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    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册(高一)期末复习Unit1 Teenage life基础自测(含答案).doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册(高一)期末复习Unit2 Travelling around基础自测(含答案).doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册(高一)期末复习Unit3 Sports and fitness基础自测(含答案).doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册(高一)期末复习Unit4 Natural disasters基础自测(含答案).doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册(高一)期末复习Unit5 Languages around the world基础自测(含答案).doc--点击预览
展开 2021新教材人教版高中英语必修第一册高一期末复习基础自测答案5份打包.zip2021新教材人教版高中英语必修第一册高一期末复习基础自测答案5份打包.zip
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Unit1 Teenage life 基础自测基础自测 【单句语法填空单句语法填空】 1Each exercise focuses _ a different grammar point. 2The new survey shows that the number of the students _ (addict) to computer games has been on the increase in recent years. 3The creamy white flowers are _ (attract) in the spring. 4We should encourage children _ (join) some camps for them. 5His _ (behave) towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. 6He has been forced to adjust his _ (日程安排). 7As a _ (大学新生), I am looking forward to my college life. 8He _ (停止) his job as an official because of bad health last month. 9He needs three more credits to _ (毕业). 10His quality of life _ (改善) greatly since the operation. 11He has difficulty communicating with his _ (青少年的) son. 12Schools need _ (志愿者) to help children to read. 13Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _ (运动) 14The _ (内容) of the course depends on what the students would like to study. 15This is not a _ (适当的) time to call him. 16The early bird _ (抓住) the worm. 17_ (事实上), I like acting better, but my friends go to the Ballet Club and I want to be with them. 18The weather is a constant _ (话题) of conversation in Britain. 19She is the _ (编辑) of the Washington Post. 20Distance _ (检验) a horses strength. Time _ (揭示) a persons character. 21He must apologize for his bad _ (行为). 22Let them get used to _ (成年人的) world from childhood. 23He believes the pressures and competition are harder for this _ (一代人) 24The new store is better situated to _ (吸引) customers. 25Those who have a drug _ (成瘾者) at home know well what Im speaking about. 26He got a job as an _ (edit) of a trade journal. 27I practice _ (play) the piano twice a week. 28I think the first English class was very _ (confuse) 29My adviser said the _ (advance) literature course was difficult but interesting. 30The city is so big that the old man is _ (complete) lost. 31This voyage was the most exciting _ (冒险) of their lives. 32Many of these people had used drugs in their _ (青年时期) 33His mother made him clean up the _ (盘子). 34He spent two weeks at _ (营地) this summer. 35She has been the _ (啦啦队长) for three years. 36He studies classical _ (文学), but also takes an interest in history. 37His poems were published under the _ (题目) of “Love and Reason” 38Its _ (明显地) not used very much. 39She gave him a _ (challenge) look. “Are you sure?” she demanded. 40The children gave a _ (confuse) account of what had happened. 41Its a matter of personal _ (prefer) 42The motion _ debate was put to a vote. 43There is no doubt about her _ (suitable) for the job. 44We chose the hotel on their _ (recommend) 45Its cheaper if you book your ticket _ advance. 46Mike is _ (response) for designing the entire project. 47City life holds little _ (attract) for me. 48He is now fighting his _ (addict) to alcohol. 【选词填空选词填空】 be recommend that, a little confusing, sign up, so that, responsible for 1Bring it nearer _ I may see it better. 2If you want to come in on the project, you must _ immediately. 3Even when parents no longer live together, they each continue to _ their children. 4I _ you write as much as you can. 5What they told me is _. 【单句写作单句写作】 1现在很多青少年沉湎于网络。 Now many teenagers _ the Internet. 2她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。 _ to her was her sense of humour. 314 岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同。 