(精)牛津深圳版五年级上册Unit 7 At the beach第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip


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展开 牛津深圳版五年级上册英语Unit7Atthebeach第一课时ppt课件含教案练习.zip牛津深圳版五年级上册英语Unit7Atthebeach第一课时ppt课件含教案练习.zip
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Unit 7 At the beach 第一课时第一课时 习题习题 一、单词互译。一、单词互译。 1. 收集 _ 2. 玩得开心 _ 3. shell _ 4. sea _ 5. beach _ 二、判断下列句子是否属于现在进行时,是的写二、判断下列句子是否属于现在进行时,是的写 T,不是的则写,不是的则写 F。 1. ( ) We are listening to music. 2. ( ) Then she wont be able to see the card. 3. ( ) My sister is writing an e-mail. 4. ( ) Dad likes reading. 5. ( ) Mom is cooking lunch. 三、用三、用 be(am/is/are)的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 1.Hi!This_Chen Jie. 2.I_doing my homework. 3.What_you doing? 4.What_John doing? 5.Zhang Peng_reading a book. 四、用所给的动词的正确形式填空。四、用所给的动词的正确形式填空。 1. They _(not ,water) the flowers now. 2. Look! the girls _(dance )in the classroom . 3. What is our granddaughter doing? She _(listen ) to music. 4. Its 5 oclock now. We _(have)supper now 5. _Helen_(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is . 五、根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容,如符合写五、根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容,如符合写 T,否则写,否则写 F。 Tom is on the bus. He is looking out the window of the bus. There is a baby an d her mother sitting behind Tom. The baby is crying. She is loud. There is a man a nd his son sitting in front of Tom. They are talking. Tom is going to see his grand mother and grandfather. He loves them very much. ( ) 1. Tom is on the train. ( ) 2. Tom is going to visit his grandma and grandpa. ( ) 3. There is a boy and his father sitting behind Tom. ( ) 4. The baby is crying and she is very loud. ( ) 5. Tom loves his father and his mother very much. Unit 7 At the beach 第一课时第一课时 答案答案 一、 【解析】本题考查单词词义。 【答案】1. collect 2. have a good time 3. 贝壳 4. 海 5. 沙滩 二、 【解析】本题考查现在进行时的判断。 【答案】TFTFT 三、 【解析】本题考查系动词的使用。 【答案】1. is 2. am 3. are 4. is 5. is 四、 【解析】本题考查现在进行时的使用。 【答案】 1. arent watering 2. are dancing 3. is listening 4. Is, washing 牛津深圳版英语五年级第一课时教学设计牛津深圳版英语五年级第一课时教学设计 课题 At the beach单元Unit 7学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握新词:beach, sea, enjoy, sunshine, have a good time 等。 过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境下使用单词进行正在沙滩做某事的表述。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点掌握动词 ing 形式的变形,并了解它们的功能。 难点能够在日常情境下使用单词进行正在沙滩做某事的表述。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课Lets watch: warm up. Mp4 Teacher asks the question about the cartoon: Do you like the sea or the beach? 在老师的引 导下观看视 频并进行交 流。 在之前学习 的基础上开 展教学,趣 味引入。 讲授新课1.Vocabulary (1)Please listen and repeat the new words . Beach, sea, enjoy, sunshine, have a good time, collect, shell, on holiday (2)Demonstrate how to write in English. (3)Make sentences: Somebody be doing something. (4) Play a game. 2. Listen and say. (1) Read the story. (2) Listen carefully and try to repeat the conversations. (3)Listen again and find out the key points. A week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Date:序数词 + 月份 January, February,March, April,May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 学习新单词。 听录音,模 仿语音语调。 由单词向句 子过渡,加 深记忆。 课文的句型 学习和正音。 The + 姓氏 s = 这家人 (4) Answer the question. Are the Browns in Sanya? _ Is Sally sitting beside the Paul? _ Is Mrs Brown collecting shells? _ Is Peter collecting shells too? _ Is Mr Brown reading a book? _ (5) Think and choose true or false. ( ) 1. The Blacks are at the beach. ( ) 2. It is Sunday today. ( ) 3. Sally loves the sunshine. ( ) 4. Sally is sitting beside Peter. ( ) 5. They are happy. 3. Add-activities Act out the conversations with your partners. (2) Look and write. -_ doing? -她在做什么? -She is _. 思考并完成 练习。 练习使用重 点句式。 进一步理解 课文。 分角色扮演 故事。 知识拓展练 习。 完成练习。 讲练结合, 检验学生的 掌握情况。 小组活动让 学生增强合 作意识,同 时可以取长 补短,互相 帮助,共同 完成任务。 评估掌握情 况。 -她在睡觉。 -_? -他在睡觉吗? - Yes, he is. -是的,他是。 5. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: words: beach(沙滩), enjoy(享受的乐趣), sunshine (阳光), have a good time(玩得开心), collect(收 集), shell(贝壳), on holiday(度假) -Is she doing something? -Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. 