外研版(三起)四下Module 8-Unit 2 I took some pictures.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:50040).zip


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Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures. 扶绥县实验学校 梁秀娆 We walked and walked.我们走啊走。 We talked and talked.我们说啊说。 We looked and looked.我们看啊看。 We laughed and laughed.我们笑啊笑。 We played and played.我们玩啊玩。 We danced and danced.我们跳舞啊跳舞 。We jumped and jumped.我们跳啊跳。 We hopped and hopped.我们蹦啊蹦。 and hopped and hopped.蹦啊蹦。 And then we stopped!然后我们停下来了 。 Sing a song 说出下列单词的过去式。 see ( ) see ( ) go ( )go ( ) sing ( sing ( ) ) drink ( drink ( ) ) do ( ) do ( ) eat ( ) eat ( ) have ( ) have ( ) are are ( ) ( ) did went sangdrank saw ate hadwere I say you say!我说你说 Guess: What did I do last Sunday? I went to the park I played games. I took some pictures take -took拍摄 I had a picnic I drank milk and juice. I ate lots of food delicious delicious 美味的,可口的 I made a postcard makemade制作 postcard海报 What did you do last Sunday? Tell me about your Sunday. 告诉我有关你的星期天 tell告诉 游戏规则:播放嗨音乐同时让全 班同学传递一物品,当音乐停止 时,物品传到谁手上,那同学站 起来,其他同学边拍手边说: Tell me about your Sunday. 然 后站起来的同学回答,或者他/她 做动作,其他同学猜。 Play games Make a poster. 四人合作,制作海报。老师提前准备好卡纸和动作图片,学生边说边贴,完成海报 ,并上前展示,用句型: Group work Watch ,Listen and choose “T” or “F”. 1.Daming had a great picnic. ( ) 2.They played football. ( ) 3.They drank milk and water. ( ) 4.Daming took some pictures. ( ) What about Daming last Sunday? Watch ,Listen and choose “T” or “F”. 1.Daming had a great picnic. ( ) 2.They played football. ( ) 3.They drank milk and water. ( ) 4.Daming took some pictures. ( ) T F F T Listen, repeat and answer 听录音,模仿朗读并回答. What did they do? Make Damings poster Made a poster played games drank milk and juice ate lots of delicious food Took some pictures tell .about your picnic Last Sunday had a picnic Damings poster Daming _ a picnic. It _great. They _ games. They_ lots of delicious food. They _ milk and juice. He _ some pictures and he _ a poster. He had a happy time. Read together, discuss in groups and fill in the blanks. 齐读,小组讨论并填空 drank played ate had made took was drank played ate had made took was Say about the poster. Last Sunday Dad . Mum . Grandma . I . went swimming went to the supermarket listened to music did my homework Make a poster: 四人合作,制作海报。老师 提前准备好图片,学生边说 边贴 ,完成海报,并上前展 示。 Group work Stick your pictures on your poster. 贴一贴,把照片贴在海报上。 Talk about: what did your do? 说一说:每位同学说说 你们做的事情 。 Show your poster. 秀一秀:展示你们的海报并介绍活动 。 How to make a poster Make a poster We / I went to _. We/ I _. We/ I had a _ time. Show time 关 钦 文 农艺城 钟肖莹 磨春艳 雷语颖 黄志远 刘鑫欣 黄昱铭 看图,说句子。 