Children under 14 must be accompanied _. 4我家祖祖辈辈都住在这所房子里。 My family have lived in this house _. 5您希望我们继续致力于这个平台吗? Do you want us to _ this platform? 6_ (如果) you ask me, I think you should choose _ (你所喜欢的) 7Always _ (为做准备) a rainy day. 8Actions speak _ (比响亮) words. 9_ (只工作不娱乐) makes Jack a dull boy. 10Do you like dancing _ (胜于) acting? 11我把 10 岁的儿子送到探险训练营去过期中假了。 I have sent my 10yearold son off to an _ for the halfterm holiday. 12我还需要几个纸盘子。 I need a few more _. 13我过去是一个青年俱乐部的成员。 I used to belong to a _. 14首先,我计划改善我的英语口语。 Firstly, I plan to improve my _. 15加入我们学校的啦啦队相当难。 To join our schools cheerleading team is _. 16I think its going to _ (有趣) 17I plan to improve my _ (英语口语) 18Well talk about _ (青少年的生活) 19Therell be students from _ (不同国家) at the camp.(教材 P17) 20Present your ideas for _ (一个青年营) to the class.(教材 P17) 21The building is _ (如此大以至于) Im completely lost.(教材 P16) 22Im not sure if Ill make the team _(是否) 23I _ (争取成为) my schools cheerleading team. 24Well learn _ (有用的技能) 25Well learn how to live in the wild _ (从一些专家) 26我爷爷 1972 年高中毕业。 My grandfather _ a senior school in 1972. 27她学习了 8 种外语,但是只能流利地说其中 6 种。 She studied eight foreign languages but is _ only six of them. 28我能提前报名上这一课程吗? Can I _ this course in advance? 29显然,你也需要改进学习方法。 _, you also need to _ learning methods. 30她参加了许多课外活动。 Shes involved in many _. 31Which club do you think _ (对适合的) Adam? 32Im wondering _ (哪一个) I should choose: the Acting Club _ (或者) the Ballet Club? 【应用文写作应用文写作-建议信建议信】 A: 假如你是李华,你的同学 Lucy 给你写信,信中提到自己想减肥, 征求你的建议,请你给她写一封回信。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3可以适当增加细节,以使内容更加丰富。 Dear Lucy, Yours, Li Hua B: 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友 Susan 在交友方面有些困难。请根 据下面提示给她写一封信。 1要交朋友首先要做一个朋友; 2要和朋友同甘共苦;患难之中的朋友才是真朋友; 3友谊需要时间和投入。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Susan, Yours, Li Hua 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1. 答案:on 2. 答案:addicted 3. 答案:attractive 4. 答案:to join 5. 答案:behaviour 6. 答案:schedule 7. 答案:freshman 8. 答案:quit 9. 答案:graduate 10. 答案:has improved 11. 答案:teenage 12. 答案:volunteers 13. 答案:movement 14. 答案:content 15. 答案:suitable 16. 答案:catches 17. 答案:Actually 18. 答案:topic 19. 答案:editor 20. 答案:tests; reveals 21. 答案:behaviour 22. 答案:adults 23. 答案:generation 24. 答案:attract 25. 答案:addict 26. 答案:editor 27. 答案:playing 28. 答案:confusing 29. 答案:advanced 30. 答案:completely 31. 答案:adventure 32. 答案:youth 33. 答案:plate 34. 答案:camp 35. 答案:cheerleader 36. 答案:literature 37. 答案:title 38. 答案:obviously 39. 答案:challenging 40. 答案:confused 41. 答案:preference 42. 答案:under 43. 答案:suitability 44. 答案:recommendation 45. 答案:in 46. 答案:responsible 47. 答案:attraction 48. 答案:addiction 【选词填空】 1) 答案:so that 2) 答案:sign up 3) 答案:be responsible for 4) 答案:recommend that 5) 答案:a little confusing 【单句写作】 1. 答案:are addicted to 2. 答案:What first attracted me 3. 答案:by an adult 4. 答案:for generations 5. 答案:focus on 6. 答案:If; what you like 7. 答案:prepare for 8. 答案:louder than 9. 答案:All work and no play 10. 答案:better than 11. 答案:adventure camp 12. 答案:paper plates 13. 答案:youth club 14. 答案:spoken English 15. 答案:quite hard 16. 答案:be fun 17. 答案:spoken English 18. 答案:teenage life 19. 答案:different countries 20. 答案:a youth camp 21. 答案:so big that 22. 答案:or not 23. 答案:tried out for 24. 答案:useful skills 25. 答案:from some experts 26. 答案:graduated from 27. 答案:fluent in 28. 答案:sign up for 29. 答案:Obviously; improve 30. 答案:extracurricular activities 31. 答案:is suitable for 32. 答案:which one; or 【应用文】 A: B: Dear Susan, I am sorry to know that you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you. To begin with, why not be a friend first if you want to make friends? In addition,wouldnt it be a good idea if you share happiness and sorrow with your friend? Just as a saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Last but not least, it would be a good idea if you put your heart into making friends. It is wellknown to us all that friendship calls for time and effort. I hope you will find these ideas useful. Yours, Li Hua Unit2 Travelling around 基础自测基础自测 【单句语法填空单句语法填空】 1They uncovered the _ (雕塑) at the beginning of the ceremony. 