北师大版(三起)六上Unit 5 Height and Weight-Lesson 1 I'm taller.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:90045).zip


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教学目标教学目标 1.Words and phrases: stamp Canada another 2.Sentences: Ive got lots of stamps. These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China. 3. Grammar: 教学重点教学重点 1. Sentences: Ive got lots of stamps. These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China. 教学难点教学难点 . Grammar: Ive got lots of stamps. These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China. 教学准备教学准备 . Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. 板书设计板书设计 Module 3 Unit 1 collecting stamps is my hobby Ive got lots of stamps. These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China. 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 Warm up Step2 Lead in 1.Greeting 2. Warm up step1:sing a song step2:Talk about hobbyT:Hi, what hobby doyou have T:How was it ? 1.教师取出学生的喜欢的照片 的照片. T asks:Do you know this place ? Can you tell me 1.Greeting 2. sing a song Ss:Talk about bobby Ss look at the photo and try to answer the question 师生问候,拉近 师生关系。 谈论假期你的 爱好为新课学 习做好铺垫。 学生看图片, 引入新课内容 Step3 New teaching Step4 Practice Step5 Homewor k something about it ?Can you tell me more about it ? 2.教师拿出一张集邮册: “collect” 。Ask:“Do you know this stamps ? 1.导入: Damings hobby is lcollect stamp 刚到表哥家,行李还没 收拾好,他就和表哥 Simon 聊起来了爱好。 T asks Ss listen to the tape and underline the new words 2.播放录音或动画,呈现 SB 活动 2。 Listen and say:“Who is Simon ? Wheres Simons stamp ? What are they doing?” 3. Ask Ss listen and repeat. 4. T requires Ss read the text in pairs, then try to act out the dialogues. SB 活动 3: Ss do the listen and say in small groups. SB 活动 4 T asks the Ss look at the pictures and do the practice in pairs. Homework Copy the new words. Read the text. Ss go over the word after. Ss read “postcard” together. Ss answer the questions Ss listen to the teacher carefully and understand something about the text. Ss listen to the tape and underline the new words, they try to guess the meaning of the words. Ss listen and say: Where are the stamps from? Has Simon got any stamps from China? Ss listen and repeat. Ss read the text in pairs, then try to act out the dialogues. Ss do the listen and say in small groups. Ss do the practice in pairs. Copy the new words. Read the text. 学生谈论爱好 引发学生对自 己有信心把学 生的注意力引入 课文。向学生们 说明:在今天即 将学习的课文中, Darning 和 Simon 谈论起了 Simon 的一项兴 趣爱好。Simon 会向 Daming 和 我们介绍他自己 的爱好。听过他 的介绍后,大家 也要试着介绍自 己的爱好。 听录音勾画生 词,使学生加 深对生词的理 解与记忆。 同桌表演课文, 激发学生学习 英语的兴趣同 时培养学生互 助合作的意识。 教学设计教学设计 利用课余时间向同学、家长、老 师和朋友提问,调查他们的兴趣 爱好和收藏品, 看图描述有效 巩固了重点知 识,同时训练 了学生对新知 识的运用能力。 课后反思课后反思 课题课题 Module3Unit 2 Whats yours hobby 设计者设计者执教者执教者 版本版本外研社新标准英语年级年级六年级册数册数上册 教学目标教学目标 1. Words and phrases: dragon photo 2. Sentences: Have you got any my dolls from Japan? Yes, I haveNo,I haven?t. 3. Grammar:用 have got 句型描述事物。 教学重点教学重点 Sentences: Sentences: Have you got any my dolls from Japan? Yes, I haveNo, I haven?t. 教学难点教学难点Grammar:用 have got 句型描述事物。 教学准备教学准备 Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. 板书设计板书设计 Module3Unit 2 Whats yours hobby ?Have you got any my dolls from Japan? Yes, I haveNo, I havent. 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step2 New teaching Step3 Practice 1. listen to the tape Q:(1)what is Sue hobby? miss (2)What about Jack (3) What about taoTao?/Xiaoxue 2Listen to the tape again and find out the new words. 教读新单词: 3Read this text. 4. Ask the Ss read the text in groups. Require Ss act out the text in pairs. 