外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:6011c).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点六年级下册英语Module8_Unit1Whydoyouhavecupsonyourheads_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_市级优课_编号6011c.zip外研版三年级起点六年级下册英语Module8_Unit1Whydoyouhavecupsonyourheads_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_市级优课_编号6011c.zip
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Module 8Unit 1 Module 8Unit 1 Why do you havecups your heads? 外研新标准(三起)六年级下册外研新标准(三起)六年级下册 Look, Listen and answer: Who is the boy ? What is he doing? Where is his bag? Why cant he see his bag ? Answer the questions: Who is the boy ? Hes Sam. What is he doing? Hes looking for his bag. Where is his bag? It is under the bed. Why cant he see his bag ? Because It isnt on the bed. Its under thebed. Who,who,who, 谁,谁,谁, 谁的,谁的,用whose, 干什么用what, 怎么干用how, 地点where , 时间when, Why, why 问原因,回答就用because, 疑问词要记牢,学习英语很重要。 Tip 1: Read and find the sentences with”why” and find the past tense. (读课文找出带有why 的句子、过去式、) w Sam came into the classroom and saw some friends. They had cups on their heads. “Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing ?” he asked. w Sam came into the classroom and saw some friends. They had cups on their heads. “Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing ?” he asked. w Sam came into the classroom and saw some friends. They had cups on their heads. “Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing ?” he asked. Daming told him the story. They planned to play a baseball game. Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game . But Lingling brought some cups .They all laughed. Then they put the cups on their heads and laughed more. Daming told him the story. They planned to play a baseball game. Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game . But Lingling brought some cups .They all laughed. Then they put the cups on their heads and laughed more. Sam smiled . “Its easy to make mistakes with English words,” he said . “I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words too. Now look whats in my bag ! ” Sam opened his bag. There were baseball caps ! “Hooray! ” everyone shouted. They put the caps on . Then they went to the playground and played baseball together. Sam smiled . “Its easy to make mistakes with English words,” he said . “I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words too. Now look whats in my bag ! ” Sam opened his bag. There were baseball caps ! “Hooray! ” everyone shouted. They put the caps on . Then they went to the playground and played baseball together. came saw had asked told planned brought laughted put smiled said opened were shouted went came saw had asked told planned brought laughted put smiled said opened were shouted went Tip 2: Skimming. ( (快速领略文章,抓住要点。快速领略文章,抓住要点。) ) Why did Sams friends laugh? Who told Sam the story? What did Sam say about Linglings mistake? listen and answer the questions. Read and answer. ( (速读课文,回答问题。速读课文,回答问题。) ) Why did Sams friends laugh? Sams friends had cups on their heads. Who told Sam the story? Daming. What did Sam say about Linglings mistake? Its easy to make mistakes with English words. I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words too. ( (听音,同步朗读听音,同步朗读 ,矫正发音。矫正发音。) ) 1.What do you want to say about Sam? Tip 3: Intensive reading ( (精读精读课文,课文,捕捉细节信息。捕捉细节信息。) ) Discuss in your group(小组讨论小组讨论) . 