广东版三年级上册Unit 2 My Classroom-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:b0054).zip


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        • Its a desk..wav
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展开 广东版三年级上册英语Unit2MyClassroom_Lesson2_ppt课件_含教案素材_编号b0054.zip广东版三年级上册英语Unit2MyClassroom_Lesson2_ppt课件_含教案素材_编号
编号:1676168    类型:共享资源    大小:36.57MB    格式:ZIP    上传时间:2021-08-21
Unit 2 My classroom What can you find in the song?(在刚刚歌曲中出现了什么) At Jennys classroom Hello! Hi! Whats this?Its a pencil. Whats this? Its a book. Its a pencil. Its a pencil Its a book. Its a book. Whats this? Its a chair. And this? Its a ruler. Whats this? Its a desk. desk Whats this? Its a table. table table desk Lets pass 6 tasks and get a present to the kids! (闯6关得礼物送给需要的小孩) a table a desk a pencil a chair a ruler a book ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A: Whats this? B: Its a * Homework 1. Read the words and sentences in P13. 2. Copy the words and sentences in P13. 3. Donate some of your stationaries to the kids who need. (捐一些文具给需要的小孩。) Unit 2 My Classroom 教学设计书教学设计书 一、教学内容一、教学内容 开心学英语三年级上册(广东人民出版社)Unit2 My Classroom.第一课时:Vocabulary, target, chant. 任务任务 3:Look and match 在场景对话中呈现单词和句型 开始 引入引入:Listen to a song 游戏游戏 设计任务闯关设计任务闯关 任务任务 1:Guessing game 任务任务 2 2:Cutting game 任务任务 3:Look and match 学习目标语言 二、教学流程图二、教学流程图 任务任务 4:4:Listen and number 任务任务 5:Pair work 任务任务 6:Lets chant 布置作业布置作业 结束 三教学目标三教学目标 1. 认知目标: 能听、说、读、写单词 a table, a desk, a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler 会正确运用句型 Whats this? Its a/an . 2. 技能目标:能够正确理解、运用所学的单词和句型进行问答; 培养孩子们运用所学语言知识,培养其发散性思维;在学习 单词和句型的同时,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与课堂活动,能 够大胆地说英语;培养孩子的幸福感;在课堂上锻炼孩子们 的团队意识和竞争意识 4. 语言知识: 5. 词汇:a table, a desk, a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler 6. 句型:Whats this? Its a/an . 四教学重难点四教学重难点 7. 重点:1)a table, a desk, a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler 2)Whats this? Its a/an . 3)一定程度上让孩子了解 table 和 desk 的区别。 难点:1)孩子们在教师的引导下掌握新的词汇和句型; 2)让孩子们学会用新单词和句型并结合之前学习的内容 来创造出不同的句子; 3)单词和句型在实际情景当中的运用。 五内容分析五内容分析 本节课是粤人社 2011 课标版三年级上册第二单元 My classroom 第二课时(词汇教学)。 本课时通过一首歌曲来引入,这是一首一年级学过英文歌,把 本节课的主题引出来,也能有效地把学生的注意力吸引到课堂上; 然后让孩子们找找歌曲中出现了哪些文具。接着展示教室的场景, 学习 a pencil,a book 和 Its a pencil/ / a book。接着以对话的方式出 现 a chair, a ruler 和 a desk,在学习单词 desk 时,展示不同的 desk, 让学生理解什么是 desk。接着学习 a table,教师同样展示不同的 table,让学生一目了然;最后以分类的方式来让学生区分 table 和 desk。 在展示完六个短语之后,教师展示了课本的短语和句型,并让 学生齐读。接着进行情感教育,展示一组山区小学的破旧的教室, 告诉我们的学生,我们很幸福。并设计让孩子们接下来闯过六关来 巩固本节课所学的词汇及句型,孩子们通过这六关就能赢得一批文 具捐赠给山区的小朋友。第一关:Guessing game; 第二关:Cutting game; 第三关: Look and match; 第四关:Listen and number; 第五关: Pair work, paper scissor stone; 第六关:Lets chant.。 最后是布置作 业。这节课的设计,让孩子们真正体会到英语学习的乐趣。 六教学策略六教学策略 教学方法: 1.导入法 如:歌曲导入引起学生学习的兴趣。 2.游戏教学法 如:在学习学完单词后设计了 6 关游戏来巩固单词 和句型,激发孩子学习兴趣。 3.交际法 如:巩固单词句型部分,第五关:Pair work, paper scissor stone 教师先示范 ,然后让孩子们自己和搭档练习问答,鼓励孩子 们相互学习,团结协作。 4.任务型教学法 如:小组活动鼓励孩子们学会运用所学的知识。 5.全身反应法(TPR)如:第六关:Lets chant 环节,调动学生的感 觉器官,让学生边唱边拍相对应的实物,孩子们在快乐的歌谣中巩 固所学内容。 教学辅助手段: 教学课件、多媒体、粉笔、教学卡片、学生用书、练习纸、实物。 