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    • Unit 4 Humour 核心讲解分析【新教材】2020-2021学年高中英语北师大2019版选择性必修第二册.docx--点击预览
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高中北师大高中北师大 2019 版英语版英语-选择性必修二选择性必修二 Unit 4 HUMOUR 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Topic Talk 1. He was confused and didnt know if he should carry on hitting me, or stop and help Mr Zhao - so he just stood here. 他不知所措,不知道使继续打我还是帮助赵先生,所以他只是呆呆地站着。 Carry on doing sth. 继续做某事 carry out vt. 执行,实行,贯彻;实现,完成 carry forward 发扬,推进 carry through 贯彻,完成,坚持下去/ carry sb. Through 使.渡过难关 fetch and carry 做杂物,打杂 Eg:Just carry on doing what Im doing; thats all I can do. They failed to carry out the provisions/ their objectives. 他们没有照规定办事。/ 没有实现自己的目标。 They are determined to carry forward the enterprise. 他们决心把事业进行下去。 His courage will carry him through. 他的勇气会帮他渡过难关。 2. Laughter is the best medicine. 欢笑是最好的良药。 Lesson l 1. A famous art collector was walking through the city when he noticed a dirty cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. He did a double take. 一个著名的艺术品收藏家在穿过城市时看见一只脏猫在一家商店门口舔饮浅碟 中的牛奶。他惊讶地又看了一眼。 do a double take 惊讶地又看了一眼 (忍不住多看两眼) Eg:He stopped and did a double take. 他停下来,惊讶地又看了一眼。 Lesson 2 1. Fight infection 对抗感染 2. It means that it will have a great influence on how we live. have an influence on 对.产生影响 Eg: his writing style has a great influence on the young writer. 3. We all know that if we are in a bad mood, we are likely to express negative attitudes and feelings. in a bad mood 心情不好 Eg: she was in a bad mood the whole morning. Lesson 3 1. When the waiters are not looking, however, he busies himself hiding the raw meat anywhere he can reach - the sugar bowl, the tiny flower vase, inside a bread roll and under a plate. 然而,当服务员没有注意到地时候,他却忙着把生肉藏在他能够到的任何地方- -糖碗、小花瓶、小圆面包里和盘子下面。 busy oneself doing sth. 忙着做某事 be busy doing sth. Eg: Her mother busied herself cooking in the kitchen. 2. His humour is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language that is universal. 憨豆先生总是通过一系列简单而又易懂的肢体动作来将自己的幽默展现的淋漓 尽致。 Writing Workshop 1. He screamed at the young agent so that the passengers waiting in line behind him could hear, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” scream at sb. 对着某人大叫 Scream vi. 尖叫,呼啸;令人触目惊心 Vt. 尖声叫喊;大叫大嚷着要求 n. 尖叫声,刺耳的声音;及其滑稽可笑的人 scream for 强烈要求;为.而尖叫 scream out 大叫;尖声叫喊 Eg:He screamed at her to go away. Mr. Egeland said the situation was screaming for a ceasefire. 艾格兰表示当今的情况亟需停火。 Without almost no cell service, people could be heard screaming out for their loved ones. 因为手机几乎没有信号,人们只能艰难地呼喊亲人地名字。 2. Imagine a bowler hat, a moustache and a walking cane. This is probably all it takes to make an image of Charlie Chaplin as the “Little Tramp”, one of the most famous comedy characters in the world. 想象一下一个礼帽,一个小胡子和一个拐杖。 这可能就是使查理卓别林成为 “小流浪汉”的形象,世界上最著名的喜剧人物之一。 【take to】开始从事,喜欢,行成.习惯,走向 Eg: Measures are taken to battle rising mandarin crime. 已经采取了措施来打击官员中不断上升地犯罪行为。 The mother was taken to court for kicking the children about. 那位母亲因虐待孩子被送交法院。 take to heart 认真关注,对.耿耿于怀 Eg: Dont take my criticism to heart. 不要把我的批评放在心上。 【GRAMMAR】 1Continuous Tenses 进行时态进行时态 1.将来进行时将来进行时 【这种时态往往表示较近的已安排好的事,人们正期待着它的发生。常与 this time,tomorrow,at 9 oclock tomorrow evening, in a minute 等】 1.构成:构成:will/shall be doing 2.用法:用法: (1)表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作; Eg:I cant make nine tomorrow. Ill be having a meeting then. Well be getting started in a minute. So get everything ready. (2) 由客观情况决定事情的正常发展,而不是主观打算。由客观情况决定事情的正常发展,而不是主观打算。 Eg:When will you be paying me the money? The president will be visiting us next week. (3) 表示委婉的语气表示委婉的语气 Eg:What will you be doing this evening? Will you be having some tea? Will you be needing anything? 2.现在完成进行时现在完成进行时 【现在完成进行时是现在完成时和现在进行时两种时态的有机融合,因此现在完成进行时是现在完成时和现在进行时两种时态的有机融合,因此 它既具有现在完成时的特点又具有进行时的特点。它既具有现在完成时的特点又具有进行时的特点。 】 1. 