重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 4 Our School-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:10319).zip


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展开 重庆大学版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit4OurSchool_Lesson1_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_部级优课_编号10319.zip重庆大学版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit4OurSchool_Lesson1_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_部级优课_编号10319.zip
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Game Time!Game Time!(游戏时间)(游戏时间) 打地鼠打地鼠 Tips:Tips: 1. Read the words you see . 1. Read the words you see . 大声读出你看到的单词。大声读出你看到的单词。 2. Shout loudly if you see a mouse.2. Shout loudly if you see a mouse. 如果出现的是老鼠,请大声如果出现的是老鼠,请大声 吼出:啊!吼出:啊! on the left on the right in front of behind cool next to between beautiful Si Paifang Primary School Chunyue YangSi Paifang Primary School Chunyue Yang 1.Try to collect the motto of our school.1.Try to collect the motto of our school. 努力收集我校的校训:厚德、自强、好学、求真。努力收集我校的校训:厚德、自强、好学、求真。 2.Finish the motto, you win.2.Finish the motto, you win. 收集满了八字校训,就是获胜者。收集满了八字校训,就是获胜者。 Task1: Watch the vedio. Task1: Watch the vedio. Tips:Tips: 1. Watch the vedio carefully and quietly. 1. Watch the vedio carefully and quietly. 仔细观看视频。仔细观看视频。 2. What can you see from the vedio? 2. What can you see from the vedio? 你能从视频中看到些什么?你能从视频中看到些什么? gardengarden gategate teachingteaching buildingbuildingplaygroundplayground in front of on the righton the left This is our schoolThis is our school. s singing teachteachinging+ teachingteaching teachteacher er gardengarden gate teachingteaching buildingbuilding in front of gardengarden gategate teachingteaching buildingbuildingplaygroundplayground in front of on the righton the left betweenbetween gardengarden gategate teachingteaching buildingbuildingplaygroundplayground in front of on the righton the left betweenbetween c counount tgrgreeneen grgrounoun grounground d playplaygroundground gardengarden gategate teachingteaching building buildingplaygroundplayground in front of on the righton the left betweenbetween We can We can studystudy in the in the classroomclassroom . artroomartroomWe can We can draw draw in thein the. We can We can sing sing in thein the music roommusic room. Art room, art room.Art room, art room. We can draw in the art room. We can draw in the art room. Where is the art room?Where is the art room? Right, right, Its on the right.Right, right, Its on the right. Music room, music room.Music room, music room. We can sing in the music room.We can sing in the music room. Where is the music room?Where is the music room? Left, left, its on the left.Left, left, its on the left. Classroom, classroom, Classroom, classroom, we can study in the classroom.we can study in the classroom. Where is the classroom?Where is the classroom? Its next to the music room.Its next to the music room. Tips: Tips: 1. Chant and do.1. Chant and do. 边说边做。边说边做。 2. Good teamwork.2. Good teamwork. 配合默契。配合默契。 3. Correctly and smoothly .3. Correctly and smoothly . 准确,流畅。准确,流畅。 