外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 We're going to different schools.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:f06b9).zip


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choose true or false. ( )Lingling is going to start Primary School this September. ( )Lingling is excited because they are going to study Chinese, English, Maths, Histor and Geography. ( )Lingling is sad because they are going to different schools. ( ) Four years ago, Sam and Amy can speak much Chinese. My goodbye speech Dear classmates, Im going to (离开我的小学) _ and(开始中学生活) _ this September. Im going to study_(语、数、英和) _. Im going to (见到新的朋友) _. My dear friends ,(我将会想 你的)_! Thank you and goodbye! Chinese Maths English 火眼金睛 histor y science Were going to study Chinese Maths English Module 10 Unit 1 Were going to different schools. Sam is going to _. Daming is going to_. Lake Middle School Park Middle School September In September, were going to middle school. (中学) But now were in primary school. (小学) same 相同的 At the same time, classmate 同学 s were classmates. Were in the same school. leave 离开 Are you feeling sad? excited 兴奋的 Im excited. Geography Were going to study Geography. We will keep on practising English. keep on 保持 practise 练习 We spoke little English in primary school. spoke (speak的过去式) little 极少量的 1.middle 中间的 2.middle school 中学 3.speech 演讲 4.classmate 同班同学 5.leave 离开 6.September 九月 7.excited 激动的 8. Geography 地理 9. same 相同的 10. at the same time 同时 11. spoke (speak的过去式)说 12. little 极少的 13. keep on 保持 14. practise 练习 15.sometime 某个时候 16. each other 互相 speech 乌鸦想喝到罐中的水 必须读对左上角的单词。 读一个单词老师点击该单词, 会有一个小球落入罐中。 集齐十一个小球可以喝到水。 keep on littlesamepractise Geography excitedSeptember classmate spoke middle school leave This September, Lingling is going to middle school, too. 2017年 9月1日 She is making a goodbye speech. How is Lingling feeling? She is _,and also_. Look,listen and answer: excitedsad Read the text by yourself, ( )1.Lingling is going to start Primary School this September. ( )2.Lingling is excited because they are going to study Chinese, English, Maths, History and Geography. ( )3. Lingling is sad because they are going to different schools. ( ) 4. Four years ago, Sam and Amy can speak much Chinese. then choose true(T)or false(F). choose True(T) or False(F). ( )1.Lingling is going to start Primary School this September. ( )2.Lingling is excited because they are going to study Chinese, English, Maths, History and Geography. ( )3. Lingling is sad because they are going to different schools. ( ) 4. Four years ago, Sam and Amy can speak much Chinese. F T T F (齐读课文。) The important sentences Were going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this September. Im very sad to say goodbye to you. Were going to different schools. begoing to+动词原形 am is are 用来表示按计划或要发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意 思。 