外研版(三起)四下Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:217e3).zip


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    • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Review Module_Unit 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:217e3)
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Seasons and weather. springsummer autumnwinter Four seasons one year. Seasons and weather. spring warm Its . Its in spring,but it sometimes. rains We can fly a kite/ride a bike/ see flowers/have a picnic Its and in summer. Its summer.Its hotsunny We can go swimming/eat ice creams/ eat fruits/go fishing/ drink juice Its and in autumn. Its autumn.Its cool windy We can play football/row a boat/ climb moutains/play with friends Its winter.Its Its in winter.cold And it sometimes.snows We can watch TV/play table tennis/ make a snowman/go skating/ get lucky money It will in Hangzhou. It will in Shenyang. It will in Beijing. It will in Yinchuan. It will in Sanya. rain sno w be windy be cold be hot Practice Practice Canada New York Londo n Fuzho u Australi a Practice Canada New York Londo n Fuzho u Australi a Practice Canada New York Londo n Fuzho u Australi a Practice Canada New York Londo n Fuzho u Australi a Practice Canada New York Londo n Fuzho u Australi a . Will it be hot on Friday? A: Will it be hot on Friday? B: Yes, it will./ No, it wont. Weather report of next week in Australia. Practice . A: Will it be sunny on Sunday? B: Yes, it will./ No, it wont. Will it be sunny on Sunday? Practice . A: Will it be hot on Friday? B: Yes, it will. A: Will it be sunny on Sunday? B: No, it wont. Practice A: Will it be sunny on Sunday? B: No, it wont.A: Will it be sunny on Sunday? B: No, it wont. A: Will it be hot on Friday? B: Yes, it will. Practice Reading My name is Amy. My favorite season is spring. Its warm. I can see many flowers and fly a kite in the park. My brother is Tom. He likes summer. Its very hot. He can go swimming in the sea. My father likes autumn. Its cool and windy. He can play football in autumn. My mother favorite season is winter. Its cold. She can go skating in winter. My name is Amy. My favorite season is spring. Its warm. I can see many flowers and fly a kite in the park. My brother is Tom. He likes summer. Its very hot. He can go swimming in the sea. My father likes autumn. Its cool and windy. He can play football in autumn. My mother favorite season is winter. Its cold. She can go skating in winter. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填空。阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填空。 ( ( )1.)1. AmysAmys favoritefavorite seasonseason isis _._. A.A. springspring B.B. summersummer C.C. winterwinter ( ( )2.)2. TomTom cancan _ inin summer.summer. A.A. washwash clothesclothes B.B. flyfly a a kitekite C.C. gogo swimmingswimming ( ( )3.)3. AutumnAutumn isis veryvery _ . . A.A. sunnysunny andand hothot B.B. coolcool andand windywindy C.C. coldcold andand coolcool ( ( )4.)4. AmysAmys mothermother likeslikes _._. A.A. springspring B.B. summersummer C.C. winterwinter ( ( )5.)5. SheShe cancan _ inin winter.winter. A.A. dodo homeworkhomework B.B. gogo skatingskating C.C. playplay footballfootball A C B C B Practice My favourite season Written by Miss Wu Oh. Autumn! I love you ! You are yellow. You are beautiful. I can pick apples and I can fly a kite. Oh. Autumn! I love you ! You are windy. You are cool. I can climb mountains and I can have a picnic. Oh. Autumn! I love you ! I love autumn the best of all! Production My favourite season Production Oh. Autumn! I love you ! You are yellow. You are beautiful. I can pick apples and I can fly a kite. Oh. Autumn! I love you ! You are windy. You are cool. I can climb mountains and I can have a picnic. Oh. Autumn! I love you ! I love autumn the best of all! What have you learnt today? 