外研版(三起)四下Module 9-Unit 1 Did he live in New York -ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:400fa).zip


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外研社新标准英语(三起)四年级下册 Module 9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York? I went to the concert. Welcome to China! Welcome to Beijing! He went to China. He went to Beijing. welcome 一起 我们 来 Did you come by .? Did you come by.? 1.Lets talk about the travel of Damings cousin (谈论大明表哥的旅行经历) 2. After learning, lets talk about our own travel. (学完之后,我们将谈论我们自己 的旅行经历) postcard Its a postcard from _ Who ? Damings cousin Dalong. me Grandpagrandma mother father brother auntuncle cousins postcard It is from _ Who ? Damings cousin Dalong. What is the postcard about? It is about _ A. cities B. travel (旅行 ) What is the postcard about? It is about _. A. cities B. travel (旅行 ) travel Where was he on holiday? Did he travel by plane? What did he do last week? He was on holiday in New York. Yes, he did. He went to a pop concert and a basketball game. Dear Daming, Im on holiday in New York. I came here by plane. I went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week. Dalong Did he live in New York last year? No, he didnt. He lived in Washington DC. _he _last year? No, he _. He _ Washington DC. live in New York Did he live in New York last year? No, he didnt. He lived in Washington DC. New New YorkYork Washington DCWashington DC San FranciscoSan Francisco the US. Dalong lives in San Francisco now. Dear Daming, Im on holiday in New York. I came here by plane. I went to a pop concert. and a basketball game last week. Dalong Did he travel by plane? Yes, he did. _he _ by plane? Yes, he _. Did he travel by plane? Yes, he did. travel by plane pop concert Dear Daming, Im on holiday in New York. I came here by plane. I went to a pop concert. and a basketball game last week. Dalong They went to a concert too. They also played basketball. 询问过去的行为 Did + 主语 + 动词原形+其他? Yes,主语 + did. No,主语 + didnt. Grammar tip : Did he _? Yes , _. live in Washington DC he did Did he travel by plane? No, he didnt He travelled by bus. Listen and rpeatListen and rpeat 1.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.注意 语音语调。 2.Pay attention to “Did he.?” “ Yes, he did.” “ No, he didnt” 3.Pay attention to the past form of verbs.注意动词过去式。 1.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 注意语音语调。 2.Pay attention to “Did he.?” “ Yes, he did.” “ No, he didnt” 3.Pay attention to the past form of verbs.注意动词过去式。 Dalong 英语课文朗读评价标准 发音清楚,语调 达意 Good! 发音清楚,语音 正确,语调达意 Very good! 发音清楚,语音 正确,语调达意 ,声音洪亮 Fantastic! Assessment Read the text 英语课文Rre朗读评价标准 能复述课文Good! 能流利地复 述课文 Very good! 能流利地复 述课文, 声音洪亮 Fantastic! Retell the text Assessment A: Did he ? B: Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. He go to a football game visit New York go to a pop concert visit New York Beijing I was on holiday in Beijing. I visitd the Great Wall and I took some pictures. I travelled by plane. I was on holiday in Beijing. I visitd the Great Wall and I took some pictures. I travelled by plane. Where.? I was on holiday in . I travelled there by plane/train. How.? I visited./went to./played. What.? I was on holiday in . I went there by plane/train. I visited./went to./played. Travel can broaden our horizon. 