北师大版(三起)六上Unit 2 An Accident-Lesson 1 Mocky Bad Day.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:71356).zip


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Unit 2 An accident Lesson 1 Mockys bad day (课堂练习)(课堂练习) 一、一、Listen and order the story:(看图、听音、给图片标序号)(看图、听音、给图片标序号) 二、二、Read and judge “ T or F”(看图理解故事,判断正误)(看图理解故事,判断正误): 1. Ken and Ann visited Mocky. ( ) 2. Mocky didnt want a banana ( ) 3. Mocky ate the banana slowly ( ) 三、三、Read and answer(看图理解故事,并回答问题)(看图理解故事,并回答问题): (1)Q1: Whats the matter with Mocky?_ (2)Q2: Who helped Mocky? _ (3)Q3: What did Ann do? _ (4)Q4: Why was Mocky sorry? _ (5)Q5: Did Mocky visit Ken and Ann again? _ 五、五、Finish a story, or write a story.(选词补全故事,或选词编写小故事。(选词补全故事,或选词编写小故事。 ) visited, went, wanted, ate, coughed and coughed, helped, cleaned, made A: Last Saturday, Mocky_Ken and Ann. He_ a banana. Mocky _the banana very quickly. Then he _. The banana _ _ _ everywhere. Ken _ him and Ann _ the table. He_ a mess. B: Last Saturday, Warming upWarming up TalkingTalking .Pre-learning(学前活动) Where Where diddid you go? you go? did-did-do,do, dodo-did-did; ; I I wentwent to London. to London. went-went-go, gogo, go-went-went; ; What What diddid you do? you do? diddid-do, do-do, do-did; -did; I I visitedvisited lots of places. lots of places. visited-visited-visit,visit, I I ateate lots of English lots of English food.food. ate-ate-eat, eateat, eat-ate-ate; ; I had a good time. I had a good time. What about you?What about you? 1.Learn to say a chant1.Learn to say a chant(学说歌谣)(学说歌谣) What did you do What did you do last Saturday?last Saturday? 2.Free talk2.Free talk yesterday?yesterday? last night?last night? I I cleaned the room.cleaned the room. watched TV.watched TV. visited a friend.visited a friend. watched a film.watched a film. went to school. ate a banana. cleaned the table. helped my mum. 3.Lead in:3.Lead in: Whats the matter with Whats the matter with MockyMocky? ? 4.Learning targets4.Learning targets(学习目标)(学习目标) 1. 能了解下列表示动词过去式的词汇: go(went), eat(ate), clean(cleaned), visit(visited), want(wanted), look(looked), help(helped); 2. 能结合图片和录音理解故事,读懂叙述文本 的内容; 3.朗读故事对话,能在插图提示下尝试讲述故事 的主要情节; 4.能在故事语境中理解过去所做的事情或发生的 动作表达法的意义。 5.Task5.Task(学习任务): 1. Enjoy the story(用心感受故事发生的过程 ) 2. Try to retell the story(试着复述小故事) Tips: Tips: Challenge everything you do in class. (挑战一切不可能,相信你最棒!) 1. 课堂上的任何表现都是挑战的项目 ; 2. 表现好的就可以嬴得一张单词卡; 3. 哪一方获得的单词卡较多,那一方 就获胜。 6. Competition6. Competition(男女生挑战赛 ) .WhileWhile-learning-learning(学中活动) Step 1:ListenStep 1:Listeninging 1. Watch a video and answer1. Watch a video and answer( 欣赏故事,回答问题欣赏故事,回答问题) How many people are there in the story? MockysMockys bad day. bad day. 3. Check in groups, then act the story in your group( 先小组检查故事的正确顺序后,读故事) ( ) ( 6 ) ( 5 ) ( 4 ) ( 3 ) (8 ) ( 2 ) ( 7 ) 1 2.Listen and order the story: (看图、听音、给图片标序号) Yes, please. . Step 2:ReadingStep 2:Reading Mocky _ Ken and Ann. (1) Ken and Ann visited Mocky. ( )( ) He _ into the kitchen. 