Group work 小组操练 Welcome to Si Welcome to Si PaifangPaifang primary school. Our school is very primary school. Our school is very beautiful! This way, please. Look, its the beautiful! This way, please. Look, its the ( playground playground / /gategate). We can play football. We can play football(on the playground/on the playground/ /in in the the garden garden ).The.The ( teaching(buildingteaching(building/ / / /gardengarden )) is on the ) is on the right. We have so many rooms in it. We can studyright. We have so many rooms in it. We can study ( in the in the music roommusic room/ /in the classroom in the classroom ). We can draw pictures in theWe can draw pictures in the ( IT roomIT room/ / artroomartroom). Do you love our schoolDo you love our school? Task2: Listen and circle. Task2: Listen and circle. (听音,圈出括号内你听到的短语)(听音,圈出括号内你听到的短语) (Merge education , sow in the future)(Merge education , sow in the future) Chong Qing Thailand(泰国)(泰国) I used to work in Thailand for two years.I used to work in Thailand for two years. 我曾经在泰国这所学校工作两年。我曾经在泰国这所学校工作两年。 classroomclassroom My students and I in the chassroom. My students and I in the chassroom. 学生和我在教室的合影。学生和我在教室的合影。 artroomartroom music roommusic room This is the swimming pool.This is the swimming pool. 这是学校的游泳池。这是学校的游泳池。 Teaching Teaching buildingbuilding playgroundplayground Swimming Swimming poolpool gardengarden gategate on the lefton the right betweenbetween Task3: fast memory Task3: fast memory Tips:1. 20 seconds of shorthand. 20秒速记学校地形图。 2. Then fill in the blanks 然后填空。 Welcome to pattya school. This way ,please. The Welcome to pattya school. This way ,please. The _ is on is on the left .We can play football on the playground. The the left .We can play football on the playground. The _is between theis between the_and the and the gate. Thegate. The _is on the right. We can swim in the is on the right. We can swim in the swimming pool. Its cool! Do you love the school?swimming pool. Its cool! Do you love the school? playgroundplaygroundteaching buildingteaching buildinggardengarden swimming poolswimming pool Tips:Tips:1.Write the correct words.1.Write the correct words. 写出正确的单词。写出正确的单词。 2.Beautifully written.2.Beautifully written. 字体优美规范。字体优美规范。 Welcome to pattya school. This way ,please. The Welcome to pattya school. This way ,please. The _ is on is on the left .We can play football on the playground. The the left .We can play football on the playground. The _is between theis between the_and the and the gate. Thegate. The _is on the right. We can swim in the is on the right. We can swim in the swimming pool. Its cool! Do you like the school?swimming pool. Its cool! Do you like the school? playgroundplaygroundteaching buildingteaching buildinggardengarden swimming poolswimming pool Tips:Tips:1.Write the correct words.1.Write the correct words. 写出正确的单词。写出正确的单词。 2.Beautifully written.2.Beautifully written. 字体优美规范。字体优美规范。 tips: Step1: Design your dream school.Step1: Design your dream school. 设计你梦想的学校。设计你梦想的学校。 1.Fly your imaginations, design your dream school.1.Fly your imaginations, design your dream school. 放飞想象,设计出你梦想中的学校。放飞想象,设计出你梦想中的学校。 2.Everybody takes part in.2.Everybody takes part in. 全员参与。全员参与。 