构成:构成:have/has+been+doing (动词多为持续性动词) 2. 用法:用法: (1) 表示一个持续到现在的动作;现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开表示一个持续到现在的动作;现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开 始一直延续到现在或离现在不远的时间,该动作可能仍在进行,也可能已停止。始一直延续到现在或离现在不远的时间,该动作可能仍在进行,也可能已停止。 Eg:I have been fixing the fridge all this morning. Have you been waiting long for me? It has been raining since Tuesday. (2) 表示动作的重复;有时现在完成进行时所表示的动作并不是一直在不停地表示动作的重复;有时现在完成进行时所表示的动作并不是一直在不停地 进行,而是在断断续续地重复。进行,而是在断断续续地重复。 Eg:Youve been saying you can succeed for five years. (五年来你一直在说自己五年来你一直在说自己 能成功)能成功) I have been visiting some cities of China this month. (这个月我在访问中国地几个这个月我在访问中国地几个 城市。城市。 ) (3) 表示近来发生地动作,一般不再继续。此时常通过上下文语境判断。表示近来发生地动作,一般不再继续。此时常通过上下文语境判断。 Eg:My hands are dirty. Ive been painting the door. (我的手很脏,我一直在漆我的手很脏,我一直在漆 门)门) (4)感情色彩:现在完成进行时有时带有强烈的表扬或厌恶等感情色彩。)感情色彩:现在完成进行时有时带有强烈的表扬或厌恶等感情色彩。 Eg:Tom has been helping me today. Tom 今天一直在帮我。今天一直在帮我。 (表扬)(表扬) You know,you really have been making things terribly difficult for me. (厌恶)厌恶) 【练习练习】 1. In order to find the missing child, villagers all they can over the past five hours. A. didB.doC.had doneD.have been doing 2. Why,Jack,you look so tired! Well,I the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. A. was paintingB. will be paintingC.have paintedD.have been painting 3. Im tired out. I all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. A. shoppedB.have shoppedC.had shoppedD.have been shopping 4. Weve spent too much money recently. Well, it isnt surprising. Our friends and relatives around all the time. A. are comingB.had comeC.were comingD.have been coming 5. Excuse me,Marcia,a reporter from Vanity Fair all day. Could you speak to her now? 3. 过去完成进行时过去完成进行时 【表示过去某时开始并持续到过去某时的动作】 1. 构成:构成:had+been+doing (动词多为持续性动词) 2. 用法:用法: Eg:I had been walking around all morning before I found her. We had been trying to find the right road for nearly an hour before we finally spotted it. She had been asking for help but no one took any notice. She had passed the exam with flying colour because she had been studying very hard throughout the year. 【练习练习】 1.What were you doing when Tony phoned you? I had just finished my work and_ to take a shower. A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting 2. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider 3. The crazy fans _ patiently for two hours and they would wait till the movie star arrived. A. were waiting B. had been waiting C. had waited D. would wait 4. Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on. Where was I? You _ you didn t like your father s job. A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying 5. At the time of the earthquake Jeff was still in his office. He _ to finish a project before he left for the day. A. has tried B. had tried C. has been trying D. had been trying 6. Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday? No, but we _ to get in touch with them ever since. A. have tried B. have been trying C. had tried D. had been trying 【参考答案】 DBBDDD 2Adverbs 副词副词 1. 作用:副词用来修饰动词,形容词以及副词。 Eg:She speaks softly. She is very beautiful. She runs extremely fast. 2. 分类:方式副词,程度副词,时间副词,地点副词以及程度副词等。 高中北师大高中北师大 2019 版英语版英语-选择性必修二选择性必修二 Unit 5 EDUCATION 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Topic Talk 1.Well, for example, the first great educational philosopher of modern times, Comenius, insisted that when teaching, the subject matter should be adapted to learners interests, and the method of instruction should be consistent with their mental development. 比如,近现代第一位伟大的教育哲学家夸美纽斯认为,在教学时,内容应该适 合学生的兴趣,教学方法应该与他们的心智发展一致。 1 adapt to 使适合,使适应 adapt for 调整,使适合于;为.改编 Eg: Or running from other critters whose teeth are better adapted for biting action than yours are. Children have already adapted to the new life here. 2 be consistent with 与某事物相一致,与某事物相吻合 Eg:What we say should be consistent with what we do. 