(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册WELCOME UNIT 同步导学提分教程(课件+讲义+测试).zip


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Section 话题重点 话题词汇自主检测 1.个人信息词汇 sex (n.) 性别 female (adj.) 女(性)的;雌的(n.) 雌性动(植)物;女子 male (adj.) 男(性)的;雄的(n.) 雄性动(植)物;男子 nationality (n.) 国籍;民族 formal (adj.) 正式的;正规的 personality (n.) 性格;个性 2校园词汇 lecture (n.) 讲座;讲课;教训(vi.) (开)讲座;讲课(v.) 训斥 campus (n.) 校园;校区 senior (adj.) 级别(或地位)高的(n.) 较年长的人 experiment (n.) 实验;试验 junior (adj.) 地位(或职位、级别)低下的(n.) 职位较低者;(体育运动中)青 少年 revise (vt.& vi.) 修改;修订;复习 3话题动词 exchange (n.) 交换;交流(vt.) 交换;交流;交易;兑换 design (n.) 设计;设计方案(vt.) 设计;筹划 annoy (vt.) 使恼怒;打扰 explore (vt.& vi.) 探索;勘探 flash (n.) 光;信号(vi.) 闪耀;闪光;发出信号(vt.) 使闪耀;发出(信号) organise (vt.) 组织;筹备;安排;组建(vi.) 组建;成立 register (vt.& vi.) 登记;注册 impress (vt.) 使钦佩;给留下深刻的好印象(vi.) 留下印象;引人注目 concentrate (vi.& vt.) 集中(注意力);聚精会神 improve (vi.& vt.) 改进;改善 4话题描述性词汇 anxious (adj.) 焦虑的;不安的 annoyed (adj.) 恼怒的;生气的 frightened (adj.) 惊吓的;害怕的 outgoing (adj.) 爱交际的;外向的 awkward (adj.) 令人尴尬的;难对付的 confident (adj.) 自信的;有把握的 curious (adj.) 好奇的;求知欲强的 forward (adv.) (also forwards) 向前;前进(adj.) 向前的;前进的 5话题名词 registration (n.) 登记;注册;挂号 nation (n.) 国家;民族;国民 designer (n.) 设计者 impression (n.) 印象;感想 confidence (n.) 信心;信任 guy (n.) 小伙子;男人;家伙 organisation (n.) 组织;团体;机构 goal (n.) 目标;球门;射门 strategy (n.) 策略;策划 partner (n.) 同伴;配偶;合伙人 company (n.) 公司;商行;陪伴 style (n.) 方式;作风 6话题短语 senior_high_school 美高中 at_last 终于;最终 make_an_impression 留下好印象 what_if 要是会怎么样呢 concentrate_on 集中精力于 leave . alone 不打扰;不惊动 junior_high_school 美初级中学 look_forward_to 盼望,期待 take_notes 记笔记 flash_card 教学卡片;识字卡 重点知识合作探究 1design n. 设计;设计方案vt. 设计;筹划(教材 P2) 归纳 拓展 (1)design sth. for 为设计某物 be designed to do . 旨在做,用于做 (2)make designs for . 为做设计 by design (on purpose) 故意地(反义短语:by accident/by chance 偶然 地) (3)designer n. 设计者 Our school invited two engineers to design_a_language_lab_for_us. 我们学校邀请了两位工程师为我们设计一个语言实验室。 Project Hope is_designed_to_help those children who drop out of school because of poverty. 希望工程旨在帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的孩子。 An Italian architecture designer is to make_designs_for the new bridge. 一位意大利建筑设计师打算为这座新桥进行设计。 (1)单句语法填空 They asked me to design a poster _ the campaign. The programme is designed _ (help) people who have been out of work for a long time. People wanted to know who this talented _ (design) was. 答案:forto helpdesigner (2)单句写作 Whether this happened _ (有意安排) or by chance is unknown. This course _ (专为设计) beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice. 答案:by designis specially designed for 2anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的(教材 P4) 归纳 拓展 (1)be anxious about 为担心/担忧 be anxious (for sb.) to do sth. 急于(让某人)做某事 be anxious that . 渴望(从句谓语用 should do, should 可省略) (2)anxiety n. 担心;焦虑;渴望 with anxiety 焦虑地 (3)anxiously adv. 焦虑地 She is_anxious_to_go to college, but anxious_about not passing the college entrance examination. 她渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过高考。 She was_anxious_for_them_to_leave her room. 她渴望他们离开她的房间。 We were_anxious_that everyone (should) know the truth. 我们渴望人人都了解实情。 Watching him climb up the cliff, everybody was breathless with_anxiety. 看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。 (1)单句语法填空 Its natural for parents to be anxious _ their childrens future. If you are worried about your health, share your _ (anxious) with your doctor. He was most anxious _ (find) a job so as not to have to depend on others. 答案:aboutanxietyto find (2)单句写作 我很好,不要担心我的身体。 Im fine, dont _ about my health. 他忧心忡忡地等待着有关该事故的更多消息。 He waited _ for more news about the accident. 答案:be anxious/worried/concernedanxiously/with anxiety 3annoyed adj. 恼怒的;生气的(教材 P4) 归纳 拓展 (1)be/get annoyed with sb. 对某人感到生气 be annoyed at/about sth. 因某事生气 (2)annoy vt. 使恼怒;打扰 annoy sb. with sth./by doing sth. 因(做)某事使某人烦恼 (3)annoying adj. 使人不高兴的;恼人的;烦人的 He was beginning to get_very_annoyed_with me about my carelessness. 因为我粗心大意,他已开始恼火了。 Eleanor was_annoyed_at having had to wait so long for him. 