外研版(三起)五下Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f2bbe).zip


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外研五年级英语下册外研五年级英语下册 期末测试题一期末测试题一 一、选出不同类的一项。一、选出不同类的一项。 (5 分)分) ( ) 1. A. September B. evening C. June ( ) 2. A. best B. west C. north ( ) 3. A. worker B. dancer C. woman ( ) 4. A. breakfast B. lunch C. cat ( ) 5. A. passport B. heavy C. big 二、英汉短语连线。英汉短语连线。 (5 分)分) 1. sales assistant A. 炸鱼加炸薯条 2. find out B. 图书卡,借书证 3. fish and chips C. 售后员,营业员 4. as well D. 发现, 弄清 5. library card E. 又,还,也 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (10 分分) 1. Mr Smith _(go) to Suzhou two years ago. 2. Jack _(learn) English now. 3. Did she _(buy) that book yesterday? 4. There are lots of _(bus) on the street. 5. Thank you for _(talk) to me. 四、单项选择。四、单项选择。 (20 分)分) ( )1. She wants to buy a bag _ pockets. A. on B. with C. in ( ) 2. She _read _write then. A. cant; and B. couldnt; or C. couldnt; and ( ) 3. Daming is _ the phone _you. A. on; for B. through; to C. on; to ( ) 4. He is going to _ you some questions. A. asks B. asked C. ask ( ) 5. We can listen to _ in the evening. A. they B. their C. them ( ) 6. There werent _ buses then. A. many B. the C. a ( ) 7. Yesterday he _ an English breakfast. A. has B. have C. had ( ) 8. Will it be _ in New York? A. rain B. windy C. snow ( ) 9. You cant _ it _ China. A. take; to B. take; back C. bring; in ( ) 10. Shanghai is in the _ of China. A. west B. east C. north 五、中英文配对。五、中英文配对。 (10 分)分) ( ) 1. The actors told lots of jokes. A. 它对你来说太大了。 ( ) 2. Is A the same as B? B. 他在那儿度过了一段美好的时光。 ( ) 3. Its too big for you. C. 演员们讲了很多笑话。 ( ) 4. He had a lovely time there. D. A 和 B 一样吗? ( ) 5. Ive got a letter in English. E. 我收到了一封英文信。 六、连词成句。六、连词成句。 (10分)分) 1. she, learn, did, language, foreign, any (?) _ 2. to, what, eat, you, going, are (?) _ 3. actors, told, the, of, jokes, lots (.) _ 4. at, home, I, will, seven, be, oclock (.) _ 5. did, you, where, for, go, holiday, the (?) _ 七、按要求完成句子。每空一词(七、按要求完成句子。每空一词(10分)分) 1. We went to the childrens theatre last week. (用next week 替换last week) We _ _ to the childrens theatre _ week. 2.Mum bought a new computer for us. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mum _ for you? 3. Please remember to bring some CDs of Chinese songs. (改为否定的同义句) _ _ _ bring some CDs of Chinese songs. 4. My grandma lived in a small house many years ago. (用small的反义词和now改写) My grandma _ _a _ house _. 5. Sam ate six hamburgers at school. (改为一般疑问句) _ Sam _ six hamburgers at school? 八、用方框中的单词补全书信。八、用方框中的单词补全书信。 (15 分)分) Dear Mum and Dad, Last weekend we 1_ the London Eye. We took a bus and then 2_ to the London Eye. I 3_ many photos of the London Eye. We 4_ a picnic yesterday. We 5_ to the supermarket and 6_ five apples and four bottles of juice. There 7_ not enough milk. So we bought two boxes of milk too. Tom 8_ his cap. He 9_ very sad, Ms Smart bought a new cap for him. We 10_ ourselves. From, Lingling 九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (15分)分) Aunt Judys birthday is coming. She will be 38 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her room. She lives in Guangzhou. We are going there by train. Her birthday party will be on Saturday. We are leaving on Friday afternoon. And we are coming back on Sunday evening. I am going to give my aunt a picture. I am drawing it now. I am drawing some beautiful flowers. I am went took visited was walked had enjoyed felt bought lost going to draw a small dog too. Because she likes dogs. The picture will be very nice. ( ) 1. Aunt Judys birthday party will be on _. