。 组句成篇 DearJack, ImsogladtoknowthatyouarecomingtoChinaforWeifangInternational KiteFestival. LocatedinthemiddleofShandongPeninsula,Weifangisafamoushistorical andculturalcitywithanareaof15,859squarekilometers.Withapopulationof morethan9million,itisdevelopingrapidlyinagricultureandindustry.Besides being world-famous as an international kite city,it is also well-known for its vegetables,sweetpeachesandflowers.Inaddition,peopleherecaneasilyenjoy convenient access to its transportation system.With many beautiful tourist attractions,itattractsvisitorsfromallovertheworldeveryyear. 参考范文 Ibelievethatyouwillenjoyyourselfhere.AndImdyingtoseeyouin person. Yours, LiHua Period FourListening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress & Video Time .Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage on Page44. 1Ireland has produced a lot of great writers and poets.(T) 2All your senses can be satisfied by the beautiful countryside landscape in Ireland.(T) 3You can visit a local museum and experience the rich Irish culture and traditions.(F) 4It is the modern country life that makes Ireland develop its own traditions.(F) 5Ireland is also famous for its delicious traditional Beef Stew.(T) .Read the passage on P44 carefully and choose the best answer. 1Why has Ireland produced many great writers and poets? AThe people there are all good at writing. BThe beautiful countryside gives them inspiration. CThe modern industry makes them free from labor(劳动) DThe education system there is advanced. 答案B 2Ireland has developed its strong traditions that include . Asongs Bdancing Cfood DAll the above 答案D 3 is the best place to experience the traditional music of Ireland. AA local museum. BA small town. CA village pub. DA small studio. 答案C 4According to the passage,on a quiet morning in the mountains,you can hear . Athe song of the birds Bthe roar of the ocean waves Cthe cries of the seabirds Dthe traditional music played everywhere 答案A .重点单词 1courtyard n庭院;院子 2snack n点心;小吃 3county n(英国、爱尔兰的)郡;(美国的)县 4feast n盛宴;宴会;节日 5roll vt. & vi.(使)翻滚;(使)滚动 n卷(轴);翻滚rolling adj.旋转的;起伏的 6dot n点;小(圆)点 vt.加点;遍布 7cattle n牛 8roar vi. & n吼叫;咆哮 9ocean n大海;海洋 10scent n气味;气息 11custom n风俗;习俗;习惯 12eager adj.热切的;渴望的eagerly adv.热切地;渴望地 13poet n诗人poem n诗poetry n诗歌 14greet vt.问候;迎接greeting n招呼;问候;敬礼 15sensory adj.感觉的;感官的sense n感觉;感觉官能;意识 vt.感到;理解 16striking adj.吸引人的;显著的;引人注目的strike vt.撞;敲打;攻击;罢工 n攻击; 罢工 17transition n过渡;转变transit v搬运;运送;转变 18crowd n人群;一群人;民众 vt.挤满;使拥挤crowded adj.拥挤的 掌握规律巧记单词 greet v问候;迎接inggreeting n招呼;问候;敬礼 如:sailing 航海;航行skating 滑冰;溜冰skiing 滑雪 .核心短语 1have an influence on sth. 对有影响 2a feast for the eyes 视觉盛宴 3be dotted with.布满;点缀 4make up 组成 5more than 很;非常 6be likely to do sth. 可能做某事 .经典句式 1现在分词短语作状语 Its beautiful countryside excites and inspires all,offering something for each of the senses. 它美丽的乡村景色令人心驰神往,让人的各种感官都能得到滋养。 2with 复合结构 The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. “绿宝石(爱尔兰)岛”风光宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称 一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。 3It is/wasn./adj.to do/that 从句 With all this beauty,its not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions that include music,dancing,and dining. 乡村景色如此优美,在爱尔兰形成这些浓郁的包括音乐、舞蹈以及餐饮方面的传统就一点也 不让人觉得奇怪了。 重点词汇 I was eager to see that.我当时急切地想看到 eager adj.渴望的;热切的 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager for sth. 渴望得到某物 eagerly adv.热切地;急切地 eagerness n热切;渴望 (1)Mike is eager to break away from the busy city life for a while. 迈克渴望暂时脱离繁忙的城市生活。 (2)When my own son was five years old,I was eager for another baby. 我家儿子五岁的时候,我特别想再要一个孩子。 (3)“So what do you think will happen?” he asked eagerly(eager) “那么你觉得会发生什么?”他急切地问道。 (4)I couldnt hide my eagerness(eager) to get back home.我无法掩饰想回家的渴望。 The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.“绿宝石爱尔兰岛”风光 宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。 dot n点;小(圆)点 vt.加点;遍布 be dotted with 布满;星罗棋布于 on the dot 准时 (1)I am puzzled why there are lots of Italian restaurants dotted around London. 我很疑惑:为什么伦敦到处都有意大利餐馆。 (2)The countryside was dotted with small villages,where you could find some small pubs easily. 乡间有星罗棋布的小村庄,在村庄里你可以很轻松地找到一些小酒馆。 (3)It has been announced that breakfast is served at 800 on the dot. 已经宣布了 8 点整准时开早饭。 (4)Soon they were only dots(dot) above the hard line of the horizon. 很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了。 On a quiet morning in the mountains,feel the sun on your skin,and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song.早上,在静谧的 山林中,抚摸一下洒到身上的阳光,在鸟儿迎接新一天到来的歌声中,呼吸一下鲜花的芬芳。 greet vt.问候;迎接 greet sb. with.用来迎接/问候某人 greeting(s) n问候 exchange greetings 寒暄 (1)When we reached the top of the hill a magnificent view of the sea greeted us. 当我们抵达山顶时,一片壮丽的海景映入眼帘。 (2)As we walked into the house we were greeted (greet) by a wonderful smell of baking. 