(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 4 课文语法拓展阅读填空写作,非谓语动词语法讲解及练习 (含学生版+答案).zip


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展开 新教材牛津译林版2019版英语选择性必修一Unit4课文语法拓展阅读填空写作非谓语动词语法讲解及练习含学生版答案.zip新教材牛津译林版2019版英语选择性必修一Unit4课文语法拓展阅读填空写作非谓语动词语法讲解及练习含学生版答案.zip
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新牛津高中英语写作练习十六 读下面的小故事,根据最后两段的首句提示完成续写。 要求:想象合理,表达巧妙自如,字数 150 左右 From an early time, I developed an interest in mountain-climbing. I, together with my friends, went around the world to seek high mountains to climb. My experience in Himalaya changed my life completely. We were near the summit of the Himalaya when a rock got dislodged(松动). It crushed my lower leg and nearly broke my leg. My climbing partner got me off the mountain and to a local hospital. I was flown to Delhi the next day and then, when stable enough, back home. After nine operations, my surgeon recommended an amputation(截肢) if I wanted to be able to walk properly again. I found the experience too depressing for words and was determined to put off the decision for as long as possible. After leaving hospital, I was in a wheelchair for three months. Gradually I was able to get around using walking-sticks. I bought an exercise bike and, although I could barely put any weight on my leg, I used it for 30 minutes three times a week to maintain some circulation. Then, I could put more weight on it and even rode a proper bicycle outdoors. Four years after the accident, I was able to walk a few yards without walking-sticks. I couldnt bend my ankle and my foot was rigid but, with adapted shoes, I seemed to be making progress. I got a new job and started to cycle the 13 miles to work. Every day, I went to work by bike just as my workmates did. One rainy day on the way home, I found I had a mechanical problem I couldnt fix and decided to jog to the bus stop. I walked with great difficulty and I was so late that I missed the last bus. So I carried on jogging all the way home. I was worn out, but I realized I could run again. About a year later, I entered a local marathon. Why did I decided to do so? I just wanted to show the rest of the world I could still run and even run faster than others. I was the first to reach the finishing-line and I won. I appeared in the local newspaper, and the headline in the local paper read Miracle Man Wins Marathon”. My son got hold of one of the billboards and I have it hung in my room to remind me of the power of mind over body. 新牛津高中英语写作练习十六(ss) 读下面的小故事,根据最后两段的首句提示完成续写。 要求:想象合理,表达巧妙自如,字数 150 左右 From an early time, I developed an interest in mountain-climbing. I, together with my friends, went around the world to seek high mountains to climb. My experience in Himalaya changed my life completely. We were near the summit of the Himalaya when a rock got dislodged(松动). It crushed my lower leg and nearly broke my leg. My climbing partner got me off the mountain and to a local hospital. I was flown to Delhi the next day and then, when stable enough, back home. After nine operations, my surgeon recommended an amputation(截肢) if I wanted to be able to walk properly again. I found the experience too depressing for words and was determined to put off the decision for as long as possible. After leaving hospital, I was in a wheelchair for three months. Gradually I was able to get around using walking-sticks. I bought an exercise bike and, although I could barely put any weight on my leg, I used it for 30 minutes three times a week to maintain some circulation. Then, I could put more weight on it and even rode a proper bicycle outdoors. Four years after the accident, I was able to walk a few yards without walking-sticks. I couldnt bend my ankle and my foot was rigid but, with adapted shoes, I seemed to be making progress. I got a new job and started to cycle the 13 miles to work. About a year later, I entered a local marathon. 