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Unit 2 Teachers 第二课时第二课时 习题习题 一、给问句选择答语。一、给问句选择答语。 1.Is she our English teacher? A. She has long curly hair. 2. Who is she? B. Yes, she is. 3. Whats she like? C. She is my favourite teacher. 4. What does he teach? D. He teaches maths. 二、二、 填空题。填空题。 1. He is my _(最喜爱的) teacher. 2. He has _(小眼睛) and short straight hair. 3. He _(戴眼镜). 4. She _(教) music. 5.She is the woman in the _(红色 T 恤). 四、选择题。四、选择题。 ( ) 1. What does he _? A. teach B. teaches C. teacher ( ) 2. Mrs Wu teaches _ maths. A. my B. me C. I ( ) 3. Who is your music teacher? -The woman _ red T-shirt. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 4. My father _ glasses. A. wear B. wears C. have ( ) 5. The teachers in my school _ great. A. am B. is C. are 五、阅读短文,判断句子是五、阅读短文,判断句子是(T)否否(F)正确。正确。 My name is Li Fang. I have a new friend. Her name is Linda. She lives in New York. Linda is eleven years. She likes playing chess. My hobby is playing chess, too. She often goes to school by bus. Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot. Her father is a teacher. He goes to work by car. Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers. Linda will come to China soon. She is in England now. Im excited. ( ) 1. Linda is a Chinese girl. ( ) 2. Lindas father is a doctor. ( ) 3. Lindas father reads newspapers in the evening. ( ) 4.Lindas mother goes to work by bus. ( ) 5. Li Fang likes playing chess. Unit 2 Teachers 第二课时第二课时 答案答案 一、 【解析】 1. Is she our English teacher?她是我们的英语老师吗?答语为 Yes, she is. 2. Who is she?她是谁? 答语为 She is my favourite teacher. 3. Whats she like?她长得什么样?回答 She has long curly hair. 4. What does he teach?他教什么?回答 He teaches maths. 【答案】1B 2C 3A 4D 二、 【解析】 1.favourite 最喜爱的,故填 favourite. 2.small eyes 小眼睛,故填 small eyes. 3. wear glasses 戴眼镜,因主语是第三人称单数,所以 wear 要变为 wears,故填 wears glasses. 4.teach 教,因主语是第三人称单数,所以 teach 后要加 es,故填 teaches. 5.red T-shirt 红色 T 恤,故填 red T-shirt. 【答案】1. favourite 2. small eyes 3.wears glasses 4. teaches 5.red T-shirt 三、 【解析】 1. 句意:他教什么?teach 教,因主语是第三人称单数,所以问句要借 助于助动词 does, 后面动词用原形,故选 A. 2. 在动词后面跟宾格 me, 故选 B. 3. 句意:穿着红色 T 恤的那位妇女, in red T-shirt 穿着红色 T 恤,在句 中做定语,修饰 The woman, 故选 A. 4. 主语是第三人称单数,所以 wear 后要加 s. 故选 B. 5. 主语是 The teachers 是复数,所以后面动词用 are, 故选 C. 【答案】1.A 2. B 3.A 4. B 5. C 五、 【解析】 1.根据短文中 She lives in New York.可知此句是错误的,故填 F. 2. 根据短文中 Her father is a teacher.可知此句是错误的,故填 F. 3. 根据短文中 Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers.可知此句是正确的,故填 T. 4. 根据短文中 Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot.可知此句 是错误的,故填 F. 5. 根据短文中 My hobby is playing chess, too.可判断此句是正确的,故 填 T. 【答案】1. F 2.F 3. T 4. F 5.T 人教新起点英语五年级上第二课时教学设计人教新起点英语五年级上第二课时教学设计 课题 Teachers (2)单元2学科英语年级五年级 上 学习 目标 1.知识与技能目标:能够听懂、会说用来询问某位老师教哪门科目的功能句: What does he/ she teach? 及其答语: He/ She teaches , 初步学会在恰当的情境中运用它们。 能够根据问句写出答句。 3.过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境中使用单词询问某位老师教哪门科目的功能句的问答。 重点能够听懂、会说用来询问某位老师教哪门科目的功能句: What does he/ she teach? 及其答语: He/ She teaches , 初步学会在恰当的情境中运用它们。 难点能够在日常情境中使用单词询问某位老师教哪门科目的功能句的问答 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课一. Review Sharp eyes. 学生快速说出出现的单词或短语。 