外研版(三起)五下Module 4-Unit 1 Let's make a home library.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:d066b).zip


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    • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 1 Lets make a home library._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:d066b)
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Module 4 Unit 1 Lets make a home library. A. Read and watch them. B. Give them to students. C. Make a home library. Q:What are they going to do with the books and CDs? A. Read and watch them. B. Give them to students. C. Make a home library.library Q:What are they going to do with the books and CDs? 阿根廷诗 人 Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Famous libraries in the world Task presentation To learn how to give advice(建议). To build a class library. Q:How are they going to make the home library? ( ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( ) Lets ask friends to come. ( ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. ( ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( ) Lets make library cards. Q:How are they going to make the home library? ( 1 ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( 5 ) Lets ask friends to come. ( 2 ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. ( 3 ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( 4 ) Lets make library cards. Q:How are they going to make the home library? ( 1 ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( 5 ) Lets ask friends to come. ( 2 ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. ( 3 ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( 4 ) Lets make library cards. shelf heavy shelves Which is heavy? Which is heavy? English dictionaryChinese dictionary dictionaries Q:How are they going to make the home library? ( 1 ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( 5 ) Lets ask friends to come. ( 2 ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. ( 3 ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( 4 ) Lets make library cards. shelf heavy dictionaries cards. Bus cards Bank cards Q:How are they going to make the home library? ( 1 ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( 5 ) Lets ask friends to come. ( 2 ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. ( 3 ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( 4 ) Lets make library cards. shelf heavy dictionary cards. askto ( 1 ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( 5 ) Lets ask friends to come. ( 2 ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. ( 3 ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( 4 ) Lets make library cards. shelf heavy dictionaries cards. askto put Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. Lets ask friends to come. Lets put all the books about science with CDs. Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. Lets make library cards. Lets 给出建议 put put put ask make + v (动词原形 ) 1. Why cant Sam find books about sports on shelf C? 2. Why cant John find books about animals on shelf B? Because the books on shelf B are about computers. 3. How does Lingling say? Oh, dear! Because they are in the wrong place.wrong dear Dear Daming, . Today a friend sent some books and CDs to us. We wanted to make a home_. There are some books about science. We _ them with the CDs. The big books are _. They are very _. We made library _ for our friends and _ them to come. But some books were in the _ place. We couldnt find them. libraryput dictionaries cards asked wrongheavy Today a friend sent some books and CDs to us. We wanted to make a home_. There are some books about science. We _ them with the CDs. The big books are _. They are very _. We made library _ for our friends and _ them to come. But some books were in the _ place. We couldnt find them. libraryput dictionaries cards asked wrongheavy Miss Smart: Im hungry. Lingling: Im so thirsty. Sam: I want to play for half an hour. Amy: I want to read more about computers. John: I want to eat some fruit. Give your advice according to different needs. 根据不同需求给建议。 Your advice: Heres /Herere_. Lets_. Lets make a class library. 1. Lets order the books in groups of 4. 2. Lets put the books on the shelves. 3. Lets decorate (装饰)the class library. 4. Lets ask classmates to borrow (借) books. Homework: 1. Retell the article. 2. Please design a draft for our school library and give your advice.(为学校图书馆的改建 设草稿,并提出合理建议。) Module4 Unit1 Lets make a home library. 1. Read and order: How are they going to make the home library? ( ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( ) Lets make library cards. ( ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( ) Lets ask friends to come. ( ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. 