Yesterday I skipped. Yesterday I . Yesterday I . Yesterday I . Yesterday I . played basketball ate noodles sang songs made a cake Made a poster played games drank milk and juice ate lots of delicious food Took some pictures tell .about your picnic Last Sunday summary had a picnic Damings poster took some pictures took made drank delicioud postcard made a postcard tell great 外研社小学英语四年级下Module 8 Unit2 Tell your parents about your Childrens DAY. 和父母说说你的六一儿童节。 Match. Tell me We played We made We took games. some pictures. about your picnic! a poster. Choose . 1. Tell me the picnic. A. from B. about 2.We didnt games and we . A. play; sang B. played; sang 3.What did you do yesterday? - . A. No, we didnt. B. We ate lots of delicious food. Module8 Unit2 I took some pictures. 教 学 设 计 一、教材分析及教材处理一、教材分析及教材处理 本课是外研版三年级起点四年级下册 Module 8 Unit 2, 本单元的课文情景是 Daming 向妈妈介绍这次野餐的情形。 他告诉妈妈野餐玩得很开心:他们 played games,ate lots of delicious food, drank milk and juice,took some pictures,made a poster.妈妈表扬了 Daming。课文分别以 几组图片用一般动词的过去式介绍野餐活动,课文情景创 设得很真实。所以教师教起来比较顺手,学生也乐于学习, 并易于在生活中进行运用。其中内容的话题涉及前面几个 模块学到的词汇,因此学好了本 Module ,学生不但加深 了对前面几个模块动词短语和动词过去式的运用,也是前 面课程知识内容的复习与延伸,并为后面几个模块动词的 过去式打下基础,扫清语言障碍,具有承上启下的作用, 为后面知识学习进一步扩展和综合运用奠定基础,做好铺 垫。 二、学生学情分析二、学生学情分析 小学四年级的学生活泼好动,竞争意识强,善于表演, 喜欢游戏,但兴趣不能持久。经过了一个学年的英语学习, 大部分同学在听、说、读等方面有了一定的能力,能用英 语进行一些简单的问候和交流,对英语学习保持浓厚的兴 趣,能够明白教师简单的英语课堂用语,熟悉和喜欢英语 课堂上的游戏、活动、竞赛,喜欢 chant。根据以上学生特 点,我在设计这堂课时,一直注意尽可能的把课堂还给学 生,让学生与学生,学生与老师之间多进行语言的交流。 在操练单词、短语时,利用新旧知识之间的相同点强化记 忆。我还发挥英语歌曲、chant 及游戏比赛的激趣作用,让 学生在愉快的气氛中,通过多种活动来操练重点单词和句 型,突破教学重难点,并在教学过程中贯穿对学生的学习 运动生活能力的认识性。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 新课程英语标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体 目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能 力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和 文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。基于以上认识,对 教学内容的分析与教材的特点,我将教学目标确定为: 知识技能目标 : 1.学生能听说认读 took, tell, great, delicious, made, poster 六个生词。 2.学生能正确运用 saw, went, drank, ate, took, made 六个不规则动词过去式表达过去发生的事情。 3.学生能正确使用已学和新学动词过去式及一般过去 时表达已发生的事情。 过程与方法 1.在教学过程中采用视听法、 游戏法、对话法等, 以“听、说、 读”为基础, “交际”为主的教学手段,以 poster 为主线, 将文章重点和本课重点 “saw, went, drank, ate, took, made”各个突破并操练,运用对话中信息进行实际 交流。 2.运用直观的现代教学手段,形象生动的教学语言,多样化的 教学形式, 创造轻松愉快的教学气氛,调动学生主动参与课 堂的积极性。 情感态度文化目标 1.学生愿意在小组中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完 成学习任务。 2. 培养学生团结,热爱集体,热爱班级的感情,增强班级 凝聚力。 教学重点 2.生词:took, tell, great, made, delicious, poster 3.学习动词过去式took, made 4.学习并正确运用已学及新学动词过去式表达过去发生的 事情。 教学难点 5.正确运用已学和新学词汇,用一般过去时描述过去发生的 事 情。 教学过程 一、Warm up. 1. Greetings. 2. Chant and do. (M7U2 活动四 Chant) 同学们边说边做动 作, group division 各组表现良好,各奖励一个小花。 上课前的热身运动,通过复习动词的过去式,边唱边表演 符合小学生的年龄特点,吸引了学生的注意力,稳定了学 生的情趣,也活跃了课堂气氛。为学生学习下文的预热, 做好铺垫。) 3.I say you say:快速说出一些不规则动词的过去式。(设 计意图:教师通过说一些不规则动词原形,让学生快速说 出动词的过去式,提高学生的学习热情,既巩固复习又为 后面学习做好铺垫,而且也能调动学生参与英语学习活动 的积极性。) 