旅行可以扩展我们的视野 Travel can increase our knowledge. 旅行可以增长知识。 Travel can make our life beautiful. 旅行是我们的生活更加美好 Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles. 读万卷书,行万里路 Lets travel a lot and learn a lot. 让我们多多旅行,多多学习。 What have we What have we lerned today?lerned today? HomeworkHomework The whole class (1) Listen and read the text for three times (2) Copy new words and sentences for five times. The most of the class (1) Retell the text. (2) Ask and answer with your partners. Module9 Unit1 Did he live in New York? 教学设计 一、一、教材分析教材分析 本课是外研版新标准英语三年级起点四年级下册第九模块第一单元的第一课时。本单元的教学内容是询 问过去的行为和做过的活动。本模块的学习重点是行为动词的一般疑问句结构。本单元的课文情境是 Daming 给 Sam 看他的表哥大龙从美国寄来的明信片。Sam 询问 Daming,大龙是否住在纽约。在得到否定 的回答后,Sam 又问大龙去年是否住在纽约。Daming 解释说大龙去年住在华盛顿不是纽约。Daming 还告 诉 Sam,大龙在明信片里说他坐飞机去纽约度假,在纽约听了一场流行音乐会,还看了一场篮球比赛。 Sam 和 Daming 在学校里也听了一场校园音乐会,参加了一场校园篮球赛,他们的生活也同样精彩。本课 学生通过学习能够询问同伴过去的行为和做过的活动。本单元共一课时完成。 二、二、学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生活泼好动,纯真可爱。上课时能够专心听讲,能够积极主动的发言,思想比较单纯,善于 提问。学生们已经学习英语一年多,有一定的英语基础。本课是学生第一次接触过去时态的一般疑问句 用法,所以教师在课堂上努力创设真实的、有趣的语境,拓展延伸,为学生提供丰富的语言资源,使学 生对过去时态的一般疑问句用法有充分的了解,能够达到运用本课的目标语句,学以致用。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 1 1、语言技能、语言技能 全体学生能听懂:Did he live in New York? 全体学生能说:“Did he live in New York?” 全体学生能运用“Did he live in New York?” 这类一般疑问句句型询问过去的行为。 全体学生能认读课文,阅读相关短文。 2 2、语言知识、语言知识 全体学生能理解welcome, postcard, cousin, dear, on holiday, travel, came, pop, concert。 .全体学生能初步运用词汇 welcome, cousin, dear, travel, came。 .部分学生能运用:postcard, on holiday, pop, concert。 全体学生能运用“Did he live in New York?” 这类句型询问过去的行为。 3、情感态度情感态度 乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。 积极参与合作,遇到困难能主动向同学或老师请教。 4、学习策略、学习策略 进一步尝试在词语与相应事物之间建立联想。 5 5、文化意识、文化意识 初步了解美国的首都和主要城市。 四、四、教学重、难点教学重、难点 1 1、 教学重点:教学重点: 运用“Did you / he live in?” 过去式一般疑问句句型询问过去的行为和做过的活动并作答。 2、 教学难点:教学难点: 行为动词的过去式,尤其是不规则行为动词。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT,点读笔,单词卡片,图片等 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)热身导入(一)热身导入 Warm-up and lead in( 5 分钟)分钟) 1. Greeting. T:Hello, chidren! S: Hello, Linda. T: Are you ready for class? Ss: Yes! T: Class begins! Good morning, children! Ss: Good morning! T: Lets sing a song, OK? Ss: OK. 2.Sing the song “I went to the concert” Sing the song and do the actions. 3. Free talk. “What did you do yesterday? What did your family do? T: Very good! Sit down please. Just now you sang beautifully! Do you like singing.? Ss: Yes! T: I like singing too.Yesterday I sang songs and I listened to music.What did you do yesterday? S: I T: What did your mother do?. S: My mother. T: Did you have a good time? T: Where did go 【设计意图设计意图】通过师生共唱歌曲,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中进入本单元的学习,通过 Free talk 既复习 了旧知,又引入了新知动词过去式,使学生对过去式有一种自然的认知,对后续的学习夯实基础。 4. Lead-in (1) Watch and answer Show the picture of Act1 T:. All of us had a great time. How about the American boy? Where did he go? Do you want to know? Lets watch the CD-ROM. OK? Ss: OK! T: Where did he go? S:He went to Beijing, China. T: Yes! Lets welcome him! Ss: Welcome to China.!Welcome to Beijing! T: Here is a new word. S: Welcome T: Great! Read after me. “welcome” “wel+come” Look! We+l+come =welcome What can you find? 