(精)人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 3 Animals story time ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip


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Unit 3 Animals 第六课时第六课时 习习 题题 1根据汉语提示,补充下面的句子根据汉语提示,补充下面的句子 1. 大象又高又壮,还有个灵活多用的鼻子,他挺聪明。大象又高又壮,还有个灵活多用的鼻子,他挺聪明。 The _ is tall and _ with a _ nose. Hes very clever. 2. 蝴蝶会飞,她待人友善,长得很漂亮。蝴蝶会飞,她待人友善,长得很漂亮。 The _ can fly. Shes very _and beautiful. 3. 乌龟走的慢,但是他乐于助人。乌龟走的慢,但是他乐于助人。 The turtle walks very_ but hes_. 4. 我们必须要考虑别人的优点,而不仅仅是缺点。我们必须要考虑别人的优点,而不仅仅是缺点。 We must _ about the good not _ the _. 二认真阅读下面的短文,完成后面的题目二认真阅读下面的短文,完成后面的题目 Danny is a little pig . He is unhappy because he wants to leave home to see the world . Its a sunny day . Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping . on his way he meets an elephant , a peacock(孔雀) and a rabbit . At last , he gets to a lake . He looks at his reflection(反射,映像) in the water and says, “I wish I have an elephants nose , a peacocks tail and a rabbits ears .” after a while , Dannys wish comes true . He runs back excitedly . But his parents cant recognize(识别,辨认) Danny , “Go away , youre not our son .” Danny goes to the lake again . “ I just want to be a pig .” He says sadly .Danny waits and waits . He becomes a pig again . Danny runs back quickly . His parents hug and say , “ This is our lovely baby .” 根据文章内容判断正误:正确用 T ,错误用 F 来表示 1. The little pig is unhappy because he doesnt want to leave his parents. 2. Dannys wish comes true, he has an elephants ears , a peacocks tail and a rabbits nose. 3. In his parents eyes , a pig is the most beautiful. Unit 3 Animals 第六课时第六课时 答答 案案 一【解析】本题结合故事 “ The dog and the cat ”中的角色特点改编而成,重点是熟悉各动 物的基本特征。 【答案答案】 1. elephant, strong, useful 2. butterfly, friendly 3. slowly, helpful 4. think, just, bad 二【解析】 在文本阅读,信息提取和表格复述的基础上,明确各人都优秀缺点的事实, 学会欣赏他人的长处;这篇小短文有关 The little pig, Danny 目的是要让大家找到自己的长处, 增加自信。 【答案答案】 1. F doesnt want 改为改为 wants. 2. F an elephants ears 和 a rabbits nose 调换一下改为 an elephants nose 和 a rabbits ears. 3. T 人教新起点英语五年级上第六课时教学设计人教新起点英语五年级上第六课时教学设计 课题课题AnimalsAnimals单元单元3 3学科学科英语英语年级年级五年级上五年级上 学习学习 目标目标 1.知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标:活动导入,巩固模块词汇,能够在教师的引导下,借助图片和其他 阅读策略读懂本单元的故事。 通过故事学习,懂得每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。 2.2.过程与方法目标:趣味阅读,之后过程与方法目标:趣味阅读,之后借助表格内容进行故事复述,在活动中把握阅读策略, 提高口语技能。 3.3.情感态度与价值观目标:情感态度与价值观目标:在小组合作和系列活动中形成语言技能,要能正确认识自 己,扬长避短。 重点重点养成积极的阅读习惯,根据信息进行口头表达训练。 难点难点渗透学习策略,把握语言学习规律,激发语言学习兴趣。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 导入新课导入新课Warm up 1. 播放 Fun Time C 项歌曲,学生跟唱, 复习本单元有关动物的词汇。 2. 想一想,说一说 “说反话说反话” 也就是:教师就一种动物的特征进行描 述,学生举出相反的例子,以此巩固所学新 词汇。如: T: The mouse runs fast. T: The elephant is big. T: The butterfly can fly. T:The pig is white. 2. 读前活动:导入故事主题 听后,可以自己尝试 改编一下歌词: Ali Ba-Ba, he has a little farm. On his farm, he has some hens, dogs, cats horses, ducks S: The panda runs slowly. S: The bee is small. S: The fish can swim. S: The dog is black. 说唱活动的方 式较能激发孩 子们的参与兴 趣活动中轻松 愉快地复习有 关动物的词汇。 这样复习表示 动物特点的形 容词,更加形 象直观。 教师先介绍一下自己喜欢的动物并说明 理由,如 My favourite animal is the dolphin because it is cute. 例如: 再回顾上节课的 the dog from America and The cat from Australia.看谁能背诵或者复述出 来。 学生分组自由发言, 相互介绍自己喜欢的 动物并说明理由。 S1: My favourite animal is the monkey because it is clever. S2: My favourite animal is the elephant because it is big and strong with a useful nose. 复习制作 “ An animal book ” 的执着步骤; “ My favourite animal ”的写作 思路。 