(精)牛津深圳版四年级上册Unit 9 At home第二课时ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip


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Unit 9 At home 第二课时第二课时 习题习题 一、根据要求写出相应的单词一、根据要求写出相应的单词 1. full(反义词)_ 2. glass(复数)_ 3. us(主格)_ 4. happy(反义词)_ 5.cant(完整形式)_ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Look! Thats _(a) animal in the cage. 2. Where _(be) Alice and Danny? They _(be) under the tree. 3. The tree has many big _(apple). 4. Wheres _(we) teacher? Shes in the playground. 5. Ginger can _(jump). 三、根据问句,选答句。三、根据问句,选答句。 ( ) 1. Where are my dolls? A. Theyre on the bed. B. Its red. C. Theyre red. ( ) 2. Give me a plate, please. A. Here you are. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. What can you do? A. I like drawing. B. I can draw. C. She can draw. ( ) 4. Where is my book? A. This is a table. B. This is a book. C. Its on the table. ( ) 5.Here you are. A. OK B. Thanks. C. All right. 四、连词成句。四、连词成句。 1. carrots, tomatoes, I, and, some, need (.) _ 2.table, now, the, is, on, she (.) _ 3. fish, where, my, is (?) _ 4. plate, please, me, a, give (.) _ 5. box, are, the, they, in (.) _ 五、选择正确的短语填空五、选择正确的短语填空 in the box under the table beside the table on the table 1. The cat is _. 2. There are three birds _. 3. The box is _. 4. The rabbit is _. Unit 9 At home 第二课时第二课时 答案答案 一、【解析】该题考查本单元词汇的掌握情况。 【答案】1. hungry 2. glasses 3.we 4. angry 5. can not 二、【解析】1.animal 的第一个字母是元音音素,所以前面要用 an. 2. 主语是 Alice and Danny, 所以动词用复数 are; 第二句话主语是 They, 所以动词也用复数 are. 3. 根据句中的 many 可判断后面名词用复数,apple 的复数是 apples. 4. 句意:我们的老师在哪里?our 我们的。 5. 在情态动词后跟动词原形,所以此空填 jump. 【答案】1. an 2. are; are 3. apples 4. our 5. jump 三、【解析】 1. 句意:我的洋娃娃在哪里?回答需表示物体位置的,应是 Theyre on the bed.它们在床上。故选 A. 2. 句意:请给我一个盘子,回答应是 Here you are.给你,故选 A。 3. 句意:你能做什么?回答应为 I can draw,我能画画, 故选 B。 4. 句意:我的书在哪里?回答需表示物体位置的,Its on the table.它在 桌子上,故选 C. 5. Here you are 给你,对方应答 Thanks.谢谢,故选 B. 【答案】1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 四、 【解析】 1.通过分析所给的单词可以判断此句是 I need some tomatoes and carrots.我需要一些西红柿和红萝卜,故答案为 I need some tomatoes and carrots. 2.通过分析所给的单词可以判断此句是 Now she is on the table.现在她在 桌子上,故答案为 Now she is on the table. 3 .通过分析所给的单词可以判断此句为 Where is my fish?我的鱼在哪里? 故答案为 Where is my fish? 4.通过分析所给的单词可以判断此句为 Give ma a plate, please.请给我一 个盘子,故答案为 Give ma a plate, please. 5.通过分析所给的单词可以判断此句为 They are in the box.它们在盒子里, 故答案为 They are in the box. 【答案】1.I need some tomatoes and carrots. 2. Now she is on the table. 3. Where is my fish? 4. Give ma a plate, please. 5. They are in the box. 牛津深圳版英语四年级上第二课时教学设计牛津深圳版英语四年级上第二课时教学设计 课题 At home (2)单元9学科英语年级四年级 上 学习 目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读 in, on, under, beside, kitchen, angry, hungry,发音准确。 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型和日常用语: Where is it/ are they? Its/Theyre in/on/under/beside the 3. 能理解故事内容 重点1.能听懂、会说、会读 in, on, under, beside, kitchen, angry, hungry 发音准确。 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型和日常用语: Where is it/ are they? Its/Theyre in/on/under/beside the 难点1、句型: Where is it/ are they? Its/Theyre in/on/under/beside the的用法和语调。 2、词汇: in, on, under, beside, kitchen, angry, hungry 的读音。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课一. Look and say 根据图片写出相应的句子。 能够配合老师 说出相应的句 子。 能够掌握所学 的句型。 在交流的过程 中老师将话题自 然引入本单元教 学内容。 对于低年级学生 来说,图像和动 画更能吸引他们 的注意力, 让 他们很快融入情 景之中。 讲授新课三、Ask and answer 老师出示课文图片,然后让学生练习对话: A: Where is/ are ? 能配合老 师练习对 话,掌握 B: Its/ Theyre 四、Enjoy a story 1.教师播放录音,领读课文对话,学生跟读,提醒 学生注意模仿语音、语调。要注意读出故事中人 物的心情哦! 老师讲解:kitchen 厨房 hungry 饥饿的 angry 生气的 学生自己大声朗读。 和同伴分角色读。 小组内齐读。 看视频,学生跟读。 根据图片内容两人一组进行对话表演。 2.Answer the questions 根据课文内容回答问题 Where is Mrs Brown? Who is hungry? Who is happy? Who is angry? 五、Practice (一).按要求写音讯或短语 1. happy(反义词)_ 2. 在厨房(英语) _ 3. on the floor(汉语)_ 4. 