北师大版(三起)四上Unit 2 Shopping-lesson 1 How much is it -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:50c51).zip


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    • 北师大2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Shopping_lesson 1 How much is it _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:50c51)
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PEPPEP 人教版三年级起点四年级下册人教版三年级起点四年级下册 UintUint 6 6 shoppingshopping Lessen2Lessen2 LetsLets learnlearn 教学设计教学设计 一一、本单元内容分析、本单元内容分析 本单元是人教版英语四年级下册第六单元,单元的话题是“shopping。本 单元通过不同的场景提供了表达商品价格,商品意见,请求试穿并告之尺码的 句型结构。共三个版块:A 部分,B 部分和 C 部分,A 部分包括重点词汇、情景 对话和语音,呈现了 John 在服装店购物的情景,引出句型 Can I help you ? 表示请求试穿的句型 Can I try it/them on? Sizeplease .B 部分包括重点 词汇,情景对话,通过互相交流引出描述商品及价格的词汇和句型:How do you like? How much ? Its,Its very/too,They are very/too。并进一步 表达描述商品品质的句型 Its very nice/pretty. Its too cheap/expensive.C 部分是故 事:重点复习、巩固本单元的词汇和句型。本节课是学习有关穿戴方面的四个 新单词:sunglasses, umbrella, gloves 和 scarf, 并继续学习句型 Can I help you? Yes, theis/are nice. Can I try them on? Sure. Here you are.进行购物描述。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 四年级的学生接触英语已有一年多,大部份同学基础不是很好,但他们活 泼可爱,思维活跃,发言积极,充满热情,喜欢表现自己,具有合作精神,对 很多事物还是充满了好奇心,学习英语的兴趣也很浓厚。由于每个星期只有一、 两节课的一门课程,各方面都不是很熟练,甚至有些同学还不敢开口说英语, 发音也不是很到位。根据这些特点,可以采用与新课标教学相一致的教学方式, 即活动式的情景法教学,这样面向全体学生便于调动全班同学的积极性,在同 学与同学之间,同学与教师之间的互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、教学内容 1、Lets learn,词汇:gloves, scarf, umbrella, sunglasses。句型: Can I help you ?Theis/are nice。Can I try it /them on? 2、Complete and say。听懂、会说 Its、so I put on 四、教学目标: 1. 能够听、说、认读四个生活用品单词:gloves, scarf, umbrella, sunglasses。 2. 能熟练运用句型:Can I help you? It is too nice. They are too nice.Can I try it/them on? Size, please! 进行模拟购物。 3. 能够完成 Complete and say 活动,并用示范句型 Its, so I put on 进行表述。 五、教学重、难点、教学重、难点 1.教学重点: 能够听、说、并认读四个单词: gloves、scarf、umbrella、 sunglasses 会在语境中运用这四个单词。 2.教学难点: 1). 多音节单:umbrella 和 sunglasses 正确读音。 2). 句型 Theis/are nice. 中主语单、复数形式应与 be 动词 is 和 are 相一致,以及 Can I try it/them on? 中的 it 和 them 的运用应前后一致。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 PPT 课件、单词卡片、图片和实物。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Step1(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello, Ms Su. T:Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Revision. 出示单词图片:Look and read. 每个单词学生读三遍。 Step2 (Lead in) T:Did you remember the words? S:Yes. T:Now, lets go on learning the words about wear and wear. Now look here. Step3(Presentation/ Practice) 1.学习单词 sunglasses T: (出示课件)Whats the weather like? S: Its hot and sunny. T: What else can you see? S: Zip and Zoom. T: Yes ,Zip wants to visit her friend Zoom in Hainan. Please guess what Zip will bring with her besides gifts. S: T: I think she will bring sunglasses to protect her eyes in the sun. 引出新单词并板书 sunglasses,课件显示这个单词是 sun 和 glasses 的合成词, 并出示卡片或者实物带读,升降调领读。出示实物引出句子: The sunglasses are nice. 