外研版(三起)四下Reading for Pleasure:He shouted,Wolf! Wolf! -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:f0343).zip


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    • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Reading for Pleasure:He shouted, Wolf! Wolf! _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:f0343)
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外研社新标准英语(三起) 四 年 级下册 Reading for pleasure He shouted,“Wolf,Wolf!” Lets go to a zoo! Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to my zoo. Lets sing a song. Warm-up and lead in Listen and guess: What animal? o ow w f f l l PKPK Task presentation 1.Canreadandsaythenewwords: shout,wolf,lookafter,bored, ran,angry,lie,sad 2.Cantellthestorywiththemindmap 3.Canactoutthestory He lookedafterlookedaftersheep. What did he do? Tip1Tip1 照顾顾 Text learning In a distant(遥远的) country(乡村), there was a boy. Maybe he was a look after But the boy was boredbored. Was he happy? bored Tip2Tip2 notfunny No, he wasnt. One day The boyThe people angryangry Tip3Tip3 生气的 Watch and answer Oneday,he_tothe village. He_,“wolf,wolf! Comeandhelp!” Thepeople_upthehill. Buttherewasno_. Thepeople_home. ran shouted ran wolf went Tip4Tip4 大喊 Tip5Tip5 go的过过去式 The next day Guess and number AB C D Watch and check The next day 1 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 Read and draw the mind map ran shouted wentran Thenextday Then one day The boyThe people Make your story Thenoneday,theboy_ _ Thepeople_ _ _ _ Heshouted”wolf,wolf!Comeandhelp!” boredagain. didntrunupthehill.Buthisfriend Xiaoyongcameandsaid”Iknowyouliedtome.But Imust(必须)comeandhelpyouincase(万一)the wolfcomes.”Theboywassorryandnevertoldlies. Watch the ending sadsad The wolf ate all the sheep. The boy was very sad. 1.Do you like the boy? Why? 2.If (如果)you are the people, will you help the boy? 3.What can you learn from the story? Lets talk Affective education(Affective education(情感教育)情感教育) Tobeanhonestman.DonttellTobeanhonestman.Donttelllieslies. . 做一个诚实的人,不做一个诚实的人,不撒谎撒谎。 Pratice Listen ,point and imitate. 发音准确 ,声音洪亮 。 发发音准确,声音洪亮, 语调优语调优 美。 Good Very good Fantastic 发音准确,声音洪亮,语 调优美,动作表情到位。 Read in pairs Lets read (Picture1-2) Lets read (Picture3-4) Lets read (Picture5-8) Lets read (Picture9-12) Task completion Ifyoufinish(完成)the tasks(任务),Illgive back(归还)thesheep. Task1:Frogskydiving(青蛙跳伞) Task2:Actout(表演)thestory Task 1:Frog skydiving angry lie shout look after ran bored wolf Task 2: Act out the story a wolf a boy the people the sheep Main characters. 主要人物主要人物 Narrator (讲述者) One One day,heday,he ran to the village. ran to the village. Wolf! Wolf!Wolf! Wolf! Where is the wolf?Where is the wolf? Theres no Theres no wolf!Hahawolf!Haha Naughty boy!Naughty boy! Scene1 Word banks: 1.I m so bored. 