2.What did Lingling make a mistake with? laugh happy A: Why are you laughing ? B: Because Im happy. cry sad A: Why are you crying? B: Because Im happy. shout angry A: Why are you shouting? B: Because Im angry. eat hungry A: Why are you eating? B: Because Im hungry. 课文内容填空 1.Why are you _?(laugh) 2.Wfe are going to _a baseball team.(have) 3.Amy said “Bring cups for the baseball game”. So I _these cups.(bring) 4.Its easy to _a mistake with English?(makf) 5.I didnt _cups, I _caps.(say) laughing have brought make say said In the process of learning English,there will be more or less phonetic errors. We should learn to summarize our own speech mistakes ,and pay more attention to them in the future. 在英语学习的过程中,大家或多或 少会出现一些语音错误。出现错误不 可怕,我们应该学会总结自己的语音 错误,在今后些学习中多加注意。 Homework 1.Make two dialogues with the word “why”and practice them. . (用“why” 做两个小对话,并进行操练。) 2.Find ten words that youv learned to make mistakes and practice them. (在学过的词汇中找出十个容易出错误的单词,并进 行操练。) 教材分析教材分析 外研 2011 课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级下册 Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have your cups on your heads? 1.1.总体介绍总体介绍: 本册教材共有 11 个模块(Module) ,内含一个期末复习模块。每 个模块分为两个单元(two Units)。 2.Module82.Module8 Unit1Unit1 语言呈现该单元的主要学习目的是: 使学生在相 对真实、完整的语境中接触、体验、理解语言; 3.Module3.Module 8 8 Unit1Unit1 是语言新授单元,主要是让学生进一步熟练掌握 过去式的基础上进行知识的巩固和语言运用能力的提高。引导学生 进行知识滚动和积累,避免学生知识的回生。让学生能较流利地正 确使用所学语言进行口头交际。Unit1 让学生能听会说。U1 运用一 般过去式谈论发生在过去的事件,并进一步学习“Why.”的句型。 本单元学习主要是运用一般过去时对过去事情的描述,学生在四、 五年级的教材中已经学习过一般过去时的表达方法,因此本课主要 是复习、巩固、提高和拓展的过程。教师要调动学生已有的知识储 备,调动学生学习的积极性,为学生创设语言情境,以学生个体的 实际情况和兴趣为出发点,为学生梳理知识,让学生能够更加系统 地掌握。 学会运用以“why”引导的功能句, 4 4.【设计理念】 英语学习离不开语境学习,因此本节课在利用教材的情景之外, 运用任务型教学、语音教学、兴趣教学、快乐教学,综合运用听、 说、读、写教学法,做到语言知识的从生活中来,到生活中去的原 则,让学生在情景中放飞思维和想象,充分运用语言知识,培养学 生运用语言知识进行交际的能力,真正做到在学中用,用中学的目 的。 5.5. 教学建议:教学建议: 学生能够听通过教学活动听、说、读、写单词 cup , planned, baseball, more, smile, mistake, 会运用单词和词组:with, said,make mistakes (Why do you have your cups on your heads ? Why are you laughing ? Its easy to make mistakes with English word 运用教学智慧创设教学情境,能够听懂、会说并运用一般过去式 谈论事件,会利用“why”进行问答。 学生通过课文中玲玲犯得语音错误,大明的话及大明处理事情的 方式方法,体现生活的情感,并学会克服困难,勇敢前行,积极阳 光的面对学习和生活。 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点:掌握单词 , 功能句:Why do you have your cups on your heads ? Why are you laughing ? Its easy to make mistakes with English words.并能运用一般过去时在实际情景中运用。 难点:在情景中运用功能句;运用一般过去式谈论事件。 教学设计教学设计 外研 2011 课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级下册 Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have your cups on your heads? 【教材分析教材分析】 运用一般过去式谈论发生在过去的事件,并进一步学习“Why.” 的句型。 教学目标:教学目标: a.a. 语言知识目标:学生能够听、说、读、写单词 cup , planned, baseball, more, smile, mistake, 会运用单词和词组:with, said,make mistakes (Why do you have your cups on your heads ? Why are you laughing ? Its easy to make mistakes with English words. ) b.b.语言技能目标:能够听懂、会说并运用一般过去式谈论事件,会利 用“why”进行问答。 c.c.情感态度目标:学生通过课文中玲玲犯得语音错误,大明的话及 大明处理事情的方式方法,体现生活的情感,并学会克服困难,勇 敢前行,积极阳光的面对学习和生活。 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点:掌握单词 , 功能句:Why do you have your cups on your heads ? Why are you laughing ? Its easy to make mistakes with English words.并能运用一般过去时在实际情景中运用。 难点:在情景中运用功能句;运用一般过去式谈论事件。 【学生分析】 本单元学习主要是运用一般过去时对过去事情的描述,学生在四、 五年级的教材中已经学习过一般过去时的表达方法,因此本课主要 是复习、巩固、提高和拓展的过程。教师要调动学生已有的知识储 备,调动学生学习的积极性,为学生创设语言情境,以学生个体的 实际情况和兴趣为出发点,为学生梳理知识,让学生能够更加系统 地掌握。 学会运用以“why”引导的功能句, 【设计理念】 英语学习离不开语境学习,因此本节课在利用教材的情景之外, 运用任务型教学、语音教学、兴趣教学、快乐教学,综合运用听、 说、读、写教学法,做到语言知识的从生活中来,到生活中去的原 则,让学生在情景中放飞思维和想象,充分运用语言知识,培养学 生运用语言知识进行交际的能力,真正做到在学中用,用中学的目 的。 