在椅子下面 (英语)_ 5. 饥饿的(英语)_ (二).连词成句 1.in, my, is, kitchen, the, mum (.) _ 2. is, where, schoolbag, my (?) _ 3. our, is, on, computer, table, the (.) 句型 Where is/ are ? Its/ Theyre 播放课文录音 时,模仿语音 语调; 分角色朗读课 文,并上台表 演对话。 能够根据课文 内容回答问题 积极配合老师 完成练习。 引导学生用各种 形式,变化各种 声调朗读课文对 话,不断深入学 习,加深印象。 通过反复的听读 训练,掌握词汇; 通过图片方式, 巩固单词;针对 性的完成学习目 标;学习形式生 动多样化,使学 生集中注意力, 同时保持学习的 积极性。 能够达到复习新 句型,加深学生 记忆。 _ 六、Summary 1.单词:in, on, under, beside, kitchen, hungry, angry 2.句型: Where is it/ are they? Its/ Theyre in/on/under/beside the 十一、Homework 1.将下列单词抄写五遍:in, on, under, beside, kitchen, hungry, angry 2.两人一组练习句型: Where is it/ are they? Its/ Theyre in/on/under/beside the 课堂小结大部分学生还坐不住,对于低年级学生来说, 图像和动画更能吸引他们的注意力, 老师在今后 的课上还可以增加一些趣味性,让他们很快融入 情景之中,引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的 生活场景中运用所学语言,每队上台在交流的过 程中老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容,只有 在提高学生英语兴趣的基础上,才能上好英语课。 板书 Unit 9 At home 1.单词:in, on, under, beside, kitchen, hungry, angry 2.句型: Where is it/ are they? Its/ Theyre in/on/under/beside the Unit 9 At home(2) 牛津深圳版小学英语四年级上册 LookLook andand say.say. The boy is under the tree. The carrot is on the table. 根据图片写出相应的句子根据图片写出相应的句子 LookLook andand say.say. The cat is in the box. The ball is beside the chair. 根据图片写出相应的句子根据图片写出相应的句子 Its under the chair.Where is the ball? RevisionRevision Its on the bed. Where is the bag? RevisionRevision Theyre on the wall. Where are the photos? RevisionRevision Its beside the TV. Where is the light? RevisionRevision AskAsk andand answeranswer S1: Where is ? are S2: Its Theyre Mrs Brown is in her kitchen. kitchen厨房厨房 Where is my fish? EnjoyEnjoy a a storystory Ginger the cat is hungry. hungry饥饿的饥饿的 Where is my fish? EnjoyEnjoy a a storystory Ginger can jump. Now she is on the table. Where is my fish? EnjoyEnjoy a a storystory Where is the plate now? It is on the floor. Ginger is under the chair. Where is my fish? EnjoyEnjoy a a storystory Ginger is full. She is happy, but Mrs Brown is angry. Where is my fish? angry生气的生气的 EnjoyEnjoy a a storystoryWhere is my fish? Mrs Brown is in her kitchen. Ginger the cat is hungry. Ginger can jump. Now she is on the table. Where is the plate now? It is on the floor. Ginger is under the chair. Ginger is full. She is happy, but Mrs Brown is angry. EnjoyEnjoy a a storystory 点击播放点击播放Enjoy a story ReadRead andand actact Tip: Choose one to read in two. 选择一种 两两人练习练习。 1.Read it together. 2.Each student reads a sentence. 3. Read in roles. 自己分配角色自己分配角色。 RoleRole playplay 1. 两两人一组进行故事进行故事表演练习演练习。 2. 注意自己注意自己的语音语调语音语调,表情情和动动作。 3.一小组表演时演时,其他小组观看并评分并评分。 朗朗读基本流利利,表情动情动作基本到位。 朗朗读较为为流利利,表情动情动作比较到位。 基本能够够脱稿脱稿,表情动情动作十分十分到位。 AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions 1. Where is Mrs Brown? 2. Who is hungry? 3. Who is happy? Who is angry? She is in the kitchen. Ginger the cat is hungry. Ginger is happy. Mrs Brown is angry. 按要求写按要求写单词或短语词或短语 1. happy(反义词)_ 2. 在厨房(英语) _ 3. on the floor(汉语)_ 4. 在椅子下面 (英语)_ 5. 饥饿的(英语)_ angry in the kitchen 在地板上 under the chair hungry PracticePractice 连词连词成句句 PracticePractice 1.in, my, is, kitchen, the, mum (.) _ 2. is, where, schoolbag, my (?) _ 3. our, is, on, computer, table, the (.) _ My mum is in the kitchen. Where is my schoolbag? Our computer is on the table. SummarySummary 1. 单词:in, on, under, beside, kitchen hungry, angry. 2. 句型: Where is it/ are they? Its/ Theyre in/on/under/beside the HomeworkHomework 1. 将单词抄写五遍:in, on, under, beside, kitchen, hungry, angry. 2. 两人一组练习句型: Where is it/ are they? Its/ Theyre in/on/under/beside the
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【精】牛津深圳版四年级上册Unit At home第二课时ppt课件(含教案+练习) 牛津 深圳 四年级 上册 unit home 第二 课时 ppt 课件 教案 练习
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