埃莉诺为不得不等他这么长时间而感到很恼火。 I like to pretend that Im okay because I dont want to annoy_people_with my problems. 我喜欢装作没事,只是不想因自己的问题去麻烦到别人。 Try making a note of the things which annoy you. 试着把烦心事写下来。 (1)单句语法填空 I know you are feeling _ (annoy) these days because youre not able to communicate with others effectively. Have you ever been annoyed _ yourself when you forget something important? Failure is _ (annoy), but what failure can teach us may never be taught in other ways. 答案:annoyedwithannoying (2)单句写作 我生气我自己那么轻易就让步了。 I was _ giving in so easily. 答案:annoyed with myself for 4 归纳 拓展 We were_impressed_by the new teachers rich knowledge and humorous talk. 新老师渊博的知识、风趣的谈吐给我们留下了深刻的印象。 I am very impressed_with the new airport. 新机场给我留下了很深的印象。 He has told me his plans and hes made_a_good_impression_on me. 他已经把他的计划告诉我了,从而给我留下了好印象。 The bridge is not as impressive as some guides would have you believe. 这座大桥并不像有些导游说的那么雄伟。 (1)单句语法填空 Even so, she impressed the world _ courage and strong desire to succeed. What _ (impress) me most was that whenever he appeared in front of others he often wore a big smile. My first _ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 答案:withimpressedimpression (2)单句写作 我父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。 My father _ me. 答案:impressed the value of hard work on/upon 5 What_if no one talks to me? 要是没有人和我说话怎么办?(教材 P4) 归纳What if . ? 拓展(1)意为“如果将怎么办?” ,可以看作是“What will happen if . ?”的省略形式; (2)还可表示“即使又有什么关系?” ,可以看作是 “What does it matter if . ?”的省略形式。 What_if anything should happen to the child? 万一这孩子出了差错怎么办? So what_if sometimes they stayed rather late? It doesnt mean anything. 因此,即便有时他们熬夜到很晚,那又怎样?那也说明不了什么。 句型转换 What if she finds out that youve lost her book? _ she finds out that youve lost her book? What if he has much money? _ he has much money? 答案:What will happen ifWhat does it matter if 6concentrate vi.& vt. 集中(注意力);聚精会神(教材 P4) 归纳 拓展 (1)concentrate on sth. 集中精力于某事 concentrate sth. on sth./on doing sth. 集中于/做某事 concentrate ones attention on 把注意力集中在上 (2)concentration n. 集中;专心 concentrated adj. 全力以赴的;集中的;浓缩的 I cant concentrate_on my studies with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。 We should concentrate_our_attention_on the teachers lecture, thus we can make great progress. 我们应该把注意力集中在老师的讲课上,这样我们才能取得很大的进步。 This book requires a great deal of concentration. 这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。 单句语法填空 _ (concentrate) on your study, and you will make greater progress. According to the survey, three in ten drivers have experienced an accident for lack of _ (concentrate) while driving. I decided to concentrate all my attention _ finding somewhere to live. 答案:Concentrateconcentrationon 学习效果 随堂演练 .单词拼写 1Im going to go on an _ (交换) visit to Paris. 答案:exchange 2She then invited him to Atlanta to _ (讲座) on the history of art. 答案:lecture 3I felt very _ (尴尬的) when I found I had mistaken Mr Smith for Mr Black. 答案:awkward 4He is _ (外向), and likes talking with others. 答案:outgoing 5They _ (勘探) the land to the south of the Huai River. 答案:explored 6He wrote a very _ (正式的) letter of apology to Douglas. 答案:formal 7Of the two officers, James is the _ (下级). 答案:junior 8Many people do not like the idea of _ (试验) on animals. 答案:experiments 9_ (女性的) education in the country is developing rapidly. 答案:Female 10I see some Chinese national flags on the _ (校园) and in front of the main building. 答案:campus .单句语法填空 1The girl wants to be a fashion _ (design) when she graduates from college. 答案:designer 2Marriage without _ (register) is not recognized by law. 答案:registration 3Shes always trying to make an _ (impress) on people with her new clothes. 答案:impression 4To tell the truth, I was _ (frighten) to death. 答案:frightened 5He was _ (annoy) to find himself going red. 答案:annoyed .单句写作 1我希望大家都别再来干涉我,让我一个人静一静。 I wish everyone would stop interfering and just _. 答案:leave me alone 2乘船二十小时之后,他们终于到达了目的地。 _, after twenty hours on the boat, they arrived at their destination. 答案:At last 3这些学校均包括了小学、初中和高中。 These schools include primary, junior high, and _. 答案:senior high school 4她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 She is now _ a career as a fashion designer. 答案:concentrating on 5万一这个计划失败了,那又该怎么办? _ this plan fails, what then? 答案:What if 课后课时作业 阅读理解 A First day at school It was my first day at school in London and I was halfexcited and halffrightened. On my way to school I wondered, what questions the other boys would ask me and practiced all the answers, “I am nine years old. I was born here but I havent lived here since I was two. I was living in Farley. Its about thirty miles away. I came back to London two months ago.” I also wondered if it was the rule for boys to fight strangers like me, but I was tall for my age. I hoped they would decide not to risk it. No one took any notice of me before school. I stood in the centre of the playground, expecting someone to say “hello”, but no one spoke to me. My teacher was called Mr Jones. There were 42 boys in the class, so I_didnt_stand_out there, either, until the first lesson of the afternoon. Mr Jones was very fond of Charles Dickens, so he asked several boys if they knew Dickens birthplace, but no one guessed right. A boy called Brian, the biggest in the class, said, “Timbuktu”, and Mr Jones went red in the face. Then he asked me. I said, “Portsmouth”, and everyone stared at me because Mr Jones said I was right. This didnt make me very popular, of course. “He thinks hes clever, ” I heard Brian say. After that, we went out to the playground to play football. I was in Brians team, and he obviously had Dickens in mind because he told me to go in goal. No one ever wanted to be the goalkeeper. “Hes big enough and useless enough, ” Brian said when someone asked him why he had chosen me. As the boy kicked the ball hard along the ground to my right, I threw myself down quickly and saved it. All my team crowded round me. My bare knees were grazed and bleeding. Brian took out a handkerchief and offered it to me. “Do you want to join my gang (team)?” he said. At the end of the day, I was no longer a stranger. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者转入一所新的学校,起初担心自己不能 被同学们接受,后来通过一场足球赛,作者终于融入了这个新的班集体。 1Which question didnt the writer prepare to answer? AHow old are you? BWhere are you from? CDo you want to join my gang? DWhen did you come back to London? 答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“ . I am nine years old. I was born here but I havent lived here since I was two. I was living in Farley. Its about thirty miles away. I came back to London two months ago. ”可知,作者没准备回 答“Do you want to join my gang?”这一问题,故选 C。 2We can learn from the passage that _. Aboys were usually unfriendly to new students Bthe writer was not greeted as he expected CBrian praised the writer for his cleverness Dthe writer was glad to be a goalkeeper 答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I stood in the centre of the playground, expecting someone to say hello , but no one spoke to me.”可知, 当时没有人搭理作者,这与他的预期不一样,故选 B。 3The underlined part “I didnt stand out” in Paragraph 3 means that the writer was not _. Areliable Bnervous CimportantDnoticeable 答案:D细节理解题。根据上文的“There were 42 boys in the class”可知, 班上男孩众多,作者并不引人注目。 4The writer was offered a handkerchief because _. Ahe was in Brians team Bhe was no longer a new comer Che was beginning to be accepted Dhe pushed a player in the other team 答案:C推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“At the end of the day, I was no longer a stranger.”可知,作者被同学们接纳了。 