讲授新课讲授新课Led in 1. Just now you told us your favourite animals and your reasons. Now lets suppose you are a cat. Whats your favourite animal? Why? Now you are a dog. Whats your favourite animal? Why? 讨论结束后,教师收集学生讨论结果, 或用实物投影,或板书讨论结果,与学生共 同分享,并导入本单元的故事主题: Lets see what the dogs or the cats favourite animal is. Why? Reading Prereading 呈现、感知故事 1. 引导学生观察第一幅图,尝试思考以 下问题:What do you see in this picture? What are they talking about? 2. 学生两人一组进行讨论,讨论后大胆 猜测:Maybe it is a story about a cat and a dog. They are friends . 3. 学生带着自己的预测,快速浏览故事, 孩子们可以自由讨论 My favourite animal is the mouse .Because I like the cartoon Tom and Jenny best. 发挥想象力,这里没 有对错之分,关键是 动脑思考,热情参与。 保护孩子们的 积极性和表现 欲是最为关键 的。 A lovely Fairy tale 给孩子们 的感染力更为 直接和深入。 教师注意调动 孩子们的积极 性,必要给与 适当点拨。 初步感知故事大意。 WhileWhilereadingreading 1. 播放故事录音,学生完整地听故事录 音,整体感知故事。 2. 图片环游,详细理解故事 教师借助图片,逐一讲述故事并提出问 题,引导学生细致观察图片,加深对故事的 理解。 图 1观察图片思考:What can you see? What are they talking about? 图 2观察图片思考:What is the cats favourite animal? Why? 图 3观察图片思考:Does the dog want to make friend with the elephant? Why? 图 4观察图片引导学生自己质疑:What is the cats favourite animal? Why? 图 5观察图片引导学生自己质疑:Does the dog want to make friends with the butterfly? Why? 图 6引导学生观察图片猜测:What is the cats favourite animal? Why? 图 7引导学生观察图片结合文字阅读思 考:Does the dog want the turtle to be his friend? Why? 。 图 8引导学生观察图片,四人一组讨论: What is the ending of this story? Postreading 1. 学生独立浏览故事,熟悉文本。 速度中了解大致情节。 重点听出三个动物 elephantelephant ButterflyButterfly turtleturtle 学生了解问题,然后 依次阅读文段,从中 查找答案,并组织成 流畅的句子回答问题。 从 dog 的表情以及图 片上的信息猜测答案, 然后引导学生阅读文 段确定答案。 在观察的基础上,阅 读文段查找答案。 背诵小猫的话,理解 “尺有所短寸有所长” 的道理。 从语音语调中体现故 因前面有浏览 的铺垫听出主 要角色应该没 问题。 鼓励学生在默 读的前提下也 要思考每个角 色的语调应该 是啥样的?如 何能体现各自 的特点? 睹物思人,考 虑自己的优缺 点。 牢记 “Practice 2. 逐图播放故事录音,请学生看图跟读。 注意指导学生模仿录音的语音语调,读出人 物的语气以增加朗读的趣味性。 3. 学生两人一组,尝试表演故事。 Acting 1. 独立完成表格 goodbad ElephantStrong, clever Butterfly TurtleSlow, Cant play football Think people are good, not just bad. Cat and dog are good friends. 两人一组核对答案,再投影核对答案。 2.为故事填写题目 可以采取学生自己想,也可以由教师提 供方案供学生选择。 3. 借助完成的表格复述故事。 Writing 讨论拓展 学生分组讨论,假设你是书中的大象、 蝴蝶或是乌龟的话,你是否愿意与长耳朵狗 交朋友?为什么? 教师可以进行提问:Do you have any friends? What do you think of him or her? Do you want to make more friends? 引导学生结合实际生活开展小组讨论: How can we make a friend? 事角色的特点。 男生朗读狗说的话, 女生朗读猫说的话。 学生两人一组有感情 地进行朗读。 The dog and the cat Two friends Looking for friends Dont only care about others shortcomings. Be friendly, be kind, help others makes perfect.” 根据表格提示 复述故事很关 键。练习学生 的语言组织能 力和口头表达 能力。 关注角色和故 事的完整性, 不必过多地在 乎细节。 合理评价自己, 善待他人。 板板 书书1 Lets chant Elephant ,Turtle, Butterfly, Hen, Duck, Horse 2 Finish the chart 3. How to make friends? Be helpful, be kind, be friendly goodbad ElephantStrong, cleverToo big and heavy ButterflyBeautiful ,friendly Too small TurtlehelpfulSlow, Cant play football UnitUnit3 3AnimasAnimas ( (6)6) 人教版新起人教版新起点小学点小学英语五年级上册英语五年级上册 Watch and follow , then try to chant with our own word. Do you know about the farm animals. Try to say something about them The sheep is small and it runs solwly. Do you know about the farm animals. Try to say something about them A dog and a cat. The dog has brown fur with big ears . And the cat is lovely with a white face. 1. Where are they ? 2. What are they doing ? 3. Are they good friends ? Which animal are there in the story? Can you guess ? Listen to the story and point out the other animals .OK ? 一. Read quickly and answer the questions 1. What does the dog want to do ? 