北师大版(三起)五上Unit 1 Jobs-Lesson 1 Mochy the Juggler.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:81465).zip


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义务教育教科书北师大版英语三年 级起点五年级上册 Unit 1 Jobs Lesson 1 Enjoy the story Mocky the juggler 一、教材分析一、教材分析 (一)本课教材分析(一)本课教材分析 坚持故事教学特色,推动语言学习与素质教育同步 发展是本套教材的最大特色。本课选自北师大版三年级起 点五年级上册 Unit 1 Jobs,Lesson 1 Enjoy the story。 第一课是单元主要语言输入课时,以连环画故事为语言输 入的载体和平台,为学生理解语言的意思、体验语言的语 用创设有趣、有意义的语境,并渗透品德教育,体现文化 意识的培养。每课的故事主要呈现单元主要语言现象,使 学生在语境中理解故事,体会语言的运用,重点学习故事 中出现的词汇和句型,第一课也是单元的主要学习内容, 与后续课时、板块有直接密切的联系。例如 Show Time、阅 读以及 Round Up 在内容上都与故事有联系。五年级的课文 为一个完整的故事,占两页内容,需要一个课时完成。故 事由十幅连环画组成,为学生理解故事提供辅助,发展学 生连续阅读能力。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 北师大版小学英语教材是三年级起始版本,内容难度 设置呈螺旋上升的趋势,多以鼓励学习者学习兴趣,培养 系统的英语学习习惯为主。我校英语课程开始于一年级, 学生通过一、二年级系统学习了新起点四册教材,内 容涵盖了动物、人物、天气、时间、日期等多模块基础词 汇后,学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,爱表现。课堂上 积极参与英语游戏、比赛、角色扮演等各种活动。但在以 教师主导的课堂上,学生学习缺乏自主性和合作意识,在 阅读学习中学生缺乏自主建构意义的过程,学生难以自主 建立新的知识结构。班额学生较大,教师难以兼顾每个学 生的学习需要。基于此,本课采用拼图阅读教学模式,以 语篇为载体,将语言的学习与技能的发展融入主题、语篇 和语用之中,将育人目标融入学习能容与学习过程之中, 帮助学生在实践活动中由浅入深循序渐进的学习语言,促 进学生英语学科核心素养的形成和发展。 3 3、教学目标教学目标 1.能借助插图理解故事内容 2. 能跟随录音朗读故事。 3. 能在情境中,理解 What does heshe do? HeShe is aan.等询问、说明某人职业的句型。 4. 通过学习,培养学生自主学习和小组合作学习的能力。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点:(一)教学重点:能在情境中,理解 What does heshe do? HeShe is aan.等询问、说明某人职业的句型,掌握 基本的阅读策略。 (二)教学难点:(二)教学难点:单词 vet,juggler 的认读以及词义理 解。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT、音频、视频、课堂练习单等。 六六、教学方法: 拼图阅读教学法(jigsaw reading)、任 务型教学法。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 (一)(一)Warm-upWarm-up 学生根据自己胸前数字在老师口令下起立、坐下、调座 位。 【设计意图: 活跃课堂气氛,同时让学生明白自己现在 所处的专家组,为后面基础组集合换座位做好训练】 T:Lets enjoy this interesting story. Look at here. Who are they? S: The Ken and Ann. T:They have a friend. Who is he? S: Monkey. T: Is he a monkey? S:Yes. T: Whats his name? S:His name is Mocky. (二)(二)Pre-readingPre-reading T: Today we will enjoy the three friends story. Where are they? S: They are at school. T: Mocky is here.And after school,where is Mocky going? Something will happen. Where is mocky? What happened with Mocky? S:Mocky is hurt. T:Yes,Mocky is hurt.I see five people on the street. 【设计意图:PPT 讲述本故事发生的时间、地点解决 where, when 的问题,同时呈现猴子受伤图片、五个职业黑 影引发学生猜想和阅读欲望。 】 (3 3)While-readingWhile-reading 1.1. 专家组讨论学习专家组讨论学习 ( (专家组任务及编号)专家组任务及编号) 专家组编号 任务编号 学生编号阅读内容 EG 1/Task 1 12345P1 EG 2/Task 2 12345P2-4 EG 3/Task 3 12345P5-6 EG 4/Task 4 12345P7 EG 4/Task 5 12345P9-10 (专家组座位)(专家组座位) (专家组自学任务 1)寻找故事中片段中的职业 T:Who are they? (板书) What does he /she do? He/ she is a_ . Do you know whats the meaning of what does he/she do? (指自己问) What does he do? S: He is a teacher . T:(指学生问) What does he do? S:He is a student . T:Its your turn to find out what the five people do ? Please read the One part of the story in each group.Read and find out the job, And write down on the whiteboard. (1 minute later) Now lets check your answers. 【设计意图:以拼图阅读教学形式体验感知学习本故事 五个职业类单词及问答,增加学生对五个人物的强烈认知 欲望】 剪影人物逐一出现,检查小组活动答案,逐图讲解 T:What does she do? Group one, Show your whiteboard. Teacher. T:Read follow me. What does she do? Group two, Show your whiteboard. Juggler. T: Read follow me. S:Jug-gle-r. T:I have a question. Can you juggle? S: No. T: Do you want to juggle? S: Yes. T:Its very interesting. 依次呈现职业单词 doctor 、policeman 、vet. 总结学生在学习五个单词、句子过程中对音、义、形的学 习。强调对意义学习时刻使用表演、画画、汉语解释、英 语解释等方法学习和教授。 【设计意图:在故事情境中学习本单元职业类目标语言, 通过学习过程总结英语互教互学的方法,为之后专家组、 基础组互教互学做示范和铺垫】 ( (专家组自学任务专家组自学任务 2)2)学习讨论阅读片段中出现的语言难点学习讨论阅读片段中出现的语言难点 T:Read again, find out the key words and discuss and study in your group. Put on the new words on the blackboard. (1 minutes later)Ok, this is your notebook. 【设计意图:专家组成员共同合作研究本故事的其中一 个片段,解决故事中单词句子的音、义等问题,互教互学 学会该片段,各组把讨论好的难点贴在黑板上,形成成本 故事的课堂笔记。以此培养学生自主合作意识及自主学习 意识】 T: Do you want to know the whole story? Boys and girls change seats,and read it. 2.2. 