我们一来就受欢迎 T: Look! I am your new teacher. Some new teachers come to our school. Lets welcome them Ss: Welcome to our school. T: Thank you! T: I say thank you. You should say ? Ss:You re welcome. T: Whats the meaning “Youre welcome.”? S: 不用谢 (四年级上册第一课中学的需要掌握的一句话) T: The American boy come to Beijing, China. How did he come? Who can ask? Did you come by_? Ss: Did you come by train. T: I think maybe. Ss: Did you come by plane? T:I think maybe. 5.Chant together T: Now, this time. Lets chant together.(看大屏幕拍手说) 【设计意图设计意图】由他来到中国来到北京导入如何欢迎外国友人,介绍课文情境的同时,教授新单词 welcome。 (二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation( 2 分钟)分钟) (呈现 PPT ) 1.Task: T: China is very beautiful. So I believe this American boy will travel happily!Do you think so? Ss: Yes! T:Well learn to talk about the travel of Damings cousin in the past. After that, we can talk about our travel in groups. Are you clear? T: Yes! 2. Group division. T: Well have two teams today.You are America Team . You are China Team. Lets have a match. Well see which team will go faster and will be the winner.OK? Ss: OK! T: Come on! Ss: Come on! 3. Lead in the topic. T:First, lets learn M9U1 Did he live in New York?.(板书)Read after me. 【设计意图设计意图】本环节将本课内容呈现给学生,并将学习本课后的任务布置给学生,让学生有目的地学习, 让学生明确本课的任务及学完本课后能够用英语做的事情。 (三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning( 15 分钟)分钟) 1. Background introduction T: Look! They are? S:Daming and Sam. (黑板贴头饰) T: Yes,! Daming shows a postcard to Sam. Look! Its a ? Ss: A postcard. T: Yes, its a postcard. Read after me “postcardpost+card” post 邮寄 card 卡片 =明信片(单词卡教授单词) Daming has got a postcard and they are talking about it. 2. Teach “cousin” T: Who is the postcard from? Can you guess? S: Amy. T:No,it isnt. S: Lingling. T: No,it isnt. T: Look! Its a postcard from Damings cousin Dalong. Read after me “cousin” (cou+sin=cousin) Do you know cousin? Look! Here is a family tree. They are my cousins. Their father is my uncle and their mother is my aunt. Whats the meaning of “cousin”? Ss: 表兄弟,表姐妹。 (黑板贴卡) 3. Watch and answer T: Its a postcard from Damings cousin Dalong.(黑板贴思维导图图片) (教师指着黑板的明信片说)But whats the postcard about? Do you want to know? Ss: Yes! T: Lets watch the CD-ROM and choose the answer. Whats the postcard about? Its about _ A cities B travel.(旅行) T: Whats the postcard about? S: It is about travel. T: Whose travel? S: Dalongs travel. T: Wonderful! ( 小组加分 2) 4. Listen and underline. T: Do want to know more about Dalongs travel? Ss: Yes! T: This time ,lets listen and underline the answers.(点读笔播放音频) (1) Where was he on holiday ? Teach “on holiday” Whats the Chinese meaning? (2) Did he travel by plane? Teach “ travel” (travel-travelled) Whats the Chinese meaning? (3) What did he do last week? Whats the Chinese meaning? T: Are you clear? Now take out your pencils . Listen and underline the answers on your books.OK? Ss: OK 5. Answer the questions and teach the new words and sentences. (1) Where was he on holiday ? He was on holiday in New York. (贴思维导图图片) T: Dalong was on holiday in New York. Did he live in New York last year? (PPT 出示 Daming 和 Sam 的对话 泡泡) S: No, he didnt. He lived in Washinton DC. Teach the dialogue and practising in pairs. T: ( Ask two students)Did you live in Pulandian