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday ( ) 2. This is Aunt Judys _ birthday. A. thirty-eighth B. fortieth C. thirtieth ( ) 3. She lived in _. We are going there by _. A. Shanghai; train B. Guangzhou; plane C. Guangzhou; train ( ) 4. I am drawing _. A. some dogs B. some beautiful flowers C. a cat ( ) 5. We are going to come back on _. A. Sunday morning B. Sunday evening C. Saturday evening 答案:答案: 一、一、15 BACCA 二、1C 2D 3A 4E 5B 三、1. went 2. is learning 3. buy 4. buses 5. talking 四、15 BBACC 610 ACBAB 五、15 CDABE 六、1.Did she learn any foreign languages? 2. What are you going to eat? 3. The actors told lots of jokes. 4. I will be home at seven oclock. 5. Where did you go for the holiday? 七、1. are going/ will go; next 2. What did; buy 3. Dont forget to 4. lives in; big; now 5. Did; eat 八、1.visited 2. walked 3. took 4. had 5. went 6. bought 7. was 8. lost 9. felt 10. enjoyed 九、15 BACBB 期末复习之 疑问句 Questions 大章二小大章二小 郭靓晴郭靓晴 学习目标学习目标 1. 掌握疑问句的基本类型和基本结构。 2. 掌握一般疑问句的答语规律,和常用特殊 疑问词的含义。 3. 练习并掌握疑问句题型的做题方法。 Hello, boys and girls! 我我的的名名字字叫叫一一般般疑疑问问句句。要要回回答答我我很很简简单单 ,我我的的答答句句通通常常是是“Yes”或或“No”开开头头, 所以我又被叫做所以我又被叫做“是非问句是非问句”。 结构结构: be动词动词/情态动词情态动词/助动词助动词主语主语(名词、形容名词、形容 词、副词、介词短语、动词原形等词、副词、介词短语、动词原形等)? be动词: am are is were was 例:Is she a teacher? 情态动词情态动词: can could will 例:Can you help me? 助动词助动词: do does did 例:Did he learn English? 答语答语 : 一般疑问句常用一般疑问句常用Yes或或No回答回答. 其完整形式其完整形式 : 肯定回答肯定回答: Yes,主语主语be /情态动词情态动词/助动词助动词 否定回答否定回答: No,主语主语be /情态动词情态动词/助动词助动词 not 缩写为缩写为nt 例:isnt wasnt cant dont. 写出下列单词的否定缩写形式 is are was were can could do does did will isnt arent wasnt werent cant couldnt dont doesnt didnt wont 一、根据问句作肯定回答或否定回答一、根据问句作肯定回答或否定回答. 1. Is Sarah happy today? Yes, _ _. 2. Are you ready for your trip to the US? Yes, _ _ . 3. Is there a supermarket near the hospital? No, _ _ . 4. Are there any cars now? Yes, _ _. 5. Did she learn any foreign languages? No, _ _. Test1Test1 试一试试一试 she is I am there isnt there are she didnt 5. Can you run fast, Mary? Yes, _ _. 6. Is it heavy? Yes, _ _. 7. Will you be home at half past seven? Yes, _ _ . 8.Did you go there with your parents? Yes,_ _. 9. Does Lingling like English food? Yes, _ _ I can it is I will I did she does Hi, everyone! 我我的的名名字字叫叫特特殊殊疑疑问问句句。我我的的特特点点是是用用 疑疑问问词词开开头头,由由于于疑疑问问词词是是w或或h作作词词首首 ,所以有人给我起了个绰号,所以有人给我起了个绰号 WH疑问句疑问句。 Wh-questions 我我的的用用途途是是对对句句子子的的某某一一成成分分进进行行提提问问, 问问具具体体的的人人或或事事、时时间间、地地点点、原原因因等等, 因此不能用因此不能用yes或或no来进行简单回答。来进行简单回答。 What are you going to take? (你要带什么?你要带什么?) Clothes, shoes, the ticket. (衣服、鞋子、机票衣服、鞋子、机票.) Wh-words疑问词 What? (什么什么) 对物或事件进行提问对物或事件进行提问 1.Whats your name? 2. What does your farther do? Who ? (谁谁) 对人进行提问对人进行提问 1. Who is that boy? 2. Who is your Chinese teacher? Wh-words疑问词 Where ? (哪里哪里) 询问地点询问地点 1. Where are you from? 2. Where is my bag? When ? (什么时候什么时候) 询问时间询问时间 1. When do you get up? 2. When did she come here? *When=What time Wh-words疑问词 How ? (怎么样怎么样) 询问询问身体状况身体状况或或方方 式方法式方法 1. How do you go to school? 