基础组互教互学基础组互教互学 (基础组任务及编号)(基础组任务及编号) 基础组编号 任务编号 学生编号阅读内容 BG 1/Task 1 11111 整篇文本, 互教互学 BG 2/Task 2 22222 整篇文本, 互教互学 BG 3/Task 3 33333 整篇文本, 互教互学 BG 4/Task 4 44444 整篇文本, 互教互学 BG 4/Task 5 55555 整篇文本, 互教互学 (专家组(专家组- -基础组座位变化)基础组座位变化) (基础组任务 1) 合作完成故事拼图 (1)Read again , help each other and stick the stickers on the worksheet. (2) Please read three times and check your answers.(听音频、看图核对答案) 【设计意图:通过拼图梳理故事主要脉络】 T:Are you right? No. T:Do you want to read the book? Lets read it. Try to learn and teach each other the new words . (基础组任务 2)互教互学,每个组员都是期中一个故事片 段的专家 (1)read the story book. (2)Circle the words or sentence you dont know. (3) Ask for the experts help. T:Have you learned the whole story in your group? Lets check. Look at the new words here. 出示生字卡。 T:How to read it? S:Friend. T: Whats the meaning of friend? S:朋友. T: Can you make a new sentence? S:He is my friend. 逐一请同学讲解并评价。 T: Can you guess the meaning of this question? 板书: Hows he? All right. 【设计意图:基础组每位同学都是本故事其中一个片段 的“专家”,互教互学】 T: Now we will enjoy the story part by part. T: Who does the monkey meet? S:He meets the teacher and juggler. T:Where is the teacher? S: The teacher is at school. T: Where is the juggler? S: He is on the street. T: Here is a long street. Monkey meets juggler. What will Mocky do? S: He will juggle. T: What will happen? S: The ball hurt his head. T: Read page 4 to page 8. Answer the two questions. Who help Mocky? How do they help? S1: A doctor. S2: A policeman. S3:A juggler. And a vet. T: How do they help? 板书: Call for help! T: And who calls for help? S:Ann and ken. T: How do they do that? 板书: Call 999 请学生讲解 doctor 与 vet 区别 T: Then? S: The policeman find a vet. T: Hows Mocky? His eyes are open. Its time to go home. Does he want to go home? S:No. 看板书从阅读者角度复述故事、引导学生以猴子的视角 复述故事 【设计意图:分步梳理本故事,板书本故事主要情节和 人物,加深故事印象,以猴子视角复述故事,引导学生参 与体验故事人物,为下环节从不同人物复述故事并表演采 访做铺垫】 T: Lets enjoy the video. ( (四)四)Post-readingPost-reading 德育主题升华 Parents saying are seldom untrue. S:He is so naughty. T: This is KMTV. Can you act it out? First ,please write down. T:Now KMTV interviews begins! 【设计意图:通过让学生从故事中不同人物的角度复述, 以采访的形式表演出来,增加学生对本课职业类目标语言 的体验与感知,增加对故事的印象。】 (五)作业(五)作业 Read the story and share with your friends. 七、板书设计七、板书设计 八、教学流程八、教学流程 义务教育教科书 北京师范大学出版社 小学英语 三年级起点五年级上册 Unit 1 Jobs Lesson 1 Enjoy the story 学校: 云南师范大学附属世纪金源学校 授课教师: 马鹏江 AnnAnn KenKen MockyMocky AnnAnn KenKen Who Who meets Mocky? What does he she do? find the job and write on the white board 圈出职业 HeShes a _. What does she do? Shes a teacher. What does he do? Hes a juggler. Juggler 杂耍的人 What does she do? Shes a doctor. What does he do? Hes a policeman. What does he do? Hes a vet. word sentence read meaning Chinese act draw write Experts Group Task 1 Experts Group Task 1 Experts Group StudyExperts Group Study 2. Key words& ? words 写出你不懂的单词 3. Discuss and study it in your group. 小组学习讨论 1. Read part of the story. 读故事片段 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 5 5 5 12 5 3 4 1 3 2 4 5 Task 2 Stick the whole storyStick the whole story小组合作粘贴完整故事。小组合作粘贴完整故事。 Basic Group Task 3 Teach& each& LearnLearn Read the storybook. 自读故事 Circle the words or sentences you dont know.圈出不会的单词和句子 Ask for the EXPERTs help.寻求专家的帮助 Lets check P4-8 1. Who helps Mocky? 2. How do they help? Oh, no! Quick! Call for help! a veta vet a doctora doctor Parents saying Parents saying are seldom untrueare seldom untrue 课文视频 Retell the storyRetell the story How do you think of Mocky? I am Mocky. After school, I say goodbye to the teacher. I meet a juggler, I want to play with the balls. But I am hurt, Ann and Ken help me to call for help. The vet is helpful. Im all right now. Thank you. Interview DraftInterview Draft KMTVKMTV HomeworkHomework Read the story again , try to recall Read the story again , try to recall it and share with your friends. it and share with your friends. Thank You 2019年5月30日
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