七教学过程七教学过程 Teaching procedures: StepStep 1 1 GreetingsGreetings T: Class begins. S: Stand up. T: Good morning. Boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,Miss Liu . 【设计意图】教师和学生简单且随和地问候,使老师和学生之间的 陌生关系融洽,消除了学生的紧张心理。 StepStep 2 2 Lead-inLead-in SingSing a a T: OK, boys and girls, today I bring a song for you. Lets sing. (听完歌曲后老师提问) T:What can you find in the song? S1:Pencil. T:Pencil.Yes,thats right.Thank you. How about you? S2:Chair. T: Youre right. Any more? S3: Apple. T:Apple? Ss:No. T: You try,please. S4:Book. T:Yes,thats right.We can find a pencil,a chair and a book in the song. 【设计意图】通过一首一年级所学的关于文具的歌曲,把本节课的 句型和部分单词引出来,也能有效地把学生的注意力吸引到课堂上。 听完歌曲之后的提问,有意识地培养学生思维的灵活和敏捷反应能 力。 StepStep 3 3 presentationpresentation 1)Listen and watch. At Jennys classroom. Gogo: Hello. Tony: Hi. Gogo: Whats this? Tony: Its a pencil. Gogo: Whats this? Tony: Its a book. T: Whats this ? Its a . . Ss: Pencil. T: Pencil. Follow me. Ss:Pencil. (T shows the Ss a pencil.) T: A pencil. Ss: A pencil. T: G1 and G2, A pencil , go . Ss: A pencil. T: G3 and G4, A pencil , go . Ss:A pencil. T: Who can read? (Ask some students to read word.) T: Well done. Its a pencil.How to spell a pencil? Ss: p-e-n-c-i-l,pencil. ( Ss write the word with their fingers while theyre spelling. And the T write the word on the blackboard.) T: Whats this? Its a pencil. Ss: Whats this? Its a pencil. T: Wahts this? Its a book. (T shows a book.) T: Whats this? Ss: Its a book. T: Its a book. Follow me. S2: Its a book. T: How do you spell book? Ss: b-o-o-k, book. ( Ss write the word with their fingers while theyre spelling. And the T write the word on the blackboard.) T:Now , lets sing. Its a pencil, its a pencil. Its a book, its a book. 2)Listen and watch. Gogo: Whats this? Tony: Its a chair. Gogo: And this? Tony: Oh, its a ruler. T: (T points to a chair.) Whats this? Its a chair. Ss: Its a chair. T: Who can read? (Ask some students to read the sentences) Ss: Whats this? S1: Its a chair.How do you spell chair? ( Ss write the word with their fingers while theyre spelling. And the T write the word on the blackboard.) T:Whats this? Ss:Its a chair. T:And this? Ss: Its a ruler. T: Who can read? (Ask some students to read the sentences) 【设计意图设计意图】词汇 pencil, book and chair,学生在一年级学过, 在刚才的歌曲里也出现过这三个单词,通过 Gogo 和 Tony 的对话, 学生既能整体感知重点句型,又能轻松地在对话中掌握这三个单词。 3)Listen and watch. Gogo: Whats this? Tony: Its a desk. Gogo: Whats this? Tony: Its a table. T: (T points to the desk.)Whats this? Ss: Its a desk. T: Whats this? S1:Its a desk. Whats this? S2:Its a desk. (Ss ask one by one) S1:Whats this? S2: Its a desk.(Ask S3)Whats this? S3: Its a desk. ( Ask S4)Whats this? S4: . . T: How do you spell desk. Ss: d-e-s-k,desk. ( Ss write the word with their fingers while theyre spelling. And the T write the word on the blackboard.) ( PPT shows different kinds of desks.) T:Whats this? Ss:Its a desk. T:Whats this? Ss:Its a desk. T:And this? Ss:Its a desk. T:Yes, theyre desks. (T shows a picture of table) T: Whats this? Ss: Its a table. (Ss ask one by one) S1:Whats this? S2: Its a desk.