2.What can I do? 3.Wolf ,wolf! 4. Come and help! 5.Ha ha, there is no wolf. 6.Im joking(开玩笑 ). 7.I wont tell lies! 1.Wheres the wolf? 2.Lets run up the hill. 3.No wolf. You cheat ( 欺骗) us. 4.What(多么) a naughty boy! 5.Dont tell lies. 6.Dont believe(相信) him. 1.Hmm its very delicious. 2.I like sheep very much. 3.Oh, its yummy( 好吃) 4.Im full. 1.Help! 2.Im so scared(害怕)! Show time! Thank you so much! I wont tell lies. Good!Give you the sheep. 我能行! 评评价内容 自我评评价 我会读新单词 shout, wolf, bored, ran, angry,lie,looked after 我会复述故事 Retell the story. 我会表演故事 Act out the story Summary Homework 1.Tellthestorytoyourfamily 2.Actoutthestoryingroups He shouted,”Wolf!Wolf!”教学反思教学反思 本节课我较好地完成了所设定的教学目标和教学内容,在各个 教学活动的实施过程中,注意以学生为主体,以学生为前提,使学 生通过体验、实践、参与、合作与交流习得语言。He shouted,” Wolf!Wolf!”是大家耳熟能详的故事,学生用汉语能讲出来,但是 英语讲述甚至表演还是空白。所以,我通过图片让大家猜出来是狼 来了的故事,可以通过已知的剧情,推测单词的意思,并自己绘制 思维导图来讲故事,学生都做到很好。对于学生的表演,也是很精 彩,不过台词欠缺熟练准确。我认为最后的故事表演是本节课的关 键,它培养了学生的合作能力,创新精神,实践能力和英语表达能 力,以及知识活学活用的能力。 在教学中,我注意到教学的层次性,由易到难。第一个场景通 过问答了解故事情节,并注意过去式的运用,形成思维导图,让学 生根据思维导图讲故事。第二个场景,我就开始放手,让学生听排 序,并自己绘制思维导图,学生画的内容丰富,有蛋糕形状,有太 阳状,有花状我及时表扬学生,让他们更有学习的信心。第三 个场景我就更加大胆地放手,让学生自己编故事,尽量和固定思维 的故事情节不一样,孩子们也出色地完成了。另外,我还做一些因 人而异的特殊要求及评价,鼓励每一位同学大胆发言,积极参与活动 并为自己的组加分,培养他们的集体荣誉感。 练习环节,通过青蛙跳伞来操练巩固单词,不仅为学生创设了 语境,还让学生做到学以致用,激发学生的学习兴趣,达到预定效 果。提升环节,本课的主要任务是用英语讲故事。通过之前的练习, 学生能读熟课文,我就设计表演故事这一活动,在小组内自由发挥 表演。这样的活动设计,学生的参与度特别高,每个学生都有话可 说,有机会参与到表达和表演中来,体验和分享成功的喜悦。课堂 教学的实际效果基本达到,但个别句子的表达存在问题,少部分学 生出现发音有误的现象,主要是积累的词汇不够,难以表达自己的 想法。 不足之处:本课还有很多不足之处,让学生读的时间少,阅读 技巧也欠缺指导,对后进生关注不够。 总之,在以后的教学中,我将一如既往的努力学习,积极进取, 积极参与新课程改革,在课改中不断学习,不断实践,不断反思, 多多尝试绘本故事的教学。 外外研研版版新新标标准准三三起起四四年年级级下下册册 R Re ea ad di in ng g f fo or r P Pl le ea as su ur re e H He e s sh ho ou ut te ed d, ,”W Wo ol lf f! !W Wo ol lf f! !” 一、教学内容一、教学内容 本课是外研版新标准三起四年级下册 Reading for Pleasure He shouted,”Wolf!Wolf!”与其他课文相比, 狼来了更强调学 生的学习兴趣以及思维发散等,故事的趣味性强,除了巩固一下动 词过去式,更加关注学生情感教育和道德提升。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本课是外研版新标准三起四年级下册 Reading for Pleasure He shouted,”Wolf!Wolf!”教材中都是以故事的形式来呈现,本课 就是大家熟知的狼来了的故事,其中的语言知识涉及到用一般 过去时态讲述过去发生的事情。通过经典的狼来了故事为载体, 让学生能够在学习的过程中,加深对一般过去时态的理解,并流利 地讲英语故事,并能够从故事中理解说谎带来的后果,做一个诚实 守信的人。 三、学情分析三、学情分析 我授课的对象是四年二班同同学,他们对于故事的学习热情度 很高,非常喜欢在表演中,内化语言,学生已经对故事内容详细了 解, 并且经过了模音的训练,能够流利地将故事朗读出来,但是缺少讲 故事的技巧和情感,教师在本次授课中,将通过利用戏剧元素的融 入,来让学生能够将故事生动地演绎出来。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1语言能力。 (1)学生能在课文插图和动画的帮助下,学会 shout, wolf, look after, bored, ran, angry, lie, sad 等单词的正确用法,理解故 事大意。 (2)学生能根据思维导图来复述故事,并表演出来。 2文化品格。 学生能通过故事学习,深深体会到不撒谎的重要性,做一个诚 实的孩子。并且,要相信朋友,多帮助他人。 3.思维品质 (1)问题驱动,启发学生去思考,引导学生理解故事的内容。 (2)学生在思维导图的帮助下,能复述课文。 4.学习能力 学生能够听懂故事,自己画思维导图,并且表演这个故事。 教学重点: 根据故事的学习,读准动词过去式的发音,并体会人物情感的 变化。 教学难点: 能根据思维导图来讲故事并表演出来,发展学生的思维能力、语言 能力和交际能力。