外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:20204).zip


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Module 8 Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? 课后作业 一、填反义词。 1.Why are you (there). 2.Its going to be (cold). 3.I am see something looking (up) at me . 4.Theres a (small) bag on the desk. 5.My teacher is very (angry). 二、英汉词组互译 1.打棒球_ 2. 犯错误 _3.穿雨衣_ 4.space travel _5. 将要下雨_ 6.laugh more_ 三、根据汉语意思补全句子 1.Were_ _ (玩捉迷藏)now. 2._(为什么)are you wearing a dress? 3.Please wear your_ (雨衣).Its raining now. 4._(因为)Im going to the theatre. 5.She wanted_ _ (成为)a star. 四、用单词的适当形式填空 1.Why are you_(laugh) ? 2.Amy asked Lingling_ (bring)some caps 3.Sam came into the classroom and_(see)some friends 4.Its easy_(make)mistakes with English words. 5.Where_(be)my bag?Its under your bed. 五单项选 ( )1.Where is the dog?Its_the tree. A.on B.in C.under ( )2.Why are you _? Because I miss my mother. A.crying B.smiling C.laughing ( )3.Its difficult_Chinese,you know. A.to learn B.learns C.to learning ( )4.Why did you eat so much food?_I was hungry A.But B.Because C.And ( )5.What does your teacher look like?She_long hair. A.wears B.wear C.wearing. ( )6.They planned_a baseball game. A.to play B. play. C.plays ( )7.I make lots of mistakes _Chinese words. A.to B.with C.in ( )8.Its easy_English A.learn B.learning. C.to learn ( )9._are you here? Because were looking for our football A.What B.Where C.Why ( )10.There_a dog behind her. A.am B.is. C.are. Litsen the song. Module 8 Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? Why are you here? We are playing hide-and-seek. We are playing hide-and-seek. Look ,listen and say coat T-shirt dress cap raincoathat Who are they?What are they wearing? Tom is wearing a raincoat. Sam is wearing a T-shirt. Amy is wearing a dress. Lingling is wearing a hat. Why are they wearing these clothes?(Listen to the tape and answer) Because its going to rain . Because Im going to play basketball. Because Im going to the theatre. Because its going to be sunny. Why are you wearing a raincoat? Why are you wearing a T-shirt? Why are you wearing a dress? Why are you wearing a hat? A: Why are you wearing a raincoat? B: Because its going to rain. A: Why are you wearing a hat? B: Because its going to be sunny. A: Why are you wearing a T-shirt? B: Because Im going to play basketball. A: Why are you wearing a dress? B: Because Im going to the theatre. Why Because Because Why Why Because Because Why 温馨提示: why和because 1.why表示“为什么”,用来询问原因,一 般要用because来回答来回答。 2.because表示“因为”,用来回答why的问句 将来进行时 1.主语十be 十 going to be 十(形容词) 2.主语十be十going to十动词或地点词 你能练习对话吗试一试 Can you practice the dialogue? Try it Lets say it : crying-sad eating-hot laughing-happy Why is he crying? Because he is sad. Why is she eating an ice cream? Because she is hot. Why is she laughing? Because she is happy. Write a sentence with a picture: Why did the girl go into space? Why did the girl throw the butter out of the window? Why was 6 afraid of 7? Why did the dog sit under the tree? Because it didnt want to be a hot dog. Because she wanted to be a star. Because she wanted to see a butter fly. Because 7, 8, 9. 连线,找答案 总结:What did you learn from this lesson? why 、 because 的用法和 将来时的用法。 Homework: ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 2 2 WhyWhy areare youyou wearingwearing a a hat?hat? 第二课时第二课时 教学目标教学目标 1.1.知识与技能知识与技能 掌握本课:掌握本课: Wear(aWear(a hathat / / a a dress/dress/ a a T-shirt/T-shirt/ a a raincoat)raincoat) 短语和句型短语和句型 2.2.