新牛津高中英语语法和课文拓展阅读填空练习十六 根据语境、所给单词和首字母提示,用正确的形式完成单词填空 A Sometimes we fall in love (1)_ something at once and sometimes it takes long. The same is true with (2)p_. If we are lucky (3)e_, we open a book and find a poem attracts us at once. But usually we need to a little time or make some efforts to (4)_(true) understand a poem. Today Id like to talk about (5)_(read) poems in ways that make the poem-reading experiences better. Reading a poem (6)_(repeat) will deepen your understanding of it. Sometimes a poem seems (7)_(bore) on first reading becomes interesting with more reading. A poem (8)_ feels meaningless becomes deeper and more meaningful. And sometimes you are just not in the right (9)m_ the first time you read a poem, but later, it (10)_(touch) your heart. Keep a (11)d_ at hand when you are reading poems. (12)_ like to use unusual words. Instead of skipping over these words or (13)_(try) to guess their meanings, look them up in the dictionary. Read aloud and listen to the poem. Reading aloud will make the poems (14)r_ clear. Besides, a poets reading is very helpful (15)_ we can understand the poems meanings from where the poet places emphasis or pauses. After you finish reading a poem, take a few moments to consider (16)_ it is saying. Sometimes its meanings are better understand (17)t_ repeated reading. Other times they need more our careful and deep thought on a poem. It is (18)h_ to say whether there is a right or wrong way (19)_(read) poems, but reading practices will (20)_(rich) your experience, increase your enjoyment, and deepen your understanding of any poem. 1.with 2.poems/poetry 3.enough 4.truly 5.reading 6.repeatedly 7.boring 8.that/which 9.mood 10.touches 11.dictionary 12.poets 13.trying 14.rhythm 15.because 16.what 17.through 18.hard 19.to read 20.enrich B Poetry is the forgotten child of literature. Few people read it for (1)_(pleasant). In Western high schools, poetry is seldom taught (2)_ it is considered to be out of date and have little to do (3)_ the life of todays students. In China, poetry is still (4)_ important part of what the students are learning. Recently, the Ministry of Education has increased the (5)_of the old Chinese poems for students to memorize and recite, from14 to 72. Why is it important to learn poems? First of all, poetry is a necessary part of learning traditional Chinese culture. It is a path to understanding your (6)h_ and society. It is also the key to understanding the thoughts and feelings that are common to everyone but that we may be (7)_(able) to express-the joy of Li Bai dancing with the moon, for example. Everyone has feelings of joy, (8)l_, loneliness, sadness and even anger, and a good poem can put these feelings into words and (9)b_ us self- understanding. Poems can also express 10._(beautiful). In a few short lines, even something common can become beautiful. Here is poem (11)_(call) fog by Carl Sandberg: The fog comes On silent haunches And then moves on Yes, fog does move smoothly, silently and like a cat, and Sandberg catches that feeling and image, and makes it beautiful. Of course, to (12)_(real) enjoy poetry, it has to be read aloud. After all, a poem is in deed a song without music. Most (13)a_ poems, like Homer”s Epics and Chinas Book of Songs, were spoken for hundreds of years (14)_ they were written. The American (15)_ Robert Frost said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” You are (16)_(luck) that you now have seventy-two poems to learn by heart! 