(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 (课件+优练).zip


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    • (新教材)2020英语新学案同步人教第二册(课件+优练):Unit 4
      • UNIT 4 Section A Listening and Speaking.docx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section A Listening and Speaking.pptx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section B Reading and Thinking.docx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section B Reading and Thinking.pptx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section C Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking.docx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section C Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking.pptx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section D Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress.docx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 Section D Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress.pptx--点击预览
      • UNIT 4 单元重点小结.pptx--点击预览
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UNIT 4HISTORY AND TRADITIONS Section AListening and Speaking 课后篇课后篇巩固提升 基础训练 .短语填空 lead to,do a research project,be similar to,be famous for,write down 1.China,as one of the worlds oldest cradles of civilization, its etiquette. 答案 is famous for 2.I have been invited to with my classmates at the university. 答案 do a research project 3.Their school ours,but ours is much more beautiful. 答案 is similar to 4.Sometimes I wouldmy thoughts and feelings and share them with my father. 答案 write down 5.I didnt concentrate my attention on my study,which my failure in the exam. 答案 led to .完成句子 1.就我而言,保护历史建筑和文化传统非常重要。 In my opinion,it is very important to and cultural traditions. 答案 protect historic buildings 2.我想和你们一起分享我在英国学习的经历。 I would like to my experiences when I was studying in the UK. 答案 share with you 3.通过上网,你可以了解更多不同文化的情况。 By surfing the Internet,you can different cultures. 答案 learn more about 4.孔子是中国历史上最伟大的哲学家之一。 Confucius is one of in the history of China. 答案 the greatest philosophers 5.他的名字被记录在了家谱上。 His name is recorded . 答案 in the family tree .选词填空 far,little,with,count,how,willing,then,stop,pass,knowledge One day Confucius,with his disciples (门徒),went to the Jin State to give lectures.When passing by a city,they 1. by a seven-year-old boy.“Better make a detour (绕道走) by passing round the city,” said the boy. “Young boy,let us 2.,” Confucius got off his carriage and said.“Im going to the Jin State to give lectures.Let us pass by,please!” begged Confucius.“Youre going to give lectures?A teacher should be rich in 3.What do you know?” “I know a little about astronomy and geography,” answered Confucius,4. one hand stroking his beard (捋胡子). “Really?” the boy laughed.“Do you know the number of hair that makes up your beard?” “I cant see my own beard.How can I 5. it?” “Then the stars in the sky can be seen.Do you know 6. many stars there are in the sky?” added the boy. “There are innumerable (无数的) stars in the sky that I cant count them,” said Confucius in embarrassment. “But there is only one sun in the sky.Do you know how 7. it is from us?” Confucius could say nothing.“My wisdom is so 8.I really dont know the things you asked.Im 9. to take you as my teacher.” With these words,Confucius bowed to the boy. From 10. on,Confucius often told his disciples,“Among any three people,there must be one who can be my teacher.” 答案 1.were stopped2.pass3.knowledge4.with5.count6.how7.far8.little9.willing 10.then 能力提升 .阅读理解 A Welcome to Adventureland! Everyone loves Adventureland!The Parks and Exhibitions were built for you to explore,enjoy,and admire their wonders.Every visit will be an unforgettable experience.You will go away enriched,longing to come back.What are you going to do this time? The Travel Pavilion Explore places you have never been to before,and experience different ways of life. Visit the Amazon jungle(丛林)village,the Turkish market,the Tai floating market,the Berber mountain house and others.Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives,and things they make.You can try making a carpet,making nets,fishing. The Future Tower This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives.It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way well be living then.Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the Journey to Mars! The Nature Park This is not really one park but several. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers:see lions,giraffes,elephants in the wild.Move on to the Ocean Park to watch the dolphins and whales.And then there is still the Aviary to see. The Pyramid This is the center of Adventureland.Run out of film,and need some postcards and stamps?For all these things and many more,visit our underground shopping center.Come here for information and ideas too. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。人人都爱冒险,尤其是年轻人。本文介绍了冒险公园的四个 娱乐项目。 1.The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors . A.realize the importance of travelling B.learn something about different places in the world C.learn how to make things such as fishing nets D.become familiar with mountain countries 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段的“Explore places you have never been to before,and experience different ways of life.”可知,在这里你可以探索你未曾去过的地方,经历不同的生活方式。所以可以帮助人们拓 宽视野,认识世界上各种各样的东西。 2.Which will you visit if you are interested in knowing about peoples future life? A.The Travel Pavilion. B.The Pyramid. C.The Safari Park. D.The Future Tower. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据 The Future Tower 中的“It allows us to look into the future.”可知,The Future Tower 可以带你走进未来的世界及探索未来。 3.If you want to get a toy lion to take home,where will you most likely go? A.The Pyramid. B.The Nature Park. C.The Future Tower. D.The Travel Pavilion. 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据 The Pyramid 中的“.visit our underground shopping center.”可知,在它的地下 购物中心可以购买到玩具。 B The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago.As the climate got warmer at the end of the second ice age,tribes of hunters and gatherers of food,who used simple stone tools and weapons,made their way into Britain.It was normal for them to move from place to place so they could find new resources.But the British Isles only became islands separated from the rest of Europe about 8,500 years ago,when melting ice formed the English Channel! 3,000 years after Britain became an island,new tribes who came by boat from the mainland introduced farming.These tribes built earthworks for protection and as tombs for their dead.Many of these man-made hills can still be seen. Later on,people learned to build stone monuments.The most amazing is Stonehenge,a circle of huge stones about 4,500 years ago.Stonehenge is the worlds most famous prehistoric(史前的) monument.We dont know what it meant or what it was used for,though many different suggestions have been made. 3,000 years ago the climate in Britain became colder and wetter than before,and people had to move down from high ground.A bit later iron started to be used for tools and weapons instead of bronze.Knowledge of iron working may have been brought by the Celts,a new wave of immigrants(移民) who started to arrive from southern Europe in about 500 BC. What we know about the first people in Britain has been worked out by archaeologists(考古学家) from the remains they left behind them.Pytheas,a Greek,was the first person who could read and write to come to Britain.His visit was in about 330 BC,over 2,000 years after Stonehenge was set up.Unfortunately,what Pytheas wrote has been lost,so we dont have any written record of Britain until the Romans came,almost 300 years after he did! 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了 250 万年前人们最初踏上英国这片土地到公元前 30 年罗马人到 达英国这一段的历史,也就是英国历史的初期。 4.Why did people move to low ground 3,000 years ago? A.Because iron tools were used for farming. B.Because the climate made it unfit for man to live there. C.Because more people arrived from southern Europe. D.Because the Celts forced them to do so. 答案 B 解析推理判断题。根据第四段可知,3000 年前,英国的气候变得比以前冷了,人们不得不从高地上搬 了下来。由此可知,他们搬下来的原因是由于气候使得那个地方不适合居住了。 