1.Read and judge “ T or F”1.Read and judge “ T or F”(看图理解故事,判断正误)(看图理解故事,判断正误) : : F F visited went visit -visited 拜访 go - went (2) Mocky didnt want a banana ( ) He _ a banana. Because he _ hungry. Yes, please. . F F wanted was is -was want- wanted 1.Read and judge “ T or F”1.Read and judge “ T or F”(看图理解故事,判断正误)(看图理解故事,判断正误) : : (3 3) MockyMocky ate the banana slowly ( ) ate the banana slowly ( ) He _ the banana very _ .He _ the banana very _ . F F ate ate quicklyquickly eateatateate 1.Read and judge “ T or F”1.Read and judge “ T or F”(看图理解故事,判断正误)(看图理解故事,判断正误) : : 缓慢地缓慢地 迅速地迅速地 And then?And then? Then he _ another one.Then he _ another one.ateate 另一,又一另一,又一 Q1: Whats the matter with Q1: Whats the matter with MockyMocky? ? Suddenly(突然) he _ sick. He _. The banana _ everywhere(到处). 2.Read and answer2.Read and answer(看图理解故事,并回答问题)(看图理解故事,并回答问题): : looked coughed and coughed went looklooked go cough - coughed 咳嗽咳嗽 生病 KenKen _him and Ann _ the table. Q2: Who helped Q2: Who helped MockyMocky? ? Q3: What did Ann do?Q3: What did Ann do? helpedcleaned help - helped clean-cleaned 2.Read and answer2.Read and answer(看图理解故事,并回答问题)(看图理解故事,并回答问题): : 清洁、打扫清洁、打扫 Q4: Why was Q4: Why was MockyMocky sorry? sorry? Because he_ a mess.Because he_ a mess. mademade make made 2.Read and answer2.Read and answer(看图理解故事,并回答问题)(看图理解故事,并回答问题): : MockyMocky _ Ann and Ken again. _ Ann and Ken again. He _ into the kitchen. He _ into the kitchen. But he _ any bananas.But he _ any bananas. Q5: Did Q5: Did MockyMocky visit Ken and Ann visit Ken and Ann again? again? visitedvisited wentwent didnt want didnt want do-diddo-did 2.Read and answer2.Read and answer(看图理解故事,并回答问题)(看图理解故事,并回答问题): : did not didnt did not didnt 3.Listen and imitate. 3.Listen and imitate. (听故事、模仿说) Step 3: Speaking Step 3: Speaking Mocky _ Ken and Ann. He _ into the kitchen. visited went 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P1P1 Last Saturday, Last Saturday, He _ a banana. Because he _ hungry. Yes, please. . wanted was is -waswant- wanted 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P2P2 He _ the banana very He _ the banana very _ ._ . ate ate quicklyquickly eateatateate 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P3P3 And then?And then? Then he _ another one.Then he _ another one.ateate 另一,又一另一,又一 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P4P4 Suddenly he _ sick. He _. The banana _ everywhere(到处 ). looked coughed and coughed went looklooked go cough - coughed 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P5P5 KenKen _him and Ann _ the _him and Ann _ the table. table. helpedcleaned help - helped clean-cleaned 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P6P6 Because he_ a mess.Because he_ a mess. mademade make made 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) P7P7 MockyMocky _ _ Ann and Ken again.Ann and Ken again. HeHe _ _ into the kitchen.into the kitchen. But he But he _ _ any bananas.any bananas. visitedvisited wentwent didnt want didnt want do-diddo-did did not didnt did not didnt 1. Look and say1. Look and say(看图说话) The next day, The next day, P8P8 2. Try to retell the story(选择词语,自由复述故事): The next day, . The next day, . Then, Then, Then, Then, Mocky Last Saturday, BenBen AnnAnn WritingWriting . Post learningPost learning(学后运用)(学后运用) Tips: 1.Sum upPast form. (利用板书进 行本课语 言点-动词过 去式的小结。) 