3.Stick the word cards on the board.3.Stick the word cards on the board. 将你的设计用单词卡贴出来。如有其他你知道的单将你的设计用单词卡贴出来。如有其他你知道的单 词,请写在板上你设计的地方。词,请写在板上你设计的地方。 4.You have two minutes.4.You have two minutes. 两分钟内设计好。两分钟内设计好。 tips: Step2: Describe your dream school.Step2: Describe your dream school. 练习句子,小组内描述你梦想的学校。练习句子,小组内描述你梦想的学校。 1.Describe your dream in groups.Describe your dream in groups. 组内描述梦想中的学校。组内描述梦想中的学校。 2.You should use these sentences2.You should use these sentences(需用到以下句子)(需用到以下句子): : 1.Welcome to.school. The way, please. 1.Welcome to.school. The way, please. 2.The.is.the.2.The.is.the. 3.We can.3.We can. 4.How.the school is!4.How.the school is! 3.Everybody takes part in.3.Everybody takes part in. 全员参与。全员参与。 tips: Step3: share your dream school.Step3: share your dream school. 向大家介绍你梦想的学校。向大家介绍你梦想的学校。 1. Correctly and smoothly. One sticker.1. Correctly and smoothly. One sticker. 准确,流畅,可获一个贴纸奖励。准确,流畅,可获一个贴纸奖励。 2.More than two sentences, two stickers.2.More than two sentences, two stickers. 用到了两句话以上,可获两个贴纸奖励。用到了两句话以上,可获两个贴纸奖励。 3.More than five sentences, four stickers.3.More than five sentences, four stickers. 用到五个句子以上,可获四个贴纸奖励。用到五个句子以上,可获四个贴纸奖励。 4.Good teamwork, one sticker.4.Good teamwork, one sticker. 小组参与配合默契,可获一颗星。小组参与配合默契,可获一颗星。 I hope all of you enjoy yourselves at school,I hope all of you enjoy yourselves at school, and study hard !and study hard ! 希望你们好好学习,珍惜学校的快乐希望你们好好学习,珍惜学校的快乐 时光!时光! Homework:Homework: 1. Find out the other words of school.1. Find out the other words of school. 找出其他和学校有关的词。找出其他和学校有关的词。 2.Introduce your school to the others.2.Introduce your school to the others. 向别人介绍你的学校。向别人介绍你的学校。 Part 1. Listen and circle.(听音,圈出括号内你听(听音,圈出括号内你听 到的词组。到的词组。 ) Welcome to Si Paifang primary school. This way, please. Look, its the playground. We can play football ( on the playground / in the garden).The ( teaching building / garden) is on the right. We have so many rooms in it. We can study ( in the classroom / in the music room ). We can draw pictures ( in the IT room / in the art room). Do you love our school? Part2. Fill in the blanks.(选词填空,把正确答案填(选词填空,把正确答案填 到横线上,书写规范。到横线上,书写规范。 ) playground teaching building garden swimming pool Welcome to pattya school. This way ,please. The _ is on the left .We can play football on the playground. The _is between the_and the gate. The _is on the right. We can swim in the swimming pool. Do you love the school? 1 重庆大学出版社重庆大学出版社 小学英语小学英语 五年级(下册)五年级(下册) Unit 4 4 Lesson1 1 Our School 2 Unit4Unit4 OurOur SchoolSchool 教学设计教学设计 课型课型 综合语用课综合语用课 教材教材 小学英语小学英语(重大版)(重大版) 教学教学 内容内容 Unit4Unit4 OurOur SchoolSchool LessonLesson 1 1 年级年级 五年级五年级(下)(下) 3 原原 版版 教教 材材 4 原原 版版 教教 材材 5 创创 编编 教教 材材 重点词汇:重点词汇:playground/,garden,/teaching building, gate ,以及复习各个方位词以及复习各个方位词 重点词汇:重点词汇:Its on the left/ /right. Its next to/ /in front of / /between/ /behind. We have/ /We can 最终输出文本:最终输出文本: Welcome to Si Paifang primary school. Our school is very beautiful. This way, please. Look, its the playground. We can play football on 6 the playground.The teaching building is on the right. We have so many rooms in it. We can study in the classroom. We can draw pictures in the art room. Do you love our school? 