外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 3-Unit 1 The sun is shining.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:e0a9d).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点六年级下册英语Module3_Unit1Thesunisshining._ppt课件_含教案视频素材_部级优课_编号e0a9d.zip外研版三年级起点六年级下册英语Module3_Unit1Thesunisshining._ppt课件_含教案视频素材_部级优课_编号e0a9d.zip
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Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining. Write and talk about the photos in groups. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 外研版小学英语(三起)六年级下册外研版小学英语(三起)六年级下册 Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining. Dear Lingling, How are you? I had a very interesting day on Saturday. We had a picnic in the park. I am sending you some photos. I miss everyone in China. Please write to me soon. Love, Daming Read and answer. 1. What did Daming do on Saturday? 2. What is Daming sending? He had a picnic in the park. He is sending Lingling some photos. Dear Lingling, How are you? I had a very interesting day on Saturday. We had a picnic in the park. I am sending you some photos. I miss everyone in China. Please write to me soon. Love, Daming everyone 人人,每人,大家 everything everywhere everybody 一切,每件事 到处,处处 人人,大家 everyday每天的,日常的 In this photo, the sun is shining. The birds are singing in the trees. We are looking at some ducks. They look hungry. In this photo, its starting to rain and the birds are flying away. And just look at this!The ducks are eating our sandwiches! Look at these photos! shine sing look start fly eat just 就,且请就,且请 fly away飞走飞走 Read and discuss the questions in groups. 1.Why are the ducks eating sandwiches? 2. Did Daming have a good time on Saturday? Why? Watch and listen. In this photo, the sun is shining. The birds are singing in the trees. We are looking at some ducks. They look hungry. They look hungry. In this photo, its starting to rain and the birds are flying away. Just look at this! The ducks are eating our sandwiches, our sandwiches. In this photo, the children are in the playground Write and talk about the photos in groups. In this photo, its raining. The ducks are swimming on the pond. In this photo, its sunny. The boys are playing football. In this photo, its hot. The children are drinking juice under the tree. In this photo, its snowing. The children are making a snowman. In this photo, its windy. The family are having a picnic in the park. Dear children, How are you? I had a special day on Tuesday. I took graduation photos(毕业照毕业照) with you at school. I am sending you some photos. My dear children, I will miss you all. Lets write lots of letters or emails to each other. Love, Miss Zhang In this photo, we are having an English class. We are singing English songs. Everyone looks happy. In this photo, we are in the classroom. Some of us are sitting, some of us are standing, everyone is laughing. We are having a lovely time! Choose some of your photos, imitate my letter, then write to me about the people and what they are doing in them. Thank you! 外研版小学英语六年级下册外研版小学英语六年级下册 Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining. 教学设计教学设计 Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining. PartPart 1.1. TeachingTeaching contentcontent 教学内容:教学内容: 本节课是外研版小学英语第八册第三模块第一单元的内容。 