2. Finish a story, or write a story. (选词补选词补 全故事,或选词编选词编 写小故事。二选选一) 3. Talk or check in groups, then show. (组组内交流或校对对后展示) 4. Tables manners.(德育渗透餐桌礼仪仪) Past Form 动词过去式 Regular verbs (规则动词) Irregular verbs (不规则动词) 1.1.SumSum up up Regular verbs past form (规则动词过去式的构成规则动词过去式的构成) ) 构成规则构成规则原原 形形过过 去去 式式 一般在动词原形末尾直接加-ed visit want look cough help clean pass visited wanted looked coughed helped cleaned passed 结尾是e的动词去e加-edlivelived 末尾只有一个辅音字 母的重 读闭音节词,先 双写这个辅音字 母,再 加-ed stop stopped 结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先 改“y”为“ i”再加-ed study studied next 直直 加加 双双 改改 arewere 是 buybought 买 taketook 搭乘,花费,拍照,拿 findfound 找到 teachtaught 教 riderode 骑 wearwore 穿 givegave 给 winwon 赢 tell told 告诉 iswas 是 gowent 走 dodid 做 eatate 吃 makemade 制作 meetmet 遇见 seesaw 看 havehad 有 runran 跑 drinkdrank 喝 Irregular verbs past form ( (不不规则规则动词过去式的构成动词过去式的构成) ) Look and remember. (快速记忆不规则过去式,为接下去的练习做好准备吧。) 2.Finish a story, or write a story. (选词补全故事,或选词编写小故事。二选一展示) Last Saturday, Mocky_visitedvisited _Ken and Ann. He _ ate ate _ a banana. Mocky _ ate ate _ the banana very quickly. Then he coughed and coughed coughed and coughed . The banana _ went went _ everywhere. Ken _ helped helped _ him and Ann cleanedcleaned the table. He_ _mademade a mess. visited, went, wanted, ate, coughed and visited, went, wanted, ate, coughed and coughed, helped, cleaned, madecoughed, helped, cleaned, made A A B B Last Saturday, Last Saturday, Mocky_Ken and Ann. He_ a banana. Mocky _the banana very quickly. Then he _. The banana _ _ _ _ everywhere. Ken _ him and Ann _ the table. He_ _ a mess. 3. Talk or check, then show (组组内交流或校对对后,二选选一展示) A A B B Last Saturday, Last Saturday, Mocky_Ken and Ann. He_ a banana. Mocky _the banana very quickly. Then he _. The banana _ _ _ _ everywhere. Ken _ him and Ann _ the table. He_ _ a mess. visitedvisited wantedwantedate ate coughed and coughedcoughed and coughed wentwent helpedhelped cleanedcleaned mademade 4.Table manners:4.Table manners:(餐桌礼仪)(餐桌礼仪) Unit 2 An accident Lesson 1 Mockys bad day 课题Unit 2 An accident Lesson 1 Mockys bad day 教学目标及 依据分析 一、知识与技能 1. 能了解下列表示动词过去式的词汇: go(went), eat(ate), clean(cleaned), visit(visited), want(wanted), look(looked), help(helped); 2. 能结合图片和录音理解故事,读懂叙述文本的内容; 3. 朗读故事对话,能在插图提示下尝试讲述故事的主要情节; 4. 能在故事语境中理解过去所做的事情或发生的动作表达法的意义。 二、过程与方法 1.依据故事绘本,提高观察、思考和表达的能力; 2.巧用故事绘本,展现故事,提升各方面的能力; 3.通过小组合作学习,提升合作学习的能力; 4.通过观察动词的规则变化,掌握字母组合 ed 的发音。 三、情感态度价值观 1. 通过本课的学习,让学生养成良好的进餐习惯,注意用餐的礼仪; 2. 通过本课的学习,让学生学会主动帮助他人的良好品德。 学生和教材 内容分析 本单元的内容是谈论有关 MOCKY 糟糕的一天,学生已学过 was, were, had 这几个过去式,want, pass, look 这几个动词,它们的过去形式对学 生来讲都是新的,加上本课出现的、表示程度的副词和形容词也多,总之, 本课的词汇多,语言点定也多,对学生来讲是个挑战;但本课是要通过绘 本学习故事、理解故事,通过听、读、讲、写故事引导学生积极参与课堂 的学习,激发学生的兴趣,提升学生各方面的能力。 教学重难点 确定与分析 重点:1. 理解故事的主要情节,读懂叙述文本的内容; 2. 能结合插图,尝试讲述故事的主要内容。 难点:1.结合连环画讲述故事的主要情节; 2.在故事语境中引导学生理解动词过去式的变化。 