北师大版(三起)五上Unit 4 Position-Lesson 4 Have a try.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:d21db).zip


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Unit 4 What can you do? Lesson 1 Part A Lets learn What can you see? I can see The dog is helpful. The panda is helpful. The mouse is helpful. Im helpful. I can clean the Window. I can open the door. What can they do? _, _, What can you do? I can _. Bird bird fly _, _, What can you do? I can _. Kangaroo kangaroo jump _, _, What can you do? I can _. Fish fish swim Lets do Run, run, I can run. Jump, jump, I can jump. Read, read, I can read. Write, write, I can write. Sing, sing, I can sing . Dance, dance, I can dance. 你还能用你还能用I can 说句子吗?说句子吗? Chen Jies school will have an English part next Tuesday. Everybody will show their skill. What can they do? play the pipa Sing English songs draw cartoons dance do kung fu Dance,dance,dance.I can dance. Draw,draw,draw.I can draw cartoons. sing,sing,sing.I can sing English songs. pipa,pipa,pipa.I can play the pipa. Kung fu,kung fu,kung fu,I can do kung fu. If our school will have an English party next Tuesday. What can you do? 如果我们学校下星期二举办一次英语晚会. 你会做什么? danceI can . sing English songsI can . Chen Jies school will have an English part next Tuesday. Everybody will show their skill. What can they do? play the pipa I can . do kung fu I can . draw cartoonsI can . Play the pipa Sing English songsDraw cartoons Do kung fu dance Play the pipa Sing English songsDraw cartoons Do kung fu dance Spell the words d n e s ng En li h s ngs pl y t e pip . Do k ng f . dra ca too s a c i g s o a h a u u w r n Make a sentence. I can . I can ,too. Group work. 快乐的假日What can you do? Do a survey. What can you do? 在小组里说一说 Unit4 What can you do? A Lets learn Lesson 2 通榆明德通榆明德 刘大军刘大军 Play the pipa Sing English songsDraw cartoons Do kung fu dance Play the pipa Sing English songsDraw cartoons Do kung fu dance I am helpful at home. Are you helpful, too? help wellbedspell smell helpful beautiful useful What can you do? What can you do? I can play the pipa. What can you do? I can play the erhu. What can you do? I can dance. What can you do? I can play football. What can you do? I can play basketball. What can you do? I can play ping-pong. What can you do? I can do Chinese kung fu. What can you do? I can draw cartoons. What can you do? I can sing English songs. What can you do? I can clean the classroom. Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run , I can run. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat , I can eat. Sarah, Sarah, what can you do? I can dance , I can dance. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw , I can draw. Today is Monday, the next day is Today is Tuesday, the next day is Englis h Tuesday about sing can kung fu 听录音,将课文内容补充完整: 根据课文内容回答问题: When will they have an English party? What can Zhang Peng do for the party? What can John do for the party? They will have an English party next Tuesday. He can sing English songs. He can do some kung fu. Hello! Im Xiao Wanzi. I am a good girl.I can do many things.I can clean the windows. I can empty the trash . I can water the flo-wers . I often help people.Am I helpful? Hi! Im Xiao Xin.Im a super boy.I can play computer games. I can play football.I can eat tasty food.Oh,ice- cream is my favourite food.Am I helpful ? We must remember (我们必须紧记)我们必须紧记) No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘一分耕耘 一分收获一分收获 。 