沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Great storybooks-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:135fa).zip


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Oh! What a suprise! 1 What is the What is the picture bookpicture book about?about? Its about three good friendsthree good friends and surprisessurprises. Bear Goose Fox Look! Fox is looking for the surprise!Look! Fox is looking for the surprise! Goose Goose 和和BearBear在准备惊喜,狐狸在准备惊喜,狐狸 迫不及待地想要加入迫不及待地想要加入 Bear is making the firstthe first surprisesurprise. GuessGuess:Who is making the first surprise?Who is making the first surprise? 猜一猜,谁正在制作第一个惊喜?猜一猜,谁正在制作第一个惊喜? What do you want to know about his surprise?What do you want to know about his surprise? Whats the surprise?Whats the surprise? WhyWhy? Is it for fox?Is it for fox? It a long scraf. No, it isnt. Because its too long. TaskTask:Read and answerRead and answer读故事的第一页,小组合作,读故事的第一页,小组合作, 找出问题的答案找出问题的答案 Listen and readListen and read long GuessGuess:What are they saying?What are they saying? 猜猜看,他们在说些什么?猜猜看,他们在说些什么? How is the fox?How is the fox? He is _.He is _. Is it for Goose? Goose doesnt like surprises. Besides, Goose is busy. Is Gooses surprise for Fox?Is Gooses surprise for Fox? Group work! Group work! ( (小组合作,猜猜小组合作,猜猜FoxFox会和会和GooseGoose说些什么说些什么 呢?)呢?) Fox: Oh Gooesy. What are you doing? Are you making a _? Is it for_? Is it for _? Check the answer!Check the answer! Is it for Fox?Is it for Fox? GuessGuess:What are they saying?What are they saying? 猜猜看,他们在说些什么?猜猜看,他们在说些什么? How is the fox?How is the fox? He is very _.He is very _. lIf youre Fox. What do you want to do next ? 想想,如果你是狐狸的话,你接下来会做什么呢? Task: Think and say Task: Read and ansewer Question:What is Fox doing? 自读故事第二页,看看小狐狸正在做什么? Try to read!请试着根据音节拼读单词 spe ecta acu ula ar spectacularspectacular 壮观的、宏伟的壮观的、宏伟的 surprisesurprise 惊喜惊喜 su urpri ise splendidsplendid 极好的极好的 sple endi id Which one do you want to open first? A long scraf!A long scraf! A pair of big glovesA pair of big gloves! A green vest!A green vest! 一件绿背心一件绿背心 A lovely fox! A lovely fox! Guess: Who is it for? splendidsplendid 极好的极好的 splen did l Bear s surprise is too_ for_. Maybe its for_. l Gooses surprise is too _ for_. Maybe its for_. l Fox doesnt have any surprises! l But he makes something spectacular, a splendid_ Task: Think and write BearBear GooseGoose longlongFoxFox FoxFox bigbig surprisessurprises Think:Think: Why does he make the surprise for Bear and Why does he make the surprise for Bear and Goose?Goose? He loves surprises! He loves surprises! He loves his friends!He loves his friends! Think: What is Foxs surprise?Think: What is Foxs surprise? 想想看狐狸的惊喜会是什么呢?想想看狐狸的惊喜会是什么呢? A green vest!A green vest! 一件绿背心一件绿背心 TaskTask:Enjoy reading Enjoy reading 齐读故事第四页,感受三个好朋友齐读故事第四页,感受三个好朋友 快乐的心情快乐的心情 They love surprisesThey love surprises! They love They love each othereach other! ! Lets enjoy story together!Lets enjoy story together! Role work:Read and enjoy the story together. Three students in a group. One is Fox. One is Bear. One is Goose! 小组合作,角色扮演,朗读绘本 Enjoy Reading! By Susan Broome 43 Do you love your family and friends?Do you love your family and friends? Do you love surprises?Do you love surprises? Do you love reading?Do you love reading? Oh! What a surprise!绘本阅读教学设计 教材分析: 本册绘本选自美国绘本作家苏珊.布鲁姆的“友情暖融融.苏斯博士奖 双语绘本系列” 。 学生分析: 我所面对的学生来自五年级。他们已经有了一定的英语学习基础, 掌握了初步的阅读技能。他们思维活跃、好奇心重,对绘本阅读充 满了兴趣,并且具有一定的分析和推理的能力。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1.能听懂、会读、理解以下生词:surprise. Spectacular. Splendid. 2.熟练掌握句型:Is it for _? If its for_, its too_. 能力目标: 1.学生能依据图片、教师的引导来预测故事发展的走向,推测人物 对话。 2.在合作学习探究的过程中,能读懂并朗读整篇绘本。 情感目标: 1.在阅读的过程中,感受人物的性格以及心理状态。 2.在阅读的过程中,感受友谊的精彩与珍贵。 3.享受绘本阅读的过程。 教学重难点: 1.在推测人物对白、预测故事的发展的过程中,培养学生的思维品 质。 2.依据音节的划分拼读单词:spectacularsplendid. 教学过程: 1、阅读前 1.视频欣赏,导入话题“surprise” 。Teach:surprise 2.引导学生观察故事封面,提问:What can you see? Guess: What is this picture book about? 3. 提问:Which animal do you like? 将学生分为三大组:Bear Goose Fox 二、阅读中 1. Chant 创设小狐狸找惊喜的情境,引出故事第一部分。 学生观察图片,推测人物对白,体会人物情感。完成阅读任务一: Think and ask.引导学生自主提问:What do you want to know about Bears surprise? 2.利用小狐狸的独白来推进阅读,完成阅读任务二:Pair work. 同桌 合作,完成任务单,预测故事发展的走向。 组织学生观图,并对比绘本内容是否与自己预测的一致。