(精)人教精通版五年级上册Unit 3 My father is a writer Lesson 17 ppt课件(含教案)+素材+试题(含答案).zip


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【精品】五年级上英语(教案) Unit 3 My father is a writer. Lesson17 人教(精通)(2014 秋)一、教学内容一、教学内容 Lesson 17 Just talk 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、言语技能目标 本部分通过 Gao Wei 向 Kate 介绍自己的叔叔,以报纸报道为切入点,自然地进入谈 论职业的谈话主题。继续学习如何询问和介绍他人职业,在情景中自然运用所学语言。 2、语言知识目标 能够正确地听、说、认读单词 policeman , policewoman . 能够正确地听、说、认读的句子: What s her job ? She s a policewoman . 在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子: What s her job ? 3、情感态度目标 进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳定的学习兴趣。能积极主动地参与课堂活 动,在情景对话中大胆开口,主动模仿。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 重点能够正确地听、说、认读单词 policeman , policewoman . 在适当的情景中正确地听、说、认读下面的句子: What s her job ? She s a policewoman . 难点是学生在听力中能够浏览找出关键词,抓听重点。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片。另外还要准备一些职业图片 和一个 采访用的麦克风。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 热身活动热身活动 Revision 。 (1)头脑风暴 : Look and say 课件滚动出现学过的职业词汇 ,学生抢答。 (2)Free talk 教师和学生一起回顾本单元前 4 课所学的句型,围绕 jobs 进行回答。 This is my father /mother /sister . He /she is a /an . What does your father / mother do ? Step 2: Presentation 新知呈现新知呈现. 呈现情景 。Today ,Lets have a class meeting to talk about jobs . 1) 教师展示本课的教学挂图,让学生观察 ,明确人物之间的关系。 2) 教师指着挂图,目的是让学生大概了解会话情景及会话的主要内容。 Look at the picture, Whats this ? Todays newspaper .(教师指着报纸说) And look at this yong man.(指着 Gao Wei s uncle .) He is Gao Wei s uncle .What does he do ? Lets listen ! 3)学习单词 policeman 。 教师播放 17 课的录音视频 ,学生听,回答问题 ,引出 policeman ,由 What does he do ? 到 Whats his job ?进行提问,学生理解感知并回答,Hes a policeman . 4)学习单词 policewoman 。 继续播放接下来的录音,要求学生仔细聆听,抓取关键信息 。 (要根据实际情况选择听录音的遍数 ) 由问题 Whats his aunts job? 引出 policewoman. 课件出示 policeman,去掉 man ,替换 woman ,引导学生自己读出 。 6)出示文本,学生通读大意。 7)提出问题: What does policeman look like ? What does policeman often do ? What does Peter want to be in the future ? Listen to the tape and try to find the answer. 7)再次播放录音,让学生有目的地去听,听后回答问题。 8)教师核对答案,再次播放录音,整体感知对话内容,学生可边听一边跟读。 9)之后学生自读课文,教师对课文重点单词及句子进行标注讲解,同桌互读。 着重讲解语言目标:What s her job ? She s a policewoman . 感知并理解:What does he/she do ?= Whats his/her job ?都是询问他人职业的句型。 Step 3: Practice 趣味操练趣味操练. 1.Lets voice 让我们配音. 再次播放视频,将声音关闭,学生进行配音活动。 2. Situaitional dialogue,情景对话练习。Gao Wei ,Kate 和 Peter . 小组合作,一人饰 Gao Wei ,一人饰 Kate ,一人饰 Peter. 分角色体验朗读对话内容。 进行情景对话。 3 游戏:利用新句型询问同学家人的职业,教师首先出示有关的单词卡片:如 policeman , policewoman , singer ,dancer ,writer , farmer ,worker,driver,actor,actress ,factory worker 以班上学生为原型,用开火车的方式, 操练句型。 Eg: S1: What s your father job ? S2: He s a policeman . What s your mother job ? S3: She s a policewoman . What s your sister job ? S4: She s a singer . Step 4: Additional activities拓展活动。拓展活动。 (1)为学生布置任务,进行采访活动:What do you want to be? (2)汇报自己采访结果,找出最受全班学生欢迎职业 六、作业布置六、作业布置 1、把今天所学的课文读给家长听。 2、询问同学家人的职业。 3、完成活动手册相关内容。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 My father is a writer policeman 男警察男警察 policewoman 女警察女警察 What does he do ?(他是做什么,对职业的询问)(他是做什么,对职业的询问) - He s a policeman 。(他是一个警察)。(他是一个警察) Whats her job ? (她是做什么,对职业的询问她是做什么,对职业的询问) -She s a policeman 。(她是一个女警察)。(她是一个女警察) What does he/she do ? = Whats his/her job ?对他人职业的问询对他人职业的问询 【精品】五年级上英语(练习) Unit 3 My father is a writer. Lesson17 人教(精通)(2014 秋)一、看图写出相应的单词选项。 A. actor B. worker C. actress D. writer E. policeman F. policewoman 【答案】: E F D B A C 【解析】: A. actor 男演员 B. worker 工人 C. actress 女演员 D. writer 作家 E. policeman 男警察 F. policewoman 女警察 二、在四线格中写出下面的单词和句子。10 分 Whats her job ? -Shes a policewoman 。 【答案】:Whats her job ? -Shes a policewoman 三、读一读,选出不同类的一项. 