I 用am;复数 (we , they , you ,两人以上)都 用are;第三人称单数(she , he , it,人名)都用 is will+动词原形 My goodbye speech Dear classmates, Im going to (离开我的小学 )_ and(开始中学生活)_ this September. Im going to study_(语、数、英和 )_. Im going to (见到新的朋友 )_. My dear friends ,(我将会想你的 )_! Thank you and goodbye! Thank you for our teachers and classmates in primary school! 感谢小学的老师和同学们! Please love our primary school forever(永远)!请永远爱我们的小 学吧! Words:16个单词和词组 Chinese 语文 Maths 数学 English 英语 History 历史 Subjects: Geography 地理 重点语法: be going to +动词原形表 示将要发生的事情或动作。 be动词是指is, am, are. 要随着 人称的变化而变化。 HOMEWORK 1 Read the words and the passage. 2 Write a short passage about your summer plan with “be going to” 1 外研版新标准(三年级起点)六年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 Were going to different schools.教学设 计 教学目标 1、学会单词:middle ,middle school ,speech ,classmate ,leave ,September ,excited, Geography , same , at the same time ,spoke , little , keep on , practise ,sometime , each other 2、学会句型: Were going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this September. Im very sad to say goodbye to you. Were going to different schools. 3、学会运用 be going to 描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情;了 解即将开始的中学生活。 4、培养学生良好的学习习惯和保持英语阅读的兴趣,让学生在自主、 合作、探究、交流中获取知识;培养学生良好的思维品质和文化意 识;培养学生的文化品格:爱学校、互相尊重、珍惜生活,珍惜友情。 学情分析 2 这是外研版新标准(三年级起点)六年级英语下册第十模块第一 单元的内容,主要体现了学生准备告别小学生涯,迈入中学校门的 真实生活话题。六年级是学生由小学到中学的一个过渡阶段,也是 孩子们从形象思维向抽象思维发展的一个重要阶段,该阶段的学生 已具备一定的英语学习能力。这一课能力目标要求学生学会表达祝 愿。因此我把这一课设计成阅读课。在引领学生进行阅读时针对每 一次阅读对学生提出不同的要求,让学生在重复阅读同样课文的同 时保持新鲜感和兴趣,以及从不同角度去理解熟悉课文。让学生能 在教材提供的范文以及教师创设的情景中,乐于运用并能灵活运用 所学句型。 教学重点难点 重点:学会 17 个单词或词组;学会运用 be going to 描述自己的 计划和将要发生的事情;了解即将开始的中学生活。 难点:学会运用 be going to 描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情 教学方法:导入法、游戏教学法、情景教学法、活动教学法 教学准备:PPT 课件、单词卡片、卡通磁铁 课时安排:40 分钟 教学流程: 一、读前活动 3 1、Greeting. 2、Play a game火眼金睛。 复习一些有关科目的单词,如 history, Chinese, Maths, English , science 顺带复习 Were going to study 【设计意图:引导学生复习,激活学生原有知识和经验,为下面的 学习做铺垫。 】 3、出示课题,学生跟读课题 Were going to different schools. 4、学习活动一的内容 (1)导入:Sam and Daming are going to different schools. Which school are they going ? Lets watch. (2)学生看动漫,完成填空 Sam is going to _.Daming is going to_. (3)指名口头填空, (相机学习 middle , middle school)齐读句 子。 (4)Lets read again,OK? 跟读活动一的内容 【设计意图:紧扣本单元话题,充分利用课文插图、学生生活经验 设计与话题语境有关的热身导入活动,在组织学生的观察和预测过 4 程中培养学生的语言能力。 】 二、读中活动 1、出示九月份图的课件,师读 September。让生跟读 September。 师:In September, were going to middle school.生跟读句子。 出示句子 But now were in primary school.。 2、出示学生学校图片,出示 Were in the same school. 并学 习 same, 顺带学习 At the same time 出示同班同学图片,学习 classmate(s) ,跟师齐读 at the same time, were classmates. 3、出示人物离开的图片,学习 leave 师:Well leave our primary school, Are you feeling sad? 相机引出 excited 并 学习,跟读 Im excited. 4、出示地理课本图片,问 Whats this? 相机学习 Geography ,跟 读 Were going to study Geography. 5、出示英语课本图片,师: We spoke little English in primary school. 并学习 spoke , little 跟师读句子;师: We will keep on practising English. 