last year? T: Good. Dalong lived in Washington DC last year.Washington DC is the capital of the US. Look its a map of the US. Its a big country. There are some famous cities. Here is New York . Here is San Francisco.And here is Washington DC. Which city does Dalong live now?Does he live in New York? S: No, he lives in San Francisco. T:You are so clever. Do you want to know more about these cities? Lets watch a video. T: The US is so beautiful! Do you want to go for a holiday? Ss: Yes! T: Dalong had a holiday in New York. Did he travel by plane? S: Yes. It says “ I came here by plane” Teach “came” “come-came” T: Now I am Sam. Who wants to be Daming? (2)What did he do last week? He went to a pop concert and a basketball game.(贴思维导图图片) 追问 T: What did Sam and Daming do? They went to a concert too. They also played basketball. T: Where did they play basketball? Ss: At school. T: Good! They also had a good time .Right? 6. Read and conclude the grammar T: Lets read the sentences together. What can you find? S: Did 问 did 答 / 肯定回答.否定回答. Show the rules on PPT and read by themselves. 7. Practice Talk about two pictures in Activity 4. 8. Read the text. (1) Listen and repeat T: Listen and repeat. (点读笔) (PPT 出示)Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.注意语音语调。 Pay attention to “Did he.?” “ Yes, he did.” “ No, he didnt” Pay attention to the past forms of verbs.注意动词过去式。 Are you clear? Ss: Yes! Teach the word “dear”(d+ear=dear) (2) Read the text by yourselves and then read it in pairs. Please look at the assessment. Stand up and read it. If you finish you can sit down and read in pairs. (3) Reading show 【设计意图设计意图】引导学生模仿录音的语音语调,在听音跟读及模仿的过程中让学生感受英语的韵律。通过 自读,检验自己的不足,在接下来的小组学习中解决。 (四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固 Practice( 7 分钟)分钟) 1. Retell the text (1) Retell the text together(教师引导复述) T: All of you read so well.Now lets try to retell the text. Look at the blackboard and try together (2) Retell the text by yourselves T:Please look at the assessment. (3) Retell show. T: Which team wants to have a try? Please come to front. (教师协助引导) T: Good job! / Excellent! Give me five!/ ten! (教师以击掌的方式和上台复述同学互动,以此鼓励) 【设计意图设计意图】巩固学生对课文的掌握,把课文由对话形式转变成语篇形式,提升学生的能力。 2.Ask and answer.(SB Activity 4) T: You have done very good job. Now lets ask and answer like this.A: Did he ?B: Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. He T: Now I am A. Who wants to be B? T: Did he live in New York? S: Yes, he did. T: Ask and answer like this in pairs. OK? 3.Play the turn table game.(转盘游戏)转盘游戏) 每组两图片,两次机会每组两图片,两次机会 (五)任务完成(五)任务完成 Task completion( 7 分钟)分钟) 1. Show a model T: We know Dalongs travel. Do you want to know my travel? Ss:Yes. T:I was on holiday in Hangzhou. I went there by plane.I visited the West Lake and took some pictues.I had a good time. I was on holiday in Hangzhou.Thats “Where .?” I went there by plane.Thats “How .?” I visited the West Lake and took some pictues.Thats “What .?” 2.Talk about themselves in their groups. T: What about you? Can you talk about your travel? Ss: Yes. T: Talk about it like this. Maybe these pictures can help you 2. Ask some students to talk about their travel T: Did he/ she go by.? Did he visit/ eat/ drink/take.?Ss: Yes, he/she did. /No, he/she didnt (第一组同学讲述旅行经历后,教师问 Did he.?