二、Lead in 1. T: Last Sunday it was sunny,I went outside . And I had a good time. Do you want to know where I go and what I do? Lets see (PPT 出示老师去龙 谷湾的照片) 通过图片引导学生回答,复习已学单词,并 通过情境教授新单词: took delicious 2. T: I had a very good time in the park, and I made a poster. 教授新单词:made, poster 3. What did you do on Sunday? Tell me about your Sunday. 教授新单词:tell 师问生答, 让学生用一般过去时描述自 己做过的事情。 4. Game: The teacher plays the music, and passes the toy to the students, when the music stops ,the student who has the toy will stand up,the other students say : Tell me about your Sunday,then the student answers,or he /she does the action,and the others guess. 游戏规则:播放嗨音乐同时让全班传递一物品,当音乐停止时, 物品传到谁手上,那同学站起来,其他同学边拍手边说:Tell me about your Sunday. 然后站起来的同学回答,或者他 /她做动作, 其他同学猜。 以此方式,充分练习一般过去时。(设计意图:将游戏与教学 内容巧妙结合起来,既巩固了句子,又避免了单一操练, 让学生处于一种兴奋状态,使课堂活动具有趣味性。 ) 5. T:You did so many things. I hope you can make a poster later. Now, Daming made a poster. Lets see. 三、 Presentation What about Damings poster ? I. Watch 、Listen and choose “T” or “F”. Daming had a great picnic. ( ) They played football. ( ) They drank milk and water. ( ) Daming took some pictures. ( ) 3.Listen, repeat and answer. What did they do? 通过学生回答,贴相应图片到黑板,完 成 Daming 的海报。 四、Consolidation 1. Read together, discuss in groups and fill in the blanks. Daming _ a picnic. It _great. They _ games.They_ lots of delicious food. They _ milk and juice. He _ some pictures and he _ a great poster. He had a happy time. 2.学生上台把短语贴到相应图片的下方。 Made a poster played games drank milk and juice ate lots of delicious food Took some pictures tell .about your picnic Last Sunday had a picnic Damings poster 3.老师引领学生读板书(Daming 的海报) ,进一步巩固课文。 五、Extension 1.T:My friend gave a poster to me. Can you say? (PPT 出示海报) Last Sunday. Dad _ Mum _ Grandma _ I _ 2.Group work: Make a poster. 四人合 作,制 作 海 报。老 师 提 前 准 备 好 卡 纸 和 动 作 图 片,学 生 边 说 边 贴,完成海报,并上前展示,用句型: We / I went to _. We/ I _. We/ I had a _ time. 3.胜利大转盘,谁幸运谁起来完成 48页的看图说话部分。 (设计意图:本环节是对重点内容的重点操练,通过练习, 进一步掌握动词过去式的用法。同时采用幸运大转盘的游 戏方式,让课堂更有神秘感和刺激,让学生在游戏的氛围 中将重点知识牢牢掌握,激发学生参与的积极性,提高课 堂的趣味性。 ) 六、Summary What did you learn today? 先让学生自己总结,然后老师带着学生总结, 复述(Retell ) Daming 的海报,进一步巩固所学知识。 七、板书设计、板书设计(设计意图:以清晰、美观的板书,能让学 生更容易掌握本课的教学重点。 ) 七、 Homework Tell your parents about your Childrens DAY?. 和父母说说你的六一儿童节。 八、教学评价八、教学评价 在本节课中,我从激发学生的兴趣入手,采用歌曲、 游戏、 、表演、竞赛等活动形式,让学生在有节奏的歌谣中 体验语言,在活泼优美的旋律中感觉语言,在轻松愉快的 语言活动中输入语言。我还注重学生能力的训练,个人展 示、小组合作相结合的教学形式,既培养学生的个性,也 培养他们在小组活动中相互合作、相互沟通和交流的能力。
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外研版(三起)四下Module 8_Unit took some pictures._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级优课_(编号:50040) 外研版 四下 _module _unit pictures
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