2They will _ (挖掘) the buried treasure here. 3People all over the world come to visit the _ (坟墓) of Shakespeare. 4He has very little _ (视力) in his right eye. 5You really cant _ (发表评论) till you know the facts. 6The price for the trip doesnt include _ (住宿) 7He went up the garden _ (小路) to knock on the door. 8They were climbing up a _ (狭窄的) mountain road. 9Your local library will be a useful _ (来源) of information. 10The daughter of an _ (皇帝) does not worry about finding a husband. 11He was riding on his horse looking for the _ (城堡) 12No westerner could fly in without a _ (签证). 13My father is _ (极其) proud that I became a doctor. 14How much _ (房租) do you pay for this place? 15The club will send a free information _ (包) 16The fine _ (细节) of the plan has yet to be worked out. 17The sun disappeared from _ (视野). 18Students who pass the test will receive a _ (学分) 19He has set us a good example in practicing _ (节约) 20She _ (要求) that no one should be told of her decision. 21People used to think the earth was _ (平坦的) 22The area has its own _ (特有的) language, Catalan. 23The _ (小册子) described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus. 24Only half of the emergency supplies have reached their _(目的地). 25The _ (建筑师) is much interested in classical _ (建筑设计). 26_ my view, its a waste of time persuading him to do so. 27If you leave now, you can catch the earlier _ (fly) 28Do the same rules apply _ parttime workers? 29I feel like its time for me to take control _ the team. 30The machine can _ (recognition) handwritten characters and turn them into printed text. 31Its _ (amaze) how people collect so much stuff over the years. 32Women make _ 56% of the student numbers. 33You _ (request) not to speak loudly in the hall. 34There is nothing in the library I want to borrow, other _ this old book. 35The countrys _ (office) language is Spanish. 【选词填空选词填空】 A go hiking, , package tour, , other than, , take control of, , make up 1I had no appreciation of anything _ McDonalds or CocaCola. 2He failed in his attempt to _ the company. 3Six women and nineteen men _ the committee. 4We cant play football in the rain. I cant _, either. 5Do you like a _ or to travel alone? B: king bed, , check in, , check out, , economy class, , credit card 1They packed and _ of the hotel. 2He lost his _, and hurried to the bank to report it. 3I prefer _ to a double bed. 4I travel _ because it is cheaper. 5Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to _ there. 【单句写作单句写作】 1I am eager to learn the result of the exam. I _ to learn the result of the exam. 2To me the story of the Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable. I _ the story of the Terracotta Army. 3They are going to Xian to see the Terracotta Army. They are _ go to Xian to see the Terracotta Army. 4I could see none of my companions when I woke up. When I woke up, none of my companions were _. 5We _ (将要去旅行) on the 23rd of December. 6Would you like to travel business class _ (还是经济舱)? 7Im _ (乘火车回来) 8I would like to pay _ (用信用卡) 9I am booking _ (一张双人床) room. 10Ill book _ (一间无烟的) room. 11这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。 The school is widely _ its excellent teaching. 12这条河就是在这里变窄的。 This is _ the river _. 13这两个问题紧密相关。 The two issues are _. 14你更喜欢哪种类型的交通方式? _ do you prefer? 15尽管消息是非官方的,但是几乎确凿无疑。 The news is almost certainly true, although _. 16Jiuzhaigou is famous for its _ (神奇的瀑布), colourful lakes and beautiful mountains. 17Im planning to _ (去旅游) Jiuzhaigou. 18Actually, Ive just finished the _ (旅行安排)! 19Jiuzhaigou is an _ (极其美丽的地方) 20How are you _ (为做准备) your trip? 21Im _ (周游) Europe for two weeks with my uncle and aunt. 22_ (我们将要见面) at 10:00 am. at the bus stop near our school. 23Its going to be sunny in the morning and _ (风不 是很大) 24Id like to buy _ (一张飞机票) 25Neuschwanstein Castle is the model for _ (城堡) in Disneyland. 