以此来带 领学生一起绘本阅读,提问:How is Fox?感受小狐狸的心情变化。 3.完成任务三:Think and write. 帮助学生梳理故事,复述故事的第 一二部分。 4.提问:If youre Fox what you can do next?学生预测狐狸的活动,进 入绘本阅读的第三部分。 5.图片引出对白,教学生词:spectacular /splendid. 将音节提供给学 生,学生自主拼读单词。并且在阅读的过程中,感受小狐狸对于朋 友的喜爱。 6.提问:If youre Bear and Goose. What did you make for Fox?学生自 由讨论,交流意见。 7.故事尾声。情感升华:They love surprises. They love each other. 3、阅读后 1. 完成任务四:Lets enjoy the story together. 学生分组分角色朗读 绘本。 2. 介绍作者的其他作品。 3.鼓励大家多读绘本,享受阅读。 Pair work1: Think and write(小组合作, 猜猜 Fox 会和 Goose 说些什么呢?先填空,再读一读。 ) Fox: Oh !Gooesy. What are you doing? Are you making a _? Is it for_? Is it for _? Pair work1: Think and write(先填空,再读 一读。 ) Bear s surprise is too_ for_. Maybe its for_. Gooses surprise is too _ for_. Maybe its for_. Fox doesnt have any surprises. But he makes something spectacular, a splendid_ Oh! What a suprise! Fenghuangcheng Primary School xingWeiqing 1 What is the What is the picture bookpicture book about?about? Its about three good friendsthree good friends and surprisessurprises. Bear Goose Fox Look! Fox is looking for the surprise!Look! Fox is looking for the surprise! Goose Goose 和和BearBear在准备惊喜,狐狸在准备惊喜,狐狸 迫不及待地想要加入迫不及待地想要加入 Bear is making the firstthe first surprisesurprise. GuessGuess:Who is making the first surprise?Who is making the first surprise? 猜一猜,谁正在制作第一个惊喜?猜一猜,谁正在制作第一个惊喜? What do you want to know about his surprise?What do you want to know about his surprise? Whats the surprise?Whats the surprise? WhyWhy? Is it for fox?Is it for fox? It a long scraf. No, it isnt. Because its too long. TaskTask:Read and answerRead and answer读故事的第一页,小组合作,读故事的第一页,小组合作, 找出问题的答案找出问题的答案 Listen and readListen and read long GuessGuess:What are they saying?What are they saying? 猜猜看,他们在说些什么?猜猜看,他们在说些什么? How is the fox?How is the fox? He is _.He is _. Is it for Goose? Goose doesnt like surprises. Besides, Goose is busy. Is Gooses surprise for Fox?Is Gooses surprise for Fox? Group work! Group work! ( (小组合作,猜猜小组合作,猜猜FoxFox会和会和GooseGoose说些什么说些什么 呢?)呢?) Fox: Oh Gooesy. What are you doing? Are you making a _? Is it for_? Is it for _? Check the answer!Check the answer! Is it for Fox?Is it for Fox? GuessGuess:What are they saying?What are they saying? 猜猜看,他们在说些什么?猜猜看,他们在说些什么? How is the fox?How is the fox? He is very _.He is very _. lIf youre Fox. What do you want to do next ? 想想,如果你是狐狸的话,你接下来会做什么呢? Task: Think and say Task: Read and ansewer Question:What is Fox doing? 自读故事第二页,看看小狐狸正在做什么? Try to read!请试着根据音节拼读单词 spe ecta acu ula ar spectacularspectacular 壮观的、宏伟的壮观的、宏伟的 surprisesurprise 惊喜惊喜 su urpri ise splendidsplendid 极好的极好的 sple endi id Which one do you want to open first? A long scraf!A long scraf! A pair of big glovesA pair of big gloves! A green vest!A green vest! 一件绿背心一件绿背心 A lovely fox! A lovely fox! Guess: Who is it for? splendidsplendid 极好的极好的 splen did l Bear s surprise is too_ for_. Maybe its for_. l Gooses surprise is too _ for_. Maybe its for_. l Fox doesnt have any surprises! l But he makes something spectacular, a splendid_ Task: Think and write BearBear GooseGoose longlongFoxFox FoxFox bigbig surprisessurprises Think:Think: Why does he make the surprise for Bear and Why does he make the surprise for Bear and Goose?Goose? He loves surprises! He loves surprises! He loves his friends!He loves his friends! Think: What is Foxs surprise?Think: What is Foxs surprise? 想想看狐狸的惊喜会是什么呢?想想看狐狸的惊喜会是什么呢? A green vest!A green vest! 一件绿背心一件绿背心 TaskTask:Enjoy reading Enjoy reading 齐读故事第四页,感受三个好朋友齐读故事第四页,感受三个好朋友 快乐的心情快乐的心情 They love surprisesThey love surprises! They love They love each othereach other! ! Lets enjoy story together!Lets enjoy story together! Role work:Read and enjoy the story together. Three students in a group. One is Fox. One is Bear. One is Goose! 小组合作,角色扮演,朗读绘本 Enjoy Reading! By Susan Broome 43 Do you love your family and friends?Do you love your family and friends? Do you love surprises?Do you love surprises? Do you love reading?Do you love reading?
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沪教版(三起)六下英语Module Things we enjoy_10 Great storybooks_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_(编号:135fa) 沪教版 英语 module storybooks_ppt
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