( Ask S2)Whats this? S3: Its a desk.( Ask S4)Whats this? S4: . . T: How do you spell table. Ss: t-a-b-l-e,table. ( Ss write the word with their fingers while theyre spelling. And the T write the word on the blackboard.) ( PPT shows different kinds of tables.) T:Whats this? Ss:Its a table. T:And this? Ss:Its a table. T:And this? Ss: Its a table. T:Yes, theyre tables. T:Now,boys and girls.Can you choose? 【设计意图设计意图】在这个环节中,用不同的单词呈现方式来将句型和单 词结合起来讲解,引起学生学习兴趣,寓教于乐。在教授 desk 和 chair 时,先让学生分别认识 desk 和 table,再让学生对这两词进行 意义对比,对两件物体的本质特征的认识,能有效提升学生对物体特 征理解概念的意识和能力,提高学生理解的准确性。 StepStep 4:4: PracticePractice T:Boys and girls, this is our classroom. Its so beautiful,right. Ss: Yes. T:We also have beautiful desks and chairs. We have beautiful pencils and books.Were so happy. (PPT shows some picture of old classroom ) T: But how about the students of mountain area.They dont have beautiful classroom. They dont have beautiful desks and chairs.They dont have beautiful pencils and books.Do you want to help them? Ss:Yes. T: Now,Lets pass six tasks.And you will get a big presents for them. 【设计意图设计意图】抓住情感教育的契机,利用山区学校教室和学生相关 图片,让学生和自己进行对比,让学生感受到自己学习环境的优越。 激励学生好好学习,并让学生闯关赢得礼品帮助山区的小朋友。 A.WordsA.Words practicepractice TaskTask 1.1. Guessing game T: Task 1, guessing game. Picture 1,Whats this? Please guess. S1:Its a book . S2:Its a pen. S3:Its a ruler. T: Now lets check the answer. Yes, its a ruler. Picture 2, Whats this? S1: I ts a chair. S2:Its a table . S3: I ts a desk. S4:Its a . . TaskTask 2.2. cutting game T: Lets go to task 2. Lets read and cut the words or sentences together. Task 3.Look and match. Task 4.Listen and number 【设计意图设计意图】通过 “猜一猜”“切水果”的小游戏,能很好地再次 集中全班学生的注意力,激发孩子们积极思考并以竞赛的形式让孩 子们更加主动的参与和读单词。在看图连线和听音标号两个练习, 让学生进一步巩固了本节课的词汇,达到了操练和复习效果。 B.B. PracticePractice ofof sentencesentence patternpattern TaskTask 5.5. Pairwork:Pairwork: PaperPaper scissorsscissors andand stonestone TaskTask 6.Lets6.Lets chant.chant. 【设计意图】通过 “石头,剪刀,布”的小游戏,将课本的操练部 分呈现出来,让孩子们自主玩游戏说句子,全班同学参与进来,真 正做到让孩子们在玩中学。Chant 环节,朗朗上口的小歌谣,让学 生注意力再次集中到单词和句型上来,体现出学生主体和老师主导 的教学原则,课堂气氛活跃,学生都兴致勃勃地大声朗读,乐在其 中。 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1) Read the words and sentences in P13. 2) Copy the words and sentences in P13. 3) Donate some of your stationaries to the kids who need. 【设计意图设计意图】这里作业的设置目的在于既培养到孩子们开口读、写 英语的习惯,又培养孩子们从小要有爱心。 八教学测试安排八教学测试安排 课堂中,我安排了 1、请学生上来表演做模特,鼓励孩子们大声 说出所学单词,用游戏的方式来检测单词掌握情况;2、“老虎老虎 这是什么”和“老虎老虎这些是什么”的游戏来了解学生句型掌握 情况;3、最后的环节中,让孩子们将知识还原到生活中,设计一款 自己的帽子,既考查了孩子们的动手能力也考查了孩子们自主思考 的能力。 在完成此课以后,我布置学生找出至少 3 对不同国家衣物的单词。 然后,老师利用课余时间通过总结同学们找出的单词,并且将全班 分成小组来比赛谁找的多并且会读出来,并给表现最好的组加分。 九相关练习、板书等资源。九相关练习、板书等资源。 1) 板书设计 2 2 MyMy classroomclassroom WhatsWhats this?this? ItsIts a a . . AndAnd this?this? ItsIts a a . . 2)相关练习 a. Look and match. b. Listen and number.
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广东版三年级上册Unit My Classroom_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_(编号:b0054) 广东 三年级 上册 英语 unit _ppt 课件 教案 素材 编号 b0054
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