1.pleasure 2.because 3.with 4.an 5.number 6.history 7.unable 8.love 9.bring 10.beauty 11.called 12.really 13.ancient 14.before 15.poet 16.lucky 新牛津高中英语语法和课文拓展阅读填空练习十六(ss) 根据语境、所给单词和首字母提示,用正确的形式完成单词填空 A Sometimes we fall in love (1)_ something at once and sometimes it takes long. The same is true with (2)p_. If we are lucky (3)e_, we open a book and find a poem attracts us at once. But usually we need to a little time or make some efforts to (4)_(true) understand a poem. Today Id like to talk about (5)_(read) poems in ways that make the poem-reading experiences better. Reading a poem (6)_(repeat) will deepen your understanding of it. Sometimes a poem seems (7)_(bore) on first reading becomes interesting with more reading. A poem (8)_ feels meaningless becomes deeper and more meaningful. And sometimes you are just not in the right (9)m_ the first time you read a poem, but later, it (10)_(touch) your heart. Keep a (11)d_ at hand when you are reading poems. (12)_ like to use unusual words. Instead of skipping over these words or (13)_(try) to guess their meanings, look them up in the dictionary. Read aloud and listen to the poem. Reading aloud will make the poems (14)r_ clear. Besides, a poets reading is very helpful (15)_ we can understand the poems meanings from where the poet places emphasis or pauses. After you finish reading a poem, take a few moments to consider (16)_ it is saying. Sometimes its meanings are better understand (17)t_ repeated reading. Other times they need more our careful and deep thought on a poem. It is (18)h_ to say whether there is aright or wrong way (19)_(read) poems, but reading practices will (20)_(rich) your experience, increase your enjoyment, and deepen your understanding of any poem. B Poetry is the forgotten child of literature. Few people read it for (1)_(pleasant). In Western high schools, poetry is seldom taught (2)_ it is considered to be out of date and have little to do (3)_ the life of todays students. In China,poetry is still (4)_ important part of what the students are learning. Recently, the Ministry of Education has increased the (5)_of the old Chinese poems for students to memorize and recite, from14 to 72. Why is it important to learn poems. First of all, poetry is a necessary part of learning traditional Chinese culture. It is a path to understanding your (6)h_ and society. It is also the key to understanding the thoughts and feelings that are common to everyone but that we may be (7)_(able) to express-the joy of Li Bai dancing with the moon, for example. Everyone has feelings of joy, (8)l_, loneliness, sadness and even anger, and a good poem can put these feelings into words and (9)b_ us self- understanding. Poems can also express 10._(beautiful). In a few short lines, even something common can become beautiful. Here is poem (11)_(call) fog by Carl Sandberg: The fog comes On silent haunches And then moves on Yes, fog does move smoothly, silently and like a cat, and Sandberg catches that feeling and image, and makes it beautiful. Of course, to (12)_(real) enjoy poetry, it has to be read aloud. After all, a poem is in deed a song without music. Most (13)a_ poems, like Homer”s Epics and Chinas Book of Songs, were spoken for hundreds of years (14)_ they were written. The American (15)_ Robert Frost said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” You are (16)_(luck) that you now have seventy-two poems to learn by heart! 新牛津高中英语语法讲练十六新牛津高中英语语法讲练十六 非谓语动词学习要点非谓语动词学习要点 一一.不定式的学习要点不定式的学习要点 不定式(infinitive)是动词非谓语形式的一种,前面一般带有不定式记号 to,有时也可不 带 to。 “to do”常被称为不定式的一般式;“to be done”是不定式一般式的被动式。除此之 外,不定式还有进行式、完成式和完成式的被动式:to be doing, to have done 和 to have been done. 不定式是动词非谓语形式,它的否定形式不能使用谓语的否定形式。不定式的否 定形式是在不定式的前面加上 not。不定式可以作主语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补 足语、插入语等。如: 1.Volunteering gives you a chance to change lives, including your own. (定语) 2.To stay warm at night, I would fill the wood-stove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it. (目的状语) 3.Let those in need understand that we will go all out to help them. (宾语补足语) 4.The airport to be completed next year will help promote tourism in this area. (定语) 5.