1. Listen and say. Play the tape, ask Ss read and say SB activity3 in pairs. 2. SB activity4, require Ss do the practice in groups. 3. 引导学生说: 指导造句: Whats yours hobby I collect stamps Ss listen to the tape and try to answer Ts questions: (1)Does Daming miss China? (2)Where is Chinatown? Ss listen to the tape again and find out the new words. Ss read new words after teacher: Ss read the text after teacher. Ss read the text in groups then in pairs. Ss read and say SB activity3 in pairs. Ss look at the pictures and try to write, then say in groups. Ss try to make sentences: TheresTherere 学生带着问题 听课文,能够 更容易理解课 文内容。 学生听课文勾 画生词,熟悉 新单词。 同桌表演课文, 使学生积极有 效参与课文学 习,并学会互 助合作学习。 同桌及小组练 习,有效巩固 新句型。 教学设计教学设计 Step5 Homewor k Homework: Whats yours hobby I collect stamps 用来描述自己的爱好 Homework: 造句训练,使 学生能够准确 运用重点句型。 句型练习的描 述作业进一步 复习新知。 课后反思课后反思 课题课题 Module4Unit1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festtival 设计者设计者执教者执教者 版本版本外研社新标准英语年级年级六年级册数册数上册 教学目标教学目标 1. Words and phrases: thankinggiving flag special 2. Sentences: Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.We always have a special meal.We say “thankyou” for our food, family and friends. 3. Grammar: 用“ Thanksgiving is my favorite festival”介绍节日 教学重点教学重点 1. Sentences: There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. Its more than six thousand kilometers long. 教学难点教学难点 Grammar:用“谈论和描述感恩节等西方节日 教学准备教学准备 Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. 板书设计板书设计 Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival We always have a special meal. We say “thankyou” for our food, family and friends. 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 Warm-up Step2 Lead in Prese ntation 1.Greeting : Free talk 2. “We wish you a happy Christmas.”引导学生进入教学 环境。老师可适当把歌曲音乐延 长,烘托今天教学中节日的主题 。引导学生说出他们了解的西方 节日名称,学生可能会说出一些 ,例如: Christmas, Halloween 等等。再引导学生说一说关于这 两个节日的情况,例如:它们分 别在什么时间?按照传统,人们 在这两个节日里会做些什么? 1.Greeting : Free talk 2. Answer questions. Ss practice 节日和活动” Presentation Ss listen and chant SB activity1. Ss look at the pictures in SB activity1. 师生问候,拉近 师生关系。 提问方式,使 学生轻松复习 旧知。 学生通过韵句 学习,自然过 渡到新内容。 教学设计教学设计 Step3 New teaching Step4 Practice Step5 Homewor k 1. Play the tape. 2. Play the tape again, ask Ss find out the new words. A. What are the two American festivals in the story? B What do people do on Flag Day? C.What do people do on Thanksgiving Day? 3. Help Ss read the text correctly.4. Ask Ss read the text ismall groups.5. Require Ss try to retell the text according to the pictures.SB activity3 老师问学生:What can you see in the picture?T: Please look and say in pairs.Ask Ss do SB activity4 in pairs.T helps Ss to learn the song.1.请学 生听录音欣赏歌曲 2.老师教读 歌曲,并教唱 Help Ss look, remember and say SB activity6. T gives Ss some time to complete the postcard. Homework 制作一张介绍当地节日的宣传 海报,向全班介绍。 Ss listen to the tape about the text. Ss listen to the tape about the text again and underline the new words. Ss read the text after the tape, then they read the text after teacher. Ss read the text in small groups.1. What are the two American festivals in the story?2 What do people do on Flag Day?3 What do people do on Thanksgiving Day? Ss retell the text by looking at the picture in the text. Ss look at the picture in SB activity3 and answer. Ss do practice in pairs. Ss do SB activity4 in pairs. Ss understand the song and try to sing the song. Ss look, remember and say SB activity6 by teachers help, then they do the practice in groups. Ss complete the postcard by themselves. 制作一张介绍当地节日的宣传 海报,向全班介绍。 学生听课文勾 画生词,熟悉 新单词。 学生通过反复 跟读课文,读 准课文。 看图复述课文, 有效巩固课文。 