我们走进房间的时候,烤东西的香气扑鼻而入。 (3)The other day,Li Hua turned his back to me when I wanted to greet him,which made me angry.前几天,当我想要跟李华打招呼时,他却转过身背对着我,让我很生气。 (4)He shook her hand in greeting(greet) and asked politely how everything was. 他握着她的手表示问候,礼貌地问她一切是否都好。 A striking image一幅引人入胜的画面 striking adj.引人注目的;异乎寻常的;显著的 strike vt.& vi.struck,struck打;撞击;罢工;灾难、疾病等袭击;打动;划火柴;给以印象; 突然被想到;钟敲响,鸣 n.罢工 be struck by 被所侵袭;被所打动 It strikes/struck sb. that.某人突然想起 be/go on strike 举行罢工 (1)There was something so striking about it that it attracted many peoples attention. 这个东西有非常引人注目的地方以至于它吸引了很多人的注意。 一词多义写出下列句子中 strike 的汉语意思 (2)When the clock struck nine,it struck me that I would write a report about the workers strikes,because I was deeply struck by their stories.What struck me most was that they never gave up life however hard it was.(钟)敲响;突然被想到;罢工;打动;给以印象 完成句子 (3)Just before September,Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. 刚刚就在九月份前,米勒被车撞了,失去了右臂。 (4)Tonny was struck by that generous woman and donated a large amount of money to the project. 托尼被那位慷慨的女士打动了,为那个项目捐了一大笔钱。 (5)It struck me that playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team. 我突然想到与对方比赛对于队中所有的姑娘们来说是一个非常好的学习机会。 Dave could not find a seat in the room.It was very crowded.房间太拥挤了,戴夫根本找不到 一个座位。 crowded adj.拥挤的;挤满的;充满的 be crowded with 挤满;充满着 crowd n人群;民众 vt.挤满;使拥挤 crowd into ones mind 涌入某人的脑海 crowd in/into (sth. )大批地涌入(某物) crowd around 聚集在周围;聚拢 a crowd of/crowds of.一群/成群 (1)In their opinion,some big cities are too crowded and noisy. 在他们看来,有些大城市太拥挤,太嘈杂。 (2)The hall was crowded with his devoted fans,waiting for his showing up. 大厅中挤满了他的忠实粉丝,等待着他的出现。 (3)When she approached her grandmothers mansion,too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her. 接近祖母的富丽堂皇的房子时,她心乱如麻。 (4)When the ambulance arrived,a crowd of people had gathered there. 救护车赶到时,一大群人已经聚集在那里了。 注意:crowd 是集合名词,作主语时,若视为整体则谓语动词用单数;若强调个体成员,则谓 语动词用复数形式。 经典句式 The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.“绿宝石爱尔兰岛”风光 宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。 此处为 with 的复合结构,在句中作状语,其中 rolling green hills 为结构中的复合宾语,与动 词 dot 构成被动关系,所以用过去分词形式;若复合宾语与后面的动词为主动关系,则用现在 分词形式。 (1)The meeting heard that two workers had been fired on the spot with no official reason given. 会议得知有两个工人在没人给出正式理由的情况下被当场解雇。 (2)With the work done(do),she felt greatly relieved. 工作完成了,她大大地松了一口气。 (3)With her hair cut,she looks much younger. 打理了一下头发,她看起来年轻多了。 (4)With the teacher standing(stand) beside,she felt a bit uneasy. 老师站在旁边,她觉得有点不自然。 .单句语法填空 1It is likely that her heel got hurt when she tried to move back to her seat. 2Never before have we had such a crowded(crowd) schedule.We are so upset. 3If you stand on the top of that building nearby,you can see that the sky is dotted with bright stars. 4All of us are eager to pay(pay) a visit to the Kong Family Mansion,which lies in Qufu,Shandong Province. 5The most striking(strike) feature of those batteries is that they can stand high temperature. .完成句子 6Whenever I met her,she greeted me with a sweet smile. 每次我见到她,她都笑脸相迎。 7He was born in a rich family.Its not surprising that he is so generous. 他出生于一个富裕家庭,他如此大方就一点也不奇怪了。 8I cycled down the road with my dog running behind me. 我骑着自行车顺着道路行驶,我的狗在后面跟着跑。 9The boy was lazy in his study,failing in the exam. 那个男孩学习懒惰,结果考试不及格。 10It suddenly struck me that I only collected a small amount of evidence. 我突然想到我只收集了少量的证据。 .课文缩写概要写作 下面是根据课文内容写的一篇 60 词左右的内容概要,请根据括号内的汉语提示完成短 文。 Ireland has beautiful and peaceful countryside landscape,11.which makes it a place of producing great writers and poets(这使得它成为一个盛产作家和诗人的地方)The peaceful countryside landscape also 12.has a great influence on its culture and tradition(极大地影响了它的文化和传统) In Ireland,13.all your senses can get satisfied(你的各种感官都能得到满足)To experience its music,dancing and dining,14.you can stop by a village pub(你可以在一个乡村酒吧稍作停留) If you introduce yourself to a friendly face,15.you are more than likely to experience(你很可能 经历) local culture and customs first-hand. 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1The poets(诗人) who wrote them watched and listened,not only with their eyes and ears,but also with their hearts! 2Dont forget that he has always kept the money rolling(滚动) in. 3There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean(大海) on a warm night. 4Police blocked off the road as hotel staff and guests crowded(拥挤) around. 5He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived. 6We need to ensure a smooth transition(过渡) between the old system and the new one. 7The young man has been trying to adapt to the local customs(风俗) since he moved here. 8The rude man didnt stop roaring until the police surrounded him. .选词填空 a feast for;be crowded with;have an influence on;be eager to;gre
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