Try your best to do everything. 尽你的能力去做好每一件事。尽你的能力去做好每一件事。 book look football good good look football book /u/ balloon food zoo noodles noodles food zoo balloon /u:/ Unit 4 What can you do? PartB lets talk Lets learn Lesson 4 Greeting: Hi,everyone! How are you? What day is it today? What do you have on Mondays? What can you do at school? T:What can you do? Ss:I can. T:Great! You are helpful! Ask and answer Can you? Wash your clothes Can you? cook Can you? clean the classroom Can you? read books Can you? play basketball Can you? swim Can you? play ping-pong Can you? speak English Can you.?你会.? 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答否定回答:No,I cant. cook play basketball swim Speak English play ping-pong Read the words together. Consolidation 巩固练习 Lets talk听录音,读对话,回答问题。 Who is the strong man? What does he teach? What can John do? Can Oliver do any kung fu? 听录音,将课文内容补充完整. afternoon some Can Yes any cant some 常用在肯定中,而常用在肯定中,而any 则常用在否定则常用在否定 句和疑问句中句和疑问句中 。 肯定句:肯定句:I can do some kung fu. 否定句:否定句: cant do any kung fu. 疑问句:疑问句:Can you do any kung fu? Some & any “一些” Group in two. S1:Can you. .? S2:Yes.I can./No,I cant. 根据课文内容,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 The children have PE class in the afternoon. ( ) John cant do any kung fu.( ) Oliver cant do any kung fu.( ) T F T Oliver, Oliver, can you swim? No, I cant. No, I cant. Sarah,Sarah, can you dance? Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Mike, Mike, can you cook? No, I cant. No, I cant. Amy,Amy,can you play ping-pong. Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Lets play! Homework 1.Copy the words of lets learn. 2.Read the dialogue in two. See you! Unit 4 What can you do? Lesson 5 Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you ? Can you ? Can you ? Dog, dog, can you run? Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Panda, panda, can you swim? No, I cant. No, I cant. Sarah, Sarah, can you dance? Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Mike, Mike, can you cook? No, I cant. No, I cant. 听录音,将课文内容补充完整: afternoon some Can Yes any cant I can do some kung fu. I cant do any kung fu. Can you do any kung fu? some 常用在肯定中,常用在肯定中, 而而any 则常用在否定则常用在否定 句和疑问句中句和疑问句中 。 根据课文内容,判断正误。 The children have PE class in the afternoon. ( ) John cant do any kung fu.( ) Oliver cant do any kung fu.( ) 根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。 swim 根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。 Play basketball 根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。 draw cartoons 根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。 do kung fu 根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。 Play ping-pong 根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。 Speak English Hello. Im Robin the Robot, I can do many things. Read the email, and find what can I do. What can I do? speak English speak Chinese do kung fu play ping-pong But I cant swim. What can you do? 在小组里说一说 Unit 4 What can you do? Lesson 7 What can you do? I can play basketball. What can you do? I can play ping-pong. What can you do? I can play football. What can you do? I can play the pipa. What can you do? I can play the piano. What can you do? I can play the erhu. play basketballplay ping-pongplay football play the pipa play the piano play the erhu no“the”球球/棋类棋类with“the”乐器乐器 play 小结:小结: ping-pong football chess the erhu the piano the violin the . . 