B Japanese high school students either walk or ride bicycles if the distance is not too far. In other cases, students must take public buses and trains. After junior high school, students attend high schools based on their high school entrance examination scores. So some students travel a long distance to attend the school. _ The schoolday begins at 8:30. Then students assemble in their homeroom classrooms for the days studies. Each homeroom class has an average of 4045 students. Students stay in their homeroom classrooms for most of the schoolday. Only for physical education, laboratory classes, or other subjects requiring special facilities (设备) do students move to different parts of the school. Between classes and at lunchtime, classrooms can be noisy, lively places. Some schools may have a cafeteria (自助餐厅), but most do not. In most schools, students bring a box lunch from home, prepared by the mother in the early morning hours. Japanese high school students spend 240 days a year at school, 60 days more than American students. Students in high schools take three years studying of each of the following subjects: maths, social studies, Japanese, science, and English. Other subjects include physical education, music, art, and moral studies. All the students in one grade level study the same subjects. Given the number of required subjects, electives (选修课) are few. Afterschool activities Club activities take place after school every day. Students can join only one club, and they rarely change clubs from year to year, so the clubs are relatively stable. Clubs are made up of sports clubs (baseball, soccer, judo, kendo, etc.) and culture clubs (English, broadcasting, science, etc.). New students usually are encouraged to select a club shortly after the school year begins in April. Clubs meet for two hours after school each day and many clubs continue to meet during school vacations. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了日本高中学生的学校生活和课外 活动情况。 5Most Japanese high school students often have lunch _. Ain restaurants Bin school cafeterias Cat home Din homeroom classrooms 答案:D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In most schools, students bring a box lunch from home”可知,大多数高中的学生从家里带午饭,故排除 A、C 两项; 再根据第二段中的“Between classes and at lunchtime, classrooms can be noisy, lively places . but most do not.”可知,学生是在教室吃午饭。故选 D。 6What does the underlined word “rarely” in the fourth paragraph mean? AAlways.BNever. CSeldom. DOften. 答案:C词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“so the clubs are relatively stable”可 知,此处表示学生们很少一年一年地换俱乐部,rarely 意为“很少” ,与 C 项 “不常,很少”意思一致。故选 C。 7From the passage we can know that _. Athere are fewer than 40 students in each homeroom in Japanese high schools Bstudents must stay in homeroom classrooms for physical education Cthere are few subjects for students to choose except the required ones Dthere will not be any club activity during school vacations 答案:C推理判断题。根据第二段可知,日本的高中每班通常有 40 至 45 名学生,故 A 项错误;根据第二段中的“Only for physical education . do students move to different parts of the school.”可知,学生上体育课、实验课等是不在教室 上的,故 B 项错误;根据文章的最后一句可知,很多俱乐部在假期期间正常活 动,故 D 项错误;根据第三段最后一句“Given the number of required subjects, electives (选修课) are few.”可知,除了必修课之外,学生的选修课很少。故选 C。 8What may the best subtitle for the second and third paragraphs be? AAt School.BIn Class. CSubjects.DHomeroom Classes. 答案:A推理判断题。根据第二、三段所涉及的内容(班级规模、在校吃 午饭、上学天数、所学科目等)可知,第二段和第三段这两部分主要讲的是学生 在校的情况,故 A 项正确。同时正好与第二个小标题“课外活动”相承接。 七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。 How to Handle Being the New Kid at School Being the new kid at school can be a terrible experience! It might seem like everybody else knows exactly how to act. But remember you arent alone. Actually, everybody is nervous on their first day and you can fit right in with the help of the following tips. Plan ahead the night before. _1_ Lay out your first day outfit (全套服装), pack a lunch, and make sure you have all your school supplies ready to go. Planning ahead can help you get a good nights sleep and feel less nervous about your first day. _2_ Make sure your clothes are cleaned and pressed and that youve showered, brushed your teeth. If youre hoping to attract frien
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