今天你学会了什么?今天你学会了什么? Summary It will be sunny after the rain. Try your best and do your best. 尽你最大的努力尽你最大的努力 Success in front of you. 成功就在你的面前成功就在你的面前 1.Review the words about seasons and weather. 2. Listen to the weather tomorrow and talk about your plan to your friends according to the weather. Thank you! 一、听一听,选一选 rain snow cool windy sunny hot warm cold 下雨 下雪 凉爽 有风的 晴朗的 热的 温暖的 寒冷的 It will in Hangzhou. It will in Shenyang. It will in Beijing. It will in Yinchuan It will in Sanya. 二、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填空 My name is Amy. My favorite season is spring. Its warm. I can see many flowers and fly a kite in the park. My brother is Tom. He likes summer. Its very hot. He can go swimming in the sea. My father likes autumn. Its cool and windy. He can play football in autumn. My mother favorite season is winter. Its cold. She can go skating in winter. ( )1. Amy s favorite season is . A.spring B. summer C. winter ( )2. Tom can in summer. Awash clothes B. fly a kite C go swimming ( )3. Autumn is very . A. sunny and hot B. cool and windy C. cold and cool ( )4. Amy s mother likes . A. spring B. summer C.winter ( )5. She can in winter. A.do homework B. go skating C. play football 三、写作 My favourite season Oh. Autumn! I love you. You are yellow. You are beautiful. I can pick apples and I can fly a kite. Oh. Autumn! I love you. You are windy. You are cool. I can climb mountains and I can have a picnic. Oh. Autumn! I love autumn the best of all! My favourite season Oh, I love you. You are You are I can and I can Oh, I love you. You are You are I can and I can Oh, I love the best of all! 提示词 季节颜色天气活动 springgreenwarm raining fly a kite, ride a bike see flowers, have a picnic summerredhot sunny go swimming, row a boat go fishing, eat ice cream autumnyellowcool windy play football, climb mountain. pick apples, eat fruits winterwhitecold snowing watch TV, go skating make a snowman, get lucky money 设计主题Seasons and weather. 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本节课先通过听歌曲 What s your favorite season?导入复习四季单词 spring, summer,autumn,winter 的学习,进而以问答形式问学生为何喜欢,引出本课的学习任务 复习四季和天气。通过四季的图片、声音等复习四季的天气特点 warm,rain,hot,sunny,cool,windy,snow,cold 的单词,同时通过谈话的方式 What do you do in spring?让学生说说在不同季节适合的活动。复习完天气后,利用听中国一 些城市明天的天气预报,引出 It will rain in Hangzhou.的句型,再创设老师去世界 旅游,请同学们做天气预报这一情景再次运用 It will的句型。接着根据图表具体谈 论一个国家一周的天气情况,复习 Will it be hot on Friday?并做肯否定回答,利用 四组抢答的方式两两对话练习。在复习完有关四季和天气的句型后通过一篇阅读理解, 初步培养学生的阅读能力。最后通过教师示范 My favorite season.让学生模范写写季 节的小诗,从而进一步让学生学以致用。 根据英语课程标准 ,本人主要运用任务型教学法及情景交际法,并采用多媒体 课件进行教学。其中对学生所要达到的能听懂有关天气单词,能根据图片文字等信息 简单描述不同季节不同天气及适合的运动,并能用简单句子描述自己喜欢的季节。 2.教学背景分析 一、教学内容分析: 本节课是一节复习课,主要是复习四季和天气类单词,描述不同季节天气以及不同 季节适合的活动的表达方式,利用图片信息谈论未来的天气预报;同时阐述最喜欢季 节。 二、学生情况分析: 四年级的学生和低年级学生相比具有比较强的自行探究的能力,学生在观察能力、 思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高,有着强烈的好奇心与动手操作的能 力。他们喜欢在玩中学,喜欢在用中学,同时也已经有一定的语言知识基础,能初步 询问和描述有关天气和季节的语句,并能够用所学的知识解决一些问题。 3.