学生同桌共同 描述图片,使 学生在互助合 作中学习运用 新知。 歌曲学习,使 学生在轻松愉 悦的环境中巩 固新知识。 小组合作描述 图片,有效训 练了重点句型 运用。 课后反思课后反思 课题课题 Module 4Unit 2 our favourite festival is the spring Festival 设计者设计者执教者执教者 版本版本外研社新标准英语年级年级六年级册数册数上册 教学目标教学目标 1. Words and phrases: moon cakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, race, lantern, the Lantern Festival, hang, 2. 能听懂会说“we have a special family dinner”等问句. 3.能谈论和描述课文所介绍的节日,并产生对其他的西方节日的兴趣。 教学重点教学重点 能听懂会说“1基本能听懂、会读 moon cakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, race, lantern, the Lantern Festival, hang, 2. 能理解和认读句子“The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. We always have 教学难点教学难点学会用英语讲述某个地方或某件事物的情况。 教学准备教学准备 Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. 板书设计板书设计 Module 4 Unit 2 our favourite festival is the spring Festival The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. We always have. 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 Warm up Step2 Lead in 1. Greetings. 2. Warm up sing a song 教师出示 Simon 的照片, Ask:Who is he ? Tell them :Hes Damings cousin. Wheres he from? Wheres New York? T plays the tape, asks Ss read after. 1. Greetings. 2. Ss sing a song together. Ss look at the picture and answer Ts question. Ss answer the questions correctly by Ts help. Ss read SB activity1. 师生问候,拉近 师生关系。 唱歌活跃课堂 气氛。 谈论照片,为 新课学习做好 铺垫。 Step3 New teaching Step4 Practice Step5 Homewor k 1.教师拿出一张 Ppt, Ask:“This is a pictue of festival. Look at and see. 2.Play the game read sentences: 3. Learn the new words. 4.播放录音或动画,呈现 SB unit2 活动 2。 Ask Ss listen and draw the new words. 5. Play the tape. 6. Ask Ss act out the text in groups. T helps Ss do practice in the text. Homework Copy the new words Read the text. .1.Answer the questions Ss: It is in the east of America. 2. Play the game: Please:read and see 3. Ss spell letters and read words after teacher 4.Listen and say:“What do we do On . What are they doing?” Listen and draw the new words. 5. Read and repeat. 6. Ss act out the text in groups. 7. Ss listen and understand. Ss do practice in the text in pairs. Copy the new words Read the text. 通过看课件, 学生很容易了 解将要学习的 内容。 通过课件的方 式,学生轻松 愉快的复习了 节日短语。 学生带着问题 听课文,能够 让学生更专注 认真地去理解 课文。 小组表演课文, 能够让学生在 互助合作中更 好地学习课文。 学生 2 人一组 进行巩固练习, 更易掌握重点 句型。 课后反思课后反思 Hes from Liaoning. He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He travelled into space. answer the questions: 1.When did Shenzhou V fly into space? In October 2003. 2.Where is he from? He is from Liaoning. 3.How long did he spend in space? He spent about twenty-one hours in space. 4.What did he make in space? He made a video. 5.Why was his son so proud of him? He was Chinas first man in space. He saw his father in space. My father, Yang Liwei, is a and he is very famous. taikonaut In October 2003, my father flew into space in . He spent about hours in space.He did a lot of work there. Shenzhou twenty-one He made a video. Then he came back to the earth. come back 回来,返回回来,返回 For Example: 1. I came back Nanning yesterday. 2.When did you come back? Where were they ? They were at the airport. My and I went to the to meet my . We were very . It was a great day! airport mother happy father I was very Do you know be proud of sb. 以以为骄傲为骄傲 do - spend - am/is - make - fly - go- did spent was made flew went Do you know in space make a video space travel lots of be proud of sb. 在太空里在太空里 录像录像 太空旅行太空旅行 许多许多 以以为骄傲为骄傲 and 和 but都是连连 ,用来连 接连连 、 短连 或句子;and 表示并列关系, but表示连 折的关系。 but and 1.My sister can sing dance. 2.These shoes are nice, they are too small.
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