26I need to _ (租一辆车) to prepare for the trip. 27We need to _ (申请) a visa to prepare for the trip. 28I need to _ (打包一些衣服) to prepare for the trip. 29How is she _ (计划到处走走) after she arrives? 30直到失去了健康,人们才知道健康的价值。 _ knows the value of health _ he loses it. 31明天你将乘哪班航班去日本? _ are you _ to Japan tomorrow? 32你们还有什么特殊要求? Do you have any _? 33我想要一个可以观看风景的房间。 Id like a room _. 34会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。 The talks will focus on the _ of the region. 35你去登记,我付出租汽车司机钱。 You go and _ while I pay the taxi driver money. 36期待你的评论和建议。 I _ your comments and suggestions. 37我听说泰国是观光旅行的好地方。 I heard that Thailand is a good place to _. 38这个故事可以追溯到公元前 4 世纪。 The story dates back to _. 39这个地区作为绿茶产地很出名。 The area _ a green tea producing place. 【应用文写作应用文写作-电子邮件(旅游专题)电子邮件(旅游专题) 】 A: 假定你是李华,计划组织一次郊游,请给你的英国朋友 Chris 写 封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括: 1参加者; 2时间、地点; 3活动:登山、野餐等。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 B: 假定你是李华,你打算和妈妈一起去度假。请给你的英国笔友 John 写一封电子邮件,告诉他你们的度假方案并征求意见。内容包 括: 1出行时间; 2目的地及选择此处的原因; 3拟定的活动安排; 4费用问题。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1. 答案:statue 2. 答案:unearth 3. 答案:tomb 4. 答案:sight 5. 答案:comment 6. 答案:accommodation 7. 答案:path 8. 答案:narrow 9. 答案:source 10. 答案:emperor 11. 答案:castle 12. 答案:visa 13. 答案:extremely 14. 答案:rent 15. 答案:pack 16. 答案:detail 17. 答案:view 18. 答案:credit 19. 答案:economy 20. 答案:requested 21. 答案:flat 22. 答案:unique 23. 答案:brochure 24. 答案:destination 25. 答案:architect; architecture 26. 答案:In 27. 答案:flight 28. 答案:to 29. 答案:of 30. 答案:recognise 31. 答案:amazing 32. 答案:up 33. 答案:are requested 34. 答案:than 35. 答案:official 【选词填空】 A: 1) 答案:other than 2) 答案:take control of 3) 答案:make up 4) 答案:go hiking 5) 答案:package tour B: 1. 答案:checked out 2. 答案:credit card 3. 答案:a king bed 4. 答案:economy class 5. 答案:check in 【单句写作】 1) 答案:cant wait 2) 答案:cant believe 3) 答案:planning to 4) 答案:in sight 5) 答案:are travelling 6) 答案:or economy 7) 答案:taking the train back 8) 答案:by credit card 9) 答案:a double bed 10)答案:a nonsmoking 11)答案:admired for 12)答案:where; narrows 13)答案:closely connected 14)答案:Which type of transport 15)答案:it is not official 16)答案:amazing waterfalls 17)答案:travel to 18)答案:travel arrangements 19)答案:extremely beautiful place 20)答案:getting ready for 21)答案:travelling around 22)答案:Were meeting 23)答案:not very windy 24)答案:a plane ticket 25)答案:the castle 26)答案:rent a car 27)答案:apply for 28)答案:pack some clothes 29)答案:planning to get around 30)答案:No one; until 31)答案:Which flight; taking 32)答案:special requests 33)答案:with a view 34)答案:economic development 35)答案:check in 36)答案:look forward to 37)答案:go sightseeing 38)答案:the fourth century BC 39)答案:is well known as 【应用文】 A: B: Dear John, Ive looked at several possible places where I can go on holiday together with my mom. We prefer to go to the South Island in New Zealand because both of us have never been there before. We can explore the forests and walk along the beach, enjoying the natural beauty. We also plan to taste the traditional food. We plan to take the trip during the first week of October. The 7day trip costs about 7,000 yuan per person. But my mom only wants to spend 3,000 yuan for each. Anyhow, I think this trip sounds really exciting and my mom likes it very much! Should we book it? Any advice? Please let me know. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Unit3 Sports and fitness 基础自测基础自测 【单句语法填空单句语法填空】 1I am _ (stress) out, and I need a relax. 2Its lucky that it happened here rather _ on the open road. 3The success or _ (fail) of the plan depends on you. 4Have the _ (injure) in the accident been taken to hospital? 5He never compares himself with his twin brother, _ he? 6It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold _ (奖牌) 7The soldiers brave deeds brought him honour and _ (赞美). 8Two players are out of the team because of _ (伤) 9Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the _ (失败 的事) of the experiment. 10The world _ (冠军) finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival. 11The next _ (项目) will be the 100 meters. 12He won
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