7 创创 编编 教教 材材 用前一段所学到的描述学校的文本,来描述泰国的这所学校。 最终输出文本:最终输出文本: Welcome to pattya school. This way ,please. The playground is on the left .We can play football on the playground. The teaching building is between the garden and the gate. The swimming pool is on the right. We can swim in the swimming pool.Its cool! Do you like the school? 8 9 创创 编编 教教 材材 Lets share Group work Step1: Design your dream school.(设计设计 你梦想的学校。你梦想的学校。 Step2: Describe your dream school.练习练习 句子,小组内描述你梦想的学校句子,小组内描述你梦想的学校,需用到前面文本需用到前面文本 中的句子。中的句子。 Step3: share your dream school. 向大家向大家 介绍你梦想的学校。介绍你梦想的学校。 10 11 整整 体体 设设 计计 本课时是重大版小学英语五年级下册,本课时是重大版小学英语五年级下册,unit4 our school 的教学内容。本单元的教学目标是让学生能够结合所学的的教学内容。本单元的教学目标是让学生能够结合所学的 单词和重点句型,描述自己的学校,以及学校里的功能室,单词和重点句型,描述自己的学校,以及学校里的功能室, 各功能室的位置和作用,同学们能在那里做什么。基于这各功能室的位置和作用,同学们能在那里做什么。基于这 样的教学目标,以及对教材的整体分析,我对本单元的教样的教学目标,以及对教材的整体分析,我对本单元的教 学设计做了一个大胆的尝试,把它设计成了一堂单元整体学设计做了一个大胆的尝试,把它设计成了一堂单元整体 教学设计下的语篇综合语用课。即文本解构教学设计下的语篇综合语用课。即文本解构文本建构文本建构 文本重构。所以,我这堂课并不是把教材文本的文本重构。所以,我这堂课并不是把教材文本的“全貌全貌” 直接呈现给学生,而是把两课时的内容合并处理后的骨架直接呈现给学生,而是把两课时的内容合并处理后的骨架 文本呈现给学生的,让学生同过预测文本,同伴讨论,听文本呈现给学生的,让学生同过预测文本,同伴讨论,听 音记录关键词等一系列探究性学习活动,实现语言学习和音记录关键词等一系列探究性学习活动,实现语言学习和 自学能力的提升。自学能力的提升。 本单元讲的是学校本单元讲的是学校,最终是让学生能够用所学的关键,最终是让学生能够用所学的关键 词语和句型描述学校以及各功能室的用途,所以,为了让词语和句型描述学校以及各功能室的用途,所以,为了让 学生对学校的建筑物和功能室有更加直观的理解,我的立学生对学校的建筑物和功能室有更加直观的理解,我的立 足点放在了学生自己的学校,让学生从虚拟中走进现实。足点放在了学生自己的学校,让学生从虚拟中走进现实。 本单元的重点是让学生能够听说读写本单元的重点是让学生能够听说读写 teaching building, playground, garden, classroom 等学校场所等学校场所 的名称,以及用到关键句型的名称,以及用到关键句型 Where is? Its. We can 介绍学校。但是,如果只是用传统的问答方式呈现语篇,介绍学校。但是,如果只是用传统的问答方式呈现语篇, 这样难免会有些单调和枯燥。所以,我将教材重新整合,这样难免会有些单调和枯燥。所以,我将教材重新整合, 其中,将四牌坊小学的融文化融入了其中,再结合学生之其中,将四牌坊小学的融文化融入了其中,再结合学生之 前所学过的前所学过的 Welcome./this is 等句型,然后进行文本再等句型,然后进行文本再 构,因为亲子解说是四牌坊小学的融文化之一,所以我最构,因为亲子解说是四牌坊小学的融文化之一,所以我最 终以解说试文本的形式,呈现给了学生。终以解说试文本的形式,呈现给了学生。 12 思思 路路 13 14 教教 学学 目目 标标 一一、语言知识与能力目标:语言知识与能力目标: (1 1)学生能听说认读本课时有关学校设施单词)学生能听说认读本课时有关学校设施单词: school、playground、teaching building、library、s wimming pool、classroom、office。 (2)学生能听懂、会说以下句型学生能听懂、会说以下句型: Where is the teaching building?Its on the right.并并 能在实际情景中运用。能在实际情景中运用。 (3)(3)学生能在图片的帮助下描述自己的学校学生能在图片的帮助下描述自己的学校,向他人介绍,向他人介绍 自己的学校。自己的学校。 二、二、学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1 1)在拼读过程中,学生知道利用自然拼读规则、以旧学)在拼读过程中,学生知道利用自然拼读规则、以旧学 新的方法和技巧。新的方法和技巧。 (2 2)通过图片的帮助,学生观察和发现有效的学习策略,)通过图片的帮助,学生观察和发现有效的学习策略, 在小组活动中形成合作意识。在小组活动中形成合作意识。 三、三、情感态度目标情感态度目标:培养学生对自己学校的热爱,珍惜在培养学生对自己学校的热爱,珍惜在 学校的美好时光学校的美好时光,并并激发激发学生设计自己梦想的学校学生设计自己梦想的学校 四、四、文化意识目标文化意识目标:通过一系列对学校的描述通过一系列对学校的描述,以及我曾,以及我曾 经在泰国支教的经历,经在泰国支教的经历,让学生让学生对对我校的融文化我校的融文化,融内融外融内融外, 融融合合德育有更加深刻的理解德育有更加深刻的理解。 15 16 教学步骤教学步骤设计意图设计意图 Greetings: 3mins T: Good morning, Boys and Girls. How are you ? S: Im fine, Thank you, and you? T:Im fine,too. Thank you. T: Sit down,please. Warm-up: T: Now,lets play a game. (打地鼠游戏) (说的同时 PPT 显示打地鼠游戏界面,游戏 规则:看到单词就大声读出来,看到老鼠, 就吼一声“啊!”) T:Now, can you remember these words? Ss: T:There are some smiling faces on it, Please tell me who he/she is, where he/she is? Ok? 亲切合学生打招呼亲切合学生打招呼,让让 学生快速进入英语学习学生快速进入英语学习 的状态的状态。然后然后,进行,进行学学 生都很喜欢的打地鼠游生都很喜欢的打地鼠游 戏戏,把以前已经学过的,把以前已经学过的 方位词和形容词放入游方位词和形容词放入游 戏中,快速唤醒学生的戏中,快速唤醒学生的 记忆,让学生在游戏的记忆,让学生在游戏的 同时,将这些方位词和同时,将这些方位词和 形容词复习一遍,为后形容词复习一遍,为后 面的课做铺垫。