让学生理解句中的 are 的用法和单词 nice 的意思。 2.学习新单词 umbrella T: We all know the weather is constantly changing. (出示课件)Now look at this one! Whats the weather like? S: Its rainy. T: If you are in the rain, what do you need most? S: We need T: Show me , I think we need an umbrella. If you havent an umbrella ,you will be all wet. Its very easy to catch a cold. So an umbrella is very important in the rain.板书单词 umbrella, 出示课件并解释这个单 词是一个多音节单词由 um-bre-lla 组成。说明一把雨伞前面用 an, 教师领读, 生跟读,指名读。每组出示实物接火车读单词,然后引出句子:The umbrella is nice. The umbrellas are nice.提醒学生 is 和 are 的运用区别。 3.学习单词 gloves 和 scarf T: Just now we felt sunny and rainy days. (出示课件)Now lets see how the wear is. Whats the weather like? S: Its cold and snowy. T: What would you like to do in the snow? S: We can make a snowman. T: And we can have a snowball fight. But we need gloves to protect our hands, scarf to protect our neck. 板书 gloves 和 scarf, 出示课件帮 助学生理解 g-love 组成了 glove, 而 s-car-f 构成 scarf, 范读,跟老师读, 分男、女生读。出示一只手套说 The glove is nice. 拿出两只手套说 The gloves are nice. 并解释 scarf 的复数形式有两种:scarfs 或者 scarves. 范 读两个单词的发音,并用实物问:Is it nice? S: Yes, it is. Can I try it on? 让学生初步感受。 4.出示课件:认读 sunglasses、umbrella、gloves 和 scarf. 5.出示实物,学生说出英文名称。 6.听口令:Show me your学生出示相应的图片。 7.出示课件:Lets play. Step4 (Lets learn) 1.T: OK! Have you remembered the words including what we have learned before? If you learn English well, you will travel abroad in future, you can buy the things that you need like John. We know that John has bought a pair of shoes in that shop . Today lets have a look what John wants to buy in this shop. Please look here. 2.出示课件 Lets learn 图片,学习句型 T: Look! This is a shop. It has S: gloves, scarf, sunglasses, umbrella. T:How many persons are there in the picture? S:Two. T: They are John and assistant. 3.播放课件,让学生听,然后给所听到的单词排序。 4.播放营业员说的问句,帮助学生理解 Can I help you? 5.播放 John 说的句子, 理解 Can I try them on? 6.播放 Lets learn 对话,学生跟读。 7.分角色朗读(师生、男女生)。 8.Group work: (师生先示范,然后学生分组进行) 9.师出示实物,师生示范后让学生上台进行模拟购物。 Step5 Complete and say 1.课件出示学生用书 P59 页的图片表格,师指图片学生读出单词。 2.师出示肢体语言说:Its hot , so I put on my dress. What about you? 引导学生选出合适的图片,并用 Its hot, so I put on my 进行表述。用 同样的方法学习 Its cold, so I put on my 3.师生示范几次后,学生上台进行表述。 4.学生分组用图片讨论并填写表格。 5.时间充足的话可以让男女生进行对抗赛 Boys: Its hot, so I put on my ,Girls: Its hot , so I put on my Step6. Summary . 学生自由说一说,然后师生一起小结 1. New words: sunglasses、umbrella、gloves、scarf. 2. The new sentances: Can I help you? Theis/are nice. Can I try it/them on? Step7. Homework. 1.练习 Lets learn 中的对话和句型 Its , so I put on my,进行描 述。 2.课后与同学继续创编购物对话。 