2. Do the dog with big ears and the cat with a white face have the same ideas ? I I wantwant toto makemake a a newnew friend.friend. No,No, theythey dont.dont. 二. Read carefully and finish the chart Other animals The elephant The butterfly The Turtle 如果你是大象,蝴蝶、乌龟 ,你愿意和长耳朵狗交朋友 吗? All animals have good things and bad things . You must think about the good not just the bad. 三. Read again and try to retell the story. The dog with big ears wants to find a friend. good bad good good bad bad Lets go over the pictures and make a title for the story. Whats your idea? 2. Three animals 3. Making a new friend 1. Playing football Have you got any other ideas ? To find a friend, We should be kind ,bfriendly , helpful and think more good of others. Each team acts in groups of five, choose the best. In low sad voice In high happy voice 一根据汉语提示,补充下面的句子一根据汉语提示,补充下面的句子 1.1. 大象又高又壮,还有个灵活多用的鼻子,他挺聪明。大象又高又壮,还有个灵活多用的鼻子,他挺聪明。 TheThe _ isis talltall andand _ withwith a a _ nose.nose. HesHes veryvery clever.clever. 2.2. 蝴蝶会飞,她待人友善,长得很漂亮。蝴蝶会飞,她待人友善,长得很漂亮。 TheThe _ cancan fly.fly. ShesShes veryvery _and_and beautiful.beautiful. 3.3. 乌龟走的慢,但是他乐于助人。乌龟走的慢,但是他乐于助人。 TheThe turtleturtle walkswalks very_very_ butbut hes_.hes_. 4.4. 我们必须要考虑别人的优点,而不仅仅是缺点。我们必须要考虑别人的优点,而不仅仅是缺点。 WeWe mustmust _ aboutabout thethe goodgood notnot _ thethe _._. elephant helpful butterfly slowly stronguseful friendly thinkjust bad 二认真阅读下面的短文,完成后面的题目二认真阅读下面的短文,完成后面的题目 DannyDanny is is a a littlelittle pigpig . . HeHe is is unhappyunhappy becausebecause hehe wantswants toto leaveleave homehome toto seesee thethe worldworld . . ItsIts a a sunnysunny dayday . . DannyDanny goesgoes awayaway whenwhen hishis parentsparents areare sleepingsleeping . . onon hishis wayway hehe meetsmeets anan elephantelephant , , a a peacockpeacock(孔雀(孔雀 ) andand a a rabbitrabbit . . AtAt lastlast , , hehe getsgets toto a a lakelake . . HeHe lookslooks atat hishis reflectionreflection (反射,映像)(反射,映像) in in thethe waterwater andand says,says, “I “I wishwish I I havehave anan elephantselephants nosenose , , a a peacockspeacocks tailtail andand a a rabbitsrabbits earsears .” .” afterafter a a whilewhile , , DannysDannys wishwish comescomes truetrue . . HeHe runsruns backback excitedlyexcitedly . . ButBut hishis parentsparents cantcant recognizerecognize(识别,辨(识别,辨 认)认) DannyDanny , , “Go“Go awayaway , , youreyoure notnot ourour sonson .” .” DannyDanny goesgoes toto thethe lakelake againagain . . “ “ I I justjust wantwant toto bebe a a pigpig .” .” HeHe sayssays sadlysadly .Danny.Danny waitswaits andand waitswaits . . HeHe becomesbecomes a a pigpig againagain . . DannyDanny runsruns backback quicklyquickly . . HisHis parentsparents hughug andand saysay , , “ “ ThisThis is is ourour lovelylovely babybaby .” .” 根据文章内容判断正误:正确用根据文章内容判断正误:正确用 T T ,错误用,错误用 F F 来表示来表示 ( ( )1.The)1.The littlelittle pigpig is is unhappyunhappy becausebecause hehe doesntdoesnt wantwant toto leaveleave hishis parents.parents. ( ( )2.Dannys)2.Dannys wishwish comescomes true,true, hehe hashas anan elephantselephants earsears , , a a peacockspeacocks tailtail andand a a rabbitsrabbits nose.nose. ( ( ) )3.In3.In hishis parentsparents eyeseyes , , a a pigpig is is thethe mostmost beautiful.beautiful. F F T 一一. 有感情地朗诵,能和组员一起按照第十二幅幻灯片的角色分配要求表有感情地朗诵,能和组员一起按照第十二幅幻灯片的角色分配要求表 演故事。演故事。 二二.熟读,思考并背诵最后白脸猫的话,熟读,思考并背诵最后白脸猫的话, 结合练习一结合练习一 用一、两句话描述一用一、两句话描述一 下大象、蝴蝶和乌龟。下大象、蝴蝶和乌龟。
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