外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:40242).zip


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根据板书提示,复述故事。 was . They planned to (who) (where) .Amy asked Lingling to . But she (what) . She made . (why) Its to make mistakes with English words. 根据板书提示,复述故事。 was . They planned to (who) (where) .Amy asked Lingling to . But she (what) . She made . (why) Its to make mistakes with English words. 根据板书提示,复述故事。 was . They planned to (who) (where) .Amy asked Lingling to . But she (what) . She made . (why) Its to make mistakes with English words. 外研版六年级下册 Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? Lets sing a song.“Why , Why , Why?” Say the past form of the verbs. see come bring are tell do buy go saw came brought were told did bought went Look, ask and answer. Why is she ? Because she is . laughing happy Why is she ? Because she . crying is sad Look, ask and answer. Why ? Because . is he running he is afraid Look, ask and answer. Why ? Because . is she shouting she is angry Look, ask and answer. Why did they have cups on their heads? Watch,listen and answer. Read P1 silently and underline the answers. 默读课文第一段,勾画出问题答案. a. Who came into the classroom? b. What did he find? c.Why did they laugh? Read P1 silently and underline the answers. 默读课文第一段,勾画出问题答案. a. Who came into the classroom? b. What did he find? c.Why did they laugh? Read, think and discuss in your group. a. What did they plan to do? b. What did Amy ask Lingling to do? c. What did Lingling bring? Why? d. Why did they laugh? Read, think and discuss in your group. a. What did they plan to do? b. What did Amy ask Lingling to do? c. What did Lingling bring? Why? d. Why did they laugh? Read, think and discuss in your group. a. What did they plan to do? b. What did Amy ask Lingling to do? c. What did Lingling bring? Why? d. Why did they laugh? a. What did Sam say? Do you think so? Why? b. Did they have caps at last? c. Why did they put on the caps when they played baseball? Read P3 silently and underline the answers. 默读课文第三段,勾画出问题答案. Read P3 silently and underline the answers. 默读课文第三段,勾画出问题答案. a. What did Daming say? Do you think so? Why? b. Did they have caps at last? c. Why did they put on the caps when they played baseball? What mistakes do you often make? uPronunciation : 发音 uSpelling: uGrammar: 语法 kite a cat desk besk I very like China. u Seriousness is the secret of success, carelessness is the partner of failure. 认真是成功的秘诀,粗心是失败的伴侣。 REMEMBER:REMEMBER: Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 REMEMBER:REMEMBER: The more carefully we do, the fewer mistakes we make. 我们做得越仔细,犯的错误就越少。 REMEMBER:REMEMBER: Read P3 silently and underline the answers. 默读课文第三段,勾画出问题答案. a. What did Sam say? Do you think so? Why? b. Did they have caps at last? c. Why did they put on the caps when they played baseball? 棒球帽的作用: 遮阳:棒球运动员在比赛时,由于场地和时间的问题会正对 阳光影响视线。 束发:棒球帽可以将运动员的头发约束避免在比赛时由于头 发过长遮掩而导致失误。 保暖:棒球运动员在冬季或者较冷季节比赛,棒球帽可以起 到保证头部温暖的作用。 防护:棒球帽可以作为防止细小物品掉落头发的作用,比如 棒球比赛时防止沙土。 装饰:随着棒球帽的发展,上面4项作为棒球最基本的功能 特点已经满足不了现代人的需要,棒球帽越来越时尚。 