亲爱的同学们亲爱的同学们: 我们的身边有很多独居老人,我们的身边有很多独居老人, 他们行动不便,又没有人帮忙做家他们行动不便,又没有人帮忙做家 务务,我们正准备招聘一批志愿者,帮我们正准备招聘一批志愿者,帮 助他们做一些力所能及的家务活,助他们做一些力所能及的家务活, 为他们减轻负担。你愿意加入我们为他们减轻负担。你愿意加入我们 吗吗? Make a survey(你能为老人们做什么呢?)你能为老人们做什么呢?): A: Hello. B: Hello. A: Are you helpful ? B: A: What can you do? B: I can A: Great! Youre helpful! name sweep the floor cook the meals clean the bedroom empty the trash wash the windows set the table make the bed water the flowers Chen Ruini 做一名乐于助人的好孩子!做一名乐于助人的好孩子! Labor star(劳动之星)劳动之星) Hello, my name is _ (名字). Im _(年龄). Im a good _(男,女孩).I can do housework at home. I can_. I can _. I can _. I can _ .Im helpful at home. Sports star(体育之星)(体育之星) Hello, my name is _ (名字). Im _ (年龄). Im a good _ (男,女孩). I can_. I can _.I can _. Im great. Im going to be a sports star. 加入志愿者队伍,写自己的简介加入志愿者队伍,写自己的简介 Im _. Im _ years old. I can _. I can _. I can _. _. Im helpful. The volunteers(志愿者)are warmhearted(热心 的) and helpful. Lets join them. 第四单元第四单元 Unit4Unit4 whatwhat cancan youyou do?do?说课稿说课稿 Lesson one 一、 说教学理念: 有了前面两年学习英语的经历,五年级学生有了一定的英语水平,更何况 这一课时的设计是来源于学生日常生活的实际,因此,这一课时主要是训练学 生的口语交际能力,让学生能说,让学生会说,让学生想说,本课时主要通过 已学知识点,从日常的生活中入手,激发学生想说的欲望,在由浅到深,循序 渐进,运用“脑筋激荡法”引导学生回忆旧有的英语词组,如家务类 clean the bedroom 运动类 play ping-pong 等 二、说教学内容 今天我说课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的 PEP Primary English Book 5 Unit 4 What can you do? Part A 的 Lets learn 部分,主要学习句型 what can you do? 以及词组 dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, draw cartoons, play the pipa, 引导学生说出 play the erhu, play the guzheng 等其他乐器的用法。 三、 说教材 本课时虽然容量大,但难度不大,主要是在文本益友的基础上,强化学生 对句型的巩固,并且让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中,集思广义,让学生在小组讨 论中,挖掘与文本有关的知识点,让学生插上记忆的翅膀,回忆出三,四年级 时,学过的英语知识点,形成总的知识点,碰撞出思维的火花,这样的学习氛 围深受学生的喜欢。 四、 说教学目标 英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自 信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力 和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材的基础上,我针对学 生实际,将本课时的教学目标及重,难点确定如下: 1、知识目标 (1) 使学生能听、说、读、写 dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, draw cartoons, play the pipa, 等词组。 (2) 理解掌握句型:What can you do? 以及回答 I can等句子,并 且能运用到日常的生活当中。 2、能力目标: (1) 能够运用所学单词及短语回答别人提出的问题。 (2) 能够正确的运用今天所学句型在日常生活及真实情景中进行交流。 3、情感目标: (1) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心。 (2) 培养学生的合作交流能力。 五、 说教学重点 1、学习新词组 dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, draw cartoons, play the pipa 以及句型 What can you do? 以及回答 I can 六、 说教学难点 1、根据音标引导学生自己获得单词的发音。 2、单词 draw 的发音以及 cartoon,kung fu 的重音。 七、 说教学准备 课件,单词卡片,图片,吸铁石- 八、说教法、学法 为了突破这堂课的重、难点,根据小学五年级学生好奇、好胜、内敛、爱 面子、表现欲旺盛等生理和心理特点,我主要采取了 TPR 教学,合作教学以及 任务型教学法,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作、 游戏感悟等多法并用的方式组织教学。彻底改变传统的“讲授”的教学模式, 促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 九、说教学过程 Step 1. 导入 以三年级学的歌曲 ABC 之歌导入 (这首歌全班都会唱,所有同学都会参与进来,马上将学生带进一个英语 学习氛围中去,一个轻松活跃的开端会让学生对整节课感兴趣) Step 2. 呈现 1.播放 Lets learn 播放的动画让学生根据动画猜测所要讲的单词,并将 单词点学生写在黑板的四线格上。 2.写单词音标,慢慢引导学生根据音标读单词,并播放单词音频,让学生自 己抓住单词的发音,并点学生读。 3.教师带读单词,每个单词用分组读或者分男女读,分条列读,开火车读的 方法带读单词。 Step 3. 操练 1.所有单词呈现完后,教师整体带读单词,并用游戏打地鼠操练单词。 2.课件出示图片,学生用刚刚所学知识描述图片。 3.TPR 活动操练单词 Step 4. 巩固与拓展 1.课件展示图片和句型What can you do?,I can学生根据图片填空。 2.学生两两之间用今天所学单词操练句型,并点学生回答。 3.展示句型 I can I can , too 学生利用所给图片造句。 (这步是为后 面做一个调查的活动做铺垫) 4.group-work,学生以小组形式做调查,组长记录,并且汇报调查结果。 十、教学总结 这节课不论是知识的创编,还是游戏的设计,都尽可能紧地抓住学生,吸 引学生,让学生积极参与到课堂中来。学生在玩中学,学中用,提高了课堂实 效,培养了学生学习的兴趣。充分让学生主体参与、体验感悟、游戏巩固,尽 量帮助学生树立学习英语的兴趣。
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