教学过程设计设计意图 Step 1: Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Learn to say a chant. WhereWhereWhere diddiddid youyouyou go?go?go? did-did-did-d d do, o, o, dododo-did-did-did; ; ; I I I wentwentwent to toto London.London.London. went-went-went-go,go,go, gogogo-went-went-went; ; ; WhatWhatWhat diddiddid youyouyou do?do?do? diddiddid-do,-do,-do, dododo- - -did;did;did; I I I visitedvisitedvisited lotslotslots ofofof places.places.places. visited-visited-visited-visitvisitvisit, , , I I I ateateate lotslotslots ofofof EnglishEnglishEnglish food.food.food.ate-ate-ate-eat,eat,eat, eateateat-ate-ate-ate; ; ; I I I hadhadhad a a a goodgoodgood time.time.time. WhatWhatWhat aboutaboutabout you?you?you? 3. Free talk T:What did you do last Saturday? 教师自编与教材内容 有关的歌谣,引导学 生通过说唱来复习旧 知,同时引出部分新 知,做到无痕地渗透 教学,降低了学习难 度,提高了学习乐趣, 为新课的学习作好铺 垫。 开展自由问答,通过 问答环节引出新课的 部分词组,为新知的 Ss: I watched a film./ visited a friend./ watched TV./cleaned the room. 4. Lead in Mockys bad day 5. Show the learning targets. (1) 能了解下列表示动词过去式的词汇:go(went), eat(ate), clean(cleaned), visit(visited), want(wanted), look(looked), help(helped); (2) 能结合图片和录音理解故事,读懂叙述文本的内容; (3).朗读故事对话,能在插图提示下尝试讲述故事的主要情节; (4).能在故事语境中理解过去所做的事情或发生的动作表达法的意义。 6. Lead in the task: Enjoy or retell the story. 7. Competition: Boys PK girls to get the past tense verbs cards. 学习打下伏笔。 给学生明确的学习任 务和学习目标,这样 的课堂学习会更有针 对性,效果也会更好。 同时,以任务为途径, 培养学生的语用能力 巧用新知开展竞赛式 的评价,既能激发学 生的学习兴趣,提高 学生积极参与课堂的 学习活动,又能轻松 地掌握新知,提高课 堂教学效率。 Step 2:Listening 1. Guess: T: How many people are there in the story? Ss:Three. They are Mocky, Ken and Ann. 2. Listen and order the story. 3. Check in groups, then in class. 4.Listen, imitate and read the dialogue. 故事绘本教学从培养 学生的预测能力抓起, 从小训练学生的脑思 维,提高学生的观察、 思考和表达能力。 借助图片和录音初步 感知、理解故事内容, 提升学生的阅图能力。 发挥小组合作学习的 作用,同时帮助后进 生共同学习和提高。 通过听音、模仿跟读, 在语境中进一步理解 故事的对话内容,提 高学生的理解能力。 Step 3: Reading 1. Read and judge “T or F”: (1)Ken and Ann visited Mocky. ( ( ( ) ) ) (2) Mocky didnt want a banana. ( ) (3) Mocky ate the banana slowly. ( ) 2. Read and choose the answers: Q1: Whats the matter with Mocky? A. sick, B. sad Q2: Who helped Mocky? A, Ken B. Ann 通过阅图判断正误, 既学习新知,又内化 新知,提升学生的观 察、思考的能力。 以问题为导向,引导 学生在语篇的学习中 渗透词汇教学,做到 词不离句,句不离篇, Q3: What did Ann do? A. cleaned the room, B. cleaned the table 3. Listen and imitate. 又体现整体输入,提 高阅读能力,促进学 生的思维发展。 遵循听说领先, 读写跟上的原则, 通过听音、模仿 跟读等的大量输 入,为后续的输 出作好准备。 Step 4: Speaking 1. Look and say, pay attention for the verbs: visited, went, was, wanted, passed, ate, looked, coughed, went, helped, cleaned, was, made, visited, went, didnt P1: Last Saturday, Mocky _ Ken and Ann. He _ into the kitchen. P 2: Mocky_ hungry. He _ a banana. Ann _ passed him one. P3: Mocky _ the banana very quickly. P4: Then he _ another one. P5: Suddenly Mocky_ sick. He _ and _. The banana _ everywhere. P6 &7: Ken _ him and Ann_ the table. Mocky_very sorry because he_ a mess. P8: The next day Mocky_ Ann and Ken again. He_ into the kitchen, but he _ any bananas. 鼓励学生在插图 的提示下,让学 生通过给词填空 的形式,尝试讲 述故事的主要情 节,培养学生的 语言表达能力, 巩固所学,提升 自信心。 创设语境,让学 生选择词(时间) 或过去式的动词 词组,自由组合, 口头复述小故事, 提高学生对故事 的理解程度,同 时,提升学生的 口头表达能力。 Step 5: Writing 1. Choose the V-ed” to finished the story 2. Sum up 3. Homework: 面向全体,关注个体; 分层教学,让每一位 学生都有收获,同时, 可以先让生说,再写 通过写、编小故事, 提升学生的语用能力 和表达能力,达到预 期的目标。 小结活动由学生来完 成,既检测学生的新 知掌握和理解程度, 又可以锻炼和提高学 生的表达能力,突出 学生的主体地位。同 时,渗透餐桌礼仪的 教育,教会学生如何 文明用餐。 课后延伸,有效的作 业能促进和提高学生 的语用能力,让学生 在完成任务的同时, 能进一步提升自身的 口头表达能力和书面 表达能力。 充分利用板书的功能, 让教学的主题更为突 出,内容更明了;同 时,利用新知进行过 去式动词词卡的抢夺 赛,既激趣,又益智, 还具创新性。
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