5.People have written records about Britain after . A.the arrival of the Celts B.Stonehenge was begun C.Pytheass visit D.the Romans came 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据“so we dont have any written record of Britain until the Romans came”可知,自 从罗马人到了之后,英国才有记录下来的历史,所以选 D 项。 6.What does this passage mainly tell us? A.The dawn of history in Britain. B.How English Channel was formed. C.How the British made a living millions of years ago. D.When humans appeared on the British Isles. 答案 A 解析主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了英国几百万年前到公元前 30 年罗马人到达英国这一段的历史,也 就是英国历史的初期。 -1- UNIT 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS 晨读晚诵 人们常说,“历史是不能遗忘的”。但我们牢记历史并不仅仅是为 了了解过去发生的事实,而是为了更好地把握今天,开创一个更美 好的明天。 Yuanmingyuan Yuanmingyuan,beforeitsdestruction,wasreferredtoasthe“Garden ofGardens”,sinceitwasacombinationofgardensofdifferent styles,ChineseandWestern. Yuanmingyuanconsistedofthree gardens,Yuanmingyuan,ChangchunyuanandQichunyuan.They covered350hectares. 晨读晚诵 Planofthethree-in-onegarden,withQichunyuaninthe front,Yuanmingyuanontheleft,andChangchunyuanontheright. Thebest-knownWesternstructureswereafountain,amaze(迷宫) andEuropeanpalaces,allofaRenaissancestyle.Inasmalllakewas builtamodelofVenice. Theemperorsapartmentswereadornedwitharttreasuresofan astonishingrichness.Thegardenwasbeautifiedbymillionsofforeign flowersandtrees. TheOldSummerPalaceyellowarray,oneofthescenesinthe GardenofPerfectSplendour,hasbeenreconstructed.Itisamazeof windingpathsbetweenlowwallsintheeasternpartofthegarden. 晨读晚诵 Unfortunately,on6October1860,theBritishandFrenchtroops attackedandlootedYuanmingyuan.About2weekslateron18 October,theBritishsetYuanmingyuanonfire.Thegardenwasin flamesforthreedaysdestroyingmostoftheChinese-stylebuildings constructedwithwood. DuringthelootingofYuanmingyuan,manyimperialtreasures werestolenandtakenoutofChina.Amongthetreasuresstolenwere sculpturesofthe12bronzezodiacssculpturesthatgracedEmperor Qianlongsfountains. Visitorstodaycanseeafewblocksofstoneandbrokenmarblethat oncebelongedtotheEuropeanpalacesconstructedunderEmperor Qianlongbetween1740and1747. 晨读晚诵 词海拾贝 combinationn.结合 consistof由组成 reconstructvt.重建 lootv.抢劫 treasuren.珍宝 sculpturen.雕塑 晨读晚诵 典句欣赏 Visitorstodaycanseeafewblocksofstoneandbrokenmarblethat oncebelongedtotheEuropeanpalacesconstructedunderEmperor Qianlongbetween1740and1747. 翻译:今天的游客可以看到一些大块石头和破碎的大理石,它们 曾经属于乾隆皇帝在1740年至1747年间建造的欧洲风格的宫殿。 分析:本句是个复合句。Visitorstodaycansee.是主句,thatonce belonged.是定语从句,constructedunder.是过去分词短语作定 语。 晨读晚诵 理解诱思 1.WhyweremostoftheChinese-stylebuildingsdestroyedinthe fire? 答案:Becausetheyweremostlymadeofwood. 2.WhatdoyouthinkofthedestructionofYuanmingyuan? 答案:ItisaninestimablelossnotonlyinthehistoryofChinese culture,butalsointhehistoryofworldculture! -8- Section AListening and Speaking 课前篇自主预习 .知识体系图解 cemetery philosophy descendant individual heel 课前篇自主预习 导致;通向 做研究项目 家谱 与相似 以而著名 坚持;抓住 介绍 与不同 课前篇自主预习 .释义匹配 1.cemeteryA.thestudyofthenatureandmeaningof existence,truth,goodandevil,etc. 2.philosophyB.consideredseparatelyfromotherpeopleorthingsin thesamegroup 3.descendantC.thecurvedbackpartofyourfoot 4.individualD.apersonwhoisrelatedtosomeoneandwholives afterthem,suchastheirchildorgrandchild 5.heelE.anareaofgroundinwhichdeadbodiesareburied 答案:1.E2.A3.D4.B5.C 课前篇自主预习 .完成句子 1.MrBrown (提出了一种想法 )atyesterdaysmeeting. 2.Theauthorusesthestoryinthenovelto_ (给出暗示)tothereaders. 3.Wewouldlikeyouto (介绍)to thehistoryofthetower. 4.Healwaystellsmeto (坚持下去)whenI havedifficulties. 5.Yourgoodadvicewasstillringinginmyear_ (很久以后)yousaidit. presentedanidea giveahint giveanintroduction holdon longafter 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 1.holdon抓牢;坚持不懈;稍等一下 【课文原句】Andsoholdonwhenthereisnothinginyou 所以当你一无所有时要坚持 【词汇精讲】holdon是动词短语,意为“抓牢;坚持不懈;稍等一下 ”。 Theboyheldontotheropeuntilhewasrescued. 男孩紧紧地抓住绳子,直到获救。 ThoughImetwithalotofdifficulties,Iheldon. 尽管我遇到了很多困难,但我坚持不懈。 Holdonforaminute.Iamgettingchanged. 等一会儿,我在换衣服。 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 Shekepttryingtoholdbackhertears. 她一直在试图抑制住眼泪。 Withsomehesitationandanuncertainsmile,sheheldoutherhand. 她犹豫了一下,带着迟疑的微笑把手伸了出去。 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 2.individualadj.单独的;个别的n.