然后面的课做铺垫。然后 PPTPPT 播放学生笑脸快闪,播放学生笑脸快闪, 然后随机定下来,让学然后随机定下来,让学 生说出他是谁,他坐在生说出他是谁,他坐在 哪里。在之前打地鼠游哪里。在之前打地鼠游 戏时学生已经复习了方戏时学生已经复习了方 位词,这里的目的是让位词,这里的目的是让 学生对方位词有一个更学生对方位词有一个更 加实际的定义,并能用加实际的定义,并能用 完整的句子来描述被抽完整的句子来描述被抽 到的学生的具体位置。到的学生的具体位置。 17 Ss:OK! T:Ready? Lets go!(此时 PPT 播放学生笑脸 快闪,然后随机定下来,让学生说出他是谁, 他坐在哪里。目的既是热身,也是给学生复 习本课时要出现的方位词 on theleft/right/between/in front of/next to 等。连 续四次) T:Where is he/she? T: Wow, you did a good job. 教学步骤教学步骤设计意图设计意图 18 Lead in: 1mins T: kids,lets have a break and enjoy a vedio. Ss:. T:Wow,Its so beautiful. Is it your school? Ss: T:Do you love your school? Ss. T: Yes,me too. So, today, lets talk about our school.(呈 现课题 Our School) T: At first, you should know the competition. 1.Try to collect the motto of our school. 2.Finish the motto, you win. Presentation&practice: 20mins T:And lets watch another vedio carefully and quietly. Then should think about what you can see from the vedio. T: Wow, what a nice school! Ss: 播放学校的宣 传短片, 一 是让学生对学 校更加热爱, 二是为接下来 我们自己的学 校做铺垫。 接下来告诉学 生本节课的比 赛方式,就是 集齐我校:厚 德、自强、好 学、求真八字 校训。集齐者 获胜。让学生 在比赛的同时 牢记我校校训。 PPT 播放出我 校介绍学校的 亲自解说微视 频,介绍内容 为本单元重构 后的语篇。直 接播放亲子解 19 T: So what can you see? Ss: T:You find so many things from the vedio. Thats good! T:Whats this? T:Yes, Its the gate. Wow, the gate is cool! T:And whats this? T:Yes, its a garden! And where is the garden? T:Yes, its in front of the gate. T:Look, whats this? T:Yes, its the teaching building. And where is it? T:Its on the right. T:What about this?(手指着操场) T:Yes, its the playground. Its on the left. And we also can say the garden is between the playground and the teaching building. T:What else can you see? T:Now lets go in inside the teaching building. 说视频,从篇 入手。然后, 抓细节,在抓 细节这个过程 中,我首先把 部分学校场所 的重点词汇提 出来,用图文 声结合的方式 教授学生, 结 合方位词,用 where is/what can we do.? 引导学生 说 出文本中的句 型 itswe can.。 新单词的呈现, 除了学生自然 拼读外,让学 生将学校的卡 片自己贴到黑 板上的相应位 置,并能够用 本节课的重点 句型完整的将 学校方位描述 出来。这一整 套的练习,为 20 T:Oh! Whats this? T:Yes, its a classroom. T:What can we do in the classroom? T:We can study in the classroom. T:And look! What room is this? T:Its IT room! What can we do in the IT room? T:Yes, we can play computers in the IT room. T:Now, this way, please. What room is this? T:Yes, Its art room. And we can draw in the art room. T:Oh, Whats this? T:Yes, Its music room. T: we can sing and dance in the music room.Can you sing a song for me? T:Ok, there is a chant. You can practice in groups and the show it. T:Ok, its your show time. Please stand up! T:Wow,sounds good! 后来 chant 的 输出做铺垫。 将所有单词和 重点句讲完后, 把单词和重点 句型编成了一 个 chant。这 里有第一次小 组练习。练习 chant 及动作。 chant 强烈的 21 T:Now please take out your papers. Lets listen and circle. T:Have you got it? T:Now,lets check. Ill give you a sticker if you are right. T: We can study in the classroom, we can draw in the artroom. we can sing and dance in the music room.we can play football on the playground. T: So this is the culture of our school.此时 PPT 上呈现坊小融文化:融和教育, 春播未来。 T:Sounds good! But there
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重庆大学版五年级下册Unit Our School_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:10319) 重庆大学 三年级 起点 出发点 年级 下册 英语
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