我们应当言行一致。 1. well, I think it means that education is not simply about passing on knowledge and skills necessary for a future life, but to provide a rich experience of living while learning to use that knowledge and those skills to solve real-world problem. 我觉得它的意思是教育不仅仅是传授未来生活所需要的知识和技能,而是在学 习使用知识和技能解决现实世界问题的同时,提供一种丰富的人生经验。 【pass on】 传授,传给 pass by 经过,走过,逝去 pass away 去世,停止,度过时间 pass the buck (to) 推卸责任/把责任推卸给 Eg:As a traditional art form, the skill of paper-cutting has been passed on from generation to generation. Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by. 随着人们的走动,楼梯转角上的油漆慢慢地有了缺损和擦伤。 We understand that everything in the physical world is material, fated to pass away. Should an emergency occur, they pass the buck to each other. 一旦发生紧急情况,他们就会互相推卸责任。 3.we should build an education system which comprehensively fosters the students all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit. 要培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和加班人。 Lesson l 1. Now that Helen grasped the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could. 【be eager to do sth.】 渴望做某事 Eg:we are eager to come here. 2. In a flash I knew that the word was the name of the process that was going on in my head. In a flash 瞬间 Lesson 2 1. It gives us insight into how people think and the attitude we need in order to understand people of different cultures. 它使我们深入了解人们是如何思考的,以及为了理解不同文化背景的人我们需 要采取什么态度。 【give insight into】 使顿悟,猛醒 Eg:This book gives us some insight into the history of the Second World War. 这本书使我们深入了解第二次世界大战的历史。 2. It helps you to understand what is wrong and what is right, explore the truth and develop cognition, regardless of whether its easy or what others opinions are. 它帮助人们判断正误,探讨真理,培养认知真理,不管其是否容易、不管其他 人的看法。 【Regardless of 】不管;不顾;无论如何 regard n. 注意,尊重,凝视,问候 v. 把.看作,注重,考虑,尊敬,与.有关 with regard to 关于,至于 regard as vt. 把.认作/ be regarded as Eg:They were determined to carry on the experiment regardless of difficulties. 他 们决心继续实验,不管困难如何。 The companys position with regard to overtime is made clear in the contracts. 公 司关于加班的意见在合同中有明确的说明。 She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity. 她非常古怪,算是个奇人。 Lesson 3 1. To start with, we need questions. 【to start with 】首先;第一 first of all 首先 Eg:We are starting with a political crisis. 我们首先从一场政治危机开始。 To start with, you need to read some reference books. 首先,你需要读一些参考书。 First of all, it cleverly uses redundancy. 首先,它巧妙地使用了庞大性。 2. At first, people approved of his studies and urged him to continue, but later when he proved Aristotle wrong, they grew angry and put him in prison. 起初,人们认可他的研究成果,催促他继续研究,但是当他证实亚里士多德有 错时,他们生气了,并把他送进了监狱。 【approve of 】赞成,认可,承认 approval n. 赞成,批准,认可 admit v. 许可进入;承认,供认 【admit of】 容许,有.可能 consent n./v. 准许,同意,赞成 Eg:He admitted his guilt to the police. The evidence can not admit of doubt. 证据确凿,不容置疑。 Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals. 你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。 The boss wouldnt approve of the plan. Mother didnt approve of John. 3. Its time to water the flowers. its time to do sth. 是做某事的时候了 4. It is important not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules, because they can make us blind to what is in front of us. Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. 不要拘泥于常规日程安排是很重要的,因为它们会让我们忽视眼前地事物。有 时我们需要灵活和适应变化的环境。 【be preoccupied with】 一门心思在.上 Preoccupied a. 全神贯注的,入神的;被抢先占有的 Eg:You were too preoccupied to notice me at the bus stop yesterday. He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wrong. 他只顾着心事,没注意到有什么不对。 【GRAMMAR】 have/get something done 结构结构 -用来表达要别人为自己做某事 高中北师大高中北师大 2019 版英语版英语-选择性必修二选择性必修二 Unit 6 THE MEDIA 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Topic Talk As journalists, we are the disseminators of beauty. We disseminate the most beautiful things in life to the people, letting them know what is beautiful and what is ugly about the world. 