Retell the story according to the questions. a. Who came into the classroom? b. What did Sam see? c. Where are the cups? a. What did they plan to do? b. What did Amy ask Lingling to do? c. What did Lingling bring? d. Why are they laughing? a. Is it easy to make mistakes with English words? b. Whats in Sams bag? c. Where did they go and what did they do? Look at the blackboard and retell the story again. Read a new story. Read a new story, then fill in the form. Who When Where What Why Look,listen and think about the questions. cottage 村舍 brilliant 绝妙的 groan 叹息 When Where Who What Why On holiday. In a cottage(村舍). Gran,mum and their children. To see the real monster. make, but lots of people Read a new story, then fill in the form. The more carefully we do, the fewer mistakes we make. 我们做得越仔细,犯的错误就越少。 REMEMBER:REMEMBER: Homework: 1.Read the passage fluently. 2.Retell the story to your parents or your friends. Read the whole story and fill in the form. Where Who What Why How In the classroom. Sam and his friends. Plan to play a baseball game. Make a mistake. Sam took baseball caps. Guessing Game. Why ? Because . is she sleeping she is tired Guessing Game. Why are you ? Because . eating I am hungry 1 外研版六年级下册 Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? 教学设计 Why do you have cups on your heads? 教学材料:教学材料:英语(新标准) (三年级起始)六年级下册 Module 8 Unit 1 教材分析:教材分析: 这是英语(新标准) 中故事阅读课内容,本课是这一模块的第一课时,属新 授课型;本课围绕核心语句 “Why.?”和”Because.”询问探究并进行解答。在本 套教材第五册到第十册课本中已经初步学习了一般过去时态等知识点,总结英语学 习过程中我们常犯的错误,并对学习策略进行指导。树立正确的情感态度价值观, 培养孩子做事情认真的好习惯以及失败不气馁的意志品质! 2 学情分析:学情分析: 本节课是借班上课,授课对象是小学六年级学生,他们通过五年多的学习积累,已具 备一定的口语表达能力和读写能力;已经初步学习了描述能力和一般过去时态的表达方法, 本课主要涉及“Why.?”和”Because.”询问探究并进行解答,运用一般过去时态讲述(复 述)小故事,其目的是通过对课文文本的学习,进一步提高学生语言综合运用的能力。 教学思路:教学思路: 在“导学结合、师生互动、知行统一”双主体课堂教育理念的指导下,在本课教学设 计中,我主要运用自主探究、合作互动等学习方式,首先以歌曲,以及老师也会在讲英语 时犯错误为切入点,引出对故事的学习;我通过丰富的教学资源,包括棒球教学视频等, 让学生更生动直观的学习、感知、感悟故事,了解异国文化,并进行有效的拓展学习。 课型定位:课型定位:阅读课、新授课 语言功能:语言功能:能够谈论、完整描述一个事件的能力。 基于核心素养教学目标预设:基于核心素养教学目标预设: 1.1.语言能力目标:语言能力目标: 1.会听、说、认、读单词:plan, planned, baseball, more, smile, make mistakes. 2.能听懂并正确运用“Why ?”以及“Because.”说明原因。 2.2.思维品质目标:思维品质目标: 培养学生读图、预测故事发生、发展的能力,发展学生观察、分析、对比的思维能力。 3.3.文化品格目标:文化品格目标: 通过本课学习让学生意识到做事认真的重要性;并在小组合作活动中能与其他同学积 极合作;在学习和日常交际中,能进一步注意到中外文化异同。 4.4.学习能力目标:学习能力目标:培养学生积极参与、主动探究和合作学习等学习能力。 教学重点:教学重点:能够理解课文大意、流利地有感情地朗读课文,并能提取核心信息。 教学难点:教学难点:能够运用核心语句简单复述课文,进行课外拓展阅读活动。 教学准备:教学准备:1. 教学配套资源:学生用书,单词卡,教学配套 CD-ROM 等。 2. 自主创新资源:教学课件、纸杯、棒球帽,拓展读写材料等; 教学主线:教学主线: Pre-reading 阅读前活动:通过 free talk,引导学生认识老师,以旧引新,语言激活。 3 While-reading 阅读中活动:学习理解课文故事,并让学生从中感悟做事情失误以及避免失 误,情感升华。 Post-reading 阅读后活动:从课文的故事带入绘本故事进行拓展学习。 Homework 小结:通过对本课的学习进行读写活动的巩固和延伸。 教学流程:教学流程: 教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 1、Greeting1、Sing Why,why,why 2、复习热身 Free talk. 呈现老师的图片设问交流 Why.?Because. 2、问答活动。 Free talk 运用全身反应法引导学生做热 身练习,使学生能够身心愉悦 的进入英语课堂。这首歌围绕 why 这个话题,巧妙地勾起学 生的好奇心和探索的欲望。 3、话题导入 T:(头戴纸杯) Why,why,why,in our life we often ask “why”?Why this?Why that? Today what do you want to ask me? 3、S1:Why do you have cup on your head? 阅读前 活动 4、新课导入 T:Ok, youll know the answer through todays study. 1.Review the verbs and their past forms Get the students say the past forms of the verbs see come bring are tell do buy go 2.Guessing Game. 4、 saw came brought were told did bought went Why is she laughing? Because she is 学生看到课堂上老师顶个纸杯, 心中充满好奇,禁不住问问 why?