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 word cards,PPT, pictures,头饰 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: 一).Warm-up and lead-in 1.Greetings 2.Free talk T:Lets look out of the window .Whats the weather like today ? S: Its sunny . T: Today is a beautiful day .Lets go to a zoo by bus! S:Hooray!(PPT 呈现) T:We get there. This is Old Macdonalds zoo. Lets sing a song.(sing and clap) What animal in the song? S:Lions. T:What else? Can you listen and guess?(PPT 呈现声音和图片) 教 wolf 单词 T:Today we will learn a story about sheep and wolf. First I devide you into two groups. You are Group Sheep,and you are Group wolf. Lets have a PK. Who can run to the top of the hill first? S: OK. 二)、Task presentation 1.Can read and say the new words: shout, wolf, look after, bored,ran, angry, lie, sad 2. Can tell the story with the mind map 3.Can act out the story T: This is our tasks.Now lets begin our story. 三)、Text learning 1.Learn Picture One and Two T: In a distant(遥远的) country(乡村), there was a boy.(PPT 展示图片)What did he do? Can you guess? S: Maybe he was a pupil. T: Yes, he looked after the sheep.(教 look after)Was he happy? S: No. He looks unhappy. T: Yes, he was bored.(教单词) (设计意图:观察图片,了解故事的主要人物背景) 2.Learn Scene 1 T:One day ,what did the boy do? S:Maybe he run to the village and shout. T: What did the people do? S: They ran to the hill. T:Lets watch and find the answer.(PPT 放视频) Can you fill in the blanks? S:Yes.(边填边板书,思维导图) T: Who can retell the part with mind map? 3.Learn Scene 2 T: The next day, the boy was bored again. What did he do? Can you number the pictures? S:I think picture A is 1. T:Lets watch and check the answer. Can you make a mind map and retell the story of Scene2? 找学生上前展示并 retell. 4.Learn Scene 3 T: Then one day, what happened? Talk with your partner and make your story.(找 2 人展示说) Now lets watch the ending of the story. Lets talk about the questions. 1).Do you like the boy? Why? 2).If (如果)you are the people, will you help the boy? Do you like the boy? Why? 3).What can you learn from the story? (设计意图:根据图片推测故事情节,构成思维导图,板书呈现, 讨论小男孩和人们的行为,渗透不能说谎。 ) 5.Listen ,point and imitate. (设计意图:边听边指并模仿语音语调,感知英语的发音特点。) 6.Practise reading in pairs. 四)、Practice 1.Play a game:Frog skydiving (设计意图:通过青蛙跳伞的游戏,复习本课重点单词,让所有同 学都能参与,激发学生学习的兴趣。 ) 5)Task completion Act out the story in groups. 六)、Summary and Homework 1.What have you learnt today? 2. Homework 1. Tell the story to your family 2. Act out the story in groups after class. 七)七)BlackboardBlackboard designdesign TheThe nextnext dayday ranshouted ranwent
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外研版(三起)四下Reading for Pleasure:He shouted Wolf! _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:f0343) 外研版 四下 _reading pleasure
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