第二组同学回答,答对即可加分) T: What the second team? Who wants to have a try? T: Who can ask some questions? Who can answer? (第二组同学讲述旅行经历后,第二组同学问问题 Did he.?第一组同学回答,答对即可加分) 【设计意图设计意图】帮助学生理解本课功能句在现实生活中的运用,达到学以致用的目标,同时可以以此反馈 学生本课学习目标的达成情况,为二单元的巩固课打下基础。 T: You travel in so many places. Do you like trvelling? Ss: Yes! T: Me too. Travel can broaden our horizon. (Music with pictures on PPT) Travel can increase our knowledge. Travel can make our life beautiful. Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles. Lets travel a lot and learn a lot. 【设计意图设计意图】以旅行为话题进行德育渗透,引导学生理解读万卷书,行万里路。 (六)小结与布置作业(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework( 2 分钟)分钟) 1. Sum up the knowledge and the skills of this lesson. T: What have you learn from this lesson. S1: We have learned some new words. S2: We have learned some past form. S3:我们学.。 S4:. 【设计意图设计意图】通过学生对本课句型结构及语言功能的总结,再一次明确本课任务并能够根据自己的目标 和技能达成情况进行自我总结,课后及时进行归纳和巩固。 2.Group conclusion. T: Which team is the winner. Congratulations! Lets give them a big hand. Some postcards for you ! 3. Homework. A.The whole class: 1.Listen and read the text three times. 2.Copy new words and sentences five times. B. Most of the class: 1.Retell the text. 2.Go on talking about your travel 【设计意图设计意图】达成本课的学习目标;分层布置作业,尊重学生个体差异,有利于学生个性发展。 板书设计:板书设计: Module9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York? Did he live in New York last year? No, he didnt. lives Dalong lived On holiday Did he travel by plane? Yes, he did. 四年级下册四年级下册 M9U1 教教 学学 反反 思思 我执教的是英语(新标准)(供三年级起始用)四年级下册Module9Unit1 Did you live in New York?本课的学习重点是运用“Did you / he live in?” 过去式一般疑问句句型询 问过去的行为和做过的活动并作答。本课的难点是行为动词的过去式,尤其是不规则行为动 词。 在本节课的教学过程中,我采用任务型教学法,以任务为主导,活动为主线,辅以情境 教学和游戏教学法,激活学生的思维,让学生在真实的语境中进行合作交流,学习新知。我 根据学生的年龄特点和英语掌握情况,设计了一些活动,取得了较好的成效。 第一,在 Warm-up and lead in 环节,我运用多媒体技术,结合形象的声音、图片及动 画,通过歌曲 I went to the concert.热身,带动学生边唱边做动作 play the piano, sang with Amy 等,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,同时自然而然导入一般过去时的情境。然后教师设计了 Free talk 环节,教师由 I sang songs and I listened to music yesterday 自然导入 What did you do yesterday?。通过情境创设,学生真实地运用语言描述自己的生活,学会用语言做事情。 第二,在 Task presentaion 环节,我将本课的任务呈现给学生,让学生明确本课的学习 目标及学习本课后要完成的任务,让学生有目的地去学习;同时将学生分成两大组,进行小 组 PK,结合本课话题,利用棒球进行评价,激发了学生的竞争意识和学习新语言的参与兴趣。 第三,在 Text learning 环节,在 Text learning 环节,我引导学生猜测 Who is the postcard from? 培养了学生的联想能力和自主提问能力。然后通过一个整体感知的问题 Whats the postcard about? A.cities B. travel 使学生带着问题观看动画,初步了解语篇的情景,然后我设 计了三个细节问题 (1) Where was he on holiday?.(2) Did he travel by plane?. (3) What did he do last week? 学生带着问题听课文,但是由于本课的语篇较长,生词较多,又出现多个动词过 去式的不规则变化,对于部分学困生来说,语篇深层次理解是难点。因此,我通过小组合作, “兵带兵,兵帮兵,兵练兵,兵强兵”,使学生人人参与,更大程度发挥学生的自主、合作、 探究式学习的能力,为本课的难点找到突破口。 同时在教授单词时,我结合单词的音、义、形三要素,做到词不离句,句不离篇,同时 注重单词的识记技巧,例如 postcard, 分解为 post 和 card, welcome 分解为 wel 和 come, 并引 导学生的学习策略,可以通过我们
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外研版(三起)四下Module 9_Unit Did he live in New York _ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:400fa) 外研版 四下 _module _unit
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本文标题:外研版(三起)四下Module 9-Unit 1 Did he live in New York -ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:400fa).zip

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