八、板书设计八、板书设计: Unit 6 Shopping Lessen 2 Lets learn sunglasses A: Can I help you ? umbrella B: Yes , the is/are nice. gloves Can I try it /them on ? scarf A:Sure./Of course. Unit 6 Shopping Lesson 2 Lets learn Whats the weather like today? Its so hot, zip needs what to protect(保护) her eyes? sunglasses sunglasses The sunglasses _( is/are) nice! are rainyIts . umbrella The umbrella is nice! aan snowy Whats the weather like ? Its cold and snowy. scarf scarves glove The gloves _( is/are) nice!are s 读一读,连一连: glasses umbrella gloves scarf Lets play Lets play customer Can I help you? The _ is/are nice! T-shirt socks shirtcoat skirtgloves shortsscarf dresssweate r hatshoes glasses jacket Its hot, so I put on my T-shirt. Lets Check Complete and say Homework. 1.练习 Lets learn 中的对话和句型 Its hot, so I put on my, Its cold, so I put on my进行描述。 2.课后与同学继续创编购物对话。 PEPPEP 人教版三年级起点四年级下册人教版三年级起点四年级下册 UintUint 6 6 shoppingshopping Lessen2Lessen2 LetsLets learnlearn 教学设计教学设计 一一、本单元内容分析、本单元内容分析 本单元是人教版英语四年级下册第六单元,单元的话题是“shopping。本 单元通过不同的场景提供了表达商品价格,商品意见,请求试穿并告之尺码的 句型结构。共三个版块:A 部分,B 部分和 C 部分,A 部分包括重点词汇、情景 对话和语音,呈现了 John 在服装店购物的情景,引出句型 Can I help you ? 表示请求试穿的句型 Can I try it/them on? Sizeplease .B 部分包括重点 词汇,情景对话,通过互相交流引出描述商品及价格的词汇和句型:How do you like? How much ? Its,Its very/too,They are very/too。并进一步 表达描述商品品质的句型 Its very nice/pretty. Its too cheap/expensive.C 部分是故 事:重点复习、巩固本单元的词汇和句型。本节课是学习有关穿戴方面的四个 新单词:sunglasses, umbrella, gloves 和 scarf, 并继续学习句型 Can I help you? Yes, theis/are nice. Can I try them on? Sure. Here you are.进行购物描述。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 四年级的学生接触英语已有一年多,大部份同学基础不是很好,但他们活 泼可爱,思维活跃,发言积极,充满热情,喜欢表现自己,具有合作精神,对 很多事物还是充满了好奇心,学习英语的兴趣也很浓厚。由于每个星期只有一、 两节课的一门课程,各方面都不是很熟练,甚至有些同学还不敢开口说英语, 发音也不是很到位。根据这些特点,可以采用与新课标教学相一致的教学方式, 即活动式的情景法教学,这样面向全体学生便于调动全班同学的积极性,在同 学与同学之间,同学与教师之间的互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、教学内容 1、Lets learn,词汇:gloves, scarf, umbrella, sunglasses。句型: Can I help you ?Theis/are nice。Can I try it /them on? 2、Complete and say。听懂、会说 Its、so I put on 四、教学目标: 1. 能够听、说、认读四个生活用品单词:gloves, scarf, umbrella, sunglasses。 2. 能熟练运用句型:Can I help you? It is too nice. They are too nice.Can I try it/them on? Size, please! 进行模拟购物。 3. 能够完成 Complete and say 活动,并用示范句型 Its, so I put on 进行表述。 五、教学重、难点、教学重、难点 1.教学重点: 能够听、说、并认读四个单词: gloves、scarf、umbrella、 sunglasses 会在语境中运用这四个单词。 2.教学难点: 1). 多音节单:umbrella 和 sunglasses 正确读音。 2). 句型 Theis/are nice. 中主语单、复数形式应与 be 动词 is 和 are 相一致,以及 Can I try it/them on? 中的 it 和 them 的运用应前后一致。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 PPT 课件、单词卡片、图片和实物。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Step1(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello, Ms Su. T:Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Revision. 出示单词图片:Look and read. 每个单词学生读三遍。 Step2 (Lead in) T:Did you remember the words? S:Yes. T:Now, lets go on learning the words about wear and wear. Now look here. Step3(Presentation/ Practice) 1.学习单词 sunglasses T: (出示课件)Whats the weather like? S: Its hot and sunny. T: What else can you see? S: Zip and Zoom. T: Yes ,Zip wants to visit her friend Zoom in Hainan. Please guess what Zip will bring with her besides gifts. S: T: I think she will bring sunglasses to protect her eyes in the sun. 