个人 【课文原句】Anidiomisanexpressionwhichmeanssomething differentfromthemeaningoftheindividualwords. 成语是一种表达方式,它的意思与单个词的意思不同。 【词汇精讲】individual作形容词,意为“单独的;个别的”,作名词, 意为“个人”。 Theywaitforthegrouptodecideinsteadofmakingindividual decisions. 他们等待团体做决定而不是各自做出决定。 Thecompetitionisopentobothteamsandindividuals. 团队和个人均可参加比赛。 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 WhydoyouthinkWilliamsaidhishometownwassimilarto Qufu? 你认为威廉为什么说他的家乡与曲阜相似? 【句式剖析】doyouthink是插入语,在句中不作成分,通常放在 疑问词后。当句子中有此类插入语时,句子要用陈述语序。 Whatdoyouthinkisthewriterspointofviewinthisreading passage? 你认为在这篇阅读材料中作者的观点是什么? Whichpartofthisbookdoyouthinkisthemostinteresting? 这本书中你认为哪一部分最有趣? 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 【句式拓展】常用于这种形式的动词有 :think,suggest,hope,believe,suppose,guess,consider,imagine等。 Whatdoyoubelievetheearthismadeupof? 你觉得地球是由什么构成的? Whatdoyousupposeheboughtlastweek? 你认为他上周买了什么? 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 .单词拼写 1.The(公馆)wassimilartoastylepopularatthetimein Paris. 答案:mansion 2.Afterfinishingmiddleschool,hemajoredin(哲学)and psychologyatcollege. 答案:philosophy 3.Theyare(后裔)oftheoriginalEnglishandScottish settlers. 答案:descendants 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 4.Achildsawarenessofbeingan(个人)growsin stagesduringthepreschoolyears. 答案:individual 5.Everyyeartheygotothe(墓地)topaytheirrespectto thosewhodiedforthecountry. 答案:cemetery 课堂篇学习理解 重点词汇重点句式随堂练习 .介词填空 1.Thereisapathleadingthetopofthehill. 答案:to 2.Myhandbagissimilaryours. 答案:to 3.TheyaredoingaresearchprojectConfucius philosophy. 答案:on 4.LondonisdifferentmostEuropeancapitals. 答案:from 5.IfeellikeafishoutwateratthepartybecauseIknow noone. 答案:of Section BReading and Thinking 课后篇课后篇巩固提升 基础训练 .单句填空 1.The English teacher,as well as the students (sing) a song when I passed the classroom. 答案 was singing 2.Men and women,young and old,were fighting against the flood in (defend) of their own homes. 答案 defence 3. (surround) by rows of trees,our library stands out from all the other buildings. 答案 Surrounded 4.In order to prove that he is innocent,some new (evident) is needed. 答案 evidence 5.The woman scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for those great (achieve) made by her. 答案 achievements 6.(locate) where the Belt meets the Road,Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction. 答案 Located 7.In that country,children under sixteen are not(legal) allowed to buy cigarettes. 答案 legally .短语填空 belong to,keep ones eyes open,result in,break away from,add to,join to,date back to,leave behind 1.Perhaps you think you could easily your happiness with more money. 答案 add to 2.In the 16th century,the nearby country of Wales the Kingdom of England. 答案 joined to 3.Only then did I realize that it was foolish of me to all of my friends. 答案 break away from 4.You might learn that haste makes waste if you do something so fast,mistakes. 答案 resulting in 5.As is known to all,cultural relics human beings rather than individuals. 答案 belong to 6. 1933,the South Lake Park in Changchun is located in the southwestern part of the Changchun city. 答案 Dating back to 7.If you ,you will be surprised to find many beautiful ancient wooden towers. 答案 keep your eyes open 8.If we let the fastest runner set the pace,the others will be . 答案 left behind .完成句子 1.你能告诉我这两个单词之间的区别吗? Can you tell me these two words? 答案 the difference between 2.在朋友的帮助下,他最终解决了这个难题。 With the help of his friends,he in the end. 答案 solved the puzzle 3.我住在一个四面环山的小村庄。 I live in a small village which hills on all sides. 答案 is surrounded by 4.无论你到哪里,都会受到热烈欢迎。 ,you will receive a warm welcome. 答案 Wherever you go 5.幼儿园老师有时被称为孩子王。 Teachers in the kindergarten are sometimes leaders of children. 答案 referred to as 6.了解一些孔府的历史将会使你的参观更愉快。 the history of Kong Family Mansion will make your visit more enjoyable. 答案 Knowing something about 能力提升 .阅读理解 As a palace,the Tower of London was a great place to live in.As a prison,it wasnt so nice especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore the Tower in the United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still
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