Teaching steps: I I Warm-upWarm-up 1.Have a happy greeting and do some sports .运用切合本课内 容的对话和做动作猜词的活动来导入课堂,复习旧知导入新知的同 时提高学生的学习兴趣。 2. T:Look ,listen Part one with these questions: (1) Who is the boy ? (2) What is he doing? (3) Where is his bag? (4)Why cant he see his bag? (设计意图:以教师以较为简单的问题让学生带问题听对话材料,让 学生进行思考,有意引出特殊疑问词,为接下来的复习特殊疑问词 的用法做铺垫。) T: We learnt many sentences with who/what/where/why. Now we revise the words. Lets chant, OK ? Ss: Yes. ChantChant : Who,who,who,Who,who,who, 谁,谁,谁,谁,谁,谁, 谁的,谁的,用谁的,谁的,用 whosewhose, 干什么用干什么用 what,what, 怎么干用怎么干用 howhow, 地点地点 wherewhere , , 时间时间 whenwhen, Why,Why, whywhy 问原因,回答就用问原因,回答就用 because,because, 疑问词要记牢,学习英语很重要。疑问词要记牢,学习英语很重要。 (设计意图:用自编“特殊疑问词 Chant”教师很自然地以复习的形 式让学生以新知联系到旧知,出示 chant 达到创造语言情境,为导 入文本做好准备) IIII PresentationPresentation 1. Lets look at the pictures .Why are they laughing? Do you want to know ? (设计意图:旨在设疑,培养孩子的善于思考的习惯,为接下来的学 习打下良好的基础。) 2.Tip1:Tip1: Read and find the sentences with “why”and find the past tense . 3. Read the past tense rightly, and pay attention to the red letters pronunciation. came saw had asked told planned brought laughed put smiled said opened were shouted went . 4.Play a game: Help the words go home. (设计意图:让学生复习课文中出现的过去式,检测学生的学习效 果,督促学生养成专心学习的好习惯。 ) 5.TipTip 2 2 Skimming. (快速领略文章,抓住要点) 。 Look ,listen to the text with the questions,then answer(视 频). (设计意图:让学生快速领略文章,抓住要点,为下一步的学习奠 定基础。 ) 5. Listen and read after the E-pen. (跟点读笔听音,同步朗读 ,矫正发音。 ) 6. TipTip 3:3: Intensive reading (借助点读笔精读课文,捕捉细节信 息。) Discuss in your group(小组讨论) . (1)What did Lingling make a mistake with? (2)What do you want to say about Daming? (设计意图:旨在给学生引出本课的重点词组和重点句型,为接下来 的重点突破做准备。) 7.Can you say? (设计意图:旨在通过让学生读易混淆的单词,通过出错、纠错来重 点突破“make mistakes”,为接下来的学习微课做铺垫。) 8.Let the pupils watch and listen to the Micro class(自制微 课视频). (设计意图:旨在让学生把本课的重难点掌握的既轻松又牢固,能起 到事半功倍的效果。) IIIIII PracticePractice 1.Read and write with the model .Then ask and answer. laugh happy A: Why are you laughing ? B: Because Im happy. . (设计意图:旨在让学生利用所学用于实践,起到拓展、提高语言运 用能力的作用。) 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct from of the words. (设计意图:利用西沃信息技术设计练习模式,旨在提高学习兴趣、 效率和效果。) 3.Sing a song .(Why,why ,why) (设计意图:旨在让学生既能复习重点句型又能放松一下,以提高学 习兴趣、效率和效果。) 4.Look at the three pictures and retell the text in groups. (设计意图:旨在让学生利用所学用于实践,起到拓展、拔高、提高 语言运用能力的作用。) IV.IV. TheThe emotionalemotional educationeducation . . Its easy to make mistakes with languages,our life too. 在学习语言方面很容易犯错误, 生活同样如此。 We should learn to summarize and change. 我们应该学会总结和改变。 Please be brave. Dont give up forever. 请勇敢面对。永不言弃。 (设计意图:旨在对学生进行情感教育,给孩子一种信念:在学习的 过程中出现困难不可怕,就怕不面对困难!培养孩子爱学习,爱生 活,起到美育和智育的作用。) V V SummarySummary (设计意图:利用西沃信息技术中的思维导图功能制作了总结性思维 导图,旨在对学生已经学习的知识进行梳理、整体呈现,让学生对 知识的掌握更加清晰、明确。) VIVI HomeworkHomework 1.Make two dialogues with the word “why”and practice them. . (用“why” 做两个小对话,并进行操练。 ) 2.Find ten words that youv learned to make mistakes and practice them. (在学过的词汇中找出十个容易出错误的单词,并进行操练。 ) (设计意图:旨在让学生利用所学用于实践,起到拓展、提高语言运 用能力的作用。) 板书设计: Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have your cups on your heads? Baseball Why are you laughing ? Planned Because Im happy. smile-smiled mistake cap cup
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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8_Unit Why do you have cups on your heads _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:6011c) 外研版
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