我们新闻记者是美的传播者,要把生活中最美的东西传播给人民,让大家知道 世界上什么是美的,什么是丑的。 Disseminate vt. 散布,传播 Disseminate culture 传播文化 Eg:The agency would collect and disseminate information. 通讯社收集和传播讯息。 Lesson l 1. Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but its normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. 【句子结构】 V-ing +V-ing are+表语,but(转折连词)its 形式主语 + when 从 句 2. And possibly the best proof of a successful adaptation is the James Bond series, the majority of which has been adapted from the 007 novels of Ian Fleming. 可能最好的例子是詹姆斯邦德系列,该系列的大部分作品都改编自伊恩弗来 明的007小说。 Lesson 2 1. a high-definition video 高清视频 2. As a result, big media corporations are being cut out. 结果,大型媒体公司正在一个个倒闭。 【cut out】 切断;关掉;停止 【cut it out】省省吧,闭嘴,停止 be cut out for 适合于., 有做.的天赋 cut off 切断;中断;使死亡;剥夺继承权 cut down 削减;砍到;杀死;胜过 cut across 抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断 cut out for 适合于;准备;与.相配合 Eg:some of them will help you cut out some of the stress. 其中的一些会帮你减轻一些压力。 We soon realized that she was cut out to be a teacher. 我们不久就了解到她适合当老师。 His deafness cut him off from his family and friends. 耳聋使他断绝了与亲戚朋友的交流。 You can really cut off the supply. 你真的没办法切断供应。 He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator. 他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家。 They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree. 他们接受了伐大树的艰苦工作。 “But she took you”. Tom cut across him. 但是她收留了你,Tom 打断了他。 Practically speaking, he isnt cut out for the job. 讲得实际一点,这份工作他不能胜任。 Lesson 3 1. Such advertisements have gone through a process of change over the years along with social, economic and technological developments. 与社会、经济和技术发展过程同步,多年来这些广告经历了一个变化的过程。 go through 经历;仔细检查;通过;参加 Eg:A rumor went through the town. 谣言传遍全镇。 They went through our luggage at the customs. 海关人员仔细检查了我们的行李。 We have just gone through a crisis. 我们刚刚经历了一场危机。 2. Modern advertisements need something else to separate them from their competitors. 现代广告需要另外一些东西,以便将它们与其竞争者区别开来。 【Separate sth. from sth. 】 把.与.区别开来 Separate property 私有财产 tell sth. From sth. 区别;辨别;认出 Eg: You should separate what he said from what he has done. 你应该把他所说与其所为区别开来。 Its hard to tell from the recording, she says. 3. To stand out in a world of competitive advertising, they must combine the highest standard of design with creative ways to make people believe that they “must have the protect”. 为了在竞争激烈的广告界凸显出来,他们必须将最高水准的设计与创造性的方 法结合起来,使人们确信他们“必须购买这种产品”。 1 stand out 突出 2 Combine with 把.与. 联系起来 /connect.with Eg: He stands out for his brilliant mental powers. 他非凡的智力使他脱颖而出。 Combine the theory with practice. 理论联系实际。 4. They realise that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is -most people know and anticipate that the main purpose of the advertisement is to make customers buy the product. 他们意识到与产品关联的理念有多么吸引人并不重要-大多数人都明白,广 告的主要目的就是让顾客购买产品。 【linked sth. With sth.】 把.与.联系起来 Eg:She linked the scene with the film she just saw. 5. For example, there are public advertisements, which encourage citizens to participate in proving their neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. 比如公益广告它鼓励市民参与改善社区、保护环境和帮助他人的活动。 【public advertisements】 公益广告 【Participate in /take part (in)】 参与 Eg:Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in the activities. 希望 班上的每个人都积极参与此次活动。 【GRAMMAR】 1. It 人称代词人称代词 2. Used to / would used to / would 【练习练习】 1. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from _ spoken in England. A. which B. what C. that D. the one 2. -Which of the two computer games did you prefer? -Actually I didnt like_. A. both of them B. either of them C. none of them D. neither of them 3. -Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street? -Victoria Street? _is where the Grand Theatre is. A. Such B. There
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本文标题:(新教材)北师大版(2019版)高中英语选择性必修第二册 核心知识点讲解分析(全册3份打包).zip
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