引出新单词并板书 sunglasses,课件显示这个单词是 sun 和 glasses 的合成词, 并出示卡片或者实物带读,升降调领读。出示实物引出句子: The sunglasses are nice. 让学生理解句中的 are 的用法和单词 nice 的意思。 2.学习新单词 umbrella T: We all know the weather is constantly changing. (出示课件)Now look at this one! Whats the weather like? S: Its rainy. T: If you are in the rain, what do you need most? S: We need T: Show me , I think we need an umbrella. If you havent an umbrella ,you will be all wet. Its very easy to catch a cold. So an umbrella is very important in the rain.板书单词 umbrella, 出示课件并解释这个单 词是一个多音节单词由 um-bre-lla 组成。说明一把雨伞前面用 an, 教师领读, 生跟读,指名读。每组出示实物接火车读单词,然后引出句子:The umbrella is nice. The umbrellas are nice.提醒学生 is 和 are 的运用区别。 3.学习单词 gloves 和 scarf T: Just now we felt sunny and rainy days. (出示课件)Now lets see how the wear is. Whats the weather like? S: Its cold and snowy. T: What would you like to do in the snow? S: We can make a snowman. T: And we can have a snowball fight. But we need gloves to protect our hands, scarf to protect our neck. 板书 gloves 和 scarf, 出示课件帮 助学生理解 g-love 组成了 glove, 而 s-car-f 构成 scarf, 范读,跟老师读, 分男、女生读。出示一只手套说 The glove is nice. 拿出两只手套说 The gloves are nice. 并解释 scarf 的复数形式有两种:scarfs 或者 scarves. 范 读两个单词的发音,并用实物问:Is it nice? S: Yes, it is. Can I try it on? 让学生初步感受。 4.出示课件:认读 sunglasses、umbrella、gloves 和 scarf. 5.出示实物,学生说出英文名称。 6.听口令:Show me your学生出示相应的图片。 7.出示课件:Lets play. Step4 (Lets learn) 1.T: OK! Have you remembered the words including what we have learned before? If you learn English well, you will travel abroad in future, you can buy the things that you need like John. We know that John has bought a pair of shoes in that shop . Today lets have a look what John wants to buy in this shop. Please look here. 2.出示课件 Lets learn 图片,学习句型 T: Look! This is a shop. It has S: gloves, scarf, sunglasses, umbrella. T:How many persons are there in the picture? S:Two. T: They are John and assistant. 3.播放课件,让学生听,然后给所听到的单词排序。 4.播放营业员说的问句,帮助学生理解 Can I help you? 5.播放 John 说的句子, 理解 Can I try them on? 6.播放 Lets learn 对话,学生跟读。 7.分角色朗读(师生、男女生)。 8.Group work: (师生先示范,然后学生分组进行) 9.师出示实物,师生示范后让学生上台进行模拟购物。 Step5 Complete and say 1.课件出示学生用书 P59 页的图片表格,师指图片学生读出单词。 2.师出示肢体语言说:Its hot , so I put on my dress. What about you? 引导学生选出合适的图片,并用 Its hot, so I put on my 进行表述。用 同样的方法学习 Its cold, so I put on my 3.师生示范几次后,学生上台进行表述。 4.学生分组用图片讨论并填写表格。 5.时间充足的话可以让男女生进行对抗赛 Boys: Its hot, so I put on my ,Girls: Its hot , so I put on my Step6. Summary . 学生自由说一说,然后师生一起小结 1. New words: sunglasses、umbrella、gloves、scarf. 2. The new sentances: Can I help you? Theis/are nice. Can I try it/them on? Step7. Homework. 1.练习 Lets learn 中的对话和句型 Its , so I put on my,进行描 述。 2.课后与同学继续创编购物对话。 八、板书设计八、板书设计: Unit 6 Shopping Lessen 2 Lets learn sunglasses A: Can I help you ? umbrella B: Yes , the is/are nice. gloves Can I try it /them on ? scarf A:Sure./Of course.
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