6. Homework (1)背诵本课的生词。 (2)在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 (3)完成本课的课后作业。 总结 Unit 7 的重点: (1)熟读本单元对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结关于正在做某事的句式。 回忆所学, 总结知识。 记录并在课 下完成作业。 系统化学习, 加深掌握。 承前启后, 为下节课做 准备。 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是激发学生使用英语第 三人称正在做某事表述的兴趣,通过实际对话情境 的模拟练习加深对单词的掌握,并为下节课的句型 讲解做好铺垫。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对 话,小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气 氛中完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。 板书Unit 7 At the beach beach(沙滩), enjoy(享受的乐趣), sunshine (阳光), have a good time(玩得开心), collect(收 集), shell(贝壳), on holiday(度假) -Is she doing something? -Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Unit 7 At the beach 第一课时 牛津深圳版牛津深圳版 五年级上五年级上 Do you like the sea or Do you like the sea or the beach? the beach? Lead in beach 沙滩 Im playing at the beach. Lets learn sea 海 I love the sea. Lets learn enjoy 享受的乐趣 He is enjoying his vocation. Lets learn sunshine 阳光 I love the sunshine. Lets learn having a good time 玩得开心 They are having a good time. Lets learn collect 收集 I am collecting shells. shell 贝壳 Lets learn on holiday 度假 We are on holiday. Lets learn shellshell beachbeachenjoyenjoy collectcollecton on holidayholiday Drill Today is Saturday, 3rd November . Lets learn A week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Date: 序数词 + 月 份January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Lets learn The Browns are on holiday in Sanya. They are at the beach. The + 姓氏s = 这家人 The Browns 布朗一家 on holiday 在度假 Lets learn It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Lets learn Sally is enjoying the sunshine. Peter is sitting beside Sally. He is reading a book. Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. Mr Brown is swimming in the sea. Lets learn They are all having a good time. Is Paul collecting shells? Yes, he is. He/She/It is doing something. He/She/It is doing something. 他他/ /她她/ /它它在做某事。在做某事。 - -Be someone doing something? Be someone doing something? - -某人是在做某事吗?某人是在做某事吗? Lets learn - -Yes, someone be. Yes, someone be. - -是的,某人在。是的,某人在。 - -No, someone be not. No, someone be not. - -不,某人没有。不,某人没有。 1. 一般情况下直接加ing(最为常见)。 do-doing speak-speaking 说 play-playing 玩 do-doing 做 2. 2. 以不发音的字母e e结尾的单词, , 去掉不发音的e e再加再加inging。 take-taking 带 leave-leaving 离开 have-having 有 3. 3. 以重读闭音节结尾, , 呈现 “ “辅辅, , 元元, , 辅辅” ” 结构的动词, , 先双写 末尾的辅音字母, , 再加ing。 sit- -sitting 坐坐 run- -running 跑步 跑步 4. 4. 以以ie结尾的动词, , 把把ie改为改为y y, , 再加ing。 die-dying 死 lie-lying 撒谎 Lets learn Answer the questions. Practice Are the Browns in Sanya? _ Is Sally sitting beside the Paul? _ Is Mrs Brown collecting shells? _ Yes, they are. No, she isnt. Yes, she is. Answer the questions. Practice Is Peter collecting shells too? _ Is Mr Brown reading a book? _ No, he isnt. No, he isnt. ( ) 1. The Blacks are at the beach. ( ) 2. It is Sunday today. ( ) 3. Sally loves the sunshine. ( ) 4. Sally is sitting beside Peter. ( ) 5. They are happy. True or False F F T T T Practice Show time 1.同桌4人分别扮演课文中的角色。 2.注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 3.一小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分。 朗读基本流利基本流利,表情动作基本到位基本到位。 朗读较为流利,表情动作比较到位。 朗读能够脱稿,表情动作十分到位。 Lets act 1. 阳光 _ 2. beach _ 3. enjoy _ 4. 贝壳 _ 5. 度假 _ I can translate. 享受乐趣 sunshine 沙滩 shell on holiday Practice - -_? ? - -他在睡觉吗他在睡觉吗? - - Yes, he isYes, he is. . - -是的,他是是的,他是。 Is he sleeping Is he sleeping Practice -_ doing? -_ doing? - -她在做什么?她在做什么? -She is _. -She is _. - -她在睡觉她在睡觉。 。 What is she What is she sleepingsleeping words: beach(沙滩), enjoy(享受的乐趣), sunshine (阳光), have a good time(玩得开心), collect(收集), shell(贝壳), on holiday(度假) -Is she doing something? -Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Summary 1. 背诵本课的生词。 2. 在会写的基础上正确 朗读本课对话。 3.完成本课的课后作业。 总结Unit 7 的重点: (1)熟读本单元对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结 关于正在做某事的句式。 Homework
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