2. How are you? * How many (多少多少)询问可数名词数量询问可数名词数量 How much (多少多少/多少钱多少钱)询问不可数名的询问不可数名的 量量 或或 询问物品价格询问物品价格 How old (多少岁多少岁)询问年龄询问年龄 LetsLets chant!chant! where where 在哪里在哪里 when when 在何时在何时 what what 是什么是什么 who who 那是谁那是谁 how how 怎么样怎么样 Exercise 1. _ is that pretty girl? She is my sister. 2. _ are the books about the moon? They are on Shelf C. 3. _ do you go to school? I go to school at seven oclock . Who Where When Exercise 4._ is he? He is eleven years old. 5._ did you do last summer? I visited my grandma. 6._ is your mother? She is very well. 7._ did you go to the park? By bus. How old What How How 考试直通车考试直通车 一、单项选择 ( )1. -_ did you have for dinner yesterday? -I had fish. A. What B. Who C. How ( )2. -_ about this bag? -Its too heavy. A. What B. Where C. When ( )3. -_does he do? He is a worker. A. Where B. What C. How ( )4. -_you be home at seven? -Yes, I will. A. Are B. Do C. Will ( )5. _ you get up at six oclock? A. Does B. Are C. Do A A B C C 考试直通车考试直通车 二、给问句选择正确的答语。 ( ) 1. Did you learn to dance? ( ) 2. Is he your grandpa? ( ) 3. Were there any buses here? ( ) 4. What did she have for lunch? ( ) 5. Where can I find the books? A. In the library. B. She had hamburgers. C. No, there werent. D. Yes, he is. E. Yes, I did. E D C B A 考试直通车考试直通车 ( ) 1. What does he do? ( ) 2. What time does your father got o work? ( ) 3. Do you have lunch at school? ( ) 4. Will you be home at seven? ( ) 5. Ill take you there. A. Thank you! B. He is a doctor. C. At eight oclock. D. Yes, I do. E. Yes, I will. A E D C B HomeworkHomework 认真完成情景对话专项训练测试卷 Thank you ! Bye ! 一:教学目标 1. 认识一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 2. 熟记特殊疑问词的意义 3. 掌握情景对话题的做法 二:教学重点 掌握特殊疑问词和一般疑问词的区别 三:教学难点 掌握问句题型的做法 四:教学过程 Step 1 : warm up 1. Greeting 2. Chant Step 2 : lead in 1. T: Today we are going to meet two friends Show the title of “general question”, pick one child to introduce. 2. Explain to student the structure of general question. be 动词/情态动词/助动词主语(名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词原形等)? be 动词: am are is were was 例:Is she a teacher? 情态动词: can could will 例:Can you help me? 助动词: do does did 例:Did he learn English? 3. Explain how to answer this kind of questions. 一般疑问句常用 Yes 或 No 回答. 其完整形式 : 肯定回答: Yes,主语be /情态动词/助动词 否定回答: No,主语be /情态动词/助动词 not 缩写为 nt 例:isnt wasnt cant dont. 4. Practice (answer these general questions) 5. Introduce special question(another friend) 6. Show them the Wh-words What where when who how Chant where where 在哪里 when when 在何时 what what 是什么 who who 那是谁 how how 怎么样 Step 3: practice 1. Answer these questions 2. Pick the right to fill in the blanks. 3. Open up the books and finish task 1 Step 4 summary 1. Chant again 2. What have we learnt today? Step 5 homework 1. Finish the practice book. 2. Finish the the text paper.
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外研版(三起)五下Review Module_Unit 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_(编号:f2bbe) 外研版 _review _ppt 课件 教案 素材 编号 f2bbe
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