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to. (主 语补足语) 6.The engine just wont start. Something seems to have gone wrong with it. (表语) 7.I want to be a teacher when I grow up. (宾语) 8.Dreams of being rich are harder and harder to realize after the outbreak of Covid-19. (和形 容词搭配的不定式作表语) 9.-Mary ! Do you have any clothes to be washed after supper? (定语) -No. But, Mother, I want to thank you all the same. 10.He got to the station in a hurry, only to find the train had left. (结果状语) 11.When the teacher came in, he pretended to be reading. (宾语) 12.The bank is said to have been robbed yesterday. (主语补足语)= It is said that the bank was robbed yesterday. 不定式内容复杂,以下各点是不定式的难点,也是常考点,更是我们学习的要点。 1.不定式和少数动词的固定搭配,结构似同非同,意义截然不同。如: forget to do sth(忘了做某事)/forget doing sth(忘了曾做过某事) regret to do sth(悔恨做某事)/regret doing sth(悔恨曾做过某事) stop to do sth(停下来做某事)/ stop doing sth(停止做某事) mean to do sth(想做某事)/mean doing sth(意味做某事) try to do sth(企图做某事)/try doing sth(试着做某事) permit sb to do sth(容许某人做某事)/permit doing sth(容许做某事) allow sb to do sth(准许某人做某事)/ allow doing sth(准许做某事) advise sb to do sth(建议某人做某事)/advise doing sth(建议做某事) 例如: 1.-I usually go there by train. -Why not try going by boat for a change. 2.They tried to finish the work ahead of time. 2. 使动词、感知动词加宾语和宾语补足语的被动结构 在主动结构中,使动词(make, let, have,see, watch, notice, feel, hear 等)后的不定式作宾语 补足语不能带 to, 而变成被动结构后要加上 to。句型结构如下: make sb do sth(主动) sb be made to do sth (被动) see sb do sth(主动) sb be seen to do sth (被动) 例如: John was made to wash the truck for a week as a punishment. 不定式作宾语补足语还有两种情况,必须带“to”和可带“to”或不带“to”的情况。如: ask/tell/order/beg/want/allow/encourage/inspire/wish/advise/persuade/cause/force/expect/forbid /request/warn/call on/wait for/depend on sb to do sth Our English teacher encouraged us to speak English in class. We begged the guard to let us in. We depend on you to help us out of trouble. 但要注意,英语中有一类词后接宾语时只带不定式作宾语补足语;而后接动词时,则用 动名词作宾语。这类词有:permit, allow, encourage, advise, consider 等。如: They dont allow us to smoke in the meeting-room. They dont allow parking along the street. 不定式作宾语补足语可带“to”或不带“to”的情况只有 help 一种情况。 The boy help the blind man (to) cross the street. 3. 不定式可作目的状语和结果状语。 不定式短语可以充当目的状语。如: He will go to see Mr Wang this weekend. She has gone to the post-office to send a letter. 有时为了强调,不定式短语被放置在句首,to 还可以换成 in order to 和 so as to,但 so as to 不能放置在句首。如: To(In order to) keep the enemy out of his country, Emperor Qinshihuang had the Great Wall built. To(In order to) make a phone call, you have to wait at the side of the box for half an hour. Tom kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job. 不定式短语可以充当结果状语。如: He woke up just to find he was in hospital. 两者的区别:目的状语表示主要动词的目的;结果状语往往表示意想不到的情况,不 能放在句首。不定式短语充当结果状语常表示意想不到的结果;而“tooto”和 “enough to” 的结构表示的却是顺理成章的结果。 A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to move. Its too late for us to catch the early bus. My grandfather feels well enough to watch TV. I have enough money to buy this kind of car. The sea was too cold to swim in. The sea is not warm enough to swim in. “tooto”结构有否定意义,但有时不一定表示结果和否定。too.to结构中有表示某 种心情或描绘性的形容词或副词,如 ready,apt,eager,satisfied,inclined, kind,willing,easy,anxious 等加动词不定式,表示一种态度、 倾向或心情等,其后的不定式不否定。 “enough to” 结构意义肯定。 “enough to”结构前有否定 词, “enough to”也跟着否定。不过,cant 或 can never 和形容词或副词再加 enough”结构表 示“越越,没有否定的意思” 。 She was too eager to leave for home.(她急于回家。) You cant be careful enough. (你越心细越好。/你怎么细心也不为多。) He is not old enough to take care of himself.(他不够大,不能照料他自己。) 4. 不定式和形容词搭配作表语,说明主语的性质、特征。虽然动词和主语是动宾关系, 不定式只能使用主动形式。如: Lao wang was good to work with. The problem is difficult to deal with. Mary is easy to get along with. Difficult to use, the machine was put in the workshop untouched. 5. 不定式修饰名词或代词作后置定语。这种不定式结构中的动词若是不及物动词则一定 要带介词;若是及
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新教材 【2021新牛津译林版】高中英语选择性必修一Unit 课文语法拓展阅读填空,写作 非谓语动词语法讲解及练习 (含学生版+答案) 牛津 译林版 英语 选择性 必修 unit 课文 语法 拓展
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