教学目标分析 1.快速辨认和正确朗读四季与天气类相关的词汇 2.描述不同季节适合活动的表达方式 I play football in spring. 3.运用 It will rain in Hangzhou./Will it be hot on Friday? Yes, it will. No, it wont.来谈论未来的天气情况。 4.能够仿写有关四季的小诗 5.培养学生能够和同伴积极合作,共同完成任务。 4.教学重点、难点分析 一、Teaching Key Points 1.能够快速辨认和正确朗读四季与天气类相关的词汇 2.描述不同季节适合活动的表达方式 I play football in spring. 3.运用 It will rain in Hangzhou./Will it be hot on Friday? Yes, it will. No, it wont. 二、Teaching Difficult Points It will rain in Hangzhou.和 It will be windy in Beijing.用法的区别 5.教学过程设计 Step1 Warming-up 1.Enjoy a song. Whats your favorite song? 2.Lead to review the words spring,summer, autumn, winter. 3.Free talk: Whats your favorite season? 设计意图:通过歌曲导入,调动学生积极性,同时通过熟悉歌词过渡到本课学习 的重点,利用任务布置快速地让学生明白今天要学的内容,为接下来的知识学习奠定 良好的基础。 Step 2 Presentation 1.Look at the picture 1, ask and answer: Whats season? Whats the weather like ?. Review its spring, its warm in spring, but it sometimes rains. 2.Free talk: What do you do in spring? We can fly a kite/ride a bike/ row a boat and so on. 3.Look at the other pictures, review the weather of the four seasons and different seasons, then talk about different activities of different seasons. 设计意图:通过呈现四季的图片和聆听天气的声音,复习有关四季和天气词汇, 并谈论相关的活动,充分调动学生的参与性、主动性和积极思考的能力。 4.Look at the map of China. Listen to the weather report and fill in the blank. 5.Review the sentence: It will rain in Hangzhou./ It will be windy in Beijing. And talk about whats different? 6.Look at the map of the world. The teacher likes travelling, free talk whats the weather around the world? 7. Look at pictures about the weather report of next week in Australia. And use Will it be hot on Friday? Yes, it will. /No, it wont. to practice with partner. 设计意图:首先通过听中国各地的天气预报进行填空引出重点句型,通过比较让学 生自主归纳句型差异,之后再次通过观察世界其他城市的天气情况运用本课重点句型, 举一反三让孩子在真实的环境中语言运用。最后再通过图表谈论澳大利亚一周的天气 情况,复习了星期一到星期天的词汇,扩充孩子的知识量,也促进了同伴合作。 Step 3 Consolidation 1.Reading the text and choose the right answer. My name is Amy. My favorite season is spring. Its warm. I can see many flowers and fly a kite in the park. My brother is Tom. He likes summer. Its very hot. He can go swimming in the sea. My father likes autumn. Its cool and windy. He can play football in autumn. My mother favorite season is winter. Its cold. She can go skating in winter. ( )1. Amys favorite season is _. A. spring B. summer C. winter ( )2. Tom can _ in summer. A. wash clothes B. fly a kite C. go swimming ( )3. Autumn is very _ . A. sunny and hot B. cool and windy C. cold and cool ( )4. Amys mother likes _. A. spring B. summer C. winter ( )5. She can _ in winter. A. do homework B. go skating C. play football 2.Listen to the teacher about my favorite season. 3.Writing: Write about the little poem about favorite season. 设计意图:阅读理解、模仿写小诗来巩固所学的词汇和句型,不仅提高学生自 主学习能力,更能得到语言综合运用能力的提升。同时小诗的朗读也提高了学生口 语表达能力。 Step 4 Summary 1.Review the words about seasons and weather. 2.Read the sentences about the weather report. 设计意图:本环节的设计充分体现了学生在课堂教学中的主体地位,让学生总结 本节课的知识点,同时让老师了解学生的掌握程度,以便利于今后教学的改进。 Step5 Homework 1.Review the words about seasons and weather. 2. Listen to the weather tomorrow and talk about your plan to your friends according to the weather. 设计意图:分层次作业布置照顾好各个阶层不同的学生能力。 Blackboard Design It will rain in Hangzhou. spring summer autumn winter It will be windy in Beijing. warm hot cool cold Will it be hot on Friday? snow sunny windy snow Yes, it will. No, it wont.
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