2. Fill in the blanks. Today a friend sent some books and CDs to us. We wanted to make a home_. There are some books about science. We _ them with the CDs. The big books are _. They are very _. We made library _ for our friends and _ them to come. But some books were in the _ place. We couldnt find them. 3. Lets make a class library. Eg: Lets put a blue clock/ flower/ star on shelf Lets draw some nice pictures/ birdson shelf Lets makeon shelf Lets on shelf D A B C heavy library put dictionaries cards asked wrong 外研版新标准小学英语三年级起点五年级下 教材分析教材分析 本模块第一单元是学习提建议,学会使用 Lets do sth(具体就是 Let s make a., Let s put sth on.)的句型结构,第一单元的课文是 Ms. Smart 的朋友给她寄了很多书,Ms. Smart 建 议 Amy、Lingling 做一个家庭图书馆,把书分类整理,阅读时、其他人借阅时也很方便。 学情分析学情分析 讲到此课内容时正值学校举行“读书节”活动,孩子们的读书热情很高,班级里也正在筹 备图书角的建设。因此学生们将对此课内容-家庭图书馆的建立有极大兴趣,相信以此为 契机,孩子们将对班级图书馆的建立提供更多、更好的建议,甚至能为校图书馆的建立出 谋划策,增强自己学校主人翁的意识。 教学目标教学目标 知识目标: 1. 掌握单词: library,student,sent,CD,idea,put,shelf,heavy,dictionary,card,library card, ask, wrong, dear. 2. 理解并能运用 -Lets make/ put Thats a good idea. 的句型结构,为他人提供建议。 技能目标: 学生能运用所学语言,根据具体语境给同学或朋友提出建议,并对一般的建议作出适当的反 应。 情感态度价值观目标: 1. 学生能乐于感知并运用英语,通过在竞赛的形式在游戏中体会学习的乐趣。 2. 培养学生乐于助人的良好品格及强烈的班级主人翁意识。 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点: 学生能运用所学语言: -Lets make/ put Thats a good idea.根据具体语境给同学或朋友提出合理建议。 教具准备:教具准备: CD-ROM, word card, 图书卡片,ppt 课件,白板课件 教学过程教学过程 . LeaLead-in: 1.Free talk: T:Look, Ive got some new books. Ive got a book about and Ive got books about Books about (利用白板聚光灯功能聚焦呈现各类书籍,学生齐读) All the books are for you. Because we have 2 shelves today. Shelf for boys, and shelf for girls. If you do a good job, you can stick the books on your shelf. 【设计意图】激活学生已有知识,给出评价规则,激发学生课堂参与性和积极性。 T: Today is the Reading Day, what books have you got? Ss: Ive got a book about./Ive got books about . T: Then what about Sam, Amy and lingling? 2.Listen and say: Activity 1 (播放 Activity1 动画,教授 student) .New teaching: Sam, Amy and lingling have got so many books at school. You know, Miss Smart has got books and CDs at home, too. (通过卡片简单呈现 CD 一词) 1.Watch and answer: What are they going to do with these books and CDs? A.Read and watch the books and CDs. B.Give them to students C.Make a home library. 【设计意图】播放 Activity 2,学生带着问题了解课文大意。 (在讲解 library 一词时,通过阿根廷诗人博尔赫斯的话 I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library 向学生介绍名人对图书馆的看法,对其进行适宜的情 感 教育,进而通过视频介绍世界知名图书馆 some famous libraries) 2.Task presentation: Our task for today is to give your advice and make a class library. First, lets learn how are Lingling and Amy going to make the home library. 3.Read and order: How are they going to make the home library? ( ) Lets put all the books about science on shelf A. ( ) Lets make library cards. ( ) Lets put the heavy dictionaries here. ( ) Lets ask friends to come. ( ) Lets put all the books about science with CDs. a.排序后逐句处理各句中生词 b.学生按排序后的正确顺序逐句男女速度 pk,获胜者可粘贴图书到自己的 shelf 上。 c. 全班齐读该 5 句话,发现规律:lets+v. 给出建议 【设计意图】教师将文本进行分段处理,本段为 3 段当中的核心段落,故而教师将 文本简单、统一整合为目标语句,通过让学生自读排序的方式来熟悉文本,理解词 意,并引导学生通过观察发现目标语句的使用规律,即 lets+v. 4.Read and answer: A.Why cant John find books about sports on shelf C? Because they are in the wrong place. B.Why cant John find books about animals on shelf B? Because the books on shelf B are about computers. C.Its a mass. Then how did Lingling say? Oh, dear!(与 dear Daming 中的 dear 区分) (答对者到相应的男女 shelf 上贴图书卡片) 5.Listen and read: 【设计意图】学生跟读录音,模仿语音语调。 6.Role play: 【设计意图】学生分角色朗读课文,纠正语音语调。 7.Fill in the blank: Today a friend sent some books and CDs to us. We wanted to make a home_. There are some books about science. We _ them with the CDs. The big books are _. They are very _. We made library _ for our friends and heavy library put dictionaries cards asked wrong _ them to come. But some books were in the _ place. We couldnt find them. 【设计意图】文本再现,突出重点、夯实课文。前后呼应,利于课后复述课文。 . Practice 1. Give your advice according to different needs. (Though some books are in the wrong place, they still read happily. And later they different needs. ) Sam: Im hungry. Lingling: Im so thirsty. Tinging: I want to play for half an hour. Amy: I want to read more about computers. John: I want to eat some fruit. Your advice: Heres _. Lets_. (提供橙汁,苹果,足球,跳绳等图片供生选择,师生分别充当各个人物,对他生给的 建议做出简单回答,如 肯定回答: All right./OK;(Thats) good idea/great/wonderful!否定回 答:Id love to, but ; Im afraid; Sorry, but,获得肯定回答者到相应的男女 shelf 上贴图书 卡片) 【设计意图】创造多种语境,让学生充分运用所学 Lets +V.来为他人提建议。 2.Lets make a class library. A. Order the books in groups of four. B. Put the books on the shelves. C. Decorate the class library. D. Ask classmates to borrow books. Egs for C : Lets put a blue clock/ flower/ star on shelf Lets draw some nice pictures/ birdson shelf Lets makeon shelf Lets on shelf 【设计意图】教师为学生提供目标语的实际运用环境,将本科所学的整理图书-排放图 书-装饰书架-借阅书刊等各项英文表达一气呵成,贯穿于实际生活当中,综合培养学生 的语言表达能力,助其形成语感,培养其英语思维能力。 .Summary 1. Summarize the target language. 2. Summarize the winner of today. .Home work: 1. Retell the article. 2. Please design a draft for our school library and give your advice. 板书设计板书设计 Module4 Unit1 Lets make a home library. put. Lets ask. Thats a good idea.
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