过程与方法过程与方法 (1)(1)通过师生问答、看图说话等多种言语交际活动通过师生问答、看图说话等多种言语交际活动, ,培养和提高口语培养和提高口语 交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力; ; (2)(2)能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言, ,有语言表达和同学交流的愿望。有语言表达和同学交流的愿望。 3.3.情感、态度与价值观情感、态度与价值观 培养学生观察身边人和事的能力。培养学生观察身边人和事的能力。 学生有一定的口语交际能力学生有一定的口语交际能力, ,大部分学生能参与到课堂活动中大部分学生能参与到课堂活动中, ,还有还有 一部分学生由于英语基础差一部分学生由于英语基础差, ,不能很好的参与不能很好的参与, ,我我 把他们分配到其他把他们分配到其他 小组小组, ,让学生来带动他们让学生来带动他们, ,帮助他们帮助他们, ,提高他们的学习积极性。提高他们的学习积极性。学生已学生已 经初步学习了经初步学习了 Why 的用法,有了一定的基础。因而,本节课的内容的用法,有了一定的基础。因而,本节课的内容 对于学生来说,比较简单,容易掌握。但在以后的教学中,仍要加对于学生来说,比较简单,容易掌握。但在以后的教学中,仍要加 强练习重点句型中人称的转换。强练习重点句型中人称的转换。所以所以, ,在教学中要全面提高学生的口在教学中要全面提高学生的口 语水平语水平, ,增强学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。增强学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。 二、教学重点二、教学重点: : 能正确运用能正确运用 WhyWhy 询问不理解的事情询问不理解的事情, ,并用并用 becausebecause 来表达原因来表达原因 三、教学难点三、教学难点: : 灵活运用灵活运用 Why?Why? BecauseBecause。 四、教具准备四、教具准备 单词卡片,点读机单词卡片,点读机 教学过程教学过程: : 课前轻松一下,听音乐。课前轻松一下,听音乐。 一、一、1 1、开门见山,学习、开门见山,学习 unit2,unit2, 2 2、生齐读题(师板书课题)、生齐读题(师板书课题) 二、二、学习学习 part1(part1(放听力,找问题答案放听力,找问题答案 。WhyWhy areare youyou here?)here?) 学习本课的重点单词学习本课的重点单词 1 1、出示单词卡片,、出示单词卡片, T-shirtT-shirt dressdress raincoatraincoat capcap hat.hat. 2 2、学生读单词、学生读单词 3 3、师板书:、师板书:Wear(aWear(a hathat / / a a dress/dress/ a a T-shirt/T-shirt/ a a raincoat)raincoat) 4 4、屏幕出示单词,生读。、屏幕出示单词,生读。 三、学习三、学习 part2part2 1 1、屏幕出示图片:出示问题、屏幕出示图片:出示问题 WhoWho areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey wearing?wearing? 2 2、学生观察图片,回答老师的问题。、学生观察图片,回答老师的问题。 3 3、屏幕出示句子:、屏幕出示句子: TomTom isis wearingwearing a a raincoatraincoat SamSam isis wearingwearing a a T-shirt.T-shirt. AmyAmy isis wearingwearing a a dress.dress. LinglingLingling isis wearingwearing a a hat.hat. 4 4、生读。、生读。 5 5、屏幕出示图片:问、屏幕出示图片:问WhyWhy areare theythey wearingwearing thesethese clothes?clothes? 6 6、放听力(、放听力(3 3 遍),生注意听,注意问题的答案(点名说)遍),生注意听,注意问题的答案(点名说) 7 7、屏幕出示问题的答案:、屏幕出示问题的答案: BecauseBecause itsits goinggoing toto rainrain . . BecauseBecause itsits goinggoing toto bebe sunny.sunny. BecauseBecause ImIm goinggoing toto playplay basketball.basketball. BecauseBecause ImIm goinggoing toto thethe theatre.theatre. 8 8、生齐读(两遍)、生齐读(两遍) 9 9、出示对话、出示对话 A:A: WhyWhy areare youyou wearingwearing a a raincoat?raincoat? B:B: BecauseBecause itsits goinggoing toto rain.rain. A:A: WhyWhy areare youyou wearingwearing a a hat?hat? B:B: BecauseBecause itsits goinggoing toto bebe sunny.sunny. A:A: WhyWhy areare youyou wearingwearing a a T-shirt?T-shirt? B:B: BecauseBecause ImIm goinggoing toto playplay basketball.basketball. A:A: WhyWhy areare youyou wearingwearing a a dress?dress? B:B: BecauseBecause ImIm goinggoing toto thethe theatre.theatre. 1010、生观察四组对话,有什么特点?、生观察四组对话,有什么特点? 1111、(师随机板书)、(师随机板书) 用用 WhyWhy 问为什么问为什么, ,用用 BecauseBecause 回答原因回答原因 将来进行时将来进行时 主语十主语十 bebe 十十 goinggoing toto bebe 十(形容词)十(形容词) 主语十主语十 bebe 十十 goinggoing toto 十动词或地点词十动词或地点词 1212、回到课文里、回到课文里 1313、生齐读,分角色读、生齐读,分角色读 1414、生练习读对话。分小组去练习读。、生练习读对话。分小组去练习读。 1515、学生到讲台前表演对话。、学生到讲台前表演对话。 四、练习四、练习 1 1、屏幕出示图片、屏幕出示图片 生练习写句子生练习写句子 2 2、点名到黑板上写答案、点名到黑板上写答案 3 3、齐读句子、齐读句子 4 4、练习、练习 part5part5 五、总结课文五、总结课文 六、布置作业六、布置作业 板书设计:板书设计: ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 2 2 WhyWhy areare youyou wearingwearing a a hat?hat? Wear(aWear(a hathat / / a a dress/dress/ a a T-shirt/T-shirt/ a a raincoat)raincoat) 用用 WhyWhy 问为什么问为什么, ,用用 BecauseBecause 回答原因回答原因 主语十主语十 bebe 十十 goinggoing toto bebe 十(形容词)十(形容词) 主语十主语十 bebe 十十 goinggoing toto 十动词原形或地点词十动词原形或地点词
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