二. Pair work 学生两人一组练习句型: A: Whats your favourite teacher? B: My favourite teacher is Mrs Wu. A: What is she like? B: She is nice and slim. She has long curly hair. 能够说出单词 和短语。 两人一组练习 句型。 在交流的过程 中老师将话题自 然引入本单元教 学内容。 对于低年级学生 来说,图像和动 画更能吸引他们 的注意力, 让 他们很快融入情 景之中。 讲授新课二、Lets learn 1.T 出示图片,学习单词 playground,学生跟读。 T:They often play basketball on the playground. 学生跟读。. 同法学习 T-shirt. wear glasses 等单词与短语。 能配合老师学 习新短语。 通过反复的听读 训练,掌握词汇; 通过图片方式, 巩固单词;针对 性的完成学习目 标;学习形式生 三.Look, listen and answer. 1.教师播放录音,领读课文对话,学生跟读,提醒 学生注意模仿语音、语调。要注意读出故事中人 物的心情哦! 教师讲解: 1)in a blue T-shirt 穿着着蓝色 T 恤(He is the man in a blue T-shirt.) 2)wear glasses 戴眼镜(He often wears glasses.) 3)teach 教(三单 teaches, 名词 teacher)(He teaches us maths.) 4)tell story 讲故事(He often tells us interesting stories.) 2. Read and act. 小组合作: 两人一小组 根据剧本分角色练习 适当加上一些动作辅助表演 3. Think and answer. 1) Who is Wu Pengs favourite teacher? What does the teacher like? What does the teacher teach? 2) Who is Yaoyaos favourite teacher? What does the teacher like? What does the teacher teach? 四. Lets talk 1.教师领读课文对话,学生跟读,提醒学生注意模 仿语音、语调。 教师出示一位老师的图片,然后让学生依照练习 进行介绍,最后问一问其他同学: Guess. What does he teach? 其他学生进行猜测。等学生明白游戏规 则后再请 2-3 名学生进行游戏。 五.Lets write. 1. 学生自己填空问句和答语。 播放课文录音 时,模仿语音 语调; 分角色朗读课 文,并上台表 演对话。 会读对话,掌 握句型。 能根据课文内 容回答问题。 会读课文,注 意语音语调。 能够自己填空 问句和答语。 动多样化,使学 生集中注意力, 同时保持学习的 积极性。 引导学生用各种 形式,变化各种 声调朗读课文对 话,不断深入学 习,加深印象。 能更好地掌握课 文内容。 提高学生英语朗 读的能力。 能够达到复习新 2.同伴活动 学生两人一组,互相读一读,查一查,判一判。 3.教师找出有典型错例或写得非常好的范例进行点 评,点评时以学生点评为主,看看学生是否注意 了句子开头大写, teach 加 es, 姓等开头大写、Mr 与 Mrs 能正确使用等问题。其他学生边听点评, 边再次查看修改自己的书写,修改时使用彩色笔 以作强调。 六、Pair work. 教师事先准备多套正面有人名、背面有学科的卡 片,供学生活动。学生两人一组玩游戏。 两人轮流抽卡片提问和回答,如一名学生抽卡片 提问:What does Miss/Mrs/Mr teach? 另一名学生 猜测:He/She teaches .,答对的得到卡片。在规 定时间内得到卡片最多的为胜方,教师给予奖励 鼓励。 七、Think and read. 重点句型: What does he/ she teach? He/ She teaches 八 Practice 1.选择正确的答案。 2.根据要求写单词或短语。 九、Summary 1.单词与短语:T-shirt, wear glasses, playground, favourite, teach, tell a story. 2.句型: What does he /she teach? He/ She teaches English. 十、Homework 1.将下列单词与短语抄写五遍:T-shirt, wear 两人一组练习 句型。 掌握重点句型。 积极配合老师 完成练习。 句型,加深学生 记忆。 让学生能够掌握 本节课所学新句 型。 巩固本课所学新 知识。 glasses, playground, favourite, teach, tell a story. 2.孰读课文,并掌握句型: What does he /she teach? He/ She teaches English. 课堂小结大部分学生还坐不住,对于低年级学生来说, 图像和动画更能吸引他们的注意力, 老师在今后 的课上还可以增加一些趣味性,让他们很快融入 情景之中,引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的 生活场景中运用所学语言,每队上台在交流的过 程中老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容,只有 在提高学生英语兴趣的基础上,才能上好英语课。 板书 Unit 2 Teachers 1.单词与短语:T-shirt, wear glasses, playground, favourite, teach, tell a story. 2.句型: What does he /she teach? He/ She teaches English. UnitUnit 2Teachers2Teachers (2(2) ) 人教版新起人教版新起点小学点小学英语英语 五年级上册五年级上册 Review English young Computer Art slim Maths Chinese nice PE curly favourite teacher Sharp eyes PairPair workwork Who is your favourite teacher? My favourite teacher is Mrs Wu. PairPair workwork What is she like? Shes nice and slim. She has long curly hair. Lets learn playground They often play basketball on the playground.他们经常他们经常 在操场打篮球。在操场打篮球。 Lets learn T-shirt I like the red T-shirt. 我喜欢这件红色我喜欢这件红色T恤。恤。 Lets learn wear glasses He often wears glasses. 他经常戴着眼镜。他经常戴着眼镜。 