更多免 ( )1. A. actress B. policewoman C. school ( )2. A. hospital B. policeman C. factory ( )3. A. singer B. dancer C. afternoon ( )4. A. want B. does C. help ( )5. A. great B. where C. what 【答案】:1.C 2.B. 3.C. 4.B. 5.A 【解析】:1.选项 AB 都是描写某种职业的名词,选项 C 是描写场所的是名词学校,故 答案为 C。 四、选择 1. 你想知道那个警察是谁,你该怎么说。 A. Whos that policeman ? B. How old are you ? C. whats your name? 2. 你想知道旁边男孩的年龄,你该怎么说。 A. Who is he ? B. How old is he ? C. where does he come from ? 3. 你想知道那个女孩的职业是什么,你该怎么说。 A. who is that girl ? B. whats her job ? C. what does he do ? 4. 根据问句选择答语。 Hello ! My father is a writer . what does your father do ? -_ A. Im ten . B. He s a policeman. C. I love my father . 5.根据答语选择问句。 _ ,Kate ? - Shes policewoman. A . Who is that girl ,Kate ? B . Whos that policeman ? C . whats your aunts job ? 【答案】: 1. A 2. B 3. A 4.B 5. C 【解析】:1. A. Whos that policeman? 那个警察是谁? 对人物身份的提问。 B. How old is he ? 他多大了?对年龄的提问。 C. whats your name ? 你叫什么名字,是对新朋友名字的提问。 3. A. who is that girl ? 那个女孩是谁,是对人物身份的提问。 B. whats her job ? = what does she do ? 她是做什么工作的?是对他人职 业的问询。 因为主语是女孩,因此排除 C。 所以选 A。 4. what does your father do ? 是对某人职业的提问。所以选 B . 5. 根据答语 Shes policewoman 她是警察。可知题目是对人物职业的询问, A . Who is that girl ,Kate ? 那个女孩是谁? B . Whos that policeman ? 那个警察是谁? C . whats your aunts job ?. 你婶婶的工作是什么? Unit 3 My father is a writer Lesson 17 Just talk Look and say What does your mother do ? She is a worker . This is my father , He is a writer . Gao Wei s uncle T T : :ThisThis is is G Gaoao WeiWei s s uncleuncle . . WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto knowknow aboutabout himhim ? ? S Ss s:WhatWhat doesdoes hehe dodo ? ? Lets listen What does he do ? Hes a policeman . What does he do ? Hes a policeman . Whats his job ? Hes a policeman . = How about Gao Wei s aunt ? What her job ? Shes a policewoman . Whats his job ? Hes a policeman . What her job ? Shes a policewoman . Police警局警局 + man 男人男人 = policeman 男警察 Police警局警局 + woman 女人女人 = policewoman 女警察 Just talk What does policeman look like ? 1、 What does policeman often do ? 2、 Listen to the tape and try to find the answer. What does Peter want to be in the furture ? 3、 Lets listen again Lets answer the questions He looks great in his uniform . 1、 He want to be a policeman in the future. 3、 He often helps people in his work. Lets read policeman 男警察男警察 policewoman 女警察女警察 He looks great in his uniform .(他穿上警服的样子看起他穿上警服的样子看起 来很帅来很帅) He often helps people in his work .工作中他乐于助人工作中他乐于助人 。 Whats her job ? (她是做什么,对职业的询问她是做什么,对职业的询问) -She s a policeman 。(她是一个女警察)。(她是一个女警察) Pay attention to WhatWhat doesdoes hehe/ /sheshe dodo ? ? = = WhatWhats s hishis/ /herher j jobob ? ?对他人职业对他人职业的的问询问询 Lets vioce 让我们配音让我们配音 Listen again! Lets vioce 让我们配音. Situaitional dialogue 小组合作,一人饰Gao Wei ,一人饰Kate ,一人饰Peter. 分角色体验朗读对话内容,进行情景对话 。 Eg: S1: What s your father job ? S2: He s a policeman . What s your mother job ? S3: She s a policewoman . What s your sister job ? S4: She s a singer . 询问同学家人询问同学家人 policeman , policewoman , singer ,dancer ,writer , farmer ,worker ,actor,actress , 小组之间进行采访活动,最后做汇报。 问题清单参考:问题清单参考: What s your XXs job ? 词汇参考: policeman , policewoman,Singer , dancer ,writer , farmer ,worker , driver,actor,actress , What does he/she want to be? What do you want to be? I want to be . 1、把今天所学的把今天所学的课文读给家长听课文读给家长听。 2、利用新学句型询问同学家人的职业。、利用新学句型询问同学家人的职业。 3 3、完成活动手册相关内容。、完成活动手册相关内容。 HOMEWORK
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【精】人教精通版五年级上册Unit My father is writer Lesson 17 ppt课件(含教案)+素材+试题(含答案) 人教版 精通 精晓 年级 上册 英语 unit ppt
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