由此不知不觉进入了本课 的学习环境 在师生对话和生生对话猜测练 习中学习了本课的重点句型, 降低了学习难度,一种语言习 得、交流、分享信息和思想的 手段。学生在猜测的过程中, 进行了思维训练,对学生的核 心素养培养起到了积极促进作 用。 4 laughinghappy,crying sad,runningafraid ,shouting-angry 的提示 下,学习本课重点句型, Why .? Because . 教师指着自己的头说, “When I was angry, my hand got a pain.” 教师顺势导出新单词 mistake,make mistakes. happy. Why is he running? Because he is afraid. Why is she shouting? Because she is angry. 学生意识到老师出错了, 一定会迅速指出。 1、整体呈现初步感知故事 T:Now lets watch a video.Who made mistakes in the passage? 1、听故事答问题。 Why did they have cups on their heads? 整体呈现故事动画,让学生带 着问题看动画、听对话整体感 知故事,构建故事的逻辑顺序, 初步理解故事大意。 2、自读课文(第一段) a.Who came into the classroom? b.What did he find? c.Why did they laugh? 2、Read P1 silently and underline the answer. 默读课文第一段,勾 画出问题答案。 3、自读课文(第二段) a.What did they plan to do? b.What did Amy ask Lingling to do? c.What did Lingling bring? Why? d.Why did they laugh? 播放 baseball 教学视频 3、Read, think and discuss in your group: 默读是最常用最真实的阅读方 法;它实际上就是只看文字去 理解文字的内容,或者是从文 字中获得信息。默读能够给孩 子们提供更大的思维空间。小 组合作,促进孩子的合作意识, 通过协作完成任务,体验合作 的快乐!并通过观看视频,让学 生更好地理解 baseball 这项运动 了解异国文化。 阅读中 活动 4、自读课文(第三段) a. What did Sam say? Do you think so? Why? b. Did they have caps at last? c. Why did they put on the caps when they played baseball? 4、Read P3 silently and underline the answer. 默读课文第三段,勾 画出问题答案。 分段处理故事,要求学生通过 skimming or scanning 的阅读策 略寻找关键词句,找出问题的 答案,从而培养学生寻找关键 信息的能力,视频涵盖了课文 中的主要内容,唤起学生切身 体会,建构知识的意义,为学 5 5、T:What mistakes do you often make? 5、 Pronunciation:发音 Spelling: Grammar:语法 . 生更好地理解课文。 总结英语学习过程中我们常犯 的错误,并对学习策略进行指 导。树立正确的情感态度价值 观,培养孩子做事情认真的好 习惯以及失败不气馁的意志品 质! 棒球帽在棒球比赛中的作用, 让学生更进一步了解我们生活 中比较少见的一种运动。 6、自读课文。6、再读课文,注意语 音语调,更进一步理解 课文内容。 让学生在理解的基础上有感情 地朗读课文不但能够训练学生 的阅读能力,而且可以让学生 更加深刻地理解课文内容。 7、根据问题引领复述课文。 7、复述课文。通过问题引领复述课文,让学 生对课文内容脉络更加清晰。 8.根据板书复述课文。8.在板书的关键词语的 支撑下复述故事。 通过板书关键词支撑复述课文, 加深了学生对故事的进一步认 识,内化的过程,让孩子自然 地描绘故事,走进生活,让英 语生活化。 1、拓展学习,由 mistake 引发事件,阅读新的绘本 内容。 2、T:Here Ive got a new story.Can you guess what happend in the story? Where were they? Who? Why? “A monster Mistake “What is it? Listen and watch通过老师的一连串问题激发了 学习阅读新绘本故事的欲望以 及一探究竟的好奇心,为绘本 阅读埋下伏笔。 阅读后 活动 2、Read a new story, then fill in the form. 2、Work in group and fill in the form. 阅读绘本内容,完成表格,缕 清故事脉络。 学习小结 A small mistake caused a society trouble. So we must do everything carefully. The more carefully we do,the fewer mistakes we make.我们做得越仔 细,犯的错误就越少。 培养孩子认真做事的意识,养 成认真做事的好习惯! 课外作业 作业布置。 (幻灯片 21) 1.Read the passage fluently. 2.Retell the story to your parents or your friends. 学生选择完成分层作业。分层布置家庭作业,关注全体 学生,尊重个体差异;作业内 容是对本课所学知识的复习巩 固及拓展延伸,能够再次巩固 操练句子结构,通过阅读获得 更多的启示。 6 板书设计 Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? Make mistakes why where what in the classroom planed to. asked to bring . brought. made a mistake laughed when Sam and his friends who Read a story, then fill in the form. Who When Where What
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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8_Unit Why do you have cups on your heads _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:40242) 外研版
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