P Pa ar rt t2 2. . T Te ea ac ch hi in ng g i id de ea as s 设设计计理理念念 考虑到六年级学生已有几年的英语学习经验,已形成一定的英 语学习习惯和学习能力,本节课以任务型教学贯穿始终,在多媒体、 简笔画、歌曲等教学活动的辅助下,为学生创设各种情境与语境, 突出语言的交际性,培养学生用英语做事情的能力,充分体现“智慧 课堂”以学生为主体,关注孩子个性发展,让他们通过感知、体验、 实践、参与和合作等学习方式,实现任务目标,感受成功”的理念。 PartPart 3.3. TeachingTeaching aimsaims 教学目标:教学目标: 1 1认知目标:认知目标: a.能听懂、会说、会认单词“shine” “just” “everyone” 和 短语“fly away” 。 b.能听懂、会说本课课文内容。 c.能运用现在进行时态对课文图片进行描述。 2.2. 能力目标:能力目标: a.能理解文本大意,能回答与课文有关的问题。 b.通过合作学习,能用现在进行时态描述图片内容,并能拓展运用, 描述日常生活。 3.3. 情感目标:情感目标: a.创设轻松愉悦的教学氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。 b.在学习中帮助学生学会合作,培养团队意识和竞争意识。 PartPart 4.4. KeyKey pointspoints andand difficultdifficult pointspoints ofof thethe lessonlesson 教学教学 重点及难点重点及难点 a. 掌握一些动词的现在分词变化形式。 b. 能用现在进行时态描述图片内容。 PartPart 5.Teaching5.Teaching preparationpreparation 教学准备:教学准备: 1教师自制具有可交互性的本课教学课件。 2拓展用的图片若干。 PartPart 6.Teaching6.Teaching periodperiod 教学课时:教学课时: 本课为第三模块的第一课时。 PartPart 7.7. TeachingTeaching procedureprocedure 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1.1. LeadLead inin Sing an English song You are my sunshine first. T:I love sunshine. What about you? Why? Ss/ T: Sunshine makes us feel happy . T: Today were going to learn “Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining.” 设计意图:设计意图:利用与本课话题相关的歌曲导入,自然引出本课课题。 师生间问答有效激活学生思维,为学习本课做好铺垫。 StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 呈现与操练呈现与操练 1.师边遮盖边问:“How do you spell this word if I cross out ing here?”学生回答“shine” ,老师教读:“Shine, shining, the sun is shining. ” 让学生对进行时态的语言结构有一定的感 知。 2 大屏显示 Lingling 收到 Daming 的来信,让学生带着问题快速阅 读信的内容,然后回答。 问题一:What did Daming do on Saturday? 问题一:What is Daming sending? 注重教学信中出现的合成词“everyone” ,鼓励学生能举一反三,提 升学习能力。 3.师通过大屏,让学生观察本文中出现的现在分词,划出并写出原 形。 (师先给出两个例子,学生很清楚老师的要求) 4.细读文本,合作讨论两个深层次问题。 问题一:Why are the ducks eating sandwiches? 问题一:Did Daming have a good time on Saturday? Why? 5.Watch and listen. 让学生观看全文教学视频,在进一步熟悉文本内容的同时,感受美 的语言,师适时做好词义或句意的解释。 设计意图:设计意图:在呈现操练环节中采用多种教学任务,让学生逐步感知 并理解文本大意和语言结构,在文本推进中教会学生阅读的方法, 从而有效提升学生们的自主学习能力,同时培养学生的合作意识、 发散性思维和批判性思维。 StepStep 3.3. ConsolidationConsolidation & & extensionextension 巩固与拓展巩固与拓展 1) Draw and say.教师板画和课文内容相关的图片,给出关键词, 让学生进行复述。 2) Sing a song about the text. 3) 师: Look! Its a picture of our playground. What are they doing? 指导学生用本课的语言结构来描述他们的日常学习生 活。 4) 师: Look! Its raining. The ducks are swimming on the pond.(指图说) ,now please try to write and talk about the pictures in groups.指导学生合作学习,用本课的语言结构来书写 和描述相关图片。 设计意图设计意图:简笔画直观生动,配以关键词,利于学生开口说英语; 一首根据课文内容改编的歌曲配上学生熟悉的英文儿歌曲调将课堂 教学推向高潮,学生参与热情得到极大激发,学生们在轻松愉快的 氛围中习得语言。教师提供学生们在学校操场活动的照片,巧妙地 将本课所学新知与学生生活实际相联系,引导他们进行语言输出, 有效培养学生的发散思维,学会在生活中运用语言。在能较好地做 语用表达的基础上,让学生做看图写话的书面练习,培养学生的书 写能力。 StepStep 4.4. AssignAssign homeworkhomework 布置作业布置作业 Choose some of your photos, imitate my letter, then write to me about the people and what they are doing in them. 设计意图:设计意图:师先出示写给学生们的信和照片,并用本课所学语言结 构和学生们一起谈论照片内容,在做好范例后,鼓励学生课下选出 自己的照片,仿照老师信的内容,给老师写封信,描述一下照片中 的人物和他们正在做的事,有效帮助学生扎实掌握知识点。这一家 庭作业的布置也是对本课语言知识的一个延伸, PartPart 8.8. DesignsDesigns forfor writingwriting onon thethe blackboard.blackboard. 板书设计板书设计( (略略) )
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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 3_Unit The sun is shining._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:e0a9d) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 六年级
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