并学习 keep on , practise ,跟师读句子。 5 6、Lets review.引导学生齐读所学新单词。 7、以“乌鸦喝水”的游戏,抢读单词。 8、Now lets do group works. 小组练读单词,指定小组展示汇 报。 【以上活动能围绕话题内容,促使学生领会重点句子和重点词汇在 课文中的意义,为下面的阅读理解打好基础。 】 9、导入: This September, Lingling is going to middle school, too. She is making a goodbye speech. 学习 speech. (生跟读 )How is Lingling feeling? Lets watch and answer. 10、学生观看课文动漫,指名回答,齐读句子。 11、师: Read the text by yourself, then choose true or false. ( )Lingling is going to start Primary School this September. ( )Lingling is excited because they are going to study Chinese, English, Maths, Histor and Geography. ( )Lingling is sad because they are going to different schools. 6 ( ) Four years ago, Sam and Amy can speak much Chinese. 学生独立阅读完成判断题,指名回答。 12、 Read the text together. 13、Lets read the important sentences again. 【设计意图:这样设计相应的阅读任务,如看动漫完成填空或阅 读完成判断等,促使学生在任务中理解课文故事情节,培养学生良 好的阅读习惯和阅读兴趣,使学生形成自己阅读技巧,初步形成语 感。 】 三、读后活动 1、语法归纳:这节课我们主要学习了 be (am,is,are )going to+动词原形。请同学们读读它们的具体用法。师: be (am,is,are )going to 还可以用 will 来代替, will +动词原形。 2、导入: Were going to leave our primary school soon, Lets make “My good bye speech”like this: My goodbye speech Dear classmates, Im going to (离开我的小学) _ and(开始中学生活)_ this 7 September. Im going to study_(语、数、英和) _. Im going to (见到新的朋友) _. My dear friends ,(我将会想你的) _! Thank you and goodbye! 出示课件,引导学生齐说,自己练说,指名说。 【设计意图:通过挖掘文本话题与学生生活的衔接点创设与真实 语用场景相似的语境我的道别演讲 ,以这样的任务驱动学生运用 本单元重点词汇和句型表达个人的观点和感受,进一步理解巩固所 学语言。 】 四、总结提升 1、We should say: Thank you for our teachers and classmates in primary school! Please love our primary school forever. (引导学生齐读句子。 ) 2、Summary 引导学生汇报今天的学习收获;评出今天的获胜者。 3、Homework Read the words and the passage. Write a short passage about your summer plan with “be going to” 8 【设计意图:培养学生的文化品格:爱学校、互相尊重、珍惜 生活;以分组比赛的形式有效激励学生参与学习活动。课后作业是 课堂的延伸,促使学生自觉地巩固知识。 】 五、板书设计 Module 10 Unit 1 Were going to different schools. 【设计意图:板书设计采用思维导图,能体现本课重点,让学生一 目了然,便于学生总结归纳提升。 】 课后反思 本节课的课型是阅读课。在课中,老师运用经典的三段式阅读策 略,开展了形式多样、结构清晰、由浅入深、衔接自然的阅读活动。 老师非常关注学生的即时生成,适时调整教学设计,收到了良好的 课堂效果。老师在阅读教学活动中,非常重视通过问题的巧妙设置, Leave our primary school Start middle school Were going to study Chinese,English,Maths. Meet new friends 9 唤起学生的思考,发展学生思维品质。如活动二第一段文字的阅读 中,帮助学生提出 How is Lingling feeling?后,引导孩子们阅读 验证。孩子们在这一阅读活动中,丰富了语言知识,发展了思维品 质,拓展了想象空间。 本节课的活动安排非常细腻,不仅引领孩子 们去关注文本中的语言信息,而且,能够透过这些文字的内容看到 文字背后的情感态度等。如文本中最后两段的文字,看似轻轻带过, 实则大爱无痕,润物无声,渗透着孩子们一起学习的美好时光和珍 惜友谊的情感。老师在阅读教学中非常重视 language input and output 这两部分的处理。语言的输入课本上已有的内容,在保证足 够量的、正确的语言输入的基础上,在本节课的最后环节,安排了 基于板书和场景模拟等口头语言的输出。 人无完人,课无完课。从追求完美的角度来看,个人觉得有些 方面可以做一些调整:在本节课阅读教学活动中,老师采用了经典的 三段式阅读策略,基于篇章特点,逐图逐段开展阅读活动,通过一 段段的师生问答、阅读分享,进而一步步地呈现各段落的核心词。 显得活动枯燥乏味 那么,在这一环节我们可否换一种思维、换一种 做法来实施呢? 例如可以采用更多的基于学生主体的自主阅读活动, 通过 read and match, read and complete the table 等方式让学 生主动获取信息,并藉此创造更多的机会,让学生口头表达。而提 供更多的文字材料。孩子们可以在字里行间细细阅读、慢慢揣摩, 接着,还可以和同伴商量、讨论、判断。我想,如果这样实施的话, 10 相对枯燥的阅读活动会因为我们方式的改变和思维的碰撞而变得趣 味盎然了。
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