Look, listen and answer. (Some teachers are playing basketball on the playground.) Wu Peng: Wow! Look at Mr Zhao! Hes great. Yaoyao: Whos Mr Zhao? Wu peng: Hes that tall man in a blue T-shirt. He has short hair and wears glasses. Hes my favourite teacher. in a blue T-shirt穿着蓝色穿着蓝色T恤恤 He is the man in a blue T-shirt. 他就是那个穿着蓝色他就是那个穿着蓝色T恤的人恤的人 wear glasses戴眼镜戴眼镜 He often wears glasses. 他经常戴着眼镜。他经常戴着眼镜。 Look, listen and answer. Yaoyao: Really? What does he teach? Wu peng: He teaches maths. Is your favourite teacher here? Yaoyao: Yes. Shes that woman in the red T-shirt, Mrs Li. Shes short and has short hair. Wu Peng: What does she teach? Yaoyao: She teaches Chinese. She tells us interesting stories. We all like her. teach教教,(三单三单teaches, 名词名词teacher老师老师) He teaches us maths.他教我们数学。他教我们数学。 tell story讲故事讲故事 He often tells us interesting stories. 他经常给我们讲有趣的故事。他经常给我们讲有趣的故事。 Read and act Read and act朗读表演 小组合作:小组合作: 1.两人一小组两人一小组 2.根据剧本分角色练习根据剧本分角色练习 3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演。适当加上一些动作辅助表演。 Recite and act脱稿表演 Think and answer 1.Who is Wu Pengs favourite teacher? What does the teacher like? What does the teacher teach? 2.Who is Yaoyaos favourite teacher? What does the teacher like? What does the teacher teach? His favourite teacher is Mr Zhao. He is tall. He has short hair and wears glasses. He teaches maths. Her favourite teacher is Mrs Li. She is short and has short hair. She teaches Chinese. Lets talk What does he teach? My Favourite Teacher He teaches music. Hes Mr Zhu, my music teacher. Hes my favourite teacher. Hes tall and thin. He has small eyes and short straight hair. He wears glasses. Lets talk My Favourite Teacher He is my favourite teacher. He is tall and strong. He likes playing basketball. Guess. What does he teach? Lets write What does Mr Zhu teach? _. Draw your favourite teacher here. What does _teach? _. He teaches Music. She teaches English. Mrs Li 心有灵犀心有灵犀 What does she/he teach? He/She teaches . Pair work 教师教师事先准备多套正面有人名、背面有学科的卡片,供学生活动。学生两人一组玩游戏。事先准备多套正面有人名、背面有学科的卡片,供学生活动。学生两人一组玩游戏。 两人轮流抽卡片提问和回答,如一名学生抽卡片提问:两人轮流抽卡片提问和回答,如一名学生抽卡片提问:What does Miss/Mrs/Mr teach? 另一名学生猜测:另一名学生猜测:He/She teaches .,答对的得到卡片。在规定时间内得到卡片最多的,答对的得到卡片。在规定时间内得到卡片最多的 为胜方,教师给予奖励鼓励。为胜方,教师给予奖励鼓励。 Think and read. What does she/ he teach? She/ He teaches 重点句型重点句型 Practise.Practise. 一、选择正确的答案。一、选择正确的答案。 1. What does he _? A. teach. B. teaches. C. teacher 2. She is that woman _ the red T-shirt. A. on B. in C. wear 3. Some teachers are _ basketball on the playground. A. play B. playing C. plays A B B Practise.Practise. 二、根据要求写单词或短语二、根据要求写单词或短语 1.戴眼镜(英语) _ 2.teacher(动词)_ 3. story(复数) _ 4. teach(第三人称单数)_ wear glasses teach stories teaches Summary.Summary. 1.单词与短语: T-shirt, wear glasses, playground, favourite, teach, tell a story 2. 句型: What does he/she teach? He/ She teaches English. 1.将下列单词与短语抄写五遍: T-shirt, wear glasses, playground, favourite, teach, tell story 2. 孰读课文,并掌握句型: What does he teach? He teaches English. Homework.Homework.
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【精】人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit Teachers lesson2ppt课件(含教案+练习) 人教版 新起点 年级 上册 英语 unit lesson2ppt 课件 教案 练习
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